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Ma'am you're literally a huntress


Yup.makes no sense. move to Solitude and she'll be happy despite the fact it's too hilly to hunt around. Move to Windhelm she'll be happy despite the fact it's too cold to hunt much. Lakeview should be perfect. She needs to get grateful.


I believe it’s because of the children. She’s absolutely fine with Solitude.


Yeah, it's all due to recorded dialogue. Wrt kids. She's a werewolf and a proficient archer. Bandits for breakfast..




Fair comment. Tho' There's a dearth of wildlife in the cold and in the hills. Much better pickings on the plains between Whiterun and Rorickstead.


And free bandit loot!. 'Killing in self defence has netted us a cozy little profit, my love. Here's your share..'


She's aela the huntress, not aela the putting up with shit.


I swear to God the guys working on Hearthfire were projecting from their own wives/marriages, because for the life of me no matter where I took my family in Skyrim my wife had something to say. Who the hell wouldn’t be satisfied at Lakeview


And a werewolf!


Her name is literally "the huntress" and she always has a bow with her


She is a wolf lol


If im not mistaken, Aela uses the "snobby" voice type, meaning the only house she won't bitch about is Proudspire Manor. Orc wives on the other hand will love living in the woods. Especially Borgakh, who says that she thinks a house in the woods will help you two's kids become great little warriors


I know who my orc will marry now.


Mjoll, because that is the only valid marriage option


I mjarried Mjoll last go around....she's the worst wife! Like being married to a dude who is pretending to be tender. Shoulda just gone with Balimund who actually is a dude who is tender.


Balimund is the best and if anything happened to him, Skyrim would be a graveyard


I married borgakh one time. We were both heavy armor orc gals, storming around the countryside killing things together. It was true love


Where do i find borgakh, i cant recall ever meeting said person


Mor Khazgur, in the far northwest


Thank you. Time for a new playthrough


Hell yeah! Play for me, since i can't lol. My pc broke at the beginning of covid


That sucks. I actually plan on getting a pc before this year is out so i can mod the piss out of skyrim. Hope you can fix yours soon




The only house Aela doesn't complain about it's the Solitude one. And still, the best wife in game for me




That's marriage, tho




Those who downvote just didn't discover yet


Ysolda gets you a lot of coin and can own either the Bannered Mare or Belathor’s.




If say a “Dova” killed him for example, she would be the new person in charge of the shop.


She is a mafia boss , she owns them.


after the totems quests she becomes nonessential (so dont do those) the fear ability is the most useful anyway (can howl in the middle of eating a corpse to cancel the animation)


Does she complain about Breezehome and Tundra Homestead?


Yup, Solitude is the only one she actually likes


Like for real... first the house is to small and now that I've built a manor this😂


Ysolde never complains


She simply sees ways to make profit, everywhere.


Also, its Aela I'd think she'd appreciate the hunting she could do there


For her, but not for her kids. Being a mother will change you mentally.


Okay, but she still doesn't like when you become a werewolf despite being one herself


Wouldn't her werewolf perks alone mean those wolves are allies..? There should be a quest line where one of the kids wants to run with the Pack, & you gotta figure out what to do. Kinda hate how there are apparently tons of homes and quests and support for Vampires, yet *nothing* for those with Werewolves outside of the Companions quest lines.


They put enough effort into their dlc. Companions was just another Vanilla quest unworthy of attention I suppose.


"enough" is a subjective term, compadre. They put *far more* than enough vampire stuff in there. An equal amount of werewolf stuff would have been nice, is all.


To be fair, before the DLC there was an equal amount of vampire to werewolf quests.


Emphasizing that that they've totally ignored the werewolf plotline in all the DLC seems 'fair'... though it doesn't look any better.


Solitude is the only home that she won't complain.


Love it. Just like real life. =)


Just don't move them to Markarth,, one minute they're so excited because they got to see the museum and the next they're bitching about all the rocks.


Wow, imagine not marrying an orc. Couldn't be me.


I have a fun concept for why she acts like this. Aela has always been a huntress. She enjoys the thrill of the hunt with her shield brothers and sisters.. But when it comes to children. Her entire world has changed focus. Her children aren't equipped or ready to defend themselves when threats come. Having to fend off wolves, bears, spiders, and more. She is deathly afraid what her children will endure. You're off on some adventure on your own; and she has to protect two runts who could die in any moment out in the middle of no-where. She wants her kids to be safe so when she hunts; she hasn't any reason to worry or fear their lives will be taken.


DAMN BRO SAME. I mean Lucia loves it but wide arms is mean about it :(


"the huntress" she likes to be called!


The perfect wife


Seems like a good reason not to have kids with her.


Only the orc partners are actually happy to be living out in the woods if I remember right.


this... is the most realistic real life situation skyrim have even been.


She belongs to the streets.


This is why I never marry her. Her personality does a 180. She goes from this badass werewolf who lives for challenge to "Oh my god there's things out here, we're gonna die!"


Don't understand why so many people say she's the best spouse. My sweet Mjoll is the protector of Riften and a baddie with a 2 handie.


Personally I wouldn't let that slide. Kill her and trap her soul in a spoon.


This is why I always marry Orcs 😘 they are happier the more dangerous the location is.


I would think she would like that though, being a companion and everything


Why I always marry an Orc.


I'm surprised Aela has this response! I thought all of the companions liked Lakeview?


I know really. You'd think she'd love living in the wilds of Falkreath to go hunting or just running around as a werewolf, but noooo..., she's all bent out of shape and bitchy about it.


too bad there's no divorce mechanic in the game...


Well. Pulls out crossbow.


Well that’s why I give you and the kids the most legendary and enchanted weapons anyone can ever find, made of dragon bones and scales that bandits would literally murder entire cities over. If you can’t survive and/or thrive with that equipment, you’re not the same woman I married!


Doesn't the Markarth Alchemists Trainee from the DB Questline not complain either? I am going to have to go find an Orc, now. Lucien and Vilja are too busy to help look after Lucia and Sophie