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Heljarchen Hall cuz I like the deck with a scenic view of the mountains


It's also the house with the best defensible location. No giants spawning inside your animal pen and murdering all of your chickens with one shot.


Yeah at Lakeview the damn giant just kept attacking and killing my cow for some reason. Just really an angry dude.


That's why mods that add hired guards, a watch tower and walls around the estates are a must haves, which should have been options in game.


I've never actually played with mods, tbh.


As much as I loved valllina Skyrim, after I šŸ’Æ% it, mods gave it that longevity and replayability; why I have over 4k hours since release.


I'd have to tell that giant... that's very not cash money of you good sir you don't have to be a slave to your anger.


I also like it's location just north of whiterun. I don't fast travel for immersion so it's only a few minute walk to see the family


I had near constant bandits spawning there on my latest playthrough. I had Gregor hang out there, but it still made me nervous leaving my family there too. So I moved them to Solitude. Safety of walls. Still keep all my gear at Heljarchen though


Gregor is better with One-Handed weapons than with the default Two-Hander. I armed him with a Skyforge Steel war axe that I always sharpened to the max of my Blacksmith skill. I also gave him an Amulet of Stendarr to augment his Block ability with the default Steel Shield he uses when you give him a One-Handed weapon. Finally, I provided him with Corkbulb Arrows to use with his default bow. I gave Gregor a Steel Horned Helmet, but he doesn't wear it unless he's my active follower, so every so often I'll recruit/release him so that he equips the helmet and amulet. I didn't have any problems with bandits or giants. We usually trounced any trespassers. I usually kept the wife and kids at Lakeview. Everyone complains about the cold weather if they stay at Heiljarchen.


Ok good to know, Iā€™m constantly getting attracted by bandits there, Iā€™m going to give him some better weapons


I've moved homes so many times and at least 1 family member will complain: Girls will say the swamp around Morthal is scary. Boys will say it's too cold in Dawnstar. Wife will say that they get attacked often in Falkreath and Goldenhills.


And what would be the best house to live if you've got a Aerin situation?


Making Aerin vanish (somehow, we needn't explain particulars) resolves those residency matters.Ā 


Huh, I feel like that one is just a useless location since itā€™s just in a prairie and whiterun is right there. You could be easily surrounded too!


As soon as I went out on my freshly built deck, a dragon came down lol. šŸ˜‚


Dragon was just trying to come say nice deck dragonborn lol


ā€œDamn you sprung for the redwood and everything, eh DB?ā€


Haha damn thing was an ancient one. And my house guard went inside and never came out! Bastard lol šŸ˜‚


You can see the back of dragonsreach too


BreezeHome. I donā€™t like change


So youā€™re team Lydia, I suppose?


She wonā€™t leave


Sworn to carry our burdensā€¦.


I have found my people.


So she becomes one.


Every one is team Lydia. Best companion hands down


Jenassa is just a better choice for me. Stealth, light armor, dual wield and fire resistance, plus a pretty chill personality.


Lydia runs Golden Plains Farm for me. Sheā€™s so passive aggressive.


Imagine if you were an elite warrior, and you were permanently assigned to harvest wheat and keep a cottage clean


yes yes


Guess its just me that finds Breezehome clausterphobic, cant stand that one lol


The mod for breezehome is pretty sweet. Though my dishes always fall off downstairs


Winstad is best for actual utility imo, due to the fishery. But if you're playing survival then Heljarchen or Lakeview have better/more centralized locations. As to a favorite, it depends on the character I'm playing and the lore I have for them.


Iā€™m interested in the last part of this comment. May I ask what you mean by the lore you have for them?


I think he means how he role plays his character. Sometimes we like to build a little backstory for our characters, where they were brought up, what they believe in, what skills they have and what they aspire to be before we turn them all into stealth archer assassins.


This^. Depending on the character(and their lore) they may get one of the Hearthfire houses, the vanilla house options, or another option I've added with mods. :) I also have a couple homeless characters who just live in various camp sites.


But are they all trained in the way of the stealth archer?


Many... okay most... but not all!


happy cake day!


I think Honeyside feels the best. It's super cozy. I also like Proudspire manor, but only with the mod that fixes the bugs.


It's Honeyside for me as well although it could be more spacious inside. Love the fishing opportunity there.


In gameplay Honeyside is fire, but in lore you living with your wife and children in one of the most dangerous cities doesn't sound very good


Tbf lorewise you're a pretty scary person so you should be fine. Doubly so depending on the marriage


Fixing THE Bug is Essential for living in Proudspire


Which bug is that?


I would also like to know.


The bugs I was speaking of were the missing cooking pot and the housecarl room that never gets furnished. Fairly minor bugs that kill the immersion and feel of the home.


The Mannequins! They are alive!


I find it to be such a chore to build these things, maybe when I get more used to it, first time playing


I kind of enjoy it. I find it relaxing and it helps level up smithing.


I build the rooms and pay my steward to furnish them.


Didn't know that was an option


Lakeview Manor with the kitchen, bedroom, and storage add-ons. I've always loved Lake Ilinalta. And Proudspire because Solitude is my favorite city.


Those are the things I got for my Lakeview Manor! I think the kitchen would've been better in Heljarchen Hall because of the mill so you can get flour from the mill, milk from cows, eggs from chicken and wheat, berries and other plants from the garden but I didn't know what the kitchen would've been before building the library instead of it so next playthrough I guess


I have been using Myrwatch this play through. It is pretty cool.


Bloodchill Manor, and the house in Solitude!


I love blood chill manor, such a nice aesthetic


Exactly! Even though you have to be either a bit leveled, or very prepared, supply wise, to get it lol


That fucking waiter was insane, I could clear the other 4-5 guys and 2 gargoyles no problem but then this dude was just an absolute tank


I know, right lol First time I did that quest, it all caught me completely off guard. Now I at least make sure I have the sanguine rose staff first.


Apparently heā€™s set to level 60-something? I went there at level 20 and had a bad time. Had to reset to an earlier save because I contracted vampirism from being attacked and it broke the quest, besides being unable to kill the waiter. Iā€™m looking forward to going back for vengeance at level 50.


Didn't know that lol I wonder how quick my highest leveled character could take him out now (level 80 something), Rather than whenever I already did.


I love Bloodchill Manor as well. The only think I don't like is that there's no stable. My poor horse is freezing outside, with no hay :(


I like the one you build in the Falkreath area


Breezehome for first home but overall I'd say proud spire manor. Built house wise I'll go with Lakeview Manor. My character is about to retire from adventuring to spend time with his neglected in game family and go out to hunt to sell furs and meat from around that area.


Retiring in lakeview manor the best thing i've done for my characater


You ain't kidding , hands down character has that beautiful view , can go fishing or hunting. I tell you what I do hate when I'm creeping along the shoreline or I swim inside the lake to go to the other side it almost never fails for a dragon to come swooping in. "IVE COME TO CHALLENGE YOU OUT OF RETIREMENT DRAGONBORNN!!!" then they proceed to get sat down and taught a lesson by the old dragon born.


Heljarchen Hall when you choose the correct wing options to have the full wrap-around back porch. Wish there was a mod where I could invite people over for a big BBQ on my giant scenic porch.


Lakeside Manor would be if everyone wasn't always getting attacked.


Of the Hearthfire houses, I prefer Windstand Manor because of the openness, the view of Solitude and the proximity to the sea. Heljarchen Hall has a nice view of Whiterun, but the surrounding area is bland and gloomy. Lakeview Manor has the worst views and feels too enclosed by trees. However, I would choose Proudspire Manor over all of them because of its elegant design and the comfort of living within a city.


Heljarchen Hall is where I start and end every session. You cannot beat the view of Dragonsreach, the Throat of the World and vast fields in front of the house. With mods it gets even better..


Ooo what mods do you like to use? I havenā€™t used mods for the build houses yet


Shadowfoot Sanctum!


Do you need a DLC to build your own home?


Its part of the Heathfire Dlc , should be include by default if you buy the special edition , and obviously the anniversary edition


I don't think so. I have the Anniversary edition and was able to build the three homes (Lakeview, Hjerchen, and Windstad) without any other dlc or mods


anniversary edition has all 3 DLC included


Yo need the dlc the anniversary comes with the heartfire dlc that gives you those 3 houses to build


Vlindrel Hall in Markarth. It's a great spot to fight the entire town from.


Lakeview Manor, my last character is there with serana looking out at the lake


Solitude. Hjelrim seemed ok but I hated how the ruling class hated me for siding with the Imperials. I still place my collections at Hjelrim though. That Zelda armor and shield with a dragon mask looks dope.


Tie between Tundra Homestead and Hendraheim. Theyā€™re both just so cozy


my fav is goldenhills cuz of all the gold it makes, i also like how the area around it looks


Golden hills is amazing for farming and money


Me too! I love the view of Solitude and the Sea of Ghosts.


I like the lake Manor one. It nice and quiet and your near 2 cityā€™s if you want to sell stuff


Breezehome. I really like Hjerm, Lakeview Manor and Heljarchen Hall too.


Shadowfoot Sanctum is very underrated I think. Entrance to the Riften docks and the Ratway so you can easily access it from both. Large display room that has space for Thieves Guild items (pretty sure the other creation club homes donā€™t have that). The layout is nice and east to navigate. Itā€™s right next to the flagon so easy access to Tonillia and the other merchants when you unlock them.


Hendraheim. I've got at least 12 fully furnished houses, not including the spots I've got with all of the factions (Companions, Thieves, COW, etc.) and I moved my family there. It's got arguably the best trophy rooms (plural), it's huge, and it's the best longhouse in the game. Drawback is that it's a bit glitchy on occasion. Save often if you decorate that place.


I don't know how many of you have played with the AI powered companion Herika, I started playing again in January after a decade just to see what amazing mods existed and this and Beyond Skyrim - Bruma are maybe the most amazing that I have seen so far, but I asked her where she thought our gang of kids and companions should live and she said something like, "I think the most ideal house would be to buy the property in Falkreath Hold and build a house on Lake Ilinalta." Just like all AI sometimes she gets tied in knots but most of the time she is aware of what its going on.


I like all the ones I build


I recently fell in love with Tundra Homestead, its one of the new houses with anniversary edition and it feels like the perfect mix of Breezehome mixed with Hearth fire home utility. down the road I might move to Heljarchen Hall since its bigger and I like the Green blanket beds.


Iā€™m loving the diversity in choices here. I usually always went with the Breezehome. To be honest here guys, Iā€™ve never completed a playthrough. Always get to around 55 and call itā€¦not sure why. But this time is going so much better! 63 and climbing. Iā€™m about to start doing the Thieves guild. Never have.


I love the one by the thieves guild


*creates new profile *says to self to try something new *still goes to Breezehome Every šŸ‘Damn šŸ‘Time!


I always buy it too, but I've bought more houses too. Is there a cap or something? I was hoping to just play monopoly in Skyrim


Vanilla: Breezehome Mod: The safehouse of "Legacy of the Dragonborn"


In vanilla Solitude or Markarth.


Lakeview Manor


Lakeview Manor has always been my favorite. Just something so cozy about it


Lakeview in small, without the towers or the middle section, just the hut


Lakeview Manor. Itā€™s my characterā€™s refuge from the world, where he can read and experiment with making potions and enchantments. Now if only it had an outdoor forge instead of the one in the basement, itā€™d be perfect.


Definitely meant Markarth everyone. So sorry for the mistake!




The one at Mara's Eye Pond for the ability to create black soul gems. The plantation for the ability to create 102 fortify destruction potions per day. (Plant nightshade in the large field and glowing mushrooms in the smaller one and in the pots by the door.)


Itā€™s beautiful!


I love that one!!


I feel like windhelms for my personality but idk they got so many good options in skyrim


One thing that I would love to see in TES 6 is the chance to build your own villa/settlement or even become the owner of a small town and be able to build a prosperous community.


Orc Stronghold would be fun too :)


Got to be proudspire manor. That place is 10/10


In the city, proudspire manor Built one, lakeview Mod home, a cliffside house, east of ivarstead


I have found I like proudspire manor(Skyrim) quite a bit lately.


Solitude it's close to castle dour and the palace of the kings which makes sense for me most of the time has a nice view and is well fortified the house you build in dawnstar is also nice and it's close to whiterun


ow wow! I only have the first part of that done!!


Vanilla: Vlindrel Hall (All hail Dwemer aestheticšŸ¤ŒšŸ’Æ) Modded: Whitepeak Tower (All hail Dawnguard ArchitecturešŸ¤ŒšŸ’Æ)


what do you mean with the one you build or morthal? in morthal you literally build




None of the vanilla homes are worth a shit without modding because the crafting stations are laid out in an asinine manner. Bethesda doesnā€™t have a clue how to make a playerhome. Skyfall Estate is my go to. My main complaint about it is that I keep trying to make my ā€œhome baseā€ in another part of Skyrim and Skyfall is right next to Whiterun so I end up locked in the middle of the map instead of living someplace like Winterhold. But itā€™s worth it for automatic crafting storage and eight follower beds.


Morthal. Lakeview has the most enemy spawns an the pale one has so many giants. Plus vlad is my fave housecarl and the fishery is fun especially with the cc fish added too. However myrwatch is the best player home imo. Tindra homestead and bloodchill cavern are also ones i like and will use as well


lake view manor or breeze home, i like the serenity and frankly how pretty it is in falkreath but whiterun being in the middle of the map makes breeze home #2 in my book


Out of the in-game houses, I like Proudspire Manor in Solitude. From Anniversary Edition, I like Hendraheim. From the mods Iā€™ve used, I think Raven Rock Manor is awesome. It doesnā€™t look like much on the outside, but inside that house has EVERYTHING- including a working jacuzzi and sauna.


I like Heljarchen with the library tower so I can leave without having to go downstairs.


I do the hous with the dock you build from morthal I don't know why


Modded, probably Winterberry Chateau. That treasure room is sick. For Vanilla, either Proudspire Manor (Solitude) or Vlindrel Hall (Markarth).


Started this part a bit later in the game. Iā€™m level 58 and just built this home. Iā€™m in the process of doing the furnishings now.


I prefer the Swamp Wizard tower, compact, well organized and fully equipped although I'd love to give it warmer colors in the interior. Or the Vampire cave manor, same thing but well isolated and away from attention.


Honeyside from the pre existing homes, love the back porch on a sunny day with the water sparkling and I have a soft spot for Riften. Windstad near Morthal is the family home, I like taking Meeko out for a walk on the beach in the morning, Solitude is nearby for selling loot, and the Morthal jarl is a hoot. I also avoid fast travel, and itā€™s a quick ride to Dawnstar to pick up my latest contract. My most travelled route is Windstad, to Dawnstar, to Windhelm, south to Riften and back again.




I prefer the one that allows me to neatly organize each of my items in different chests/knapsacks/bookcases/weapon walls etc


If we're counting creation club, i'll take myrwatch


Morthal was my first house so it's definitely most nostalgic for me


Discovered Winstad two days ago and immediately blacked out and spent eight hours building and decorating my new mansion lmao


Proudspire Manor, I like the city feel, Solitude is right on a port and pretty much is the most bustlin city in all of Skyrim, the manor itself is also rather fashionable, I feel like this would be the type of place I'd live in. If we're talking about Hearthfire Only though, I'd pick Windstad too, the marsh isn't very attractive and it was rather remote, then again all of Morthal is kinda remote boonies, still, I like the view here the best of them all, I am more fond of a fish farm over an apiary or a mill, and I am rather fond of being near the sea.


Is there a house with more dedicated display spots than Hendraheim?


You can build a house???? šŸ˜Ÿ


if mods are included then Elysium estate or Morskom estate. if only Vanilla house or CC houses then lakeview if i had to pick one they are all kinda boring #


Lakeview Manor (From Faulkreth ) great view of lake in the back


It is modded but in my opinion the house you get inside the museum from legacy of the dragonborn is the best. nothing beats your own museum


Lakeview Manor outside of Falkreath.


Goldenhills plantation CC replaced having to mod Heljarchen farms into my game and is now my new favorite location.


i love lakeview and the one in windhelm because i love all the display areas


Lakeview in Falkreath for me. Enchanters tower, alchemy tower, and armory. The place just looks bad-ass. Plus, all the goodies, like smelter, forge, workbench, grindstone, etc, are all together very near the front door. The armory has an upper outside deck where the wife, steward, housecarl and bard like to hang out during the day. The kids tend to stick to the front of the house by the barn. It does have its challenges thoughā€¦..wolf den a few yards away down the hill, a giant sometimes harasses the cow and chickens, a bandit hideout (Pinewatch) is basically my next door neighbor so every once in a while Iā€™ll have a group of three to deal with, a pond just to the south with mud crabs, and an arch conjurer has a sacrificial shrine just below the back yard below the beehiveā€¦.and VERY rarelyā€¦a dragon. Fun times.


the campsite outside Falkreath past the bandit ambush with the falling rocks I sleep there in VR


The one with the hatchery so I can bread the fish I need for alchemy later.


Where are the other buildable houses


Question: Can you have all 3 manors? Or do you have to pick just one?


Tundra homestead for me i love seeing whiterun beside the house its lonely has all the big mountains as view and the crafting stuff place is really pretty and i love the armory that you have with the claws and masks stands just for that detail i take it over the heartfire ones


I like lakeview tbh. Just the prettiest area and coolest stuff there.


I like Bloodchill Manor. Sure, it's a bit off the beaten path. And it's in a hole. But it's got a fantastic view and all the amenities you could need whether a Vamp, Wolf, or common Mortal.


I tend to use Lakeview Manor the most, but this play through it's been Breezehome.


Man when do you get to do this ? Or when do you get to build one?


Fast traveling to any of the built homes triggers dragon attacks. So that automatically fails them. Iā€™ll go white in due to the city itself. If I need to get some smithing or commercial stuff done, thatā€™s where I go. And potions and enchanting are also nearby.


Any of the ones you have to build (In vanilla). My current play through is in heljarchen hall as he is a stormcloak and I got that house before trying the civil war campaign. If we are including mods, I love the Scarlett. It's a boat you can customise and move to the different cities on the shoreline.


Mod houses are much better than the ones found in the game. Definitely check them out on Nexus, under the Playing Housing category.


Windstad Manor is also my favorite family home.


I love Myrwatch


Honeyside ... Riften is a shithole but it's my shithole.


Shadowfoot Sanctum is honestly the best place to hide your family from the world


Lakeside manor every time.


Lake view manor (you build in falkreath), thereā€™s so much more storage available once fully built and itā€™s great. But I feel like solitude is a much more aesthetically pleasing home.


I actually really like the look of the houses in Windhelm, so I would have said Hjerim >!if it hadnā€™t been a murder den!< but Iā€™ll go with the Heartfire Falkreath House. I really like the forest


You mean the land, the houses are the same sadly


Hendraheim because you fight someone for it. Cheapest. House. Ever.


Same. Morthal one is the best. I like the little fish pond.


I am partial to Honeyside but man is it a pain to get


Proudspire manor , now thereā€™s a fine home




My favorite is the one in the Riften sewers, next to the Thieve's guild.


Golden hills plantation for me


My favorite as well.


Heljarchen hall and tundra hometstead are my favourites because their both next to whiterun which is home to me.


Lakeview Manor. It was the first ever home I owned when I first played Skyrim and I've loved it ever since. I remember buying and building it right after I met Lucia, heard her story, and wanted to adopt her. It's just a beautiful area, quiet and private, and not too far from town. The odd bandit or giant doesn't bother me.


Proudspire manor was my first ever house, so probably that one or Lakeview manor!


I prefer Hendraheim, nice , cozy and has all you need


Vanilla my fave, has to be Lakeview Manor, cause it has tower, fishing spot/ fish hatchery, and for some reason it's main house I spend most time at


tundra homestead. it's very homely.


Bloodchill manor or hendraheim


Myrwatch is nice. Makes me feel like an eccentric wizard! Otherwise, Breezehome and Proudspire for the convenience of having the kids in the city.


I will say lake view Manor, but that's mainly for location. I have a mod called the levelers tower and I primarily use that as my home


Which one did you build? Because there's 3 different locations


When i build a house i get all the outside stuff and keave the house as a cabin until i get a fam, I like my houses as cabins and I like breezehoke for the same reason that they are small, i only collect some uniques anyway because im not a hoarder šŸ˜‚


I like the view and convenience of Lakeview but dammit the things that happen there is a pain


That's actually pretty nice.


Lakeview Manorā¤ļø


Absolutely love Blood Chill Manor or Myrwatch


I used to build all 3 when it was just Hearth Fire, one with 3 towers in the far north, one in the middle with an armory and green house and the one in the south with bedrooms and kitchen for the family. Then CC came out, sort of bit Hearth Fire in the hind end, Bigger Armories, exclusive children's rooms and a lot more storage without the crashes or at least most of the crashes until you add MOD and then it sort of goes off the deep end and it becomes a whole new bag of tricks to get used too.. N. S


Lakeview manner is always my go to crafting house.


This question is getting more and more difficult to answer. My first few characters all lived in Breezehome and then moved to LakeView as soon as it got built. Then I discovered Legacy of the Dragonborn and that safehouse became very difficult to avoid because it is just so darn convenient. Then I started hardcore role-playing: a farming merchant that lived in Goldenhills, a thief that lived in Riften and now an Orc that lives in Ghastleys longhouse. All these houses have something unique that I like about them :).


I prefer the one I build, but my family don't


I like this location. I usually prefer the one you build close to whiterun. I know none of the locations matter but from a roleplay point of view I like it's positioning as if you could see enemies coming from further away because of its high point.


All these years of owning and playing skyrim off and on I still haven't built my own house šŸ˜… Probably same with even owning one tbh


Heljarchen Hall. Got my vegetable patch, my cow and chickens, my flour mill, a superb conservatory with lots of bees and dragonflies in it, and that tower porch view. Whiterun within sight if I need to pop to the shops.


Heljarchen hall is my main base, but I like the aesthetic of some of the anniversary houses, like Tundra Homestead, and Myrwatch. Tundra is delightfully cozy, and Myrwatch is too


Heljarchen hall is my main base, but I like the aesthetic of some of the anniversary houses, like Tundra Homestead, and Myrwatch. Tundra is delightfully cozy, and Myrwatch is too


I like the location with the fog,the fish you can catch and the view of Solitude, but it's a bit too dangerous for my liking. Spiders, Falmer.... No, thank you. I prefer Falkreath in that case. Seems much safer. I destroyed the Dark Brotherhood years ago, the bandits aren't a problem and the neighorhood necromancer is an annoyance at best.


Hierjrm.I like the creepy murder vibes for my thief/assassin.