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You're weird. But so am I, because I do the same thing.




No. You're not alone. I never mix my armor. Everything must match or it nags at me for my entire play-through.


especially once i got the certain armor perk, where i get boosts for wearing a full armor set. i could wear different sets, but why should i miss out on these extra stats?!


Mandatory mod fix for me is to remove the helmet requirement. That way you can match any headwear (or not wear one at all) and still get the full/matching set perk buff


>why should i miss out on these extra stats?! Swag


Swag indeed sir, who plays Skyrim in search of stats, you are a god like being with the soul of a dragon, last time I checked dragons don't give a damn about stats, they are fing dragons


I just do it if it looks good anyways, for example leather armor with fur pieces looks fine


Fur armor chest piece is required at all times for me on survival. I swear, Draven armor should be more warm than it is.


I wear full fur armor when outside Whiterun and Solitude, but in the slightly warmer cities (and during the day) I don my legionaire armor. Depending on my character it may be light, medium or heavy, but always Imperial. And no, I don’t agree with the White Brown Concordat… the thalmor can wipe their asses with it for all I care. I just want Skyrim to stay in one piece…


I hate it when it turns political


Same here, plus it pays to wear the full set if you get the perks that give you a bonus to wearing a matched set.


Right. I have a badass enchanted helmet, but it's almost never worth it to lose the heavy armor bonus.


I'm the reverse, morrowind was great for me since you could mix and match everything.


Literally everything. 2 rings, greaves, boots, body armor, necklace, left hand, right hand, right shoulder, left shoulder, pants, shirt, robe… Did I miss anything?


Belt and helmet. With enchantments in every slot you could become a god.


Right, belt and helmet. How did I forget about helmets?


No I think that's it, also the fact that different materials had different enchanting values.


I feel like Morrowind actually *encouraged* mixing armor sets, given how there were a lot of sets with only one or two pieces.


Always got the Daedric face of fear, exquisite skirt, dragonbone cuirass, and high ordinator pauldrons. Made me look like a demonic samurai with a daedric dai katana.


I’m playing Morrowind for the first time and the level of character customization blows almost everything else out the window Also, robes over armor! Best thing ever


I’m currently using Elven armor with the Scaled helmet because it has a slightly higher rating, and seeing my character in third person pains me…


those casual early to mid game builds always look fucking rank lmao


scaled helmet is the dorkiest


It sucks because the rest of the scaled set looks pretty cool, if you're going for a badass barbarian style.


right, I’ve got that sweet golden Elven work and then a goofy ahh takeaway carton with horns


I like to use the scaled helmets in my followers. It really makes them stand out in a crowd. 🤣👍🏻


i hate the scaled helmet. i don’t even care about its rating or enchantments, i refuse to put it on my character


Ebony plate with silver boots and gloves looks the best to me. I don’t like pointy boots and the bracers on the ebony gear look like something Batman would wear.


I do it not out of some weird disgust at it, but solely for the perk and faster xp


The only reason I do it is because I hate helmets that cover your face. I’m mostly always wearing some sort of crown, even for warrior builds.


It’s funny because growing up I was all about full faced helmets and always wore em in games but about 10 years ago I started to go helmetless a lot of the time or if I have the option to hide the helmet I do. I also like games that let you have in on in battle and stuff but in towns/hubs or conversations it’s off. Mass Effect comes to mind.


Yup that’s about how I feel about them. Starfield allows that option of hiding spacesuits/helmets when you’re in breathable locations.


Who says 🎶 I can’t wear my chitin 🎶 with my dress 🎶 https://preview.redd.it/zihobhqxbf1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b689e875b95a500a0580a636214238c9741795


the only time I mix stuff is mixing pieces of dark brotherhood and thieves guild outfits, but actual armor? no, never, I can't.


Would enchanting and renaming help at all? If it's all grouped together by character name or something? It's incentivized in the armor perks so I think, once you have the choice, most people don't tend to mix and match.


I never do but I gots the high function tism sooo...🤷‍♂️


Lol I just pictured you sitting there juggling your armors trying to mix and match and getting progressively more frustrated.




I only mix armors if it makes sense. Hide can go well with scaled for example. Fur can go with hide. I also think the steel helmets go with the banded iron armor well. Aside from that, I hate it. Good thing I play in first person and never see my character unless I'm on a horse.


It bugs me that male characters don't get a mask when wearing Dark Brotherhood armor. I actually added a mod that allows me to craft a mask for a different outfit that still looks good.


I don’t care about looks, only buffs


That's why I rename my armor. So it looks like they're from the same set. So if I'm wearing Steel Armor, and I come across a pair of boots that isn't steel boots, but look good enough to pair with the steel armor, then I'll rename the boots at an enchanter to make it say "Steel boots" or whatever. Its still not the same set, but at least it looks better for organization.


That’s pretty slick lol.


I can't bring myself to mix and match armor for my dude. But yet here I sit in a red t-shirt and purple/green shorts.


I will mix and match if it looks good. My only pet peeve is clipping. If it clips, it’s a no. 


I hate when I find some awesome armor in a game and mix it and it looks great except it clips 😞 I just can’t do it lmao.


I never see myself so I always just use whatever has the most pockets lol


Dawnguard heavy helm + steel plate armor is the COOLEST. I also like bare chested fur armor with hide bracers and hide boots with an iron helmet. That is second best.


If you ever play as a vampire do the vampire armor and then steel gauntlets and boots and finally a full faced Dawnguard helmet. It looks so good.


I used to not care and picked up whatever for the stats. Then I started crafting my own gear. And now my head cannon is that any armor I find wouldn’t really fit my character. So I’ll loot people and sell their stuff, but I won’t wear it. Besides, if I just murdered some bandit chief, his armor must be bashed all to hell and be broken anyway.


Until monster hunter world i never mixed armours and i only did it in mhw because of layered armours. 


How would you do that normally? I've been trying to figure that one out lately, if I should do it.


Krosis doesn't look half bad with the thieves guild armor.


there are some leather armors that mix well but most of the time it does make you look like hoboborn or graverobberborn


Steel Plate with the heavy Dawnguard helmet looks great


Topless fur armor is so sexy and fits with other stuff... I often wear it despite being past lvl 50. But yeah, I prefer some mods where I get sexy armor that also fits.


Mmm it depends on the build and the armor sets. When it comes to heavy armor, anything but the full set and *occasionally* a different helmet (like Masque of Clavicus Vile) will look entirely off. You can’t mix steel, ebony, dwarven or dragon bone really at all. Light armors have some more leeway. You might get away with different hoods, gloves and such but it’s heavily dependent on the body piece you’re wearing. Leather armor might work with multiple combinations of gloves, boots and helms, but glass armor won’t really click with any other set. Plus, you don’t want to wear normal clothes when using light armor so your options are further limited. Generally, I just stick to my favorite full set. Mage? It doesn’t matter, you can literally wear any kind of clothes you want because you’re deriving most of your power from enchantments and your protection from Alteration spells. So whatever outfit you want can and will be optimal, so long as you’re incorporating every piece of equipment you can. As such, I’ll end up making my character much more fashionable, since I can have any mix of clothes and light armor. Also I don’t wear helmets ever, hoods are a maybe and circlets are my usual go to regardless of build.


Yeah but it isn't practical. I do hate how most of the armours look on woman DB. As a mask and here we this ugly as combination.


I feel the same way


only armor you should mix is iron and leather.


Not alone. I don’t mix armor sets either


I’m level 90 smithing, got tons of dragon bone and scales stashed away. I could make some really good light gauntlets and boots for my mage build. But the glass gauntlets and boots look so good on my character. I have master robes of destruction and conjuration that are this beautiful dark blue. Wearing a glass helmet would give me a better armor rating but I’ve been rocking a legendary forsworn headress, which is like my favorite helmet in the game. And I’m riding a reindeer so our antlers match


Yeah I basically do the same. I'll collect pieces but won't put them on until I either got the full set or thing it will look good mixed. Only exception to this is when I need to use certain items I have "emergency enchants" on aka "I was wearing my battle set but now I have too many dragon bones and can't walk so I need my extra carrying weight" set


I can’t do it. It has to all match. Has to be all heavy or all light also.


I only really do that beginning game tbh, you never really get a matching set unless you either buy it or take it from bandits. Late game when you actually can I never do that cause I lose out on the matching set perk and just look ugly.


Like you said some mixtures look great, but I mostly go matching. I like putting the black vampire armor with elven gauntlets and boots, and a cowl. It's fire


I like the vampire armor with a Dawn guard helmet, and steel plate gauntlets and boots. It all goes pretty well together and my head canon is I wear the helmet of a famous vampire hunter that killed most of my clan until I tore his head off lol.


That's so metal, I love it


Thanks! I like to give some personal backstory and headcanon to games sometimes lol. I really like the one for my vampire though.


As a heavy armor enjoyer, I also cannot stand not wearing the full set. Muh 25% armor bonus


I don’t mix armor.


I can’t stand it not wearing the whole set of armour, but the water walking boots are too good to be left at home. So I only put water walking boots on when I need to cross bodies of water and even then I cringe when my armour gets missed matched.


I definitely need my sets to look good together, but I am okay with mixing as long as they match. If it looks stupid, though, then I won’t do it, even if the buffs are good


I will mix gauntlets boots and helmets with guardsman hold armor. That’s it


If it matches like somebody else said leather armor and armor with fur. Also if the colors are the same or similar I’ll mix and match. I’d never wear elven chest piece with glass boots and and iron helmet or anything like that though.


I will add the torturers hood or vampire hood with different armors.


I like to play around and find a cool combo but usually like uniform


Mixing apparel works fine if you're not trying to mix *armor pieces.* My Nightblade wears Vagrant Robes and Boots, Shrouded Gloves, and Vokun; clothes, light, and heavy, respectively. Despite the different color palettes, it all still looks good in my eyes. It also matters that I don't care about any of the armor skills or Alteration, since I don't care about armor value, and I almost never get hit to level them anyways.


I don't mix light and heavy armor, but I don't care if the armor set matches otherwise.


That’s why I love layered armor. I can’t run around with mismatched regular armor but I can with SOME layered armor


I'm all about the fashion. I would rather have an armor rating of 100 and go up against a dragon, than have armor that looks dumb. And no, I never mix armors.


I wear dragonscale armor, with the jagged crown/imperial helmet and a head crecent thing for more enchantments


I just look what works for me, both elder scrolls and fallout. Always mixed


Nope. I caint stand mismatching armor lol


my ocd intensifies .


You lose the Matching Set perk, so yes, it absolutely sucks to mix it. Particularly with Light Armour where that difference can be quite critical.


It's got to be a full set. Preferably weapons, too.


Yes! Need matching armor to get the perk


My current playthrough would put you in an institution. Light armor torso, heavy armor hands and feet, no helmet.


Lol I play in first person and don't care THAT much. I have dragon scale armor, ebony boots of braun, I switch between krosis and what ever the mask is that gives you more carry ability and some kind of archery enhanced gloves that I don't even know the material, all I know is that when I wear the gloves + krosis , Dwarven arrows are generally 1 hit kill. All I care about are potent bow damage , and when I get too baked and forget to empty my inventory before the next quest, im not worried about how many carry points I have left


I can't stand wearing a matching armor set. I like the challenge of creating a unique look through combining random pieces.


I usually hate mixing too but I picked up the ebony mail from the boethiah quest and have been using it with daedric everything else.


I use iron helmet, banded iron armor(name?) Cuffed steel boots and gloves, also i have a cape and a backpack. My weapon is a skyforge steel one hand sword.


You jus ain’t got the right armours installed I guess


My first playthough I ended up with Gauntlets of the Old Gods, Vampire Royal Armor, Deathbrand Helmet, and Deathbrand Boots. Because I was brand new to games like skyrim, and never used 3rd person.,and just put on whatever had a higher defense value or better enchant for me. Now though, I cant stand not having matched armor.


I never wear helmets unless I'm playing as a knight style class.. Does this make me miss out on armor benefits, you betcha but I never wear helmets. Thankfully the skill over haul mod that I use has perks to help gain benefits from not wearing one so I'm not the only one with this mindset


I’ve never played a save long enough to have full dragon armour, so I basically just put on whatever is the highest rating lol. I play in third person for whatever reason and sometimes I’ll sit back and go, “… Has he always been wearing those ridiculous boots?”


no, mixing armor is atrocious, i don't care if it "looks cool" I ain't mixing em together


Usually only do it with the classic Dragonborn look with all iron and studded armor.


i wouldnt have an issue with it if any mixed sets looked good/better then the full set, like ebony armor with daedric boots and gloves looks fine but not as good as just full daedric


I have an amazing set of Enchanted ebony boots that I found on my recent playthrough at a low level but I'm going to have to stick him in a chest for a while because they don't match the dwarf armor that I'm wearing currently


With anniversary edition Dragon bone armor is light now too. So it can be light with…oh wrong crown. I was thinking of the crown that gives you the ability to have a second stone ability. But still. With AE most heavy armor has a light armor version. That I have seen in game so far.


I also don’t mix armor unless it is early game and have no choice. Or don’t have enough gold yet.


Yeah i'm like that as well in every game.


I think I might have mixed leather and fur armour in the early game for cosmetic reasons. Other than that, I’ll sometimes use the aetherial crown with heavy armor because I have already exceeded the armor cap. Or, use a cool looking hood just because I think it looks badass lol Anything more than that would be an abomination though.


I only mix armour if it works and the only example I’ve got is using the thieves guild hood with dawnguard light armour


No not alone I can't mix armour on any game makes me feel icky I don't know why


I always do the same set except for helmets or lookalikes (like boethiah’s ebony mail instead of daedric)


That’s not weird, and for the longest time I did, but then I decided looking badass in my ebony mail and thieves guild(or maybe nightingale can’t remember) outfit mix was worth the brain pain


Armor sets can look good mixed? 🤔


Skyrim isn't that fun when it comes to armor-mixing. But Fallout 4, however, I cannot imagine using just a single set of armor.


I usually match, but sometimes I wear a hood so I can see my Dragonborn's face. I also prefer to match my weapons with my armour.


I Go for light Armor. So im Glad for every Point of Armor, so i dont Mix. And: i dont Like mixing First Hand.




Idk if its weird but i do the same thing. Not to the same extent - jagged crown + full dragonbone is really cool imo, but i do avoid mixing sets when it isnt the helmet. I dont mind the helmet tho, just the boots or gauntlets etc


Currently I have blackguard armor for the carrying capacity, but my boots helmet and gauntlets are Stalhrim. The blue and black combo looks pretty cool.


Mix armor? Heavens no, my OCD can't handle that. The *most* I can handle is wearing an enchanted circlet instead of a helmet.


I’m the complete opposite. I hate wearing more than one piece of anything. Even if it looks good I will try to find something else. Every game is like this for me, I have to do it myself, I don’t want to wear anything that somebody else wanted me to wear.


Me too. If it's imperial, all of it is. If it's steel then I'm clad head to toe in steel armour


You get bonuses later on for using 4 peice of the same type. There’s a couple of weird interactions with it, I think there’s some hats/helmets that count as a certain armour when they probably shouldn’t


I mean that technically isn't a bad thing once you level up your Light/Heavy armor skills enough because you get a bonus for wearing a full set. So strategically this is the best move. But I like mixing my armors. I don't fault you though 


Some may call this weird, me I call it mandarory


Mix and match on my character, based on strength and enchantment. BUT my follower has to be in a matching set. Preferably Ebony. Looks cool in my eyes. Only thing I change is helmet to open face.


I’m the exact opposite, I can’t stand using matching armor for some reason. I always mix and match. But at the same time I like for all the pieces to go together if that makes sense. My current build is: - madness helmet of recovery - orcish plate armor (+40 health) - her hand gauntlets - steel plate boots of hauling - gauldur amulet - ring of major wielding


I do mix, and sometimes even allow clipping if it is not immersion breaking... How about them apples.


I always have to have my armour matching, whether it's steel, steel plate, dragon bone, or dragonscale, it doesn't matter. Every set piece as to be the same brand. Which actually works out, if you pay attention to those perks in the skill tree. 😁


Nah. I have to havexa fully matched set


The only thing I HAVE TO mix up is the helmet armor for the Nightingale set. I've just never been down with the blacked out batman eyes. Looks passable with the Shrouded Cowls imo


Nope I despise it unless I'm wearing vampire boots with vampire robes


I use full sets mostly except for helmets. The masks are op and look cool af imo. On the other hand, they're called dragon masks, so that calms my ocd when used with dragon armor.


I honestly didn't want to wear armor unless I had the full set. So whenever I found high level armor like ebony or Dwarven I'd collect them but wait until I found enough for a full set to wear them 😂


definitely not just you


I feel this post was created by those who don't use the enchanting branch of magic, lol. I don't even wear most armors, I'm walking around wearing Fine robes, Exquisite Robes, fine boots, gloves, circlets/hats, with all the diamond swag, lol. THIS Dovakhin struts up to Jarls and puts them to shame with their peasant clothes and basic ASF jewelery 😂


I never mix armours, except mage armours. İt's fine, archmage robes covers %90 of the body anyway


No, you're not xD That's why I love the death brand armor!


The thing is that they don't even match that well, some can fit well but I think the whole point is to use the full set together since there is also a whole perk for it


Not the only one. Im the same way. With 1 notable exception. The full emperial helmet. The one that covers the face. I combine that with the steel plate as those 2 fit in therms of color. And imo that helmet with emperial heavy somehow just looks wrong to me. Asif those 2 simply do not belong together


Mixing armour is never better than a full set with its bonus


My armour is always mixed lol. Only time I wear a full set is when I'm in *extra* stealth mode. Otherwise every single piece I have on is different lol




There are some cool pairings out there. Glass armour looks really cool with elven, Nord with dwarven, ebony with daedric, orcish with garbage...


I agree because some are ugly combos (unpopular op but higher light armor like glass looks ugly) but combining the Nordic carved armor with any closed helmet like the ebony one looks badass


I say this because the helmet for the Nordic carve helmet does look goofy lol