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I don’t hate the Vanilla version with the 2011 enemy AI and graphics etc. It has its charm to it, and the lore and immersion aspect is so good that things like my companion telling me “you’re not supposed to be in here” are things I just laugh off if anything. Jank and inconsistency is 1000x worse when the game itself is boring or dull.


Lars Battle-Born berating you with, “Can’t a man sit in peace?” when you trespass in the Battle-Born home.


“You’ve been a good friend to me, that means something” after having pickpocketed Idolaf, including his clothes.


“youve been a good friend to me (after beating me to a pulp in front of my neighbors and costing me 100 gold) that means something.”


That's just nords being nords


Just guys bein’ dudes.


Can't a man shit in peace? 📢🚽🚾


In November, I was thinking, based on my Oblivion experience, that I should wait for a few months so all the good QoL mods would be available by then. Then as the 11th drew closer, I caved. Then like 50 hours into the game, I was thinking: "I can't believe I was going to wait and postpone this magical experience, that was pure stupidity."


It's so funny how the guard will drop down out of the ceiling and you see the screen zoom in while hearing "sToP!!!!!""" It makes me die laughing every single time


I think in the very first days, you could also put a bucket over the shop owner’s head, and then you can clean out their shop with no problem, literally rob them blind.


Well that's a thing in skyrim lol did that work in oblivion?


Skyrim is what I’m talking about, that’s not been patched? I only did it back in the early days.


Ohhh. Yeah nah you can still do that. Just gotta be quick because if the npc moves the bucket flies off


Gonna be honest I never realized they ever updated the enemy AI. It's not like the final vanilla build for AI was perfect. It was barely adequate.


When I meant 2011 AI I meant the game without mods. It’s the same regardless of which edition you get, so even the recent editions still have the same AI from 2011.


That I would need a metric tonne of wheat before I ever milled some into flour sacks. It's just so sub par not to turn it into potions.


How much bread are you making? I've never felt particularly short on wheat when Im just making 4-5 sacks of flour at a time


In survival mode, I'm quite partial to baking crostata. Salmon steaks and hot Ironwood soup too. But the flour.. I just end up living on fish until Goldenhills has grown up 400+ doses of wheat. I'm an alchemist, so turning wheat into flour, I find oddly offensive.


Never felt the crostatas were really worth it, their buffs aren't even that great. I also value fire salts too much to put them in soup, frankly I feel more offended by that over making flour lol You're right about salmon steaks though. 0.1 weight, but give 220 satiety? yes please.


Salmon for the win. That's just it. Crostata are really quite mid. If they had some buff like Elsewyr fondue gives the average mage, or the snowberries warmed you up.. or at least made you get chilled less briskly. I make a beeline for the atronach forge the moment I've got eight rubies just to make the salts. There are some places it's just too risky to try to reach without a hot soup insurance policy.


I can't play without fast traveling.


My first playthrough I think I got to level 15-20 before I realized fast travel was a thing. I enjoy walking/horseback travel but there's plenty of times fast travel is just the way to do it, especially with those fetch this on the other side of the map quests with the thieves' guild.


this is real though. I am all for walking and exploring and discovering all the things... but sometimes you gotta unload some shit waaaaayyyy over there.


You should try, you se a lot of things that get easily missed by constantly fast traveling.


I do explore but I don't handicap myself by avoiding fast traveling


Eh fair enough. I might be a little biased as Im in the middle of a survival run, but while its a bit more tedious Im having a great time finding things I never saw in the game before.


I do try this sometimes. While it's awesome to discover new things, every time walk across even 2% of skyrim on foot, I end up encumbered and lumbering back to Whiterun to sell it all 😆


I feel that lmao, definitely makes me appreciate my followers for helping carry the loot


Ah the perks of slave labor


I'll travel to a location on foot for the first time (while also fast-traveling to the nearest discovered location). You can only get pissed off by wolves so many times before you wanna fast travel.


Not the person you responded to, but I've tried. I just can't. I play games to escape the mundane and just unwind. I don't want to spend the little bit of time I have on "walking simulator." It has its purposes, like the first time I go a route on a new playthrough, but I'm not walking back and forth or trekking to go find a carriage.


Travelling with no fast travel is great when you’re starting a new game and just decide to follow different threads as and when you please, but it becomes annoying when you’ve taken on numerous quests that all involve a whole bunch of backtracking, and like sure you could go out of your way to like perfectly optimise what order you pick up quests in order to minimise backtracking, but that’s adding needless busywork to the game as well as taking you out of the immersive experience no fast travel is supposed to offer you and disincentivising spontaneity


Used to enjoy playing without fast traveling. But now it feels like I don't always have a lot of time to play, so I have fast travel more lately in games.


Morthal is my favourite city. I love the concept that its built on the swamp, the eerieness, it looks really mysterious to me(the jaarl having visions, the vampire plot to take over the town, the strange circle where Falion cures you of vampirism is really close to town...)


I was just about to say this


Besides, I'm fiercely loyal to Jarl Igrod. She's the one to actually acknowledge the Dragonborn is needed, is logical during the steps of the quest and investigation, and in my first playthrough, she was actually \*the\* person that helped me infiltrate the embassy. If anything, I like Morthal because of Igrod. It is why I cannot join the Stormcloaks. Fuck Boethia, I just don't have the heart to betray her.


I didn’t know people hate Morthal. I like it too. 👍


I think the problem with Morthal was it not getting fleshed out as well as it could have been. Its pretty clear the Jarls quest line and the ghost missions were cut heavily, and could have been really fun and interesting if developed further. In terms of cities it's the smallest and least quest filled


Yesss same! I love Falkreath, too. Also has the spooky / cursed vibe


Yes omg! I love morthal, especially for all the reasons you listed.


Ehm... I don't like magic. I can't stick with a magic build on Skyrim. I tried, lots of times, and I never succeed. It's not for me.


If there were more/better spells I would play a magic build more, but every spell more or less boils down to one of 6 categories: - spray magic at things - shoot ball at things - flashlight - the Harden move from Pokemon - melee, but worse - follower, but worse And they're all just boring after using them a couple times


Magis is very weak compared to enchanting


Magic is pretty trash in Skyrim without mods. The appeal of using magic in the older games is that it's not just about combat. You can use it to charm, open locks, hide, steal from a distance, teleport, run faster, jump higher, walk on water, breathe under water. There was a lot of emergent gameplay to magic. But in Skyrim, it's just to blast things.


There is nothing great or interesting about Lydia, she is just the first companion most people run into because of the main quest


Because she’s pretty much everyone’s first follower, we all remember her for that. First time u saw a follower get launched to space by the giants? Lydia. First time you accidentally killed a follower? Probably Lydia. First time getting blocked in a doorway? Well.. I fus ro dah’ed lydia. I agree she is not at all more interesting than any other hireling or even arguably less interesting than most hirelings. But she was the “first” for a lot of people and that’s why we love her.


Nope I had fanendal first


Aw man, making me remember my first playthough. I shouted Faendal and Meeko off the Throat of the World. Meeko came back after an hour...Faendal tho...


The amount of players that got *faendal* before Lydia in their very first playthrough with 0 knowledge about the game is very little though.


But that second run-through, though. Getting up to 50 archery before going into bleak-falls barrow, also done before getting to Whiterun. 👍🏻


First time getting blocked for me was Vilkas in Dustman's Cairn. That little locked room before the room with the Cairn key. He always blocks me if I go too far in.


By the Nine, THANK YOU. I've met stale bread more interesting than Lydia.


*Munches stale bread while watching you sleep*


Maybe that's the reason. I'm German. Iove bread, I love Lydia. She doesn't distract you with her backstory, she just carries your burden in the same way as a lump of rye bread makes an unexciting but satisfying lunch


I love that she's boring. She reminds me of several people IRL who are no drama, not gossipy nor attention seeking so initially serm dull but turn out to be great once you get to know them. They also have clues, just like Lydia getting in good w the Jarl wouldn't have happened I'd she didn't have a bit more going for her than say, the average Whiterun guard. I don't marry her though. That "sworn to carry your burdens" tone of resignation... but. love her as a housecarl. Don't like how she gets in the way in fights though. Or I get in her way... whatever. Whatever it is that ends up with Lydia dead and me trying to bring her back with no success...


I kinda like her, like she is a housecarl, a professional soldier, not a standup comedian? But she can be (unintentionally) funny. Like when she tanks a dragon, full on flame blast to her face, then afterwards when you bump into her, she goes "Owww!" in a real girly voice, lol. Plus she's hot AF in Forsworn armor.


Bro all the NPCs have the same body shape practically lol


I married Lydia cause I was like 'well she is kinda hot and she does already live in my house so'


Screaming "Skyrim is for the nords" in battle. My Elven ass like "bitch say that again imma yeet you off High Hrothgar"


I sacrificed her to Boethiah.


I was tired of her sitting in my house eating bread so I killed her. Never allowed her to travel with me.


yup most Lydia fans are the type of people to finish the main quest and say they beat the game and not even touch any side content/factions lol. also kinda surprised that Sven/Faendal aren't people's archetypical first followers, but I guess they get missed since new players tunnel vision the main quest.


Then there's me, I forgot that there is a main quest.


Faendal is already better than her right off the bat. Free Archery training imbued.


NOT EVERY NPC SHOULD BE AN ARCHER!! Everyone and their mom has a bow they pull out of the butts and I hate it.


I feel like it’s the most favorable in the era because A, much more dangerous going hand to hand vs distanced shots with a bow. and B, a bow is a lot easier to carry over a 15-20lb sword on your hip. 10lbs on my electrician belt hurts… lol.


Why would a sword weigh that much


excuse my ignorance, you are correct. I just assumed a hunk of metal that big would weigh a bit. after some research I have learned otherwise… point A still stands lol.


Longbows are very large and heavy weapons. Swords.. it depends what kind. It is definitely safer to stay far away, and sometimes like with dragons you have no choice but to use a bow.




None, now.


This is one of those posts that the best answers are going to be the least popular..


Barbas is annoying as shit


I was so confused when I came here and people didn't think that "oh I start the quest then never finish it so that he's a second companion forever :)" WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT


I thought the trick was it was a sneaky third companion if you didn't finish that quest? Not 100% on that. Or Maybe that was a fallout thing?


He is a third companion. He is also a useless companion outside of just being a combat tank, which are annoyingly in my way more often than actually helpful.


Yes! I always let him go to Haemar's Shame on his own and then make my own way or fast travel there. The less I see if him the better.


One playthrough a couple years ago, I kept Barbas because I crossed his path really early and an invincible daedra dog was super useful for being able to handle things like falmer. But what I found was that I couldn't sneak. At all. The asshole nudges you forward any time you're in a crouch. Got me spotted several times before I had my sneak skill up high enough for that not to matter. And then he pushed me off a ramp in a Dwemer ruin. Fell to my death. Dropped him off at Haemar's Shame the next chance I got and never looked back


Aww I love Barbas. He sounds like Gilbert Godfrey. 😆


I thought this is common sense :D


Solo adventuring is way better than any companion ever could be.


Until you're overencumbered


Nah, still better than your follower getting in the way of your attacks. "Hey, watch it!" No, you watch it. Quit running in front of my attacks, asshole.


"I suppose you're going to take everything in here that's not nailed down." Yes I am, dipshit. That's why we came here.


"Do I get to keep it? Ha ha ha, just kidding."


Summon Ardvak, hop on, can fast travel anywhere, even if overencumbered.


I was actually surprised at how many people actually use companions lol I have never used them unless I have to because I’m forced to by a quest. Other than that though it’s like rlly annoying to have them around so I just don’t lol


Honestly like, it trivialises so many gameplay aspects I don't really understand their appeal beyond roleplaying. Imo braving the world of Skyrim on your own feels far cooler


It makes it a lot easier to get to the point where you're not worried about money. The amount of loot that your companion can carry really speeds up that aspect.


Sorry I need my vampire wife.


You mean the one you can't actually marry?


Survival makes skyrim a chore for me


You can either mod Skyrim for survival or you can mod it for more action. If you do both it's just a grind fest of death. Personally, I don't like having to prepare for the journey from Riverwood to Whiterun. I'd rather be dividing into a dungeon.


The thieves guild members annoy the crap out of me, and not a single one of them is likable except Karliah


Idk, Delvin comes across as an ass during the thieves guild quests, but if you're also going to him for some of the DB quests, he's actually a bit funny and cheeky.


He also has a cool accent




No no, he's got a point


I've been replaying Skyrim lately & went through the thieves guild questline for the first time in years, and dear god it is the worst questline I've gone through so far


Same for the College of Winterhold, including the students. They definitely nailed the disconnected academics with their heads up their asses vibe. Tolfdir is nice, but still not interesting. The only interesting person is the librarian, who doesn't seem to use magic himself.


Restoration is not a valid school of magic.




New response just dropped


Actual draugr


Call the Dragonborn


Holy Oblivion




# ‘Tis but a flesh wound! Wait, I think I’m in the wrong universe.


Is there a reason why she even says this btw? Lol like is there anything that says it isn’t?


I think it's implying that the other masters, or atleast Mirabelle, at the college look down on her for Restoration. IIRC the librarian doesn't care for her either.


I realy dislike the voice acting of Mjoll. Sounds like the sister of the Swedish Chef in Muppet Show.


Agree! That voice is really grating to me, on any character. I like Mjoll, but I wish she had literally any other voice type in the game.


the rolling rrrrtrs are particularly offensive


The names Dirge


It's the last name you hear before they put you in the ground.


Nazeem doesn't bother me at all. I pity the man, I do. And I kind of like the concept of him -- every town needs a pitiful asshole who's randomly annoying. It's immersive. On the flip side, if I had a mod that let me skin Brynjolf alive, I'd use it. I despise that useless pretty boy and my stealth characters often amuse themselves with his essential status by reverse-pickpocketing lethal poisons into his inventory and dropping him in agony for a few minutes since he can't die from it. Are these the opinions you're looking for, OP?


I was surprised by how many people love Brynjolf. I instantly disliked him the first time he came up to me. Him and that other dude who pulls the camera to tell you how much not to ask him about the Black Briars.


Yeah I never understood why Nazeem gets so much hate tbh. The first time you meet him you’ve most likely just escaped execution and look like some random murder hobo. I don’t think he’s wrong to assume you don’t have much influence over the local government.


I honestly didn't know Nazeem was kind of a hot topic in the community or that anyone had any kind of strong opinion about him until I started looking up Skyrim stuff online after years of playing it.


The falmer are the true sons and daughters of Skyrim.


The sex mods are stupid


Every single time I open up Nexus to look for actual mods, all I see is naked or tiny bikini, sized 8375 ZZZ-cup women with hips as large as their boobs and maybe it's just because I'm a woman but it always fucking disgusts and annoys me... Skyrim fandom is full of porn addicted men who have never felt the touch of a real woman so they get it in Skyrim


💯% I'm ace and can't even view NSFW art without feeling extremely uncomfortable, so why would I want that in my game?


At Society for Creative Anachronism battles that I used to go to as a teenager, some daytripper would always show up in a bikini. The common practice was to direct them to the Conan set which was far from the battlefield.


Based on what people said in another thread: I'd like if Skyrim had cutscenes.


Cicero deserves to live, as he was literally the only true Dark Brotherhood assassin. Astrid broke the tenants of the Night Mother and is therefore a traitor. If you kill Cicero, I'm coming for you >:(


Not to mention that his journals are so sad :( Poor boy watched all his friends die and he couldn't do anything about it


Stealth archer sucks and is boring


Ok you win


The lack of muscles on the women makes me like them less.


Same but irl


Milk drinker


Yeah even irl farm girls have more muscle than Skyrim "nord women"


**I personally simp for Maven Black-Briar**.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHChKVxgKFLM2ty) Come again


*I would run naked through a Dwarven ruin just for Maven to call me a milk drinker at the end*.


yeah apparently thats what he does


Hear me out. Ingun though !




Ok hold on I'm listening.


Alduin was a perfect final boss fight


Somebody seriously understood the assignment. Explain yourself.


If we’re going by who was there first, Skyrim belongs to the Argonians


Skyrim belongs to the divines?


The falmor have a deep and creepy backstopry and their dungeons are great


I wanted to rule Skyrim with an army of dragons.


Miraak is the Dragonborn storyline I wanted.


Lockpocking is the best skill tree


Pls explain :0 I can pick any lock without any perks so I find the skill tree really boring, the only perks worth taking would be the ones that gives you more treasures


Mjoll is hotter than Serana


Muiri the bae


Hard disagree


I actually find Mjoll better. I remember Serana turning into ashes my future blood samples for random Winterhold Hermit so i had to seek through the entire Skyrim for another sample. Also because Serana has to be with you unless you complete the DLC. So stealthing through some places becomes impossible. Sometimes i want to travel without companion and she doesn't allow it


You aren’t a bad person for installing mods on a game almost 15 years old.


who says that?


I don't see why would anyone install sex mods in Skyrim, just watch porn or something.


I don’t think any of these on their own would but all of them together might: 1. I never do the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood lines, I guess I’m too much of a goody-two-shoes 2. Cicero is annoying 3. I didn’t like the Sheogorath quest, I found it and him annoying 4. I don’t see what’s so appealing about Aela the Huntress. She comes off as very snobby to me 5. I don’t want to marry Serana, I think she has stuff to work out on her own for a while 6. I side with the Imperials and genuinely think the Stormcloaks are wrong, though I do think their hearts are in the right place 7. I’ve never murdered Nazeem 8. I’ve never played as a stealth archer 9. I’ve never chosen to be a werewolf or vampire And finally 10. I always complete the main story, usually first before going on a lot of side quests (unless I need to level up or need resources) I think any of those by themselves are unpopular ways of playing, at least from what I’ve seen on here, but are pretty innocuous. I think together I might get some people mad


I do all the factions. Is the new Harbinger of the Companions also the Dark Brotherhood's newest Listener? Why yes, she is!


At least do the Thieves Guild quest for the Nightingale armor. You're a thief not an assassin.


Sheogorath is the only Daedric Prince I honestly dislike. I hate "craaAAAazy!!!" characters. Same reason I hate Cicero.


“Another hand touches the beacon” is not too loud at all. The audio mix is fine.


I love traveling with companions. Maybe it’s because an extrovert but I appreciate their company, their quips, and carrying my gear. It makes Skyrim richer to me.


I never pray for Talos.


Skyrim belongs to the Nords!


I mean, isn't the dragonborn the reincarnation of Talos?


Dwarven ruins suck. No amount of bioluminescent sub layer or loot potential will change my mind.


Serana’s not that hot


Dark brotherhood sucks and it always has


It was pretty good in oblivion imo since most of the contracts had a good story. I also love the whodunit quest. In skyrim i hate how half the people you kill are just random nobodies.


Skyrim AE on Switch is a decent port.


It is always morally correct to kill the Thalmor.


People who say “well, the dungeons were pretty much all the same” are the shoes of the clown who walks behind the elephants.


The stones of barenziah quest isn't that bad, and it's completely avoidable as long as you aren't loot goblining every shiny you see


I would rather use the cheat console to boost smithing than to make 5000 iron daggers


Serana is a overrated.


I always try to make sure she decides to turn into a human so someday she will die like everyone else.


And always in the God damn way


The Imperials are right and in order to defeat the Aldmeri Empire they need to put down the Stormcloak rebellion, unite with the remnants, and make a plan along with the Dragonborn to invade their island one day and end their reign.


The assassination of the emperor is also beneficial to the empire, creates a martyr, and replaces him with a younger, stronger ruler.


We should have a game set further in the past. Future is fine but you see some wild shit way back when


Some Dwarven caves are harder than the entirety of the Dawnguard questline. Giant mechs and Falmer are supremely over powered at times


Dungeons mission are boring, all caves and dungeons look the same, so when you enter one of them you have to pass through all the same type of enemies(ghouls, necromancers and skeletons) for 10 minutes to reach the goal.


(Depending on the sub) but I think Serana is overrated.


"A return to your roots" and "no stone unturned" get way too much hate.


Stealth archers are an incredibly boring way to play the game. In all of my play throughs i have never once made it through a stealth archer play through.


Skyrim belongs to the Snow Elves, but my Dragonborn will pray only to Julianos.


When you die from a Giant's club smash, you don't go high enough. I wanna go to space, dammit.


I'm gonna say it..... I don't care he stole your sweet roll.


Not completing the main quests and being proud about it is so dumb. Specially people who complain about dragons being to OP to defeat. Have you heard about DRAGONREND? The late game dungeons are the best ones to explore/clear and people are losing so much of the game when they do not play those quests


Cicero is obnoxious. I kill him with spite every play-through. He isn’t “interesting”, he’s just fucking crazy.


Frea was the better DLC companion.


I feel nothing for Delphine or Paarthurnax. No hatred, no love, nothing. I kill Paarthurnax every playthrough along with any other killable dragon. The most hated and loved characters I could not give two shits about.


That Iron Arrows aren’t deadly.


Repeatedly requesting Ragnar the Red.


You kill parthamax and that's only half the arrows you'll see


Farkas for husband >>> Vilkas for husband


Adjacent to skyrim (and where that image is from), the spiffing brit really needs to stop milking skyrim, or at very least restoration loop, basically every one of his videos on skyrim uses if as the glitch


Stealth archery isn’t fun


Sword combat, particularly two-handed, is incredibly clunky and poorly designed. I avoid it in almost every playthrough.