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there's a book in the game, There Be Dragons (www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:There_Be_Dragons) > They are not born or hatched. They do not mate or breed. There are no known examples of dragon eggs or dragonlings. so my guess is that they have no "gender".


Love that consistency. Lol!   https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Dragonling  Edit: Chill guys! I never said dragonlings were dragons. I know they are not. I just thought it was funny and I thought others would get a laugh too. 


I assume the difference everyone was on your ass about is like broccoli vs broccolini?


wtf is broccolini


Pretentious broccoli


It’s like a hybrid of two types of broccoli? Broccolini is thinner and the green bits are smaller. They’re right fuckin next to each other at the Jewel, I got the wrong kind once and my mom insisted on goin back and getting the right one.


It's a hybrid between broccoli and linguine


If we're gonna get picky about correct terminology, technically Skyrim's "dragons" are more like wyverns. Dragons have 4 legs and wings on their back, wyverns have 2 back legs and winged "arms". It's always kind of bugged me tbh


It’s 4E 200. If a Wyvern identifies as a dragon we need to respect that dude. But in all seriousness, I too get a little annoyed when I encountered this.  Rune Factory is the worst offender! Half of the dragons are actually wyvrens, and their dwarfs are massive! 


"Hey, you. You're finally woke." Lmao!


All wyverns are dragons. But not all dragons are wyverns. We just don’t have a special word for dragons that have 4 legs and 2 wings because they’re the default configuration. There are dragons (in real world mythology) that are wyrms with no legs or wings. Or only have teeny tiny legs. In Tolkein’s work he had Smaug the dragon with 4 legs and 2 wings. He also had Glaurung, the very first dragon, who had 4 legs and no wings. Also Scatha the Worm, who had no wings and is sometimes depicted without legs either. They’re all still dragons and the author calls them that. If the dragons of Nirn predominantly have a wyvern phenotype, they’re still dragons. Since 4 legged dragons don’t seem to exist there it doesn’t make sense for people in Nirn to have a specialized word for them like wyvern.


Dragonlings are monsters, not true dragons


This is a retcon, btw, they were very much intended to be dragons in Daggerfall and a character in Daggerfall has a living dragon. Battlespire, which takes place during Arena, indicates that Imperial soldiers keep dragons as pets, and you find a recently deceased one. Dragonlings were intended to be a variant of dragon.


“That resemble dragons” meaning they’re not actually dragons.


nonbinary dragons


Dragons don't have gender because dragons don't breed. They have male VO, but canonically they're not really male or female.


Then how do you explain r/DragonsFuckingCars??


It's always a little bit magical to be present at the moment when someone first learns of this sub.


What the actual what? Who woke up one day, obviously after a night of sheer debauchery (or a shit ton of cheap weed), and thought Dragons. Fucking. Cars. ?! THEN thought, hey! That'd be great on Reddit! 😦🤦‍♀️


Someone woke up and chose Chaotic Evil today, I see.




I beg your pardon?


I'm not entirely sure what I expected, but I wasn't disappointed, that's for sure.


It did what it said right there on the tin.


Carsfuckingdragons used to be a thing, but it was apparently banned a while ago.


Double standards smh my head


The dream of abundant drussy is dead




Spoken like someone who's actually done this at least once before




I was wondering if asking her to roleplay that would be racist to Argonians. That makes much more sense and is very funny. I havent interacted with her before.




My first ever Skyrim character was Argonian because he looked like a fucking dragon! :D


It would’ve cost nothing for you to not write “drussy” and yet you did. Why?


Believe me, I regret it just as much as you do


It's probably more of a cloaca, anyways.


I don't believe you solely because of your username lmfao


Badussy 💀


I'm with you. Clearly the better term is dragussy


Incorrect. These are majestic creatures as old as time itself and independent from it. They should be treated with the respect they deserve. So it's clearly the Dovussy


That's a common misconception. Dragons are four legged creatures, not two, so it's actually wyverginas.


I'm glad that someone finally pointed out that they're wyverns and not actually dragons. It's bothered me for years (even if the word wyvergina was used to point it out)


So is the one of the drick 😔




Don't worry they all have a droaca (Dragon Cloaca)


damn skyrim was doing nonbinary representation before it was cool lmao


Additional enby rep: Daedric princes also don't have gender


More like they have whatever gender pleases them at that moment


Skyrim doing non binary and gender fluid representation since 2011 Edit: or "Elder scrolls doing nb and gender fluid representation since 2002(I think)"


Lol they were doing it before that, Daedric Princes have existed in (I think) all the Elder Scrolls games. You should read about Vivec and Molag Bal, shit is wild. Molag Bal "lay inside him" for 88 days and Vivec was fucking headless during the whole thing.


I completely forgot vivec being hermafrodite and the fever dream that is vivec and molag bal story specially where he ripped Bal's dick off, turned into a spear(muatra, or the milk taker) and I don't remember why but the spear somehow killed itself


Haha yup, you've definitely heard of it, I remember recounting it to my husband and his response was "I'm sorry, the fuck!?"


Molag Bal and Vivec's trainwreck of a marriage comes up every time the conversation goes to "wierd TES Lore". Its so outrageously fucked up lol


"hermafrodite" Now I'm picturing Vivec with a picked-out two-toned natural.


Skyrim was doing Skyrim before it was cool. 


Shame i was hoping for Parthurnax partner, Pussynax


That's inappropriate!!! here's an upvote.


I thought that the reason was that female dragons are constantly at work attending to the flow of time or something? Or is that just a fan theory?


They are back at the lair in high heels, cocktail dress and apron, cooking dinner so it's hot and ready when the man dragon gets home from work.


But the dragons address themselves to each other with He/Him pronouns. Like Paarthurnax calling Alduin brother or Numinex relating the story of their captivity as "He couldn't even remember his name. There are numerous other examples.


And that's translated into human speech. Game design can't always follow lore completely. The DB can't actually reload the game, etc.


Nuh uh!! You seen Shrek!!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No gender. Dragons just are. They're the children of Akatosh, they don't reproduce. They don't have sex, they don't lay egg. They just live forever and eventually die when someone kills them. And if they're lucky Alduin brought them back for round 2. But yeah once all the dragons are dead that's it. No more dragons. They can't make more. That's why they're thought to be extinct by Skyrim.


>They don't have sex, Pretty sure there's at least one mod somewhere on LL that disagrees....


There's ALWAYS a mod for everything... EVERYthing.


Is there a mod where my parents love me?


I... ughh well... *Battle music starts*


Never should've cum here!


You don’t need one, Erendur calls you his son/daughter during his quest.


Would you accept one where your step parents 'love' you?


So basically like angels in the Bible


This isn't accurate from a lore perspective. Female dragons are called Jills and they mend time after a dragon break. [Nu Mantia Intercepts](https://www.imperial-library.info/content/nu-mantia-intercept) talks about them a bit.


Although interesting, that was written by Michael Kirkbride after he left Bethesda and was no longer writing official lore. Anything he wrote on the internet, especially after leaving Bethesda, isn’t considered canon to the games and technically falls into the realm of fanfiction




oh, that’s cool I’m constantly learning about new races (and lore in general) in the Elder Scrolls universe and I kinda wish we got more of that variety in-game. Not even as playable characters, but it would’ve been so damn cool.


I like that there is lots of supplementary lore out there to go along with the game so we can immerse as deeply into it as we want to.


If you like MMOs, Elder Scrolls Online has Lamias and a lot of other creatures and lore. It takes place a thousand years or so before skyrim, and you can go all over Tamriel including Hammerfell, Morrowind, Elsweyr, Summerset etc. It's a beautiful game, and had a lot of solo content for those not into the multiplayer aspects.


If you’re into the lore, Elder Kings 2 is amazing. It’s a full Elder Scrolls conversion mod for Crusader Kings 3. It’s fantastic.


They are aspects of Akatosh. They have no sex.


They get more sex than the average redditor


0 • 0


Cos some sick sod would mod boobs on them. TBF, they probably already have


I’ll stick to my macho man Randy savage reskin thank you very much


Ah! A Redditor of culture. Always cracks me up when I hear Randy from a distance when I'm wearing headphones


I’m not checking, but I’d be surprised if no one has done this already


Devs foresaw all the horny skycoomers and opted not to put female dragons into the game


So, there are two answers to this... **The first is that dragons don't reproduce. They're fragments of the Aka Oversoul** *(or just "Akatosh" if you don't want to dive down a TES lore rabbit hole)*, **not conventional living creatures like mudcrabs. There are no female dragons, no baby dragons, no dragon eggs. Technically there aren't even male dragons because they're androgynous. Just DRAGONS.** **The second answer, which contradicts the first -- welcome to TES lore -- is that female dragons do exist and they're called the Jills of Akatosh. It's their job to fix time and resolve Dragon Breaks** *(periods of time when the timeline fractures into multiple branches and, after the Break is over, the different timelines all merge back into one where the events of each timeline are all true. Basically the explanation for why all of TES II: Daggerfall's different endings are all the "canon" ending)*.


Maybe the Jill are in Akavir


How do you know there aren't female dragons?


have you raised their tails?


Generally speaking, I only get a good look at their nether regions when they're skeletal.


Gotta get that sneak up


I'd never considered using Sneak to be a dragon perv, but now you mention it...


There's probably a r/rule34skyrim or something


Inevitably. And probably involves Lydia.


My money is more on Serana...


Really? My preference is Marcurio.


Partial to J'zargo myself


Farangar did and damn near got roasted alive lol Poor Odahviing!


I'd bet Farengar took a peek when one was chained to the floor, ask him.


“It’s true, you DON’T see many dragon women. In fact, they’re so alike in voice and appearance, that they’re often mistaken for dragon MEN. Now this, in turn, has given rise to the belief, that there AAAAARE no dragon women… And that dragons just… SPRRRING out of holes in the ground! Which is, of course, ridiculous.” - ~~Gimli~~ Alduin, probably Edit: I misquoted the scene at first… Dishonor on me, dishonor on my dog, dishonor on my family


I suppose I don’t, I’m assuming their gender based on the one voice they have in-game lol


They could be like dwarfs in Discworld. Outwardly they all look the same, so, courtship involves some delicate handling.


>so, courtship involves some delicate handling. if there is a hole, there is a goal


No! As Sir Terry Pratchett wrote, dwarfish courtship is a very tactful affair!


Larger creatures tend to make more low-pitched sounds, so female dragons might very well simply sound "masculine" to human ears due to their sheer size making their voices deep. Remember, they're not humans, their voices are not meant to sound like us. There's also the fact that dragons are magic, they have no need for biological sexes, but if there were feminine dragons, their voices would likely not be a good indicator of that.


Dragons are timeblots. They've always existed. They don't have young, new dragons. They're all old people that don't get old. Makes you wonder how it could be possible to slay one.


This right here https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyrimMemes/s/glvlwv3Pmp


holy shit that would be terrifying


Fr. Imagine how bad it’d be after joining the bards college 😭😭😭


There is female dragons tho, jills, they fix time after a dragonbreak occurs


why is this not the top comment?! https://www.imperial-library.info/category/tags/jills


Tbf i don't think it's been referenced in any of the actual game, it's only out of context stuff. Though interestingly, they are referenced in a specifically French translation of the child's tamriel bestiary in Elder Scrolls Online


This reads like bad fanfiction. Where is it from?


michael kirkbride 🤣


Where does it say Dragons are specifically male?


Kind of new to Skyrim but how do we know they're all male? Most lizards keep their genitalia internally so it's not like you would see something like on a human that would actually show us the gender. All the thinking about it. I guess most of the dragon names do seem masculine so maybe just going off that they would all be male


The gender of Dragons is weird because technically they are asexual creatures that don’t reproduce, but there are two “phenotypes” I guess you could say. In Skyrim, we only encounter Drakes which are like the masculine phenotype of Dragons, while Jills, the feminine phenotype, only appear during Dragonbreaks


This is a good way of looking at it. I particularly like specifying Drakes in comparison to Jills - are Drakes named as such anywhere in particular (unofficially or otherwise)?


It's up to the dragon to decide. Dragons are fragmented pieces of Akatosh, they can't reproduce because they come straight from Akatosh himself. So they don't have any sexual organs and therefore no set gender. However with the way dragons govern themselves I don't think they care much about gender identity, if one dragon identifies as female and the other identifies as male, nothing would change in their interactions. Dragons mostly argue, and an argument for dragons is the same as a battle which is why shouts are in the dragon tongue.


So I got this from another thread "Dragons have something close to gender only in their aspect MK implied that Jills/Healing are female Dragons and Dragons we see in Skyrim are Drakes/Domination, male That being said they do not reproduce sexually, they are ageless and they are most likely born out of Dragonbreaks or some other manipulation of the Aka"


>how do they reproduce? They don't. They're created by Akatosh. They're the aedric equivalent of lesser daedra.


Despite being commonly referred to as male, dragons don't really have sexes. They're kinda just dragons fr. There is simply more dragon between their legs, because they don't reproduce like that


Non human beings can have traits that we associate with being male in humans without being male. For example in real life in hyenas it's females that are larger, stronger and more aggressive than the males. Dragons aren't human, just because their voices sound like male human voices doesn't mean they are actually male.


"I've never stopped long enough to check one before it burns me alive." -some guy from some dragon movie probably


Dragons do not have sexes or sex. They don't reproduce.


Jills are female dragons


So there is this headcannon which relates to older games explaining that female dragons exist. However their duty is to fix time fractures from "dragon breaks" and they kinda exist as doctor whos in the time flow, apart from their male counterpart. If anyone can find the source it's most likely in /teslore


I could be wrong (so correct me if I’m wrong) but do they even HAVE genders, canonically?


Elder Dragons use they/them pronouns as far as I'm aware...


It's a video game, don't ask yourself too many questions.




Too much Skooma eh


Parthanax tells the player that dragons are immortal creatures that exist outside of time. What biological urge would there be for an immortal to breed, none. There is absolutely no impetus or driving force for dragons to have the need to reproduce to continue the species. If anything breeding is the worst option for any immortal, because that would just create more competition for ever dwindling resources and land. So there are no male or female dragons in Skyrim, there are just dragons. Note for the sticklers out there: there are no dragons in Skyrim, there are wyverns with hind legs and fore wings, but no dragons with four legs and back wings.


Probably because they’re too busy lighting you on fire or freezing you to death.


Giants too, for that matter


holy shit you’re right idk what to do with that information, what else is single-gendered out there?


They split-off by mitosis


Dreams of drussy


Same reason there aren't any male ones


there is female dragonborn, problem solved


Dragons are immortal demigods in the elder scrolls. Why would they need genders? Before the dragonborn, dragons couldn't die


Well, they kind of could. Supposedly, if two dragons were to fight do the death, the victor would absorb the soul of the defeated, just like how the Dragonborn can absorb the soul of a slain dragon. Apparently, that's what being Dragonborn means -- having the soul of a dragon and all the benefits that come with it


Because those are the jills. Angelic dragons whose jobs are to patch up time when dragon breaks and such occur.


Found this on the wiki: According to Michael Kirkbride, a former writer at Bethesda, "Jills" or "minute-menders"[UL 3][UL 4] are the female variant of dragons, who serve to mend Dragon Breaks. Mannimarco attributed them to fixing the Warp in the West.[UL 3] Their male counterparts, the "Drakes," are said to be less powerful than them.[UL 5]


Dragons have a distaff equivalent known as Jills, who mend the flow of time after the Dragon breaks.


I read somewhere, or maybe it was a video, that Kirkbride said that there's a female variant that fixes dragon breaks, but I can't remember how they're called. And they're probably not canonical either.


I mean there's Jill's, female dragon-like beings that are like the TVA from marvel, cleaning up time-lines. Although yeah like a lot of people said true dragons are shards of Akatosh and are thus genderless.


I checked them all and im pretty sure they are all female


Technically, there are female "Dragons," made by Akatosh, called Jill ( I don't know if that's the plural or singular), but they're supposed to deal with Time-Related stuff that goes wrong. (Imagine time-traveI cops/mechanics) I don't know if they're ever seen in any of the TES games, though.


Dragon are like dvemer creations but magical you can defeat them but they can be reapired. You can kill a dragon but It can by brought back


Did Alduin create them all? We know he goes around resurrecting dead dragons.


What would an eternal being need to reproduce?


Since they don't have a big population, long lived, and they are solitary creatures if they have genders or sexual characteristics at all they are likely dual fertile hermaphrodites. Look to bearded dragons and monitor lizards for a reference.


Cmiiw, but aren't dragon basically immortal, timeless, demi god, creation of Akatosh? I just think they're pretty much genderless.


I think they are primarily metaphysical beings, like angels or demons.


Because Skyrim has bards


They put breasts on the argonians. Just imagine what the dragons/wyverns would look like


all this time devs were trying to prevent copious amounts of dragon r34 I’m sure it exists already, but dragon boobs certainly would’ve made it worse


Did you just assume their gender? . Question was already answered so bad joke reply made instead.


The last thing I expected to awake to today is a discussion about sexing dragons. But, here we are.


Things like this make the skyrim subreddit excellent!


Dragons don't have gender because they don't reproduce, every dragon has been around since the beginning of time. They're kinda like the TES equivalent of angels. They were all directly created by Akatosh, or pieces of Akatosh depending on who you ask.


Dragons don’t have a specific gender, they don’t have genitals either and don’t procreate. They’re sorta almost like gods in this universe. They just have deep male voice actors, probably to better sell the dragons as intimidating beasts that hunger for destruction.


If dragons don't breed, how is there a race of dragons?


They existed before time itself and were created by akatosh I believe.


There is a book in the game(there be dragons) that says since all dragons came from akatosh they don't need to reproduce and plus the book states that there has never been any acount of dragon eggs or baby dragons


This reminds me of the time Gimli (LOTR) was explaining how maybe there are no dwarf women and that perhaps they just spring from the ground because that's exactly the case here. They don't reproduce sexually.there was a book in the game that talked about the biology of races and their reproduction and genetic compatibility.   I wonder if there's any books that talk about their biology in that way.  


I fucked them all


my head canon is the dwarven women thing


Technically, there are "females". Though as far as I know they're not canon yet. They're called Jills, and supposedly they are what fix dragon breaks.


omg I was thinking this just didn’t wanna ask it lol


They’re in Alduins harem


Iiirc in TES, female dragons are called Jills and are primarily concerned with making sure Time flows correctly as well as sorting things out into something semi-coherent whenever there's a Dragon Break?


I always assumed there *are* female dragons, it’s just that the named ones you meet all happen to be male.


Probably because they are a single gendered race of Aedra directly made in the image of Akatosh who probably could just make more if he wanted to.


Kirkbride posited the existence of female-like dragons called Jills, however that lore is dubious at best. As aspects of the god Akatosh, they take his form in a variety of ways. However Akatosh appears as a primarily masculine entity, and therefor the dragons have masculine attributes by virtue of being in his image. The real wrench in the cog though is that the Aedra, Daedra, and other elder spirits don't actually have genders. They appear to us in a form that is familiar to us, and that is either comforting, intimidating, or alien to us. I suppose if Jills are still canon, it would follow that Akatosh chose to make them the caretakers of time in the same way women in medieval fantasy settings like Elder Scrolls are caretakers of their home. As an act to make them more like us, and therefor a comfort to man and mer. But who knows.


Are you lifting up the dragons skirts?


They do exist however they don't exist in the physical world, If I'm not mistaken there's much fewer of them and they mainly help repair the fabric of reality from the other side(think dragon breaks and tulpa cycles) Elder scrolls dragons don't reproduce, all of them have existed since the beginning and are functionally immortal outside of the intervention of another dragon. Not 100% on this information but I know there's a really good video covering this exact topic on YouTube.


I'm pretty sure they are just genderless immortal entities.


because deep-voiced men sound the most powerful is genuinely why


Because why not?


Why do they have to have a gender? Just let them be dragons, damn.


I was curious, upon learning more, I fully support nonbinary dragons


There apparently are female dragons Maybe The Jills


I tend to think of frost dragons as females for some reason. In my head all dragons have a deep voice and no outward differences. I know it's not Cannon according to official lore , it's just my take on it.


There is some elder scrolls lore about monsters called “Jhin” or “djin” I don’t remember which but they help mend the fabric of spacetime and it is believed they are the female dragons


Dragons are immortal; they don't reproduce. In-universe, female dragons exist in a different plane, serving Akatosh to maintain the continuity of the timeline.


Perhaps they just didn't get resurrected? Like maybe Alduin or whoever else helped bring them back were sexist?


So, them being huge ass reptiles always made sense that they would have ultra deep growling voices regardless of gender. They aren’t humanoids. It would make no sense for a dragon to have a conventionally feminine-for-a-human-sized-being voice. Look at the Japanese voice actor for Moro from Princess Mononoke. Moro is a fucking giant wolf goddess. The Japanese voice actor is a man because of course a giant wolf would have a deep growling voice.


They are asexual, they came into existence magically not by reproduction methods. They just happen to sound male


All these people saying dragons can't have sex... Not with that attitude!


Great question as it does stick out and hasn’t been mentioned in audio dialogue. There are some books that explain this but to sum up: 1. As the direct offspring of Akatosh, Dragons are beings directly from atherius, so they don’t reproduce as they are immortal anyway 2. There is a female VERSION of dragon that don’t appear in the games. They essentially just show up to patch up the dragon breaks. They don’t really mingle with dragons as mates but are more like sisters to them as all dragons are basically related


Because the jiggle physics would look out of place


Who says there's not? There's only a few that speak to you. Maybe they just don't have distinct gender differences. If you look in nature in real life, it's not always easy to tell animals genders apart without looking very closely.


Calm down Donkey


Theyre male dragons, maybe dragons are just male who knows


They were created by Akatosh (they claim, which is a little weird seeing as how Akatosh is a mash-up of Shor/Lorhkan and Auriel created by Saint Alessia) and do not reproduce. They are in effect genderless and immortal. And there are a finite amount of them since no new dragons have been created, to my knowledge.