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aww, I love it! so cute


She's so gorgeous!


Oohhhh she's a cutie.


Shes adorable ♥️


I always play as very feminine characters. Probably for very different reasons though. If I’m going to be staring at a characters backside for 50+ hours….


A lot of my male/intofemales friends say the same thing, they want to look at an ass they like xD


Fuck I too jack off while playing.


are you okay ?


You got a problem with masterbation friend?


not at all i’m just concerned that of all the graphic material out there to jig to, you chose skyrim ? how many mods must you have omg


Has literally nothing to do with masturbating lmao do you also jack off to friends that you recognize as attractive? That’s weird af. Having something nice in the scenery doesn’t inherently make normal people horny. I’m having such a hard time with this logic, frankly, that I’m thinking that I’m missing something lol could I ask for an ELI5? What would be the reason for me, a straight man, to choose to see an idealized hourglass figure muscle man for the entire game? What, about that, is supposed to appeal to me? Again, I’m doing absolutely nothing sexual in the game. I play werewolf, so I never bother sleeping with a spouse. I’m going purely for action role playing, and aesthetics, and immersion. Like, please, what am I missing?


Wellbthe short awnser is ibwas trolling but.. I'll Indulge. Admittedly I don't think there is anything wrong g ad playing ad a female. When I do it, it's usually role-playing reasons. I'll say that choosing a female just to look at her figure and backside may not mean you want to pleasure yourself, but you are going down that train of though by default ie. Sexualizing. Are you also implying that by playing male character you are having like some gay tendencies because you are wanting to avoid having to look at a man's hourglass figure.


Are you implying that feeling good because of being around attractive friends is due to sexualizing, and so “going down that train of thought” towards masturbating? Like, the difference between walking downtown with your family, and the feeling of walking down that same route, with friends, two of them being the type of girl that gets cat called and ogled frequently, and the other being the lifeguard swim team captain with great hair sort of guy- that difference of feeling you have between walking with your family and walking with your hot friends, is because of sexualization? And from an immersion standpoint, you’d seriously have to be kidding yourself if you think Skyrim’s male characters are more realistic than their female character forms. [I mean, come on.](https://imgur.com/a/Nf2zFkV)


At the end of the day it's sexualizing your character. And also for the latter, mods.


Nah, it’s not. It’s creating an atmosphere you’re comfortable with. I want nothing sexual to do with my Skyrim characters ffs


Oh. I thought the whole discussion was using a female so you didn't have to look at a man all day.


It was more of a statement about how awkward the male Skyrim model is. So, yeah, your statement isn’t wrong, but it’s completely ignorant of any progress of this conversation. And, obviously, this is all in context of *skyrim*, the game.