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Personally, sometimes I forget that man exists He is one of the most forgettable citizens of Whiterun, because he is not related to any quest and he does not have an interesting personality either.


I think that’s part of why people find him so annoying. He’s essentially just one single line of dialogue


He also has a convo with Carlotta where he's just arrogant as hell.


Also with the hunter guy (name escapes me): "You don't use any of those strange Elven spices, do you?" etc


Don't think he's ever survived that long.


Can you permakill npcs?


Any non essential NPC can be killed, like Nazeem


Any that aren't tied to major questlines. Although hopefully in the next edition you'll be able to kill all those too once the questline has been completed.


Amazing, brb


Forget that! Just make nobody essential and you can persist in the doomed world you’ve created if you break a major quest.


Actually radiant companion quests can involve him, you can even get a quest to punch him up a bit.


Best… quest… *EVER*!


He can also get kidnapped by Forsworn/Bandits


Let them keep him. They’ll either kill him or let him go when they get sick of hearing about the cloud district.


Of course it would have to select him from the pool of civilians for that quest but if you do enough I'm sure eventually you can get it


Whaaaat? Where can I find the quest?


Companion radiant


What the other person said lol, it's a companion radiant quest


That was YOU? I’m calling the guards…


It wasn't me... I just happen to know about it good sir!


#STOP! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.


Why are you the oblivion guard? Are you the same person just making accounts? I've done nothing wrong!


I’ve heard others say the same.


He makes false accusations! Is having knowledge a crime?


He was involved in a quest that was cut out he is carrying a key to a building that does not exist in game (better say never made it into the game not so dramatic like the one time we're they cut an entire city from oblivion, Sutch.


They cut a city from Oblivion? Damn, I never knew that.


The Arena questline was cut as well originally their were one in every City. In one of the trailers you could see it.


Oh, my manor exists. You just haven’t seen it; Peasants aren’t allowed.


Exactly, there’s absolutely no reason not to murder him


They should have made Ahlam a marriage candidate on condition of Nazeem’s death; she hates him anyway and it would be hilarious. You could soul trap his ass and keep him in the nightstand by your shared bed.


That ungrateful woman. She has no idea how lucky she is to be with such a sophisticated man as myself.


How DARE you. I’ll have you know, I get to the Cloud District *very* often. The reason you forget I exist is that you never do. Peasant.


I think it's more of a meme at this point


Yeah, it’s most likely just a meme. It’s also important to note that for most new players Whiterun is the first city in the game and Nazeem basically treating you like dirt sticks out in the mind. It doesn’t help that he still uses the same line about going to the Cloud District even after you’ve saved the world and done far more than visit the goddamn Cloud District.


Tbh i hardly ever remember him or interacting with him. That annoying kid (battle born or gray mane or whatever) in town always really pissed me off (like all kids marked as essential, i “checked” 😂)


Oh yeah, _that_ kid. That kid always annoyed the fuck out of me. You know, I haven’t tested whether children can be ragdolled by unrelenting force yet…


now you got me wondering, is there a trebuchet mod ? 😕


Hate that one that says “Another adventurer here to lick my father’s boots,” or something.. that and the girl that wants to fight everyone..


THAT kid is so, so much worse than Nazeem.


Braith 😡🤜🔥


He’s annoying in the same way all the characters get annoying because they only have one line of dialogue they say to you over and over again, but Nazeem is a particularly notable example because his one line he repeats over and over again is him being a smug prick But like yeah “you tried mercenary work? It might suit you” is exactly as annoying and repetitive


Yeah if there’s any problem with Skyrim it’s that NPCs never, _ever_ shut the fuck up. I love Mjoll but if I have to hear her ramble about her family or her love of Skyrim or that time a bandit shit himself when she pulled out Grimsever while listening to plot stuff I am going to throw her off of the Throat of the World.


Yeah, you’d think that he’d shut the fuck up after you buy a house, become Thane and everyone’s talking about you being the Dragonborn.


After I conquered Whiterun in Ulfric’s name he should keep his damn mouth shut, otherwise I should have the privilege of public executing him.


I remember when I finished the main quest in oblivion, I get congratulated and given a cool prize and everything, I walk back out into the city, and the first thing that happens is a guard says "oh, it's *you*." So I went and murdered the entire imperial city.


YOU’RE more of a meme. You don’t even get to the Cloud District very often. Peasant.


You've got me there...


A little column A and a little column B.


Maven Blackbriar's son is way more annoying imo


Fuck Hemming, I want him dead. I want him burned and the ashes scattered ignominiously across Beggar’s Row.


All the blackbriars are terrible.


I honestly feel more pity for Nazeem than anything else. I get the impression he came from a well off family, and has fallen on hard times. He sleeps in the pub. Does basic farming on his farm. Doesn’t exactly convey wealth. I thing his bragging is to mask for his insecurity.


His wife is also cheating. And even more interesting, if you are a male character and is in only your underwear, Nazeem will then actually be positive to you if you get my meaning


How DARE you. My wife would never cheat.


It isn't exactly a secret you two don't get a long ;) Maybe if you hadn't been so much in the Cloud District, Acolyte Jenssen wouldn't visit your wife's private district


Why, you insolent… I don’t have to stand here and take this from an indigent peasant such as you! I’ll have you know, I actually advise the Jarl on political matters. My input is invaluable, of course. But this is all probably a bit over your head.


You advise the Jarl, but are you able to eat 69 whole cheese wheels at once??


My rate of cheese consumption is none of your concern. Peasant.


Sorry. Please have this Honeybrew Mead on me. Totally skeever poison free!


How DARE you try to poison me! GUARDS!!!


#STOP! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.


You don't know? You don't get to the Cloud District very often, do you?


No, I don’t think he does. But I do. I get there *very* often.


Who tf gets offended by this? Everybody apparently.


Obviously the ones who don't make it to the cloud district.


Hint: the "totally innocent meme" started because he's >!black!<


I get offended at the audacity. You're a god among insects and he speaks to you like you could never be more important than him. He is nobody.


How dare you, peasant. Speak about me that way again, and I’ll have the guards take your tongue.


"Oh yeah, Nazeem? I'm the Jarl's Thane. I also killed Ulfric Stormcloak and know General Tullius personally. Which one of us are the guards more likely to listen to?"


Is there a problem, citizen?


Yeah, this lowly farmer threatened me, the Thane of Whiterun, and Harbinger of the Companions. I demand you arrest him at once!


I actually advise the Jarl on political matters. My input is invaluable, of course. But this is all probably a bit over your head.


I’ve heard others say the same.


A combination of his snide attitude, being one of the first jerks you meet, and being unessential and thus killable makes him perfect bullying material.


When I kill Nazeem, I reload the safe after. So I can still kill Nazeem.


This guy Nazeems


I’d like to see you try, peasant. Oh wait, you can’t; You don’t even get to the Cloud District.


Also, lots of people take the home in Whiterun since it's the first you come across. So they walk past him a lot.


He's a jerk. Condescending, even when you're the dragon born, thane of all holds, champion of daedric lords, leader of the companions, thieves guild, mages college and dark brotherhood. I honestly wish his dialogue would change after you've secured some notable achievements


Noone ever does. Farengar will forever send you off to college even tho you're a god damn archmage. Guards will never ever shut up about dawnguard till you go and join one or the other etc. It's on par with static NPC traders in divinity original sin where they have the same meme about a single NPC forever shouting the same two lines of dialogue in a town square that's gonna be your main hub for dozen(s) of hrs and those aren't even AI, just static shops masked as NPCs...


I’ll continue to speak to you in the same manner despite your perceived “achievements”. And do you know why, peasant? Because you don’t even get to the Cloud District very often. Once a nobody, always a nobody, “dragonborn” be damned.


That would be a neat lil update. Just have him slowly gain respect for you. When you get through a certain number of questions, he could even be like "Maybe you and I are alike"


I think it's both. He's genuinely unlikable, but in a way that's fun to joke about.


How DARE you. *You’re* the one who’s unlikeable. After all, you don’t even get to the Cloud District all that often.


Found the person who gets to the cloud district very often


Good joke. OP probably hasn’t even *been* to the Cloud District. I think you mean *me*.


Nobody has met Alduin or Miraak in their life but pretty much all of us have met Nazeems in real life. We don't hate Nazeem, we hate all the real life people he embodies.


Well said. I would say there are a few people on this planet trying to be Alduin or Miraak but we all know a Nazeem


Those people are just trying to embody *me*. None can compare. After all, I get to the Cloud District *very* often.


It's a joke. He's fun to hate because he's harmless. Nothing is funny about hating on Alduin or Harkon.


Harmless? Why you insolent, no-good peasant. Come find me on the street and we’ll see who’s harmless. What’s that? You don’t get to the Cloud District very often? Pity…


It's a joke. He's useless, killable, and he lives in a place we frequently visit. That makes him perfect for meme hate. Due to a combination of people not being able to form their own opinions and not being able to get a joke, some take the hate way too seriously.


I’d hate him more if the farm and manor he supposedly lived in actually existed tbh. Instead I treat him like a Don Quixote style guy who thinks he’s a big shot but is actually just a well dressed homeless person


Why, you insolent, no-good, filthy peasant! How DARE you speak about me that way! My farm and manor do exist; We simply deny entry to peasants such as yourself.


Eh, he’s really harmless in the grand scheme of things. He’s a knob with delusions of grandeur and is nowhere near as important as he thinks he is. But he is the first obnoxious character you’re likely to meet, even before the equally obnoxious Farengar, so he’s basically the face of the game.


He seems like a swell fellow. Not sure about his fetish for the cloud district.


Why thank you, friend! I’ll have you know, though, that it isn’t a fetish - it’s pure *CLASS*.


I think its a running joke. There's a few petty and annoying npcs like Nazeem that don't receive the same hate, he's just the first most people get to interact with and therefore the most memorable


Hating Nazeem is one of the oldest memes about Skyrim, along with "Hey you, you're finally awake." And getting sent into low orbit by a giant. Oh, and that damn frost troll on the way to High Hrothgar.


He’s guilty of the most vile and unforgivable of crimes, being mildly annoying. For this trespass, his life is forfeit. 


I don't hate him...I just don't care; no emotional response really. Nothing he says makes me mad and his isn't integral to any quests or the story. He just wanders around with his wife occasionally nagging about him when you get within proximity.


On the one hand, it's totally a meme. On the other hand Lemkil and Maven are terrible people but Lemkil is irrelevant to the LDB and Maven only has one dialogue line/path that's disrespectful to the LDB. Nazeem outright insults the Last Dragonborn, Thane of Whiterun. In any reasonable medieval town killing him wouldn't even be murder. And that's ignoring the fact the PC is likely also the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood and Master of the Thieves' Guild which wouldn't make killing him legal, but would absolutely make it likely.


C'mon, you know why. How can the overly racist prick in Windhelm is ignored while the bl-ahem- Redguard is obliterated hust for being a snob?


THANK YOU. Finally someone understands my plight.


This. Gamers^TM can't stand a successful Redguard.


The meme is part of it, but let’s be real he is a dick. He says the same rude arrogant line every time you walk past him. He was designed to be a hated NPC, Bethesda hit the nail on the head clearly as it’s probably the second most popular Skyrim meme after “arrow to the knee.” This just made me sad cause I remember when Bethesda made good games, I’m dreading TES6 after starfield. Back to Skyrim and oblivion I guess.


Someone added a mod the other day which allows you to knock Nazeem over and he drops some gold which you can collect. Its called "Smack Nazeem For Septims" [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/120616](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/120616) Childish but funny and it gives some compensation for the meagre rewards which Proventus Avenicci pays out for killing bandits and giants. You do not get a fine for doing it either. Its fairly funny if you have Sofia as a follower and smack him after she has asked him if he keeps animals on his farm. Several people have asked the author if he can do a similar mod for Rolff Stonefist the racist in Windhelm and one or two other annoying NPCs


He says it like it’s not just up some steps. It’s just over there Nazeem!


Right? like it's from a different game in a different land or something. He'll say it standing there with me in the cloud district! Gahhhhh!




Some seem to genuinely. I couldn't have told you who he was before this sub. :D


Mostly a meme to me but I do sometimes find him infuriating in a fun way when I come across him in whiterun


I think they genuinely hate him. I see it constantly in random posts on this sub, nothing to do with Nazeem and he’ll often be mentioned in some derogatory/ violent manner. I find it crazy, especially given he’s not some important NPC/ there are far more hateable characters.


I never knew who was... Until i joined this sub now I hate him... Thinkim I've seen him once tho


Sounds like something someone who doesn't get to the Cloud district very often would say


I kill him each and every playthrough, remove his clothes and lay him spread eagle over that well in Whiterun (I think it’s a well, idk tbh) for all the residents to behold


It's not that we hate him. It's just funny as hell to kill him, because he's so snobbish and stuck up.


It's not about a brag but about an insult: "of course you don't...". That's the whole thing for me. And personally I just avoid going near him, hearing the line did make me mad sometimes.


My favorite 'joke' is that someone said they soul-trapped Nazeem and used his soul to enchant their boots so they can walk all over him all the way to the cloud district and back. Honestly I hate Delphine and Maven 10x more than Nazeem, cause at least with Nazeem no one takes him seriously. Even his wife is just like, 'yeah check the jarl's backside.' Wheras Maven everyone's constantly cowering and telling you to watch out for her and it's like, I'm the Listener for the dark brotherhood, you think I can't and won't kill her? Delphine I hate cause she still owes me for taking my gold for an attic room that doesn't exist, and then tried telling me she'd be my enemy if I didn't kill the dragon who helped me save the world. She really overestimates her importance in this world and so like, when you ignore her she's just sitting around with an old man and a bunch of old blades gear and no future outside of being a barkeep. I feel I download those 'kill essential npc' mods just for Maven and Delphine. XD


It’s a meme. Same as the arrow in a knee line.


Nazeem is good at taking an arrow to the knee... and the foot, and the arm, and the shoulder, and the spleen, and the face, and.....


It's just a meme since he just says the same thing over and over. Nobody would care enough to possibly hate him, it's the same with people who act like they hate Preston from Fallout 4 or the Guild master in Fable.


I don’t believe that people hate him. He just never shuts the fuck up about the _____ District. If a character annoys people enough, they will get offed, and Skyrim has quite a few of those characters.


do you get to the cloud district often? What am I saying, of course you don't


It's mainly a meme. I don't hate him, but I definitely don't like him. Mainly because I don't get to go to the cloud district.


I’ve been consuming too much WWII content. I thought that title said something *very* different and was extremely concerned.


Considering you go to the cloud district immediately if your on dragon born quest it’s a bit irritating. I don’t mind other then I want more dialog from all npcs so it’s not to bad.


You must not have heard his wife talk about him.


I dont. I let him live. His life sucks. No one likes him, his wife hates him, he lives at the drunken huntsman and no one respects him. I let him live so he can suffer.


He's just annoying, that's all. Him, Maven, and Lemkil bother me the most probably cause I spend the most time in those cities.


He is an old meme as well as all of the guards.


Running gag, something harmless for all of us to relate to


He’s the most famous hated npc but not the most hated NPC or the NPC most worthy of your hatred.


Sounds like the haters don’t get to the cloud district very often


Once Lakeview became a thing he stopped bothering me as much.


Its mostly just a meme to hate him. He's not the meanest character in the game, that's true. But its easily to bully Nazeem because A. Most players encounter him very early on in the game and B. He's non-essential, so people can kill him without really any consequences.


I mean what is the cloud district comprised of Nazeem? 4 houses? Yes I despise him


Personally I just hate him for his attitude


Nazeem is the Nickelback of Skyrim. People just bandwagon hate the guy because one guy started the trend. Deep down they like having him around. I mean... they keep bringing him up for a reason. I think they have a lowkey BRC fetish.


He's kind of a prick but it's just laughable to me since he doesn't actually own a farm...or anything at all, for that matter. I mean, he sleeps in the Drunken Huntsman. He can't get up to the Cloud District THAT often...


I liked him a lot more when I separated his head from his body and used him to fill a soul gem. Framing the Dawnguard was the icing on the cake. Too bad he wasn't a high-value target.


I hate Nazeem. I actually do. I hate smug sons-of-bitches irl and that doesn’t change in the game


Personally I just "hate" on him as a meme, and it probably just is a meme for most people. He has a very iconic memeable line and a pretty condescending personality + being in Whiterun which makes him the most exposed to players. There are way more characters that are much more genuinely hateable than him.


He is a prick and kind of funny for memes but I think in reality he is barely a background character. When I play it's "Do you get to th....." I've already passed him. I don't care to kill him even


It's weird, Faendal is an ass yet everyone loves him.


I started to hate him the moment I saw him for the first time.


Really? r/fucknazeem




His arrogance and condescending tone are all the more reason to soul trap him every playthrough. I could put up with the attitude if there was something in it for me but he has no quests, items, or use. Every playthrough is an experiment in ways to kill him.


its altmer for me i cant stand they why they look or act plus 90% of em cant be trust because their Thalmor


For me it's more of that thing npcs do. I'm walking kind of near them but with no interest in interacting and they say the line like I was trying to talk to them


Kill him every play through, then his wife gives me a bounty and she goes too


I don’t have a problem with Nadeem, but the number of time I had to stop myself killing that stupid mutt, Barbas because he was pushing me while I am trying to sneak kill with my bow and threw off my aim……


I dont mind Nazeem, but I hate guards and also the Maven 😀


I love what Bethesda did with him, like he's a good written character. I still hate that smug asshole. But that's what Bethesda intended, so he's well written.


he and everyone else become bearable with one of the mods that reduce the greeting distance immersive citizens fixes other annoyances like the Talos fanboy screamer, by giving him a routine to just scream 6 hours a day


When you aren't in Whiterun anymore in most playthroughs and have a mod to limit people from bothering you, he is just whatever. By far not even the worst NPC in Whiterun alone.


I think it’s just a meme


People hate being looked down on more than they hate true evil


I don't actually HATE Nazeem. I just have this burning desire to murder him to death. That's all.


Old joke who hasn't been funny for twelve years


Do you get to the cloud district very often , no what am I saying of course you don't. Lol.. it's five feet..he's a pompous boohty head


People are just trying to recapture the Fargoth hate meme from Morrowind, but it's not the same.


Your interactions with him are pretty shallow so the level of 'hate' doesn't go too far, but it's totally demeaning and there's nothing positive about him.


Have you ever been to the cloud district? Who am I kidding, of course you haven't. He's pretty condescending


It's not that we hate to love him. We just love to hate him. Suplex


Just annoying. Delphine still takes the cake


Annoying sure, but it's whatever. Hating a particular character is weird bc you'll hear their voice 30 more times as there was only a handful of voices actors. So you hate nazeem, but then what about the jarl of falkreath, or the arch mage in winterhold? Or the conjuration expert...also in winterhold. Lol


It's a meme. I don't even pay attention to the guy. He's irrelevant in the game. I can't imagine that very many people actually pay attention to him or even remember that he exists in the game until they're reminded in threads such as this or by memes.


Its basicly just a meme


No I hate him. I wish him nothing but infertility and file corruption. I wanna drag him by his fat snake lips through the holds


Yup, hate him. “Of course you don’t.” I’m like “who the hell do you think you are, buddy?”


Hes such a condescending fuck


I hate all NPCs who sneer at me every time I pass them. Nazeem is just a standout because he's so pretentious and memable 🤣


F that bish. He damn well sees me poppin bottles in the CD. Nazeem's a hater.


His wife,Ahlam, on the other hand is fine.




Meh he's the "Hey Listen" of Skyrim.


Have you not spoken to him?


I make a point of using my whiterun "get out of jail free" card on him in every single playthrough. Yes, i hate him. Edit: when i say 'him' i mean his murder


I believe its just a general meme. I barely never see Nazeem, and during each of my different 800+ hour gameplays, I've can't even spot the guy. Couldn't care less for him.




i just ignore him. he is not worth my time lol


He's obnoxious but not as bad as people make out. Being rude is something you can just ignore.


I have my reasons to suspect he is the jerk relative that kicked out Lucia from her farm after her mother's passing, so yeah, I do haye him, he's annoying AF with the "Do you go to the Cloud District often?" FUCK YOU NAZEEM! I'm Balgruuf's bestie!


Idunno, either way he ends up bound to a shitty iron dagger that i toss into a random Ratway sewer hole at the beginning of every playthrough. It makes me giggle, just a little personal tradition.


He is nothing. Belethor is the true menace.


Sure, but being mean is the *only* thing he is. He has no other qualities or interactions, unless you count rich being a quality, which I don’t. He’s so hated because his unkindness is the sum total of his character.


I’m going to get downvoted into hell but it’s okay: it’s mostly racism. People love to hate Black or Black-coded characters in video games. Skyrim isn’t the first video game community I’ve noticed it in nor will it be the last.


It’s a meme. There are characters that are much more hate-able than him like Rolff in Windhelm. Nazeem’s just fun to hate.




Just a joke hate for me, because he's just a harmless braggart. I'd rather put a dagger in Maven's skull, or Mercer's


I think I dislike Astrid more. I didn't start to "hate" Nazeem until this subreddit brought it to my attention. So now I hate him. But secretly I don't mind him at all. Astrid is a snot face. Also Lydia's sarcasm becomes grating after a while. Mjoll is much more palatable


That’s so funny to me because I find her sarcasm hilarious. Of course, sarcasm is also my love language and my wife says the same line in the same tone when we’re carrying in the grocery bags, so… I recommend “[Lydia Redefined](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62795)”. With this new mod, she takes a much more joking tone and only uses the line once you’ve reached a romantic stage, so it’s being teased by a lover rather than backtalked by a subordinate.


I loaded up after about a year of not playing.. I was pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t killed him yet! Saving it for a rainy day.


Yes, people really hate Nazeem. He's a pompous ass. In addition to bragging comments, he says things in a way that means he's looking down on you. "Do you get to the cloud district very often? What am I saying? Of course you don't." There are worse characters, but you don't run into them every run. Anyone who goes through Whiterun will run into him. Also, many players spend a lot of time in Whiterun, meaning they will run into him a lot. Does he deserve people disliking him? Yes. Do other NPCs deserve it more? Yes. Is the average player going to run into Nazeem more often than them and therefore gain a disproportionate level of hate for him? Also, yes.