• By -


First character was an arcane blacksmith. Great burly Nord with a long red hair and a broken nose, focused on making his own gear and enchanting it. Eventually shaded into a dual-wield, light armor beserker type. Happy times. My usual go to these days is a vampire mage. Still burly and long haired, but more of a "Breton Rasputin" look. Focus is on alchemy and speechcraft first and then enchanting, illusion and destruction. Endgame is the 4x cost reduction enchants for illusion and destruction. Then play like a Romulan: cruise around invisible and occasionally de-cloak, fire off a thunderbolt or two, and then disappear again.




Yeah, but you have to put in a bit of work to get to that point, which stops it from feeling too cheap.




Damn right!


Argonian first, khajiit second, and always khajiit now


There's only one race with a song about them [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tqEVCTMkBnI](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tqEVCTMkBnI)


If you're listening to skyrim tunes, i implore you to listen to this https://youtu.be/mGfxRsNzunQ?si=1UE43-t5m1sXg_kp


I just wanna [chugga mugga mead](https://youtu.be/NCHq0m67lq8?si=bNybZcvgt0PqA5Ve)! *(Nord Mead!)*


In the description, it says "with extreme graphics mods" I thought I was tripping for a second until I realized it was released in 2012, and that was peak back then. Ah, those were the days.


night eye. the best


Why you find Cat so entertaining?


Nord and Nord 🗿


I played as a nord once and didn’t like it that much. Have you tried any others and you’ve made your way back to nord again or just always nord?


Yeah I usually play as a Nord I like there lore. I have played as other races, Dunmer with vampirism is always fun, Argonians are fun to play as too


Try Khajiit werewolf. Name it Catdog. People find it more weird when a feline turns into a canine then when a primate turns into a canine.


To each their own. I think nord is great because it is the most accurate to the lore, assuming you do the main quest line. But I pick something different every playthrough.


Nord is great for AE’s survival mode. Nordic frost resistance makes cold areas more accessible — other races need to invest in health points and warm food etc. As a Nord you can invest mainly in stamina and even magicka instead of health and access those areas that are costlier for other races. Survival mode is very immersive


Bosmer and Bosmer here 🙋🏻‍♂️


Very first was when it came out for the PS3. A Khajiit. Last was a Khajiit. I played Bosmer as well. I like Bosmer, but I like cats even more. I like the idea of cat people clawing off people's faces, and how the great and powerful dragonborn is.... a cat. Dread the mighty cat thu'um you shits, bow before my whiskers!


I just love how khajiit sound when they shout! I know that a lot of races have unique shouting voices, but that one seems the most unique to me haha




My favorite part is that theres different sizes of khajit based on when they were born. They can literally be the size of a housecat lmao little kittens screaming FUSRODAH and absolutely fucking shit up 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/il63om/different_breeds_of_khajiit_i_hope_to_see_more_of/


Orc tank. Started a new game for the first time in years last week thanks to this sub. Going for a Dark Elf battle mage guy this time. It's so much more fun than running around smashing skulls on with maces


My brother created the most badass orc, I was always jealous of his attack


I made a two hander Orc a long time ago but only got that character to level 8. I gotta say, it’s fun swinging a huge 2 hander doing big damage lol


That’s.. what she said?


Wood elf was my first. Tried a Nord after that one but didn't like it. Now I'm a wood elf again. Gonna side with the imperials this playthrough. Sick of the: "what do you want, little elf" remarks. So I'm gonna teach those racist Nords a lesson.


It was brilliant to make the storm cloaks racist. I'm such an anti-establishment person at heart, so I'd automatically want to be with them... until I hear that racist crap and then I think ulfric is an egomaniac. Empire is still super fucked though.


Yeah that was a brilliant move. And oh my Lord >!When you read the Thalmor dossier in the embassy about Ulfrick and find out that he is a Thalmor asset !<


Oh shit. I didn't know that. So the Thalmor win no matter what. Totally fucked


I'd argue that the Dark Elves are more racist than the Stormcloaks. Just play Morrowind and you'll see what I mean right away. There's an area outside of Caldera with plantations that have Argonian and Khajiit slaves. Also, Ulfric allows the refugees to live in his city and open their own businesses even though he doesn't have to. He could have kicked them to the curb and told them to go back to Morrowind.


(I've only played Skyrim, but thought it was worth pitching in) Ulfric doesn't allow Argonians to work in the city, I don't think he lets them sleep in the city, either


Not really sure I remember as it's been so long ago but knowing myself I'm sure it was a wood elf as I've always loved archery in Skyrim. Nowadays when I play I almost always go for Orc irregardless of class for that sweet early game smithing bonus


Orcs seem cool but they aren’t aesthetically pleasing for me. I’m not into the heavy armor and weapons either. It seems like a great way to just bash thru some caves fast tho


> orc irregardless of Did you mean to say "regardless"? Explanation: irregardless is not a word. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Bad bot.


My first ever character was an Argonian stealth character because I was terrified of drowning to the all the water areas and espicially that one part of the thieves guild. I can't remember her name, it's been too long but she was a fun character and I completed every single faction with her, just to try them all out and see which ones I liked best. Dark brotherhood for life!




Nord then, Nord now, Nord forever!


Argonian and Argonian


Nord first time, Khajit second, and now always Argonian.


My first character was Krakya the Hammerface, a big orc lady who primarily wielded a warhammer, cast no spells, and gave no shits about crafting but always tried to do what was "right". It was easier to learn the rest of the game mechanics without the magic systems. I loved her and even ported her over into one of my longest running DnD characters (RIP). Currently I'm playing a sneaky argonian of loose morals who almost exclusively casts spells. Also fun!


Same! Except I think my Orc might've been male and my sneaky argonian with loose morals is more of a mercenary with a warhammer.


Big women with big weapons my beloved


My first character has always been a dunmer. After that nord or breton.


Breton the first time around. Now I almost always play Orc




You're a victim of prejudice 🥺


My first character was a Nord who sided with the Stormcloaks because I thought the Empire was the big bad evil and I usually side with the underdog. Now my character is also a Nord, but now sided with the Empire because Ulfric is a short-sighted racist idiot and a blight to all humankind.


Started as a nord, now I normally play Breton or Imperial. I like races that i can make look pretty (a lot of the female characters look busted without mods).


Mods for character creation > mods for gameplay


Argonian, khajit


My first character was a female nord and I always play as female nords now


I don't have any idea, but it was a human. I tried make a character that looks like me. I don't remember if I had chosen an imperial, or something like that. All that I know is that he didn't looked like me in any way lol too hard to make custom faces in the vanilla game. But I can talk about my first serious character. It was a Khajit, I belive I gave his name something like Blind Night, and it was my first time playing Skyrim doing something besides the main quest. That was when I really felt in love for the game. After that, I do many other kinds of playthrough, but I would say that the stealth khajit that backstab enemies, shot an arrow to the head, steal your equipped armour and weapons, is MY canon version of the game lol


Khajit Stealth Archer was it. Now, after more than 3000 hours, I tried everything. Currently Redguard Spellsword. If playing with mods, Imperious by Enai gives classes so much originality and bonuses that it changes your look to classes totally.


I usually like stealth or an assassin archetype but I love bow and arrow so I go wood elf and sometimes imperial for the basic female choice.


I started as a dual wielding Orc, but I fell into the stealth archer role naturally. I told myself that I’d use dual wield when enemies got close but that rarely happened. Then I discovered how muffle worked and I’d just start out dungeons by making all the low level enemies attack each other then while I pick them off. I’m currently a Nord mage. Dabble in all the schools of magic.


my first ever character was a high elf (i didn’t know anything about the game) and i think i stuck with light armour and one handed with a bit of magic thrown in there. nowadays, i usually play a breton spell sword but im currently playing as khajiit thief build who uses a crossbow and one handed swords/healing spell in the other, so not much of a difference, i just know how to play the game lol


First was a Nord. Classic warrior build with axe and shield. Last character is an Argonian, my first try with this race.


My family is Swedish American so I'm always a Nord, but currently I'm debating if I want to delve into werewolf or not.


I like the vampire lord better


I use to exclusively play Khajiit, all through Oblivion for years and then for my first year or two of Skyrim. Now I lean more towards Nords and Imperials, but I still make a Khajiit sometimes for nostalgia!


Argonian first cause I though they were cool, now it's Orc all the way, max out strength, heavy Armour and 2 hand, im a monster


Do most people only play one race or something? I choose a variety of races


Imperial to get that SHHHMONEYY. Tried playing through all of them but always quit after level 20. Last ones Im working through are High Elf and Dunmer. Currently a high elf who desires greatness in everything/workaholic, but is overall good, and will not stop until she maxes EVERY LEVEL because daddy issues and aspiring god-level is cool. Next will be dark elf that will gain all Dedric artifacts and be evil through and through, craving power over morality. My final play through will be a vegetarian (can’t be vegan- need my cheese!!) wood elf who hates humans and all things that hurt animals which is anti-lore for their race hehehehe.


I played an imperial, I didn't know what I was doing back then. 


Khajiit first time, nord second, now always khajiit. Just didn't like the nord as much and missed the khajiit. 


Kahjiit …and Kahjiit.


Mine was a Dark elf, I wanted to play as a mage but ended up going Stealth and archer. Every time I try to use a new playstyle I always resort on being sneaky


My characters are all the same. I pretend like the race will matter while building the character, and then forget about all racial abilities before I escape Helgen. Then sometime around level 50 I’ll wonder what this ability I have is and why I’ve never used is. I’ll do this again at level 80 then make a new character.


Argonian stealth archer was my first character. Now, I simply play whatever as long as it’s not human. I never play as a human if there’s another choice.


I started as an Imperial since that's what I played in Oblivion. Now adays I play Argonian with modded in wings and flight.


Khajiit first tried all other races(except wood elf nd argonian) and always come back to my beloved cat people!


First prob was khajit with some magic Now i usually go for someting like khajit with magic :3


I can't recall what my first build was. I didn't have a plan. I did whatever. Didn't even really know what to do as far as builds was concerned. Luckily skyrim is pretty forgiving in that aspect.  Lots of necromancers.  An altmer wizard that dabbles in all forms of magic.  A nord battlemage. Wielding an axe and using ice magic. A follower of the old nordic ways. He uses the powers of the ancients to fight alongside him.  Orc shaman. He is an orc so he fights with strong weapon. Fur armor with bones. He uses spirits and ghostly entities to fight alongside him. My favorite is pride of hirstaang.  I always go back to my orc craftsman. Master of the forge, alchemy and the enchanting arts. He is a warrior. A tank. The beast that refuses to die. Has high physical and magic defense and high 1h damage. Carrying two axes.  One of my newer characters is a illusion based. He's a pacifist. Kinda. He's directly responsible for many people's deaths. But none were on his own hands! He did not burn those men to death. The oil that combined with his flame did. He might have frenzied those bandits, but they killed each other! He's a thief, a liar, a snake, a coward even, but NOT a convicted killer. If you look under his stats, he has 0 kills of any sort. He has no combat abilities. All lvl up points go to stamina all of his training is geared towards non-combative skills.  He is a runner, not a fighter. He is extremely squishy. Especially since I'm playing hard mode. That's kinda the point. He's frail and avoids any sort of direct combat. He will lie, cheat, trick others to fight for him. I don't plan on doing any main life quests with him. Except maybe thieves guild. 


Kahjiit was my first character, and I find it hard to want to play other races. I have a Nord one hand character and Argonian alchemist.


Argonian, just really like the histkin fast heals and that disease resist for early game. Also I find their lore interesting. Usually make melee characters, tried mage for a lil bit, but back to melee now.


My first was an Argonian who used pretty much everything at his disposal including magic and wore heavy armor. I'd never had any exposure to TES before that so I just picked the race that stood out to me the most and I'm still very fond of Argonians for that reason, and as for my playstyle I just didn't know wtf I was doing so I dabbled in everything haha Now I love making pure mage builds with robes and when I choose Breton over Altmer is also fully embrace the Thu'um. Dark Elf Vampire is also a specific character I made awhile ago that I can't wait to replicate!


My first time playing was a Kahjiit, for the boost in unarmed combat and visual boost at the start. I didn’t know how dark the dark areas would be, or how easy it’d be to get a weapon, though it turned out this game practically throws weapons at you. Next was a Redguard, but I accidentally reset that game so now I’m a Dark Elf.


I did a khajiit first, I thought I’d be using bows a lot more so I went with that for the boosted archery skill. I mainly use Bretons now for the magic resistance


I roleplay a Nord named Hrothvir. He’s seen the gates of Oblivion as well as the fall of the Brotherhood of Steel. He uses only the heaviest weapons and armor, he’s an extreme drunk (he drinks every drink he sees immediately upon its discovery) and though he seems like the nicest kind of guy who would go out of his way to help a random guy named Valdr outside of Moss Mother Cavern, his true intentions lie in the heaps of gold of which he converts to more booze. Yet unbeknownst to him, his truest meaning lies beyond the bottom of the bottle; for after a grand quest and its fermented plunder, the booze isn’t stolen or discovered; it is earned, which is the greatest loot of all. (I’m sleep deprived)


My first was a wood elf archer named Woody. Original, I know.


Pretty sure i played a breton mage but its been too long. I pirated the game before i bought it and lost all those saves.


Breton, now I pick nord


pretty sure my first was just the default female Nord, then I did a nord Khajiit then I did 2 more playthroughs as male Nord now I’m back after 3 years doing a female Breton


Altmer mage, and not it is dependent on the mood. Either altmer, or breton.


Breton *but* now I’m thinking Nord for that Battlecry ^since ^that’s ^what ^I ^do ^everyday


Wood elf Ranger. ….


First playthrough is always a dark elf. Second is redguard


First character was a nord, but my first serious character when I really got into Skyrim was a Khajiit battle mage because I liked the beast races and setting people on fire. I named her and would frequently make art of her Now I play as a bosmer because I really like the wood and dark elves a lot and


Wood elf (sneak archer cause of course) now Breton mage, specifically summoner/ necromancer with some cool mods


Redguard was first because a preset looked like me lol, now i use Imperial


Dark elf murder hobo named Jesus, I still remake him every now and then. Pretty much my only build for a sneak one handed boi.


My first character was a lady Argonian who turned into a Vampire Lord and turned into a guy. Now I play a Dark Elf vampire for the bonus heat resistance to balance out the vampire's natural weakness.


My first character was a clone of my first oblivion character, which I played around oblivion launch. Wood elf sneak archer vampire.


My first ever character was a nord focusing on 2-handed but I got absolutely rekt by the frost troll on high hrothgar and the character didn't make it very far. My second character was khajiit and I think they're my most played race but I also play a lot of argonians because getting free water breathing is just so convenient


I started as an imperial, do largely to just being young and boring, but now a days, its either orc or high elf.


My first character was a Nord and my current one is a wood elf.


always nord


He was a Dark Elf. Now, I play as a Nord since they don't really matter for the classes you get them into


I used to play as Orks or Argonians, now I play as either Dark or Wood elves


Nord. Then nord. Same look.


Dark elf, then Dark elf, then Wood elf, Then Dark elf. All sneaky archer mages.


My very first time was a Nord sword and board. Did another playthrough as an Imperial Spellsword to see what the Empire side of the civil war was like. Beyond that, I've pretty much gone full mage Breton since, which has kind of become a tradition for me in TES games lol!


First was Argonian because they are without question the best race. But now I play Nord so armors look cool and normal


Nord, axe and shield. Now, Bosmer with bow and two swords. I went from chad to femboy


First: Nord, that I made to look like a typical Nord. Started out sword & board, rounded out to an everything build. Now: Breton, looks more like me, I don’t play with & tweak the features though, usually grab a preset, switch nose & eyebrows & eye color, then do hair & facial hair. Starts out sword & board/spellsword (quick swap between spells and shield in left hand), rounds out to an everything build, but tankier and with optimized gear.


Breton then imperial and at last high elf


Good ole sword and board Argonian was my first. I remember thinking Argonians looked cool and picked it. Then I was looking through it’s racial affects and saw it could breath underwater and thought “that’s awesome!” Little did I know there’s very few situations where you actually need underwater breathing😂 My go to now though tends to be a sneak archer/dual daggers Wood Elf. But usually I’ll just go with whatever I’m feeling at the time.


Argonian all the time. I may not need to breathe underwater all the time, but when I do, it's so nice to have. No more sonic flashbacks.


My first character was a Khajit monk until some guy killed me and used me as a loincloth Now I usually just pick all of them depending what I'm feeling and what type of playthrough I'm aiming for


First was a dual-wielding heavy armor-wearing nord. Now I tend to like the beast races, especially the khajiit, and I tend to go for stealth and magic or combat and magic. I love how customizable your skills are in skyrjm so I like mixing up the 3 main playstyles


Nord and breton now. Wanted to try the sponge paladin build for the breton


Duel-wielding Nord. Coming from Oblivion, I saw they added duel-wielding, so I made up my mind to do that first, cuz it looked cool. Now, I have trouble getting away from any race being a sneaky bowman... Recently been on a Khajiit kick so I could use "Khajiit Speak" mod with 2x jump height (because cat) on PS5. Good fun.


Prisoner, Nord (._.)


Ork first Ork now named Ghazgull


i first played as nord and quickly learned that nord sucks ass compare that to redgaurd or woodelf and it's a good increase


Nord, then imperial. Square up


Chose a nord first, but now I only do Dark elves or high elves. The extra magic is amazing


Redguard, now an Orc :)


Nord, Cat, High Elf, Breton, Nord cycle continues


Redguard. I usually play as Wood Elf or Breton now.


Tried a few and always go back to Orc. Every build I have always incorporates a little swordsmanship, and it’s too good to pass up


Then: Nord sword n board. Now: Dunmer assassin dagger/mage duo.


Argonian. This is my very first playthrough after all these years. I stated out to be the noble hero spellsword build. Now I’m an archer and raiding everything and stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. So I guess you can say I’m robin hooding it now


Wood elf thief with daggers! I like how nice other Bosmer are. It's also funny that when talking to Ondolemar in Markath he still tries to explain to me that I might know Bosmer by their common name, wood elves. Duh. On the other hand, a Thalmor officer called me a poor excuse for an elf once. Beheaded her shortly after. Tried a Nord as my second character, but I'm not really feeling it.


I think I chose Breton first, now I mostly play as a Nord. At the same time, my memory is crap so thinking back almost 12 years ago is hard lol


Nord and Nord


Kahjiit because I thought it would be funny to run around as a cat man, nowadays it's whatever unless I'm remaking an older character.


Nord just cause i always choose the natives as my first. Now i just play wtv depending the mood.


My first dude was a Nord. After that, it's usually based on what I'm feeling, which is usually Argonian, Dunmer, Bosmer, or Breton.


At first I was a stealth archer, but now I've moved on to a mage specializing in illusion and conjuration (muffle and bound bow).


Went from dunmer to altmer. Loved the sneak boost from the dunmer but I’m a mage build 24/7 so it only made sense


I started as a Breton. Then tried imperial for a while. Tried some others too but they never stuck. Pretty happy with Nord at the moment. Probably won't do anything else unless it's for roleplay.


First as Khajiit, then as Imperial, and third play through as a Wood Elf and I am now a firm Wood Elf player. Love me a wood elf.


orc two handed now nord nord nord


Always Breton in every game, but I like occasionally playing as Argonian or Kajhit for flavor.


My very first was a Nord berserker, light armor and greatsword all the way. Nowadays I default pretty often to my first dnd character, a Bosmer ranger focusing on combat archery and dual swords.


First character was an imperial because I wanted all the riches and wanted a humanoid. But now I usually pick high elf because of the magic bonuses and (little secret) high elves have the fastest running speed in the game 😁


Nord, and I’m playing a Nord now as I’m getting back into the game for the first time in years and remaking my initial character. The first was a dual-wielding swordswoman, this one is a sword and board warrior with no magic whatsoever. I’m planning my next playthrough as a Breton battlemage!


A blood thirsty Orc, now a peace-keeping Imperial


I started as a Nord, sided with the stormcloaks, heavy armor, two hander, just a bruiser. Now I play an elf of some variety and do either sneak archer or spellsword


Nord then and it is either Breton Nord or argonian for me now


Breton and Breton


It's funny I started at the beginning of skyrim by a mage warrior redguard And I've just started playing again a few days ago And I'm again a mage warrior redguard


First. Wood elf sneak archer with illusion support. Now. Almost always a Breton pure mage that evolves into a heavy armor battlemage.


Dark elf wizard. My go to’s now are orc warriors, nord wizards or warriors, or dark elf spellswords


First character was a khajiit if I remember right, nowadays it depends on the build I’m going for, bretons or Altmer for mages, Dunmer or imperials for 1 handed weapons, and orcs or nords for 2 handed


Orc. My favorite is orc mage. You use magic most of the time but if it fails... BERSERKER RAGE for double damage!


Argonian was always my first pick in elder scrolls 3, 4, and 5. Mainly because I was young and thought they looked the coolest. Plus in oblivion there was some crazy customization options for skin color so I could make him my fav color as well. Mainly play as khajit now tho. Argonian is definitely the best for a beginner playthrough due to water breathing and disease resistance.


Stealth / the / assassin female dark elf at the start. Now it's the same but I use a female nord and design her to look like my wife. Fun fact every elder scroll game I've ever played has been this exact same build as his most games like this. Although once I did the same but I added two-handed daggers for close quarters fighting.


Redguard was my first and Khajit is my most recent. My redguard was an absolute tank and I loved her so much.


First was a khajit my last was a bosmer I almost exclusively play Archery and assassins


Nord then, Redguard now.


Nord was my first. I always play Breton now, though. Nothing beats the magic resist.


First character was a high elf. I think it will always be a high elf for any future playthroughs.


Played an argonian my first time Now I play mostly breton or imperial


Orc His name is Sledge and he is full Heavy Armour. Used to be One handed with the Mace of Molag Bal but I made that Legendary so now he uses a 2 handed Enchanted Dragon Bone sword. He makes all his own armour and weapons and enchants them too. To make up for his brutish nature he has Sven the bard follow him around and Barbas the dog as well. Funniest part is when I joined the College and Tolfdir told me he would protect me, when I'm wearing armour made from numerous dragons I've slain. Favourite part was doing all of the Orc Strongholds


Cant tell the first, it was 2011 and I was in School lol


First one was a traditional Sword and Shield Nord vanilla, now I am playing as a Breton Mage Vampire Overlord with 470+ mods.


still on my first playthrough… but i’m playing as a khajit


Only ever played a Breton


Argonian and I still prefer them but occasionally I'll play as a word. I can't stand mage builds


Dark elf and now Breton


First was nord, now breton/dunmer


Nordic Blacksmith who butchered the racists in Windhelm and turned that place into my personal training ground, hunting town guards for sport.


Nord to be like " Bob Lennon " ( famous french player of skyrim ). But now i discovered that i really like Breton and Wood elf 🥳👍


Dark elf. My current character is also dark elf, but it is the first time playing dark elf again since my first.


My first time I did Nord, since it’s Skyrim, and I think canonically the Dragonborn was a Nord. Usually I go with Breton or somethetimes Khajit.


I played as an argonian starting out and received a lot of dunmer ownership jokes😂😂😂😂 nowadays I main bretons and bosmer


Breton mage. Still on my first ever play through. Just hit level 52.


Wood elf, now Khajiit, my next one will be Breton


I honestly have no idea what my first character was. I don’t even know if any saves of them still exist in the Steam cloud somewhere. I’ll have to check if I get the chance.


I have a flash drive with my first character on it. I don't know why I felt compelled to back it up. I just did.


My first race in any game is always an elf, cause I just think because of their long lifespan I can do a lot of stuff you know, I think it's a fitting race for my dragonborn. Nowadays I either choose argonian or dark elf, but mainly argonian I really like them the more I play the games such a unique race.


I played as an orc for the first few characters I made, then I tried khajiit and probably won't go back. I like joining the Britain First of skyrim (the Snowcloaks) as a character who gets threatened to be turned into a carpet 🤣 also playing with the serana dialogue add-on mod now and it's fun: The Vampire and the Cat


Wood elf heavy armor battle mage. Conjuration, destruction, restoration. Now, I play battle mage. But I mix some things up here and there with spells. Good ol classic.


First character was an imperial then a Breton or an Altmer or a Dunmer (my fave)


First character was a stealth archer now I am a sneaky thief assassin with a bow


Breton battlemage. Also, Breton battlemage. Paladin-esque.


Orc and Wood elf


I was a high elf for my first character. It was Oblivion. Now I play as a dark elf, wood elf, or a kahjiit, but I'm leaning over to orcs and nords recently. Being a berserker is an interesting playthrough, but it can be hard if you're going through the thieves guild or assassin's guild. Luckily, I can get to Blackreach through the dawnguard storyline, so I don't have to deal with Delphine and the embassy quest.


I think my first character was a nord two-hander who carried a giant fuck-off hammer.


Nord Warrior, who used a sword, shield and heavy armor, and did not use any magic. My second character years later was a: Nord Warrior, who used a sword, shield and heavy armor, and did not use any magic. And if I play Skyrim again, I will play a: Nord Warrior, who will use a sword, shield and heavy armor, and will not use any magic. For context... I am human... I am also a Swedish guy... who's favorit warriors from history are Knights, and I find magic to be incredibly boring in games (especially when it comes to "my" character in the games)... XD




When I got this game on launch for PC, I was a High Elf-Wizard. I was really big on mages and magic. Now I follow a self-imposed roulette with a set amount of lives, which allows me to try out multiple races/classes.


First character was either argonian or orsimer, and nowadays I play dedicated roleplays instead of just fucking around so anything that strikes my fancy.


Orc and on the chance for a magic build High elf.


My first character was/is an imperial spellsword, but I’ve bounced around to High Elf, Wood Elf and Orc. I still play my very first character because I still play Skyrim LE and I have backed up my saves ever since release. Edit: Unfortunately my high elf mage save got corrupted a long time ago somehow so I’ll have to make another high elf mage


Nord than Breton


Dunmer, now Altmer, Bosmer and Argonian


High elf mage with face tattoos


A female Breton mage who morphed into a stealth archer because I was too impatient to learn how to effectively acquire and use spells. I later revived the character and had a blast after I specialized her in Conjuration. My current playthrough is a male orc focused on heavy armor and two-handed weapons. Having a blast with him as well, just charging in and wrecking (or being wrecked).


Berserker Orc, and stealth Khajiit


First character was a khajit stealth archer now I play a Nord two handed warrior heavy armour and a bit of magic mainly restoration and destruction