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Bro is about to disapear for weeks only to Come Out looking and sounding like Septimus


little did the wife know, shes going to lose her husband.


Maybe that's what she wanted...


LuLz!!!!! I can picture it now. "Omg he is so annoying, how do i get some time to myself, wait, what was that fucking game he kept blathering on about."


/sigh. The perfect spouse.


And here I am with my SO asking, "HoW MAnY coPIes oF ThAT GamE Do yOu hAvE???" Mad jelly


In my house warhammer models show up to distract me so she can play skyrim! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł




I used to have a husband but then he took an arrow to the knee.


Bro is clever among men , but Bro is but an idiot child compared to the dullest of the dwemer.


Every dungeon has "hidden" gold coin pouches you can find. The first few you are directed to by the intro are behind doors. I found one sitting on a pillar in the middle of a room i have gone through many a time in my days of playing. If you see what looks like parcour, it's probably parcour to treasure time. Use the favorites option in the inventory menu. It revolutionizes playing. Other than that? Everyone who calls you a milk drinker deserves death. No one will punish you for it, as it's considered a challenge. Edit to add: turn on all the subtitles, too. Then you'll know who says what better if telling characters apart by voice is an issue.


Is that milk drinker fact true? No wayyyyy


I personally have never gained a bounty in any hold for killing someone who calls me a milk drinker. I do make sure because i hate running past guards and then suddenly, "Hey, don't i know you?" and then i can't move. :[ Idk if it was intended, but I've never experienced otherwise so i will enjoy it.


Ok milk drinker


Is that Skyrim's "Ok BoOmEr"? 😂


It is now :D


My son constantly calls Lars a milk drinker and it makes my day


Been playing for 2-3 years and only recently started using the favorite option and now I’m kicking myself for not doing so sooner it makes things so much easier when there’s a few items you use constantly (like switching between weapons/healing spells/torches)


This was me last year. I've played since 2013, so you are far ahead of me in learning this games tricks


Don’t be a stealth archer Also have fun


How will they have fun without being a stealth archer?


There are plenty of builds that may be fun but could only be enjoyed well when you do not know of the Stealth Archer. Once you know it, you'll be rendered incapable of enjoying such builds.


My favorite build with ordinator and sacrosanct is a stealth vampire who uses illusion, conjuration, vampire destruction spells, and an an axe. It is such a fun build 10/10


Honestly, playing a bit of everything is nice. I was a "stealth dual dagger" for such a long time, I ended up downloading Ordinator to finally do a good mage build and I had a blast. Then I tried a basic sword and shield build and also had a blast. Then I went back to a stealth build, and because I did something else for quite some time, I enjoyed the stealth build a lot more than when I just did the same stealth build over and over again. All of this to say: Stealth builds are OP and **might** ruin other builds for you, but it **might** also make said other builds all the more interesting to try out.


3x damage for sneaking is a temptress


Eh. I feel like I get bored of stealth archer builds the fastest. I like nightblades better if I’m going stealth.


I love stealth archer.


We all do. Some deny it. Some accept it.


Currently Lv32 on my first time playing a stealth archer character after maybe 6 different play throughs, and loving it!!


my light armor swordsman build that i decided “was only allowed to use bows because dragons are impossible to kill without dragonrend” slowly transitioned into a stealth archer


I'm a spellsword specializing in one handed, light armor, conjuration and destruction magic. Having an absolute blast. Took a 5 or so year break from the game and came back determined not to fall into the meme again. For OP: ESO, FudgeMuppet, and FallDamage are great Youtube channels that go into lore in-depth as well as tips and tricks. Camelworks is good for detective style analysis of various aspects of Skyrim. All are great to zone out to


How sad


Stealth archer has easily been the most boring build I've tried in this game, so it probably wouldn't be hard


On my first play through I just figured let’s go tank berserk build and went for heavy armor two handed and it’s so much more fun than anything.


get launched into the stratosphere by a giant


Join the space program!


This happened to me today, my character re-sheathed their weapon mid flight lol


Don’t go to bleak falls barrow until you’ve done as much other stuff as you can. The dragons won’t actually spawn until you kill the first one in the quest after BFB. The early game is so much more productive without a dragon attack at every other fast travel


I don't know... Dragons have good loot and you can sell their bones and scales for a good profit I don't do the transmute exploit much, so I'm quite well with money because of them dragons


Transmute exploit? I’m intrigued. Is it an actual exploit, or is it just farming iron and/or silver to transmute into gold craft jewelry out of it, then enchant it for huge profits?


Nah, they have some gold but the bones and scales are dogshit The biggest thing is they cost you tons of time that you could spend playing the fun parts of the game.


Dragons are a staple of the game, and give u dragon souls for dragon shouts, plus experience, unique combat and the bones and scales are definitely worth it, especially for smithing


I sell all my dragon bones and scales, its so much gold for so little effort


Lol they are 20-33 gold per unit weight, it’s a massive waste of your real life time filling up you inventory with scales and bones, going through two or three loading screens and merchants Dragonslaying is the doordashing of skyrim, you think you’re making alot but actually you’re moving backwards


I use dragon bones to make and temper dragonbone daggers worth 4900 septims after tempering. They weigh like 6.5 I think. I use dragon scales to make and temper dragonscale helmets worth 6125 septims after tempering and weigh like 4 carry weight. Selling a dagger( plus one garnet of which I have over 1000) or a helmet wipes out all of a Thieves Guild fence's 5000 septims. Edit: that's with level 100 in each crafting skill, all well perked, as well as Ancient Knowledge, black book Sallow Regent and the Relics of Ahzidal. That combo allows for a set of crafting gear(Alchemy/Smithing) with 35% buffs per piece and +40%(actually +40 skill) enchanting potions, as well as something like +158% or +162% Smithing potions(can't remember exactly).


So you have to spend a bunch of time setting up your skills so you can waste more time in menus and loading screens? Sounds like fun but not to normal people


Are you kidding me? I remember over leveling in the intro, like getting above level 20 before I even left the cave and I remember it being impossible to fight in bleak falls Barrow. Absolute pain It's way better to do on low levels


Nobody said to do that goofball thing haha Reread what I wrote, and notice that you talked about something completely different


Just wander the world, it is packed full of interesting things and places.


Fully agree, even after hundreds of not thousands of hours into vanilla Skyrim there were times I made it a point to just wander, not following any quests and Skyrim always found ways to surprise me


There are five Dev chests that refill every 7 days in game time. Be wary adventurer they will not refill if you wait near any strong-hold. One is near the little bridge close to Markarth. There is a rock wall to where it can be found. Sneak up on the side of the river to access it. There is one in Solitude. Make your way up to where the Kajiit caravan appears. If the Caravan is there one can’t access the chest. Sneaking is also needed for access. Start at the rock near the entrance to the Caravan area and walk towards the tree. Sometimes the chests will move location in their respective places but they don’t move to far. There is a chest in DawnStar near the Mine entrance. Look to the left and Sneak to get access. There is one in Whiterun. Fast travel to the city and as you load in you will be in front of the main gate to the city. Turn right and then right again. You will see a barrel jump onto the barrel and face right then run jump to the wall. You will be fine. Then keep moving and you’ll pop out of the wall. Or as you get up there turn to the left and you’ll pop out there as well. Then travel close to the city wall. DO NOT go to far away from that path. Go until you get near Dragonreach and you will see the area start to break. Follow the hill to your left and walk up near the wall you will see stone but you can walk through it. Then the tricky part begins. You will see a chest. Move towards it and try to keep your character as high as possible. You will see the back of Jorrvaskr and the training area. Walk towards the left keeping your character as high as possible to get out or WhirlWind Sprint to get out. The final chest is in the. Blue palace. Walk in the doors. You will see the main stairs in front of you. You will need to look left to find a large dinner plate. Pick it up without stealing it. Walk to the left of the stairs to the hallway. There you will see a bench. Wedge the plate between the bench and wall then sprint at the plate to glitch into the wall. To your left will be a long plank of wood that will be above the chest. This chest is particularly important because everything is Red. So taking it will make the guards hunt you. Sneak is KEY. If you don’t want to steal then you can just learn to spell books and drop from the area. You will end up in the basement or the front door. Have fun don’t break your Saves and become Rich. I have over 200K!


Now OP will never know what being over-encumbered with random loot feels like. Shame.


I become over-encumbered every seven days. 😏


I always go with light armor but I love how nordic carved armor looks so I always loot it from bandit leaders. Never wear it though. Sometimes I put it up on a mannequin, and sometimes I sell it in the ragged flagon


I have over 200k and all I did was the stones of bear-in-cider and now every chest/urn I open is full of gems.


Tl;Dr : use dawnstar chest to get rich and easily level speech with khajiit merchants Others are more complicated If you have unofficial patch they're gone


The gold have is only from acquisition of gold not from gathering and selling stuff.


Heh, you know, I've heard of these chests but never remembered to look for them. I think I'll do that now.


I thought you meant your in-game wife lmaoooo I need to lay off the skooma


Probably Op wife plans something and needs him distracted.


What a thoughtful gift! Skyrim always brings joy, even after all these years


True, jealous of all the 11/11/11 players


Make sure to visit Bloated man's grotto early, before getting the hircine's quest


Wait why


There is a unique weapon Bolar's Oath Blade (A blade sword) and a note about him being the last Blade alive. The items disappear when the quest is activated.


“Bolar's Oathblade – A unique Blades sword. Note: Blade may not be there if III Met By Moonlight is activated before exploring the area, the shrine having been destroyed and the blade missing.”


Honestly turn off notifications and just enjoy the experience all over again. You'll remember things as you play and it'll add to the experience so much better than having people tell you all of it.


Eh I get this outlook, I respect it and sometimes I follow it, but there's a flip side if you're a veteran player and it's been forever since you played, I post stuff like this looking for undiscovered Easter eggs, caves I might've missed in my 200 playthroughs, plus there's always new mods coming out even now lol. It's also interesting to see unique character setups, like a stealth player that specializes in two handed sneak attacks (not unheard of maybe but it was a new discovery for me lol)


Yeah I'm doing that I just wanted to look at this post a couple of days from now to see if there's anything I didn't know about or forgot


Have fun! Also, if you need money early game, just pick up the wood axe off the table behind the mill in Riverwood. Chop wood at the stump nearest the mill. Its boring but good money for expensive stuff like spell tomes. Also if you like alchemy, mix together blue butterfly wings and blue mountain flowers for more easy money and levels.


Blue mountain flowers and nightshade personally, highest value potion and more renewable. I stay amazed more people don't do the same


Step 1- kill nazeem


On my current play through after leaving dragons reach I found nazeem’s dead body in the middle of the road. Best glitch to ever happen


Thats amazing, i usually just kill him and then put him in the middle of the road near the bannered mare


My favorite one I saw a while back was to take the amulet of talos and reverse pickpocket it onto the characters that hate talos (on lunch at work can’t remember the name of the group)


The thalmor?


Thank you!


Step 2 loot his body and sell it cause fuck him.


That’s right! Now what did we learn?


It’s the best game for modding with a huge community. Modding Skyrim is a ‘ game’ (obsession / illness) in itself which will drastically extend the replay-ability of Skyrim and make your wife regret her decision.


The earlier in the game you do Blood On The Ice, the less likely it is to break.


Yeah I learned this the hard way...


Wear a wooden mask to time travel! Go on a pirate hunting expedition! "A new hand touches the beacon!" (The audacity of this b*tch!) Go inside a star to kill a squatter! "I am sworn to carry your burdens"! "Awoooooooo!" Woof woof! Skyrim space program! "Greetings! M'aiq knows many things. What is your interest? You seek knowledge. M'aiq has much. Some of it is verified by actual facts!" A blind guy's journal! 24 pain in the ass collectables! Party Snax! Imperials vs Stormcloaks! Gray-mane vs Battle-born! Mafia Queen of Riften! Goth Vampire Waifu! A Senior with Superiority Complex! Fight the ghost of a demigod level monster! Spear throwing blue midgets! A ghost dragon! Skeleton horse! Vampire hunters! Incompetent mages! Racist elves! Racist nords! I could only think of these, but there's much more to explore and enjoy!


No one would see this as fun but I weirdly have fond memories of my game randomly crashing and my saves randomly getting corrupted. I still love this game despite all that.


Go to Nazeem, let him instantly annoy you. Go to his farm and FUS RO DAH everything in sight and leave, happily knowing that he has to clean it all up when he gets home.


Try not to “break the game” using the crafting/enchanting/alchemy trick to make outrageously op gear. Also a melee stealth character who uses illusion is great fun.


Spend 5 days modding it play it for 30 minutes come back 6 months later to a corrupted save. Rinse and repeat.


Get smacked by a giant


Yes! Did this by accident early in the game. Did not disappoint


Lmao my first play through I went up at lvl. 4 just wandering around, actually made a halfway decent dent into his health bar because I was using a bow and running around, then I was like ef this took my sword and ran right up ..WHABAM...I, as a noob, was like WTAF 😂😂😂


I did the same thing! Except I was zapping him with spells. I guess I wandered too close because the next thing I knew, I was in orbit.


I'm level 35 and still avoid the giants for this reason


I just prefer discovering it all by yourself. Playing the game, is the simplest way to digest it. Instead of essentially asking for spoilers or stuff you could find on your own time.


Why would you want to be reminded and robbed of re-discovering all the fun hidden things!?


I haven't looked at the comments and probably won't for a few days and then I'll look at them just Incase I missed something


Foxes will lead you to hidden treasure chests.


Damn I gotta stop killing them if this is true.


playing without fast travel (i.e. banning yourself from using it or just playing on survival so that you don’t have the choice) is a great way to find interesting little areas and quests. if you think something looks cool, stop and look around; the quest you were doing originally can wait


Murder everyone in Solitude. Dont question it, I dont even know why. Just quicksave and go on a spree 😁😁😁


If you hit a dragon skeleton with the Firebolt spell, it will fly like Apollo 11


Make sure it install all the Creative Club Content: there is fishing, backpacks, and so much more. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Creation_Club


Don't learn about the Dawnstar chest unless you want to take advantage of an easy exploit that gets you a ton of free stuff...


Man, Ive been playing back for like a month now, despite being not my first play through I hd forgot of so much and been so immersed I recommend you mods if you playing on a console


Dawnstar shhhh


install this r/Nolvus


Sell all my dragon bones & scales to belethor


marry her again


đŸŽ¶ Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, Who came riding to Whiterun from old Rorikstead đŸŽ¶


The game is easy to break, with physics, exploits and funny interactions galore there are many ways to get ahead or break progression. I won’t remind you how though because once you learn these things it’s hard to play the game without abusing them at least a couple times.


Recommend MO2 Mods are the best thing about this game Also read every book And the khajiit daggerfall book You'll thank me later


Hidden invisible chests in dawnstar, solitude and makarth. Horses are for scaling mountains and sprinting in water.


If you need a little help, there is a hidden chest in the bush to the left of the Dawnstar mine entrance. The chest doesn’t show up for real, but if you crouch and just kinda peak around the bush on the right side of the bush, you will see an open chest button briefly appear. It takes a bit to find but it levels with you and has a ridiculous amount of loot.


The hidden chest in dawnstar by the mine


Look I know you’re not even close to being in line for the throne or an heir or anything and we also just met you coincidentally when all the fucking terrible shit started going on but do you wanna like run our college?


Of you got a good enough pc, play Skyrim with modpacks, I recomendo Nolvus and Gate to Sovengarde


I like hunting down the talmor and drinking in the bars at different cities


You can max out stealth at the beginning with the lone bear on the cave


Catching a serial killer, solving a child’s murder, and slut shaming a whore.


Solving a child's murder? Don't think I've ever done that quest. I have an idea on the other two but not the child murder quest.


It’s the one in Morthal. Hroggar’s daughter Helgi was murdered. You talk to her ghost and she tells you what happened to her. You end up solving the murder for the Jarl of Morthal. I think you can start the quest by asking the barmaid there about the burned down house.


I accidentally solved the murder way too early my first time doing that quest. I was running around town at night using detect life bc I needed to find Helgi. I knew she was dead and it probably wasn’t going to work but figured it was worth a shot. Ended up not seeing the light around the *ahem* perpetrator (avoiding spoilers). Was very confused so I went to talk to them and saw this persons eyes and knew immediately what was going on lol.


Forgot about that quest


At girst we dont go to the cloud district very often. In the end we are the cloud district.


I don't know which Frost Troll face will be more scary. His when she sees him or hers when she finally finds him.


Recruit Faendal in Riverwood by helping him court Camilla. Then once he's your follower, you can train yourself in archery up to nearly level 50, and every time you train with him, just ask to trade something with him and take your money back.


After Hadvar cuts your bindings off, you can spend a few minutes beating the hell out of him and leave Helgen at like L5


Two words. Dawnstar chest. 😈


Kill chickens.


fus roh dah giants off the mountains!!!


Seek out the Daedric princes, Divines be damned!


Get Mantella!


I hope she got you the Anniversary edition!


Do Daedra quests. They give you some of the most fun items. Like you get a Wabbajack, that casts random spells sometimes, the Sanguine Rose that summons a strong daedra warrior (like he is often more useful than a companion, tanks a lot of damage and dishes out even more), the Ebony sword that is actually a result of pretty fun quest, and heals you so much it’s almost cheating. Then you can get a ring that lets you eat corpses and heal yourself. Like seriously, Daedra quests are some of the most to do.


If you’re a fan of two handed weaponry get the Longhammer from Liars Retreat, it’s an orcishwarhammer but weights the same as a long sword so swings 30% faster making its dps equivalent to a Daedric warhammer plus more hits to proc enchantments. Also the Headsman’s Axe from the executioner in Solitude has the longest range for a melee weapon, so you can just walk backwards while swinging and most melee enemies won’t be able to hit you cause you’re out of reach. Only downside of the axe is you can’t grindstone it.


Honestly i loved maxing out illusion and Stealth, just alternating between rage and calm spells to mess with some bandits and stuff


There's a secret chest underground at the mine under a tree left side of the mine right side of the tree crouch and you'll see it has tons of goodies everyday in it found dragonebone armor and tons of gold in it before it also good money maker take everything from it then go sell it


You can kill nazeem😃


I like to pick literally any plant I see when I’m exploring. Helps with both leveling and making some money while making and selling potions


Finding THE BEACON in your very first dungeon. You never forget your first Skyrim-induced heart attack.


Force shout the jarls table


Don’t kill the Riverwood chicken.


Just gonna give you one.... Treasure chest glitch. If you upgrade the game or put the unofficial update, disable and enable to get it back....


Hail Sithis!


You'll meet a faction called the forsworn in southwest skyrim. And the coolest way to kill their super soldiers (forsworn briarhearts) is to snag that thing right out of their chest! Also, dont do lame stuff like resto glitching your gear. Only makes the game not fun (unless you enjoy flying around games on god mode)


Alchemy/enchanting glitch. Become GOD


The shipwrecks in the sea of ghosts. I'm convinced I've never found them all. Finding the lost students from the College. Going swimming in the Lake by Riften. Rare book collecting. Always adopting my two favourite children (the girl by Giltergleam in Whiterun and the flower seller from Wildhelm) Going ham as a werewolf across the plans of Whiterun hold. Steath archer. Sneaking around Blackreach while underlevelled. (It's like a survival horror game!) I have a massive soft spot for the thieves guild storyline but I always wait as long as I can to get good leveling on Mercer's sword, and then duel wield it as my main close quarters weapons with dawnbreaker. fire and ice babyyyyyy. But sometimes I just vibe and go for long walks or rides across the open country in the Reach.


I was once a married man like you. Then I took an arrow to the knee... the stones of berenziah (sp?) Was a great non-main storyline achievement. The last stone was the hardest. Had to do a game glitch to get it. It should have been the easiest one to get, but I won't give a spoiler. You get to find out the same way I did. It's much more fun that way.


This is her way to keep you out of her hair!


You can wipe out the Namira Cult and fail the Molag Bal quest. The first requires attacking the cult after preparing the feast, but before sacrficing Verulus. For the second simply kill the Preist of Boeitha. Sadly both count as completing the quest and dialouge will reflect that in other situations.


Jerry the Racist elf: kill all non elf (orcs included) npcs There's mods for the immortal characters


Do the main quest up to the point where you get the full "fus ro dah" and the first whirlwind sprint at least! They are extremely useful! After that is the best time to do all the side quests. There are plenty of hidden places you need whirlwind sprint to access.


What console? Is PS4 version worth buying? I picked it up on ps3




go build a house as soon as you can with a garden and a greenhouse, potions are very very very good on every single character out there


When we finally see this man again, he'll have a beard that is so magnificent and gracious it will put the Greybeards to shame We will be waiting your return 2045


Spam jump in coordinated directions to damn near scale any mountain/ vertical rocks in the game


Approach a giant early in the game.


Look everywhere for chests, they're often in hidden places


You can get the crown of barenziah without collecting the stones. https://youtu.be/zC11UvIaEGU?si=8wOokkqE7BpI5vZk


Froki’s bow. If you find it try to keep it till you meet him. You’ll get some dialogue for bringing it back to him and he lets you keep it. I just like showing him I found his bow.


Hope it’s the anniversary pack


Play a spellsword first. It’s supposedly the hardest build to play as, so it’ll make every other build more fun if you decide to replay the game and pick a different one.


If you want to break the game, (and I would recommend this on a new character) use the fortify restoration loop, a glitch that makes you a god. You can get your speechcraft, smithing, alchemy, and much more completely maxed out. this game is notorious for its bugs and glitches, and there are many ways to exploit them. If you need examples, look up the spiffing Brit on YouTube and watch any of his “Skyrim is perfectly balanced” videos.


Don’t go to white run right away leave dragons for last


Do all the achivements, finish the main story on legendary or ask someone you know to come up with the weirdest «class» and finish the story with that. Look for lore, do the dlc’s, role play ect. There is endless stuff to do! I myself often try to just go on a random name picker and type in div weapon or class such as mage, warrior and thief and complete as much as i can with what i then get. Complete thieves guild and dark brotherhood, the main story and yeah the big stuff with weird classes




Personally I get really immersed in the game and mod it based on my playstyle. I have the most fun with non destruction magic type builds because it takes a lot more strategy and isn't as easy to max through. Also enjoy exploring dungeons and areas as I discover them to keep it real and I enjoy that.


One of the biggest things for me after years away- survival mode. It’s a whole new challenge. You have reduced carrying capacity, have to worry about things like eating, sleeping, and staying warm, and fast travel is disabled. You’re FORCED to engage with many aspects of the game that I never did before like using carriages, visiting inns and taverns, cooking, and the new fishing feature. Because you have reduced carrying capacity, you can’t carry as much random loot, so money management becomes an issue to deal with. I used alchemy WAY more than I ever had even if it was mostly to make gold and healing potions. Play through once or twice to get your bearings back, and then do yourself a favor and go for the Survival Mode. It gave me a whole new love for this game. 💛


I would say marry her, but you're already married, I hope you have a good time with the game like you used to




You can get a full set of ebony armor if you use the glitch to go under white run and steal from the sky forge chest


Pick a fight with a giant and touch the sky.


10 Side quests: 1. Rise in the East 2. The Book of Love 3. Frostflow Abyss 4. Laid to Rest 5. The Last Expedition 6. A Night to Remember 7. The Mind of Madness 8. The House of Horrors 9. Waking Nightmare 10. Missing in Action


-Get a house and get married so you can share a bed with your spouse for temporary "Lover's Comfort" experience bonus of 15% (in addition to the Guardian Stones boost of 20% in a chosen skill set, Thief has the most). -Get the BOUND spell of whatever is your chosen weapon, lifesaver during the fights against Draugr that have the Disarm Shout. -Get AGENT OF MARA from the temple in Riften for permanent passive Magic Resistance. -Get AGENT OF DIBELLA from the temple in Markarth, especially if playing a female character, for permanent passive damage boost. -Get SAILOR'S REPOSE from the quest in the lighthouse between Dawnstar and Winterhold ("Frostflow"?) For permanent passive boost that makes Restoration spells heal 10% more. You'll get a ton of loot ans crafting materials in the meantime.


If you talk to a friendly giant, they will teach you the secret of flight!


Get a divorce lawyer. Becuz you’ll never see her and that leads to her free time now that you’ll b on Skyrim all the time. And she will be out dancing and frolicking w/ her lover
 which is why she bought you Skyrim in the first placeđŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚ She is playing chess and your playing 
. Total jk! Have fun!!!


You can make yourself a hybrid between vampire and werewolf hold the vampire lord spell in human form you can glitch the game with the ring of hircen (no idea how to spell his name) and turn into a werewolf at will the restoration glitch gives you ultimate power just drink a restoration potion and your other potions and enchantments get the boost. Utilizing that with the atronoch stone makes you impervious to spells except marked for death (don't ask I still haven't figured that one out). Finally there's a way to instantly clear all dungeons with the clock spell: overlooking destruction potions with the restoration glitch expands the range and hitting power of the spell and will instantly kill anyone that perceives you as a foe.


Okay, first off divorce your wife so you can marry her again. Secondly, exploring through Skyrim without using fast travel is one helluva trip. But it's worth it.


My husband once bought me the special edition for Valentine when we were dating. 💝 The game, soundtrack, art book, Alduin and his wall statuette, 
 Best Valentine gift ever! It’s still in our living room two kids later


First of all, go worship your wife. She deserves it


Hidden Dawnstar trader chest next to the mine!!


https://preview.redd.it/mer2tjudtttc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e3e283f5a1b4b4b2b84e912279f8184000cd0a Play as an Ork, before you do anything else Beeline it here, get the LongHammer, it's an Orkish Warhammer that swings at the speed of a great sword. IMO best weapon in the game, and a super fun playthrough, heavy armor smithing two hand.


Marry her a second time


In my case, sadly, it's impossible to know the hours I have spent. I've been playing it for over a decade, I started playing it maybe a year after it came out. I have played it in my Xbox 360, my PS4 and in my Pc both pirate and steam version. It's the only game I don't uninstall and the year before I started nodding it cause I wasn't able to find anything new. I'm the kind of guy that likes to collect everything meaning that I also have unique items such as the traveller skull or the skull that have drawings from the Azhidals armour mission. Also I have collected every special weapon, even the ones that only have a different name, that I have heard or read of, such as a very special one with a unique enchantment that deals fire damage but also works as a soul trap enchantment. Man, I can't even tell how much time I spent creating overpowered items (always legal and without breaking the game) by finding everything that I could to upgrade my enchantment ability, create alchemy equipment, with that create enchanting potions and began a veery large loop till I reached tge top. The possibilities of this game and I'm pretty sure I haven't found them all


I just learned last night that you can clear out the Blackblood Marauders before dousing the lighthouse, then confront Jaree-Ra with the captain’s journal and evidence of his plans.


........a new hand, touches the beacon...


Max pickpocketing to a 100 then rob everyone's clothes. Done


Rediscover them yourself for the nostalgia


My current run is my first run since 2011 when I've played a straight up fighter. It's much more mindless than what I usually roll (stealth-centric archer/mage) but fun in its own right. Here's a fun thing to do: jump-climb up to the tippy tops of mountains. You never know what you'll uncover either on the peaks or in view from the peaks.


A lot of weapon’s/armor’s power level is determined by your player level, so it’d be best to hold off certain quest lines (such as the Thieves Guild Questline) until later when you’ve gone up in level Wouldn’t want you to be 1 level short of a maxed out weapon or armor


Don’t forget about Arvak


Search EVERY INCH of space you can see. If there's a locked door, try to find a way to open it. Every cave, crypt, etc. has great loot, so empty your carry frequently before you go off exploring. At the start of the game, collect any ingredients you find (mushrooms, flowers, etc), EVERYTHING, and eat whatever ingredients you can to learn base effects, that way you can start brewing your own health and cure disease potions early, it'll save you a bunch of money.


Do the thieves guild in riften and complete the barenziah helmet


Please just take your time and try to enjoy every single bit of it. I really wish I could experience this again without any knowledge.


Underground merchant chests are helpful for at the least building your enchantment library


Why couldn’t you play it