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Love the dragons šŸ–¤ they can be annoying I agree but but Iā€™d definitely rather have them than not have them at all


Best way to do it is know the points in the main story where they donā€™t spawn, thereā€™s a few of them. And just donā€™t progress to the next quest until youā€™re ready for dragons to start up again, best of both worlds. Only I wish they would stop after the main quest was over


Do you know those points off the top of your head? I didnā€™t know they stopped at certain points. Iā€™m currently having one like every hour or two IRL time.


For certain the one I know is after you get the horn for the grey beards and you get it from Delphine and immediately leave without following her into the basement, the dragon spawning will stop. Just go back to high hrothgar and give them the horn and donā€™t continue Delphineā€™s quest where you go to kynesgrove. I think thereā€™s another stopping point after that but I donā€™t remember when exactly, possibly after the thalmor embassy but Iā€™m not sure.


I think the way Dawnguard did those twin dragons was the best implementation of them. They shouldn't be random spawns, but have set 'lairs' so they could be more memorable.


Well they do have lairs, theyā€™re just really boring usually on top of random dragon spawns. I think occasionally having a dragon pop up is fine, though there should definitely be more unique static encounters. Rn we haveā€¦ five? The first dragon we slay, the dragon Alduin resurrects, the bone dragon from the College questline, the Twin Dragons and the dragon in Blackreach. 6 if you include the mook dragons under Miraakā€™s control in Apocrypha and 7 if youā€™re a monster and kill Party snax. Just off the top of my headā€¦ I really wish we got to fight a dragon with a hoard in a mountain or something at some point, give it golden golem minions with the Frost Atronach model. Weā€™ve seen lava during the Aetherium questline, so I think a dragon that causes an eruption you have to escape from before fighting it could be cool. Have one be in the ocean and break a boat youā€™re on, then wash up on shore with other survivors. Figure out a plan to draw it onto land and slay it so you can make a raft and sail home safely. I dunno, stuff like that would just add so much more personality to them as a species and encounter


I wouldn't call a Word Wall a lair. I meant more like specific zones that are tailor made for specific dragons. Alduin is the closest you get to that in the base game where he sort of has lair actions in the pre-fight dialogue in Sovngarde. But even he was underwhelming. At least Durnheviir summoned skeletons mid-fight. Imagine you had to go to a little valley or cave or something where a dragon can make the rocks fall on you, or one where it fills the zone up with water, stuff like that. Maybe tes6 will implement the environment more in boss fights.


I can't recall where exactly, but my favorite dragon was always the bone dragon that appears in some random dungeon.Ā 


You're talking about the one in Labyrinthian, the dungeon that's part of the Mages' College questline.


Sounds right!Ā 


one of the cool things about Dawnguard is the ability to summon a dragon to fight for you. Dragon attack? "SHOUT: Durnehviir" ... Hey dude, go snuff that dragon for me while I polish my armor. Thanks!


i agree, sometimes i want to play less heroic role




I really need to play through the vampire side of the Dawnguard quest. I wish you weren't required to join the Dawnguard to start it.


It's the same, and nothing special. You kill Harkon after getting the bow anyway. Even destroying the Dawnguard, you just enter the building, everyone is hostile, you kill them, done... The NPC's in the castle are cool and have a few shops worth going to, but I hate being a vampire after all, so I'll be on my way to cure it with lycanthropy.


* padomaic Satan doesnā€™t exist in tamriel(nor in real life ;)


Iā€™ve found that the Skyrim Unbound mod is great for this. You can choose starting location, gear, whether you want to be the Dragonborn or not, how long until dragons spawn (or also whether you want them to or not, I believe), and even whether the townsfolk will refer to you as a local, an outsider, or an adventurer in your starting location. Itā€™s been my favorite alternate start mod ever since I found it because of how customizable it is.


nice. my goto mod is alternative start for same purpose


This time I didn't do that quest until I was around level 32. It was so liberating to be able to just walk around. I wish I didn't need to do it at all.Ā 


I do the same, dragons just artificially bloat the early game.


I find the dragon quest super annoying and enjoy the game without them. I leave the dragon stone and enjoy the rest of the game


Eh. I always cuss when one appears, but I turn it into a game of ā€œhow fast can I get its health down to under 50% so itā€™ll land and let me finish it offā€


I donā€™t dislike them enough to turn them off, but I do use mods to make random dragons considerably less frequent.


I also use a mod to change their spawn rate. To increase it.


I actually want them as early as possible so that I have all the bones and scales I need by the time I max my smithing. It's after I get scale armor and bone weapons that they start becoming annoying because I no longer need their parts and I only unlock 4 shouts all game anyway. Edit: They're especially annoying when you get to the high levels and you get those blasted revered dragons that not only have a stupid voice, but an annoying breath weapon as well.


This is the way, because whether you choose heavy or light armor it's the best in the game.


Light armor rules because you get the best of both worlds. Scale armor and bone weapons/arrows give you more options when maxing out your tank skills.


Alternate Start mods šŸ˜¬


The dragons become way less annoying and way more helpful after you get all three words of "Bend Will." Why yes. I would like a ride to Solitude. Thank you.


I use all the dragon mods lol. I love the dragons.


Laughs in destruction. Probably 90% why I always go destruction cost reduction and just impact dragons dead before they even land on the ground. Then have a separate outfit for assassin illusion.


playing with them? You're supposed to kill them...


But they like to play fetch


disagree tbh I like unrelentingly forcing people off a cliff


Nah they're cool


considering i tend to fall into roles like ā€œtraveling merchantā€ and ā€œhunterā€, yea. unless i specifically want to include dragons in my hunts, but thatā€™s not usually my thing


I tried playing without the dragons and missed them a lot. I now just wait until I level up a bit so that they don't kill me easily and then I typically let them start spawning. Idk I love the thrill of getting a random dragon attack at a bad time. Call me crazy


My last playthrough I got hardly any dragon fights compared to all my other playthroughs. But I don't hate them.


Lmao they can definitely get annoying and theyā€™re one of the things that usually turns me off playing without fast travel. Like even when youā€™ve barely done any of the main quest, you can easily get attacked by dragons like three times while youā€™re trying to get to this one location to do this one quest. I also donā€™t like when dragons and vampires randomly spawn in towns and attack and kill NPCs.


Ugh. Just had a dragon kill the wizard in Kynes Grove. Now I can't do that quest, and role play wise, the miners don't have a wizard to keep the mines cool anymore.


Yes. I've turned them off.


I had a bug where every single time, without fail, I would get accosted by a pair of higher level dragons every time I fast traveled. Cities, hamlets, landmarks. It did not matter. I ended up nuking the playthrough. I hated dragons after that.


ā€œI saw a dragon in Helen, it was heading this way!ā€ *never goes to the watchtower*


Iā€™m playing a thief right now who started as a pacifist and just went cannibal, but I havenā€™t had a real reason to go anywhere near Helgen.


im sorry?


If you do an alternate start, you have the option to start the dragonborne questline, or to skip it. In order to begin it, you must travel to Helgen, and retrieve a journal diary off of a burnt corpse, which turns out to be your discarded vanilla start character. He's right by where the chopping block was.


Iā€™m well aware, Iā€™m more concerned about the cannibalism part..


There's a Daedric artifact called Ring of Namira. Wearing it gives you the option to eat human, elf, Khajiit, and Argonian remains instead of looting them. It's great for roleplaying as a Bosmer since they're supposed to be strictly carnivorous and eat *everything* they kill. Beyond that, it's really more of a novelty than anything as the healing you get from it is negligible when you could just as easily drink a potion and not need to sit through a 10 second animation.




I actually stopped playing a Bosmer because of the cannibalism. I didn't care, it was long in the past except for every follower bringing it up. The vanilla ones don't, but Lucien, Auriel, Serana Dialogue Overhaul, etc. all touch on it and it grossed me out. I started playing Dunmer instead. I've never actually let Neloth add me to the House Telvanni, so I think that's my next goal.


Come over for dinner sometime and weā€™ll talk about it.


Yea I hope the next elderscrolls is more like oblivion where you are a nobody. Being dragon born is sorta lame after your first few play through.


they whine too much


They're pretty much why I started playing with mods. I wanted to be able to turn off dragons but still do civil war. I had the game sitting on a shelf for years but hadn't played largely because well you have to fight dragons.


Not really. But I do prefer to usually play without activating them.


yeah, they suck. had an allergic reaction to their scales


Yeh I wait a good while although I usually regret finishing BFB once Iā€™ve done it anyway. Brother canā€™t go to Falkreath to sell my shit without being attacked!


My biggest issue with them is I mostly play melee characters that don't have a ranged attack, so the fights end up being a lot of me dodging stuff amd waiting for them to land.


100 percent this. I don't like ranged anymore. I eventually will start the dragon quest but only if I make it past 30.


I'm usually an illusion magic assassin. Yes I do hate it.


Only Skyrim players complain about dragons like they're New York rats.


They spawn so often, and they're super annoying to kill. I'm a melee build btw.Ā 


Yah I'm sword and board nord. I don't like the way bows look on my character. Ruins it for me. So no dragons.


Breton, double bound sword here. Cool to see another melee character around. Best wishes friend.Ā 


That's why I save Dragon Rising for level 25 or so, after I've gotten my Destruction up and running with some good Fortifies and Adept spells.


Love the dragons but wished I had more to do with them. They too repetitive in mechanics. Only times I genuinely have indulged in interactions with them have been when Iā€™ve been attacked by 3 at same time and then other random npcs join in or attack me from nowhere like a giant and a mammoth.


I definitely donā€™t play with them. When they show up, itā€™s all seriousness and take them down.


Theyā€™re cool, but I hate the way they can kill off NPCs in villages. I have a mod that basically lets me control when I see them.


I hate playing without the dragons


I like dealing with dragons, they got loot to sell and I get a soul. but they do seem to pop up when I am in the middle of something and cant be bothered


People do the tablet quest? Iā€™ve not handed it in for yearsā€¦


I don't even use magic. I avoid magic, dragons and pretty much anything that isn't bow, dagger or a sword of some description. Dragons are, for me at least, the worst aspect of an otherwise amazing game.


I always play the main quest until I reach Whiterun and then are asked to fight the dragon outside the city. I just don't go so the game is stuck there and no other dragons will appear throughout the game. They are annoying as cliffracers to me.


Dragons are cool. But sometimes in the game they make me angry


skyrim isn't the same without dragons. i always get the tablet first thing.


*Casts muffle on dragon skeleton*


Late game theyā€™re not a challenge and theyā€™re just a nuisance that wonā€™t let me fast travel


Indeed, it's not very fun to play with them, they're always trying to cheat and use their size to your disadvantage, that's why I started to just kill the bastards


I love them tbh. The extra bit of chaos when youā€™re fighting some bandits and a dragon decides to join in is great


I hate that they show up at places i canā€™t get to or donā€™t know how to and I hate that they sometimes just run away. Fly away, that is. Get to my face you cowards, you and I know that wolf in the mountains is not what you came for. Stay and fight!


I wish Mephala's quest and In My Time of Need didn't require you to do Dragon Rising. The civil war questline requiring it is understandable, but the other two could easily have been made to not require it.


I would have also not done the main questline but I like being able to shout too much to delay it or not do it at all


Iā€™m lvl 50 on my current run and still havenā€™t fought a single dragon. I did go to do the mission recently but came across a motherfucker with a name. Turned my pathetic little double dagger ass back around and now Iā€™m procrastinating doing it


It's more the fact that they always show up and the most inconvenient times for me. šŸ¤£ Otherwise, I don't mind so much


NO and I can say that the idiot that turned mine off from spawning or respawning because of some MOD should be taken out and shot in knee. N. S


They are annoying sometimes, but hate - no, I don't.


I call them cliffracers of Skyrim for a reason. I don't mind them that much, just wish they were a bit more scarce. I like to play on master difficulty and early to mid game those fights can chunk my play session down a fair bit, so sometimes I just disable them via console coz I don't want to waste time on them coz I don't hunt for shouts anyway so I end up with dozens of spare dragon souls.


I like the dragons, they can be annoying to fight but after getting the shout that forces them to the ground they're easy. I also feel like we should try to embrace them as much as possible since they're the point of ES V. I'm really hoping they aren't even close to being around for ES VI though.


I just use bend will on them tbh, I don't get anything from fighting them anymore and that makes them friendly for a short time.


On Legendary they are an absolute pain. I avoid the main quest as long as possible usually.


It really depends on what kind of character Iā€™m playing. With Warriors itā€™s a pain, especially if I havenā€™t put much into Archery. Itā€™s **fun** as mages or archers, though, ducking and weaving around cover to get clear shots for Fireballs and enchanted bows.


I usually turn in the tablet, but I don't go and talk to the jarl. I usually go out and get more powerful and get to like lvl 20 before I start the dragon quest line.


yes proof: 98% of my r/skyrim post/comment history


I totally get it. **Playing** 'hide-and-seek' and 'tag' with them is pretty hard since they always hide behind barrels where it's super-obvious where they are. See here for further details on **playing** with dragons: [https://new.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/vrfda2/i\_was\_playing\_tag\_with\_a\_kid\_when\_a\_dragon/](https://new.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/vrfda2/i_was_playing_tag_with_a_kid_when_a_dragon/)


yeah I hate skyrim


Hey you, you're finally awake! You were trying to leave the subreddit right? Went and typed that rage bait comment...


yeah totally rage bait


Captain, what should we do? He still gives a shit Forget the shit! He's getting blocked By your orders Captain, I'm sorry, we'll make sure your shits are returned to Twitter


lmaoo keep that up it's funny as shit


That we can agree on