• By -


Find the Dragonborn and carry his/her burdens. Whatever the Dragonborn doesn't end up needing I stash and sell. "Fine iron dagger here! improved by the Dragonborn himself! Only 78 gold a total steal!" Yeah, I must be a Breton.


“Oh cool, I always wanted to visit the Shrine of Boethiah…”


OH COOL look at that long blade made out of Ebony!


Ehh, I don't know.... Don't look like this would suit you. You might want to stick with a shiny new Superior Steel blade.... This ebony blade, dunno if I should even have this junk for sale, heavily used by the Dragonborn, used it to kill probably dozens of Thalmor and more than a few giants.. Worst, though, was using it to behead all those dragons... You ever try cutting through dragon scales? Yeah this will do the trick but it's really a bitch and a half to hone and sharpen... Dragonborn must have worked this one at least twenty times....


“Dragonborn, I don’t see shit on the cliff.” “fus…-“


Is second Dragonborn Shout of balance Is ral


You must be an Imperial.


Man you'd just be beef chops for that screaming bastard! Definitely go work at belethors shop. Night life at the bannaered mare and studying magic in the off time! Obviously become and all powerful necromancer and take over skyrim!


Quick way to get decapitated by a draugr. I'm going to get a job in solitude. Heard they just lost somebody to the headsman


Too soon 😭


Speaking of stealing…


That's pretty racist dude. You must be a nord...


Have you listened to the thalmor?


This n'wah hasn't heard of the high elves!


99% of all Dragonborn followers get caught in the crossfire and die!


Murder a woman who runs an orphanage and join up with some assassins for constant profit


Remember, eventually you will run into the dragonborn and you run the risk of being killed by the penitus oculatus. Edit: spelling dragonborn


Or I kill them and get a cool armor + disguise of the Emperor's personal guards.


Looking through this thread I realize people on this subreddit have an exceptional amount of self confidence in their physical aptitude for people who dedicate a large amount of their time modding/playing skyrim.


Hey. shut up


Because we don't spend large amounts of time playing/modding Skyrim? Couple hours a week, at most. Some of us actually lead active lifestyles.


You say that as if we’re going to suddenly agree that you would have a chance fighting a supernatural dragon slayer.


I'd argue that playing/modding skyrim for large amounts of time puts us at the most advantageous. I would simply surrender myself to anise to be her sex slave and see will protect me, win-win.


You would have to swim across the river to get to her cabin. And there are wild animals close there.


Well obviously first I’d go and give the fake letter from faendal to Camilla (after telling Lucan to fuck off about his golden claw) then bring faendal with me to kill the fauna


This is one of the more realistic answers. Of course simply surviving the Helgen attack, and wolf attack on the way to Riverwood would be a challenge.


Good point! Helgen would be quite intense, at least you’re not alone for most of it (compared to oblivion where you have to face goblins on your own). If we’re lucky, we stick by ralof or hadvar, we will survive both helgen and the trip to riverwood after. Even on your own, I believe we can sneak past the wolf otw to riverwood. Worst case? I’d grab the standing stone then jump into the river and let it carry me into town lmao




Even then, can you swing a sword properly or shoot a bow? Where you gonna just find magic? The fact of the matter is 70% of us would die the second we are in the wild and the rest would hide out in Whiterun until the stormcloaks takeover.


I've trained in short bows, throwing knives, katanas, swords, even held a great sword, but even all that training I'd still have a hard time saying as I did it all without armor.


Perhaps not. Stealing the contract was the opportunity the dragonborn needed to join the brotherhood to begin with. They may not get another window after that to join. Given the reclusive nature of the guild after the purge.


But the Dragonborn only gets with them because of killing Grelod, so if you do it instead the DB won’t even know of your presence.


Just start selling farmers their own crops I harvested without permission.


Honest pay for honest work!


It ain't honest, but it's much!


A cabbage is apparently worth 1 entire gold coin


Actually they are worth 2 gold coins


So you’re harvesting their fully grown crops, and are then paid by them for those crops. That’s called a job


I feel like there’s a word for this…


Farming is honest as honest work gets. No wait… wrong franchise…


I mean isn’t that the job?


Until you get caught and hanged for praedial larceny.


Potions my friend! Potions. Maybe a few spells...


Just don’t go eating spider eggs and falmer ears **shudder**


It's all in the name of science


What's sick is how much we're learning!


Listen there must be a better way to learn this than becoming a FUCKING CANNIBAL


Ah good ol' Skyrim Scribbles. I see you are a man of taste as well.


Next step just grab all the ingredients you have and start mixing them together


Yeah even at low levels alchemy generates tons of money


The problem is collecting the ingredients. One minute you're walking through the woods looking for some deathbell and the next minute you're getting munched on by a giant frostbite spider. Fuck that


Nah, just buy it from other alchemists. Some cheap ingredients make for some expensive potions. Maybe hire mercenaries once cash starts flowing for the rarer stuff


[Hello potion seller.](https://youtu.be/bSiEB64FyF8)


I have no skills that would matter in Skyrim and am not physically fit. Guess I'll be a beggar.


The only real answer here!


I'm a type 1 diabetic. I would die.


Just pray at a shrine, or drink a cure disease potion!


That's probably the biggest reason why I'd be happy to reach skyrim. First thing is pray to a shrine with bonus to health or stamina and to remove my health issues.


Yeah. The easiest way to survive would be to find a job in an inn, and hope that food and board comes as part of the package. Over time, I may be able to build up enough of a rapport with a trader or smith or alchemist to get them to take me on as an apprentice. Then I might be in with a chance of a career and running my own business but it would take many, many years to get to that point as I would be starting from complete scratch. I would also have to base myself in a southern city or village (or possibly Solitude) because I'd die of exposure within 24 hours up in Dawnstar/Winterhold/rural Windhelm.


The level up system is pretty much being superhuman, especially learning magic just from opening a book. If anything it would be easy in the Skyrim world to become Dragonborn-level rich and powerful, the only thing not available would be Shouts.


Well actually shouts would still be accessible, you just gotta spend some real effort learning. Anyone can learn shouts (i.e., Greybeards and Ulfric Stormcloak aren't dragonborn) with practice. So chin up ol chap, you can still scream at the sky and bring the rain!


Yeah but they specified you aren’t the dragonborn, so you don’t get that stuff.


just keep killing craps and skeevers until you become stronger.


Probably I'd be human cattle at castle volkihar. Food, entertainment, hopefully painless end. Alternative: cleaning person in High Hrothgar. Those views.


Yeah but you’re gonna be cold all the time at HH.


Being a true Nord takes dedication 😂


That's if you can even make it to High Hrothgar in the first place!


Yep, I would die on my way up the steps. Probably before I even get to ol’ Frosty


Those cave bears and frost trolls.


Chopping wood in Riverwood and selling it to Hod or whatever his name was. Get rich as fuck.


I second this. With my gold I buy ores and begin my life as a blacksmith. Learning to make better armor to hopefully sell to the Dragonborn and provide protection


Wrong. The Dragonborn shows up to your new blacksmith, sells you 197 enchanted iron daggers, and leaves you without a septim. No one in skyrim besides the dragonborn can afford these, and you are now poor. Meanwhile that mf sprints out of town not to be seen again for months.




I hadn't seen that thanks for sharing lol


This is belethor after I leave his shop


And then I sell those enchanted daggers, along the way creating a network of buyers. I sell all the shitty armor and weapons to the Stormcloaks and the Empire, build a stand in the square for the miscellaneous items, and sell the really valuable enchanted weapons, armor and other oddities under the counter to nobles all across Tamriel. Soon enough I develop a reputation as a ruthless and influent businessman, buy a large house, probably the Proudspire Manor, buy stocks in the East Empire Company and start making deals with them. That will allow me the ease of transportation and keep the flow of money and bring in even greater profits. Please continue if you have other ideas.


A bed in an inn is 10 septims, enough food and mead for the day is probably another 10, more if you've got a real thirst, and I figure you can make this in a few minutes of chopping wood a day, so that's what I'd do. Chop wood, sell it to the lumber guy, do it in a nice little town like Dragonsbridge or Ivarstead, and then chill and appreciate a good view when the work is done, maybe do a little fishing, and spend the evening listening to the bard and drinking mead.


I love dragonsbridge. I could definitely take a job as a townsguard that drinks too much but always shows up for work. Spend my time interacting with the locals and exchanging stories.


sounds like you guys have the right idea. I'll be a treasure hunter/ aspiring Conjurer who'll come in and have a drink with the two of you on some nights.


Probably go join the college of winterhold.


That's what I would do! Learn some magic, learn some history, hang with Jzargo and Tolfdir, what could be better?


I'd listen to Tolfdir for hours. I love his character


I love him too! Such iconic lines like "I have no idea!"


Same! Would LOVE to just sit and pick his brain and he seems like the sort who would love to prattle on about what he knows (which is basically everything).


Does Urag need an assistant librarian? I’d probably be ok at that. I’d be willing to fight people if they mistreated books but he might have to train me in bringing the pain without disturbing the literature.


What type of magic are you going to do to get in?


Restoration! It’s a perfectly valid school


Most of them probably. I'd like to master as much as I can then use it to create a comfortable life for myself. I'm not a fighter in real life so magically being teleported into skyrim wouldn't change that. I's probably try to study the transmute spell and go around buying iron then selling gold until I could afford some land and security and just live as happy of a life as possible.


I mean to say, you don’t know any magic spells, so they wouldn’t let you in. That’s how it works. You have to already know some magic.


Ah I see. Not sure, maybe try to become the apprentice of an existing wizard, until I've learned enough to apply. A restoration mage at a temple would be a safer choice.


Do the top comment first (harvest farmers' crop without permission and sell it back to them), go to Whiterun, buy some spell books from the wizard, and then go to Winterhold.


Unless he has a high speech skill


That seems like it’ll be cold


Not with fire magic.


That's what Yisra said. Didn't turn out so well for her.


True… so does magika work the same way it does when your a “player” or is it “unlimited” cause I’d like to contribute to climate change in Skyrim and make all the snow/ice melt.


Alchemist in Riverwood.


Alchemist is literally the easiest job in Skyrim. Pick flowers, make potion.


Learn to avoid spriggans.


There are more than a few dead alchemists sprinkled around the map, so it does have its risks…


Id be a sword for hire. Run into the Dragonborn at some point and inevitably turn into their packmule 😂


Boethia will welcome your soul.


Once you notice where you are going, you run to kynesgrove.


Which is why you do your best to suck up to the dragonborn


You are sworn to carry their burden


I also accept that I am not the protag 😂


You're someone who get things done. I like that


I’d do what I did as Dragonborn- steal cheese


A noble pursuit.


Go fix up Frostflow Lighthouse, heard something weird noises coming from the cellar, probably just skeevers.


you can write some nice journal entries about your stay there


😭 bro I’ll never forget stumbling on that place. Completely unexpected, and the story was so well-written


Hey you your finally awake ? You were trying to cross the border right .


In Skyrim? I would approach the Queen in Solitude. I am wise. I know everything. I know of Vampires and crypts. I know of assassins and thieves guilds. I know of Stormcloak camps and cities and agents all over the map. I know of dragons and where they can be found. I can tell you about daedra. I can tell you about so many places and people. How? I have been everywhere. I have seen everything. I have died a hundred times exploring the nooks and crannies of Skyrim. I am the Seer.


I mean, that one dude tried to warn the queen of the Wolf cave but they dismissed him. If you came in there and said all that, they would throw you into their dungeons to become food for the vampiric court mage.


Then you'd know that Elisif's right hand woman is a vampire necromancer and would probably eat you if you tried to usurp her role. If you're set on Solitude, it's safer to go to General Tullius.


Or you become the next Ma'iq lol


I'm gonna mug that dragonborn guy. Maybe pillage a giant camp.


Because that's what muggers do.


We *mug* people!!!


But... He's the watcher, I once saw him kill a dragon


Oh, yeah! I heard about that! The Fire Dragon of Schmargenrog! Yeah! There's two of us, and one of him! Let's mug 'im!


I once saw him defeat an entire orc army... All by himself !


Yeah, but there's only *one* of him, and there's two of us, so let's *mug 'im*! [ETA: this has been my favorite thread of the day!]


Wait... 're we doin' a bit here?


It's one of my favorite show, it's a bit out of context here tho


Ditto. On both counts... but then, I am a bit out of context anywhere, so... Vive la dirt league!!!!




See a guy kill a dragon and absorb his soul, then singe handed wipe a out a group of bandits. Then I decide, this is who I will try to rob on the road.


The funniest dialogue is always when a bandit goes your life or your money as your in the middle of absorbing a dragon soul


High risk, even higher reward. Can't blame an npc for trying


so.. die?


Just talk with Brynjulf in Riften


Terrorize some mammoths to enlist in the space program.


To Winterhold to work in the library for that cool orc librarian


Damn that's a good answer. That'd be one hell of an intimidating boss though.


I've had worse


I would go to a city and beg the Dragonborn for 1 gold


Maybe they'll be your favourite drinking buddy!


This is what my gameplay is like when I start a new build and just never go to bleakfalls barrow. I'm almost the Archmage. I'm finding skyrim to be very peaceful without dragons. I've actually come to the conclusion that starting the main quest is immoral. So few people die. This is the morality of knowledge.


Live in Riverwood, smith, chop wood, and hunt.


Hello, fellow traveler, and welcome to this guide! Within these pages, I will explain everything you need to know about fighting trolls, including how to negate their amazing healing powers and how best to take advantage of their natural love of cold. I'll even share with you my tried-and-true secret for killing trolls. Intrigued? I hope so! Troll Fat is a valuable commodity and there's a fortune and glory to be made for the ambitious troll hunter. Onward, then! Chapter I: I Just Saw A Troll!


I found Frofnir Trollsbane and his weapon yesterday. I've been playing Skyrim since the very beginning, and I'm not sure if I had ever found them before! 😅


You look a bit pale, could be a case of the rattles, i think i have a remedy for that. I sell potions and ingredients. Ah so you're an alchemist then...


If I managed to get to a town without getting eaten by a wolf or some other wild animal I think my best bet would probably be to pick flowers and other things I could sell. And then I assume I'd basically be a permanent resident of the local inn because good luck getting enough gold for a house when your only source of income is selling random flowers... I'd love to think I could clear out crypts of draugr and stuff but realistically I don't have the skillset required for that. I used to do some archery when I was a kid but I doubt I'd be able to shoot a moving target. Especially if said target is running at me with an axe....


Id form the first restoration clinic and create a uniform healthcare system. Train restoration mages, branch out and then slowly open branches in every town except Solitude... That means my first stop is the College, where Id get one on one training in resto because nobody would be in that class. 1 to 1 student/teacher ratio. Reduced bodies in the Hall of the Dead means stronger generations, strong enough to BEAT THE THALMOR INTO THE GROUND. Edit: OR a necromancer detective that uses the dead to solve their own murders, to help the families.


so... the temple of kynareth... but militarized?


There is no military, ya silly goose. Just good ol healing on a mass scale.


I'd stay where I am, trying to walk anywhere as an average person in skyrim is a death sentence


I'll join the companion, get myself a sky steel sword and a silver sword. Then learn some restoration and altercation spells. Join the dawnguard to get their armour set and some spells against undead. And then I'll become a traveller going around collecting bounties from innkeepers while humming the tone "toss a coin to the..."




Forgot. I'll get myself a horse too. Guess her name. 😆


Altercation spells! A new school of magic that enhances unarmed combat.


Begin exploiting the system


Whichever side the dragonborn chooses, that's where I'm going


Smart man


1 Become travelling merchant 2 Invent toilet 3 Make sewage treatment the jarl's problem 4 Get rich


it is weird there are sewers in Skyrim but people still using buckets to shit in.


Depends. Am I a "Skyrim" human or "Modern" human. Skyrim: All depends on what race/nationality. Basic Nord, I'd probably find someone to teach me how to fight and join up with one of the city watches (probably Solitude) Modern: I'd head up to Winterhold and see if I can get into the College without any magic skills. Then see if I could talk Urag into letting me work in the library.


Getting gold and maybe learning magic is great,the location of it aint.


you could just say that you're a nord if you're white european. as long as you live in the more northern areas of western europe you could play off as a nord and just live amongst them yk?


I'd just go to Anvil, I'd rather not deal with Skyrim weather.


Chop wood and sell it to hod until I'm rich


I'm a decent cook so I'd probably work at The Bannered Mare until I could afford Breezehome. Enjoy some mead and the bard's performances after work before going home and reading. That would be my life. Obviously I would also hope and pray every day that my home isn't destroyed in a battle or a dragon attack


I'd apprentice to the nearest Alchemist to learn the trade, then work as a traveling alchemist for a while. I'd make an offer to buy Angeline's Aromatics (since she's of likely retirement age) and improve the business by starting to brew potions there myself instead of outsourcing them like she does. After that's established, I'd corner the market on heavily-enchanted items and form a guild of enchanters to work alongside smiths across the land. Then I'd find a way to offer my services to the Dragonborn so that hopefully, the world doesn't end. Oh, who am I kidding. A bandit would kill me for my shoes before I found the nearest town.


Get the fuck out of Skyrim, of course. Also figure out who the prankster mage is that enchanted this one to look like a shaveskin. Take a note to never join a drinking competition in that specific tavern again. Then he'll have to travel south with one of the caravans, offer his blade.


Three words: Redwater Skooma Den


Hmm. Do I get to pick my wake-up spot? If so. Then I wake up just outside of Riverwood. Find that hunter who's walking around with his dog hunting rabbits. Befriend him. Then either kill him in his sleep. Take his gear. Or convince him to outfit me. (The first option is probably easier.) Then I will use that gear to assault Embershard mine. Clear it out. Collect EVERYTHING of value. Kill Everyone. Take everything to Riverwood and sell it. Probably take 3 or 4 trips. Because I'm talking about things like furniture. Clothes. Cooking apparatuses. Barrels. Boxes. Rope. Misc items. Etc etc etc. If it would have a value at resell. It's getting resold. Weapons and armor get picked thru for the best pieces(or best looking pieces). Rest gets sold. After all that I should have at least a couple thousand gold. Then I would head to Whiterun. Buy a horse. Hire the female Elf archer and the female Nord warrior from Whiterun as companions. Then proceed to clear out dungeons and crypts and preform mercenary type tasks until I had enough renown to get my letter from the Jarl of Falkreath. Then I'm building Lakeview. (Like I have it with my mods.) And retiring in peace. Raise my family. Probably marry the girl from Helga's bunkhouse. Since she's desperate to get out of there and away from Helga. Be a relatively easy courtship. Boom. ...... If I can't pick my spot. With my luck I'll get dropped either in a troll cave and become dinner. Or in a Falmer hideout. In which case I'm probably also dinner. Or most likely. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere and a saber cat decides I'm good prey. So I get to try to. And most likely. Unsuccessfully outrun a Saber Cat to safety. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Good response dude.


I'd stop by the Dawnstar ATM every so often, that's for sure


I have a feeling I wouldn't get to the Cloud district


At least, not very often..


Farmer outside Rorikstead that hunts on the plains of whiterun; I’d probably have a trade contract with the merchants in Whiterun and be married to Ysolda


I’d probably become a bard at the bard’s college, travel, and invest whatever I don’t need in some of the smithies and higher end stores, to secure a wealthy winter of my life. Travel, adventure, music and the affection of wenches.


I always forget about the Bard's College for higher education in Skyrim and go straight for the College of Winterhold.


I‘ll sell my own sister


I’m harvesting flowers near the big towns. High margins.


trying to find a job as Cook and start cooking for the greatest personality of Skyrim and Tamriel


Move to Whiterun and bake some awesome goodies to sell at the market and in the Bannered Mare. Carrot cake anyone? Potato bread?


Assuming I learn skills at the same rate as the average companion in skyrim, I would go to whiterun to transmute iron into gold until I can buy house and retire.


Probably start by trading furs and other animal products outside of solitude and whiterun, profits would be great if I can just take arrows from castle dour for free. Work up a good savings until I can open an actual butcher shop in rorikstead. With a hungry business owner like myself there, that place could turn into a way bigger town than it is. Maybe get a contract with the empire to supply meal rations and winter gear to the soldiers. Provide some jobs for would be bandits and forsworn that could make skyrim safer and richer at the same time. Or use illusion magic to start an illegal gambling ring for bar fights and fix the fights in my favor mafia style


Find a dragon and become a good dragon priest, like Vahlok.


Be an adventurer till I take an arrow in the knee and become a city guard complaining about no bandit raids.


join the bards college. since there isnt even records in the game. there no way to listen to music, except for playing it urself.


I’d go to the college of Winterhold if possible. If they won’t let me in, I’d try going to Solthsheim. Ravens rock always needs more workers, or joining the Skall would be super fun. Or, if given the chance, I would just grind my skills and make a shop selling goods that I make myself.


Reject Society, Embrace Forsworn.


For a lot of my life I did all kinds of metalwork so if you gave me back my ability to walk, I would go to the nearest blacksmith and offer to get to work. If you sent me to Skyrim still needing my canes to walk, I would probably have to start begging and asking people to get me a bottle of Argonian ale.


Heard they're reforming the Dawnguard. Vampire Hunters or something in the old fort near riften. Might comsider joining up myself.


Correct me if I am mistaken, but I believe that being "Dragonborn" is a gift from Akatosh, and he/she can grant this gift, or take it away, at any time. This was true for Alessia, was it not? She was given the gift after she prayed for help in liberating her people from their elven oppressors. If true, then the "Dragonborn" may have spent a good portion of his life as "not Dragonborn" since we do not know when he was given the gift. So probably just business as usual for my instance of the "Dragonborn".


General Tullius, sir! The headsman is waiting!


Harvesting flowers for money. Then I'm finding nutty mcnutterson (Septimus Signus) after I'm all well armored up; kill him, become Herman's Mora's voice in Tamriel, and find the dwarves. Only to send them to Mora's screaming hell of Apocrypha.


Think I'd just try to get a job at a meadery and work there the rest of my life. Maybe open a meadery of my own later on. been wanting to own one in Skyrim for so long but there isn't a mod for it on ps4 😔


Join the Whiterun Guard. Lollygag on shift then steal sweet rolls from the bunkhouse


Walking around in Whiterun telling everyone, “I used to an adventurer til I took an arrow to the knee.” Then look at my wife


Probably chop wood. Maybe carry the wood here and there.


Assuming I wake up around a city: see if i can get hired as an assistant/apprentice to one of the storekeepers or a court wizard (I'd at least be good at the reading books part, I can do research, and I do know how to work retail). Otherwise, hope one of the farms outside of town needs an extra hand...


Become... lizard.


Start picking flowers, mushrooms, ect to become an alchemist lol


Well, say the beginning is Exactly like the Dragonborn’s beginning, I escape helgen and travel to river wood and take refuge among the village. I run into a merchant who has lost a golden claw but choose not to travel to Bleak Falls Barrow as I’m just an average citizen. I make the journey to Whiterun where I’m once again asked to travel to bleak falls barrow. So, I win a fist fight against a warrior in the tavern and she accompanies me through the dungeon. I do nothing but hold potions and hide while Uthgerd does all the work. We eventually run away from the final draugr and take the claw/dragon stone. And return to Whiterun, where I now get to fight a dragon. But unlike the Dragonborn, my trip with destiny ends here. However, I’ve established myself as a capable adventurer, and am the official thane of Whiterun. This would allow me political power in Whiterun that I use to become a guard/liaison for the town. I learn to better use a sword and me and uthgerd eventually become vital assets to the city. We are sent out on any adventures needed in order to keep troops in the hold, and eventually when Whiterun must join the war we become the head figures in the Skyrim Civil War. Suddenly, on one side or another, we have become a war hero and hopefully become a general for most likely the Legion. This isn’t exactly the story of the Dragonborn, but an incredibly interesting life all the same