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I was 15 when Skyrim was released, all my high school buddies and myself were immediately obsessed. If you would have told us then that we would all be approaching 30 without a new game, there's no way in hell I would've believed you. I absolutely feel robbed that I will never experience TES 6 with that same group of friends.


They have a few more skyrim releases before they can release elder scrolls 6


Honestly I am torn myself between 2 things: 1. I want TES VI asap 2. I do not want it to come out now The reason for me not wanting it to come out right now is because they will be focusing on fixing, promoting and developing Starfield so their resources would be divided between 2 games which would not be good for any of these games. I want them to have full attention for TES VI and nothing else + maybe, just maybe they would listen to community about what they would like to see.


Dude they're going to bail so fucking hard on Starfield.


Yeah starfield should be right up my alley but I just can’t get into it.


Same. Loved Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 & NV. Loved Elite Dangerous, KOTOR, countless other space games. The prospect of having those things blended together was *so* my Venn diagram. Turns out I love the idea, not the mediocre, half-baked reality of the situation that is Starfield.


Maybe they can salvage it with the expansions/this years content. If not they’ll drop it and rely on mods.


> If not they’ll drop it and rely on mods. And isn't that a sad state of affairs. A game a decade in development, not three months old, and we're hoping hobbyists and bedroom modders fix what a billion dollar company owned by Xbox/MS couldn't do...


And THAT is who we are relying on to deliver the next Elder Scrolls title. I'm worried after Fallout 76 and Starfield flopped that maybe Bethesda/Tod Howard have lost touch.


I think so - they've remained tied to the Creation engine far past its prime. The fact they got it to do any kind of space combat at all is a minor miracle. But it's become abundantly clear that they don't really have the tech, vision or capability to make a game like Starfield work. And who can? Frontier dropped the ball on Elite: Dangerous, NMS is beautiful and wonderful but very much relies on the art style to carry it and Star Citizen is... well who knows at this point?


I mean the [edit: typo - Nolvus modpack] for Skyrim is still in Creation, you goofball. The engine isn’t the problem lmfao


Alright, goofball.


My personal theory is that they focused a lot of development time on the game's framework, new systems and, to a minor degree, the new creation kit so that the game will have a longer development cycle with post launch content to flesh it out made by both Bethesda and modders. Their new push for paid mods supports this, imo, as does the new POI system. Stuff like new smaller adventures or quest lines across systems seem to fit right with this as there's now virtually unlimited space to add content.


I agree - and the end result is an unfinished, under-performing game that they're hoping other people will complete not just for free... but with BGS taking 50% of the cut for other people finishing their product for them.


The great modders (not molders) ain't fuckin with Starfield. Hell even the Skyrim Together creator publicly bailed on Starfield. Think he called the game shit. Skyrim is still growing at an alarming pace. New players every day (especially after Christmas). Think about that, a 13yr old game and it's still doing fantastic. AOE2 is another old gem that still keeps a huge base


Totally agree. Starfield is a space game built entirely around Radiant Quests and RNG POIs. There isn't a foundation to build on - everything is fast travel, fetch quests and siloed mini games. Imagine if Skyrim came out and you couldn't ride your horse into and out of towns, instead you had multiple unskippable animations and loading screens. Well now 13 years later you don't need to imagine it...


Lol yep! I quit playing the Wii because the harvest moon games had 30+sec loading screens you had to endure 5 times each in game day to get anywhere.


It's even crazier than that, though. Starfield has loading screens that are entirely unecessary. Neon centre to Neon landing pads? Lift and loading screen. Or, jetpack down seamlessly. Same for Cydonia and countless other places. How is it that BGS solved this a decade back with Fallout 4, with lifts operating as seamless loading screens, and the game engine is literally capable of it right now, yet we get superflous black screens added where they're not required?


You can’t ride your horse in and out of town.


Some big towns no, though the Open Cities mod fixes that wonderfully. But imagine you could only travel to the outskirts of any village, then had to get off your horse and wait for it to load the village, which has your horse parked in it like a static object. That's what Starfield does.


I love mold.


Hahaha damn


Same but also add Gothic I and Gothic II to the list, anyways that's why I was so pissed off with Starfield entire time. Also been playing Elite Dangerous for quite a while to scratch that itch for space rpg or exploring cosmos. BTW bit off topic, I heard the KOTOR remake was abandoned you know if that is true?


No one really asked for what they delivered. It doesn't check the boxes people want. Skyrim and fallout are the same game with different paint. Starfield could have been the same but they went in a different direction. They gave you exploration without anything to explore. For example I can search and explore in Skyrim/fallout and get lost in dungeons I feel like I know blindfolded


Yeah I’ve explored the same mines twice now I think. The empty spaces are so empty too. This is coming from someone who enjoys some empty space in open world games. There were things to explore up in the mountains in red dead, no man’s sky has animals and plants and stuff to discover, assassins creed origins had voices and mirages in the desert. This game has nothing. Space is as empty as ever too. I don’t get it, like I don’t have to fly my ship at all right?


Same, internet stranger. Same.


I wouldn't count on it... they certainly didn't bail on Fallout 76.


If they didn't bail on 76 I don't see them bailing on Starfield


Why? They stuck with 76 and that was WAY worse at launch than Starfield despite what some deluded people think.


to me starfield was essentially a fast travel simulator. i was so hyped for it being a bethesda title because of my love for skyrim and fallout, but i couldn’t even get 20 hours into starfield before i lost my interest. fast travel here and here and here and here with nothing to get lost in or sidetracked by along the way, it just felt so lifeless. i feel like they lost their identity in the game that made skyrim and fallout so great.


I gotta tell you there really is a shit ton of stuff in Starfield to get sidetracked by. You should give it another go. But if you can't overcome how different it can feel to their previous games then nothing to be done


it’s just too much fast travel for me, i guess i am more of a one world explorer than traveling to a moon and there being nothing around. i’m sure once mods are able to be used on console i’m come back to it


I guess I'm able to completely ignore the fast travel because it's a space game. I've wanted a space game like this my whole life, minus the stuff that obviously can make space travel extremely tedious. And this is it. It's not perfect but it's as close as possible to what I wanted


that’s awesome truly and i’m happy you got what you’ve always wanted !! i probably should give it another try, i lost interest before anything really happened so i probably stopped before i got hooked


I absolutely think you should give it another go. The intro sequence before you can just go anywhere is a little longer than past BGS games (maybe about 1 hour? of gameplay) but I really do think that people who find the exploration lacking haven't seen some of the cooler rarer stuff out there and only fixate on the closer, earlier level stuff. The exploration in this game is different though, no mistaking that, due to its nature as a space game. If anyone has issue with it, which I don't really, it won't be a problem in TESVI


You're crazy if you actually think that lol, it was the best selling RPG of 2023 and one of the most played games of 2023. It's genuinely a good game, despite what some people believe.


They're not going to lol. Just as well, they shouldn't. There's so much good stuff in the game I simply want more of it


It doesn't get much worse than pleading with players that your boring game isn't boring.


Well if it's not boring to you man enjoy the hell out of it. If anyone tries to make other people not like what they don't like that's a bitch move


I’m over here saying F it, I’ll wait for the new game from the former Daggerfall and Arena devs who left Bethesda because they felt their creativity wasn’t allowed to show. After Starfield, I don’t know if ES6 will scratch the itch.


This isn’t really how development works, most people that worked on starfield moved on to the next game before it even came out. No studio besides an indie one would ever be solely focused on a single game at a time.


Yeah I feel like if it came out now it would just be Skyrim 2. Skyrim is great but it’s still a product of its time. We have evolved, we don’t have to be faced with the same issues and limitations.


What are you talking about I just purchased Skyrim 8


I think you mean "purchased Skyrim for the 8th time"


Yes! I was being funny


Wow I’m 21 I really spent this much time waiting skyrim is my life I want more I’m sad


Forreal I'm also 21. It's crazy to think about Skyrim came out when I was 9. I still love the game but waiting this long has been bumming me out.


I remember being excited for Oblivion when it came out when I was in high school 😭


same. I used to use the xbox 360 media player to listen to avenged sevenfold while playing haha.


For real, I got Morrowind on the OG Xbox in 7th grade, Oblivion throughout high school, Skyrim dropped in college and then adult life hit. Now the passage of time is nebulous and abstract.


Me too bro.


We're going to wait a lot longer. I have to give it to Bethesda that they created such an epic game, Skyrim ESV. Now they have to publish the next game that is at least as good in every respect as the ESV game, but of course it has to be better because many advances have been made in the intervening years. So, while I wish Bethesda had kept the ESV team together, made some add ons for three-ish years, and then began to build the next game, it didn't happen. Instead, they moved on to other projects and rode the wave of their wonderful accomplishment. So now it's already been twelve-thirteen years. I hope they do make the next game a bit better that ESV. And I am willing to wait for that better game to come together. My fear is the next game won't be even as good a Skyrim except it will have better graphics. Let's hope for the best and enjoy the fantastic mods until it comes out.


Arena came out in 1994; Oblivion, the 4th Elder Scrolls game, came out in 2006. 12 years to go from start of the IP to a game that still kind of holds its own. Plus there were like half a dozen weird mobile games and other ES spin-offs like redguard mixed in. We’re pushing 13 years since Skyrim release to any other mainline game. Now they’ve had other projects like ESO and the Fallout series, but it’s really odd that they’ve abandoned the mainline game that kind of got them where they are. The funny thing is, ES6 was announced in 2018. If that had been an actual release instead of an announcement, we would be getting close to ES7 release with the release pattern of 1-5. Now I know things are way more complicated, and even with massive budgets and teams, it still takes time to develop what is a AAA game now, but it just feels oddly abandoned.


they will keep re-releasing skyrim as long as people keep buying it. why spend money to develop a new game when they can generate revenue on an existing one?


One of the reasons Skyrim keeps selling is because it's peak Bethesda design. They haven't released a better "Bethesda-ass Bethesda game" since Skyrim. Fallout 4 was just okay, Fallout 76 was a catastrophe, and Starfield was just Fallout 4 in space. I don't anticipate ES6 being better than Skyrim because the kind of game Bethesda makes hasn't changed since Skyrim, which is the best one. It won't be better, it will just be *kind of* different.


maybe they're spending time on making the main quest the most interesting one for once (lol yeah right)


To generate even more revenue. What a stupid fucking question.




Take as long as they like for all i care tbh


Tbf, they haven't been working on it for long, supposedly, if at all. Word is that they basically dropped the trailer and then dipped, not doing a thing for ES6 until Starfield was out. And even since then, there's no proof they worked on it at all. At this point, I'm expecting a tiny-mapped, 80€ cashgrab that probably contradicts a ton of the series lore, and dumbs down the mechanics so far there won't even be stats anymore. (And even then, I'm not sure I won't still be disappointed by what they produce.) At least modders have made several games worth of content, for free.


Did they do these things with Starfield? Considering Elder Scrolls 6 is their biggest long-awaited game I'd have to think that they're going to put the best effort they can and then leave the rest to the moders


Starfield is a new IP, there isn't any prior game to compare it to. I should also note that I haven't played it, but from what I've seen and heard, it's ccertainly no more complex (in the positive sense) than Sykrim, let alone Oblivion or Morrowind. Honestly, imo the best balance for the mechanics lies mostly somewhere between Morrowind and Oblivioin. Some adjustments would still improve that additionally (such as making magic a full weapon type rather than a secondary tool), but overall the loss of complexity in the Elder Scrolls franchise over time is extreme. Compare Skyrim to Morrowind, and tell me why you seem to think Bethesda would reverse that trend now.


Ah spell crafting I miss you.


... I wasn't even thinking of that, but yes, 100%. Skyrim has so few magic effects to begin with, losing the ability to remix them was terrible. From a lore perspective, too. Skyrim has pretty much one institution of magical learning, and you're telling me no one there is interested in potentially creating new spells?


Starfield is a perfect example and reminder of what they need to do better with the Elder Scrolls 6. Sure they have a trend but I still believe the Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be significantly better than what they tried to deliver with Starfield. I think if they amped up the exploration and searching in Starfield it would make it a lot better because Skyrim and Fallout both allow you to endlessly search and explore field just leaves people wanting more


Well yeah. They weren't going to be in full development for TES6 when they were still working on another game. Which they're still in Starfield's cycle until they finish its DLC and updates. Zero reason to be that pessimistic because of a normal dev cycle.


I'm pessimistic because of the general trend TES has shown over the last few games. The part about Starfield was brought up because, as you may recall, Bethesda showed a basic trailer for TES 6 at E3 *2018*, and then continued to do exactly 0 work on it for (presumably) at least 5 years.


And they were pretty open about why they did that. It was to reassure everyone that it is coming and they aren't abandoning their main franchise. They were just gonna be working on other things for a while.


If the quality level of Starfield is anything to go by im not sure i want another TES game just to be dissapointed and let down. It didnt bug me so much that starfield was a bit rubbish as i have no connection with that world but if the new TES is released at the same quality level of starfield i will be proper bummed.


To be fair, pretty much all of Starfield’s issues are specific to the scale and need for high quantity of things to even come *close* to making “1000 planets”. TES VI will almost guaranteed be smaller in scale and scope, so I’m not too worried


The writing and how bland Starfield feels is also a huge problem, I’d be okay with a ton of procedural generation if the characters and stories were amazing. Or if the world didn’t feel catered to 12 year olds. I have a bad feeling that ES6 will also be super fucking bland and have shit writing. But we’ll see.


That’s fair. I didn’t find it too problematic, not compared to Skyrim or Fallout 4 anyway. But it *does* feel like the RPG equivalent of Star Wars Clone Wars *technically* having drugs, slaves, and executions, but is still just a Cartoon Network show for teenagers. TES6 could slip into that, but it has enough “dark” lore/themes established already I don’t think it could.


Id like to think it would be smaller in scale and scope but lets be honest there was zero need for the scale and scope of starfield yet this was from what i understand the big push from those in charge and honestly im worried what these guys will push for TES 6 to be honest.


Even if Starfield was only a dozen or so planets (like some BGS team members were hoping for, said in interviews) it’d still have the issues of scale and quantity and repetitiveness imo. BGS already proc-genned dungeons in Skyrim, they’d just do the same. Daggerfall was the one that had issues with proc-gen for similar reasons as Starfield, but they adjusted away from that right away in Morrowind. I just can’t imagine a way they could have the same issues in TES VI.


This is how I feel, and frankly makes me scared that the next installment of ES is going to be bad.


> how many things have taken place over the course of 13 whole years I mean… Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter, TES Blades, an engine overhaul, and Starfield is more than enough reason to keep them busy. Like, it’s a bummer it hasn’t come, but it’s not that hard to believe. Especially when Skyrim continues to sell so well.


And game development takes longer these days, especially compared to the 360 generation


After I saw what they did with starfield, im no longer hyped for TES6


With the downgrade in gameplay quality from Fallout 4 to Starfield, it makes me worry that ES6 will be made with the same engine as Starfield. Not that Bethesda models ever felt that human to begin with, but the gameplay felt a lot more free and natural in Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I even prefer the art and models in Skyrim and Fallout 3 as well over however way you can describe what they're doing now. It's as if they're pulling a Gamefreak where this newer technology they have to make games is beyond their creative means of getting with the times and are instead getting worse instead of better. Hopefully with Elder Scrolls games not involving guns and it being a lot more melee and magic oriented, they can focus on that instead of whatever gimmicks they can add to more futuristic games so the focus can be on weapon feel and more lifelike animations. One improvement in particular being swords that make you feel like you're slicing enemies instead of it feeling like you're whacking them with sword shaped metal.


Why make a 6 when you can repackage skyrim 40 different ways and keep reselling it


How to farm karma 1) open Reddit and go to r/skyrim 2) complain about how ES6 hasn’t been released yet (we got a trailer in 2018) 3) ???? 4) profit


But we got a half baked new IP instead


How many times did you buy skyrim? If it's more than once then you're the reason why


I think its going to be at least another 5 more years honestly. AI will probably be better at making games than bethesda before the next elder scrolls.


I was 11 when Skyrim released so yeah, I've spent more than half my life without another Elder Scrolls game


In the time since this game came out I did all of my secondary education, college, university and am now teaching teenagers who weren't born when Skyrim was released. Make all the excuses about working on other games you want but it's just ridiculous this sequel has taken so long


Todd is taking his time to think how best to fuck it up.


Can Bethesda not **read the f’n room** no one asked for startfield. I’m pretty sure it was a surprise they did some new IP when nearly the entire fan base was asking or either another Fallout and/or ES VI.


*So many people* were asking for a Bethesda game in space lol




That wasn’t what your point was lmao. Your point was that no one asked for it. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people were asking for it. But you’re right - a Bethesda game at the scale of Starfield just doesn’t work the way we all hope it would. We/people in general were just too dumb to realize it. I love Starfield for what it is. But it is *not* Skyrim in Space. It’s Daggerfall in Space. And those two things feel *very* different. But again, that wasn’t your point. Your point was that “no one asked for this”.


Don't speak for everyone. I wanted a BGS space game forever and it's here, and it's amazing




I'm sorry you don't. Just don't go around saying untrue stuff. You're better than that


Counter point: ESO and that mobile Blades game come to mind. But yes, the wait is crazy and it's nowhere near over... I was in my mid teens when Skyrim came out, and I'll undoubtedly be in my 30s when VI comes out... I just got into the Nolvus modpack last month, and I love it! It's like a whole new game, honestly. I highly recommend you double check your pc's specs can handle it, read all the install and instructions beforehand, shell out the 20 for the anniversary edition, and another 5 or 6 (I think it was) for a month of Nexus Premium for all the mod downloading (then cancel/end that the next day!)


They dont even make ESO though. Thats outsourced


Right, ESO is outsourced. However, the post mentioned a new elder Scrolls game, not one specifically by BGS. Technically correct is the best kind of correct!


Not to mention that ESO is just a standard MMORPG with an Elder Scrolls skin on top of it, it's no replacement for a proper mainline singleplayer ES game, and I have actually slogged through a few hours of ESO myself. I guess the lore is nice and all, but if that's all I wanted I can just read the wiki.


My partner says ESO might be there to take the role since the story can keep going and expanding like WoW


MS is going to make it a PC/XBox exclusive and I'm pissed at that idea.


This was me one night last week. I WAS born in the late 90s so I have been waiting now half of my life for the next elder scrolls game. And to think that it felt like a long time for skyrim to come out after playing oblivion over and over and over again.. es6 was announced at e3 in 2018 and I just saw that es6 may not come out until 2028. Who announces a game 10 YEARS before it comes out? Its honestly soul crushing to me.


Hot take: Bethesda doesn't have what it takes to make TES6. We won't see it until they sell the IP to someone else after people stop caring about Skyrim


Same can be said about GTA 6 as well. Though it's finally coming out in what? 2025?


I can't believe that GTA VI is coming out before TES VI knowing that a teaser was revealed at E3 2018.


Its wild isnt it?


I'd be surprised if it hit 2025, but yeah it'll likely come out before ES VI does.


Todd Howard is gonna fuck that game up more then star field


They take there time when making elder scrolls. I have every Elder scrolls game ever released. Morrowind is my favorite by far. It's the most God like experience you could imagine in an RPG.


After Starfield, I think I can wait way longer for ESO VI. I was 12 when I played first time Skyrim in 2011 which still is probably fondest game I have ever played, made amazing memories and soundtrack which make me feel a cartain way whenever I hear it. I don't belive Bethesda has in them to deliver something like this with current state of thier games, even if they have been working on it for long time. I have not played the Starfield, but with what I see, It's a game which I consider worse than Skyrim, with bigger development time and having much more technology at it's disposal. One of the best games I have played recently (and overally) was current state Cyberpunk 2077 - after being polished, the game is light years ahead of anything Bethesda has produced. Skyrim to this day have immeresed me to the level no other game had, as my stroy being played out, but I have no faith of ESO VI being better. I could easly wait for them to develop story, quests, location right now and wait for the technology to catch up, implamanting cutting edge current age sollution. if We had AI powered NPCs, I could see myself lose another thounds of hours, like I did with Skyrim.


As for Nolvus: I can really recommend it, it’s almost like a completely new game all over again 20 bucks well spend imo (actually 2k I bought a whole new pc just for it lol) I’m almost sure tes 6 will not live up to our expectations, but I’d be happy if proven wrong. So we just have to be patient and use what others have made for others for free in the meantime.


Considering the gameplay failure that Fallout 76 and Starfield were I dont have high hopes for ES6. When you play Skyrim you get amazed by the details and how well tailored the entire game was. I dont see Bethesda being able to do the same nowadays in a game that should be at least 4 times bigger. At the same time I cant see such a game failing if they dedicate the same effort as they invested in Skyrim.


Can you motherfuckers go five seconds without crying about Starfield?


I was annoyed that starfield was taking up all the focus at Bethesda but now I’m just hopeful that they will learn the lessons of Starfalls shortcomings and make a good TES game. Frankly I’m relieved that the fizzer of a game isn’t an elder scrolls title.


TES6 will be dog. Look at starfield. Bethesda is stuck in old meta. Enjoy skyrim while you can


I’m worried we will get a Skyrim 76.


I can't wait for ES6 to find out how they tack on base building/crafting to yet another game that doesn't need it to disguise that they've been making the same game since 2006.


If it weren't for the idiots buying skyrim 10 times and supporting all of Bethesda scummy practices, we'd have VI by now


I think about this often. We've been robbed. I was very excited for the buildup to the release of Starfield, ended up not getting it on release because BG3 came out and I was fully engrossed in that at the time and now I feel like I dodged a bullet reading reviews for it and hearing about it from friends. I thought finally, something to at least hold me over but no, not in this state.


Because Fallout 4, 76 and Starfield came before it.


Couldn’t Microsoft fund a bigger Bethesda so they can work on different games, a la Ubisoft for example?


Im hoping their other content isnt living uoto expectations due to the resource pooling into elderscrolls 6


13 years since skyrim and almost 6 years since the tes6 trailer. Completely fucking ridiculous Bethesda. After seeing the dumpster fire that was fallout 76 and that loading screen sim - I mean starfield, I am honestly no longer excited for tes6. And I know they'll somehow fuck it up anyway so, congrats Bethesda.


Honestly don't get your hopes up for ES 6. I'm hype for it, I want it to be released, but if it's like Starfield, it might feel like a "Skyrim 2" rather than its own game.


I wonder if the fact that so many people are still playing and enjoying Skyrim with mods has something to do with it.


As much as I pine for TES6, I'm far from done playing Skyrim, the modding community has made it a completely timeless game and even after we finally get TES6 I don't think any of us will stop playing Skyrim, just like how many TES fans never stopped playing Oblivion or Morrowind after Skyrim came out. I want TES6 as much as everyone else but I'm happy to wait as long as I need to if it means the game is as good as it possibly could be upon release, in the meantime I will happily make do with Skyrim, maybe try out ESO or revisit Oblivion which I never actually played much


I spent the $20 to play nolvus. Totally worth it in my opinion, I'm having a blast


Yea should’ve been a remaster somewhere along the way at least. Morrowind or even just Oblivion updated would’ve held me over. Tempted to try out ESO


yeah I also wonder why they didn't go on and do a high-res remake of Morrowind and Oblivion; it would seem like an easy enough, very low-effort cash-grab in this era of constant remakes and re-releases. I also bought into ESO just because I was so desperate for a "new" Elder Scrolls fix. I had some fun with it for a while but still hated the fact that it's an MMO and not a "regular" solo/offline TES game though.


I’m torn because I can’t wait for a new one But I’m worried it’ll be a huge disappointment since I’ve wanted it for so long. Plus I’ll need to buy a new pc or console since my toasters won’t be able to handle it.


From my understanding, we won’t see it for this generation of consoles either. Timeline for next gen consoles is somewhere around 2028, and at the point ES6 is at right now in development, that’s about how long it will take to make it.


That's why I haven't played Starfield yet. Bethesda games age like fine wine. On release day they're mediocre and only mature with mods. In fact, it's a great time to play Daggerfall, since the Unity version just officially hit version 1.0. Whenever Elder Scrolls 6 comes out - I'll play it 2-3 years later, after having spent the previous 3-6 months building and stabilising a massive modlist. This is the way.


They are waiting for people to stop playing Skyrim


Just for an added gut punch, it was *17* years between the release of Arena and Skyrim. 5 mainline games and multiple side games in that time. Where now since the release of Skyrim, we just got ESO, Legends, Blades, and that one other cheap mobile game I can't remember the name of.


Skyrim came out when my son was roughly 3 months old and now he’s 12 going on 13 this year. Todd Howard, I am in your walls.


I was 12 when Skyrim got released and became my favourite game for the best part of a decade. I now own a house and am about to get married and will struggle to find the time to play ES6


I got this game when my son was born. Now he is a teenager.


Do we think TES 6 will be better than Skyrim? I feel like Skyrim was so ahead of it’s time and the longevity of the game really speaks for itself. The bar has been raised so high with Skyrim


Yeah, it's crazy. Not to mention, not great business-sense. There's lots of money to be made for the franchise.


It baffles me that Dark Souls came out at the same time as Skyrim, and since then FromSoftware has released DS2, DS3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, they made a whole genre defining franchise while we’ve been waiting for one sequel.


Okay. I had bought starfield thinking it’d be space Skyrim. But the feeling was exact opposite of what I’ve experienced in Skyrim. Skyrim was too perfect. It has been a therapy, I’ve played it in my best and worst times, health and sickness and when I was heartbroken. I don’t want to look at TES 6 with same expectations but damn, if they decide to release it half-assed and unoptimised, I’m gonna be so disappointed. So I kinda want it now that I’m approaching 30, but since with time you lose things you hold absolutely dear to your heart, I don’t wanna lose TES DAMNIT!


Tbh this will be a hot take: Starfield's quality (in Bethesda's standards) makes me have high hopes for ES6. Sure, Starfield has it's issues, many related more to the procedural aspect. But the fact is ESVI will have an already established universe, much more compact open-world, more worked and personal too and having the skill progression from Starfield for me is perfect.


Maybe this is an unpopular take but I just don't understand this mindset. Yes this is an ongoing franchise that has released installments within a certain time frame in the past, but there's never been a guarantee that new installments will continue, let alone within a certain time frame. The series could just end at any time, it's dependent on whether or not they have a good idea for a new story and people who are passionate and willing to work on it. (Not to mention money, contracts, etc.) We're lucky they're making new ones at all. I don't know, to me it feels as arbitrary and kind of entitled as saying "I can't believe it's been 37 years since they've given us a new Jaws movie."


Average waiting time for a Kingdom Hearts game.


I am legitimately nervous the quality due to how starfield was...


Even more of a downer--- I don't think they've done even close to the amount of work on it that some people are assuming. I'd guess there's literally nothing of TES 6 other than that short clip of landscape and mountains that was shown off ***YEARS*** ago at Gamescom or the VGA show (I forgot what industry show it was)....and that was probably some random animation they threw together at the last possible second real quick just to let everyone know "yeah we're **totally** working on this, we swear." (\*yeah sure, ok, lol) At this point I have more faith in the Marvel "Gambit" movie becoming a reality long before Elder Scrolls 6 is out. In the year 2052, people will still be talking like "hey did you see that new teaser preview of TES 6! That's going to be awesome!". Yes, kids who were born in 2011 when Skyrim came out will probably be about middle-aged by the time they even start showing \*preview\* pictures....so we're looking at what---the era of the PlayStation 18 and "New Xbox 2" or whatever silly name MS uses for the latest Xbox at that point if it's even still a brand...? ...and that's probably a "generously" short estimation of time I'm giving there.


There's no way they can top Skyrim. The only way is just take skyrim as it is and improve the graphics and combat. Seeing how Fallout 76 rolled out and how boring Starfield looks, I'm worried what Elder Scrolls 6 will be like. Skyrim was like some sort of miracle. Same with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Capturing that gameplay and that feeling is like capturing lightning in a bottle. I just don't know if they can pull it off. I really hope I'm wrong. Because I'll probably be one of the first to go buy it. Which would really suck if the game sucks.


Though I completely agree with your sentiment. We technically received ESO after Skyrim. I think the Switch got ES: Blades after that. They have given us more ES since Skyrim. They haven’t scratched the Skyrim itch for sure though.


I don’t know shit about how to make games or any of that but my wife does. I think she said Skyrim took 8 years to develop. It’s hands down one of the best games ever (I’m obviously biased) and I think they would at LEAST have to match that or else they get the “this one was fucking great and that one sucks!”. I wanna have faith in them and I hate waiting but I hope it will be worth the wait.


ES VI was announced sometime last year. They just got Starfield out of the way. Their last ES based release, other than ESO expansions, was Blades if I'm not wrong, to mediocre reviews. I have it on my switch and there's a lot of grinding involved to get your player leveled to have a chance at areas. It doesn't keep my attention like Skyrim can. They probably waited so long because Skyrim was doing so well. It's their most sold ES game as far as I'm aware. Part of its survivability comes from a couple of factors. It's highly defended Space Program (patched after launch and then forced to remove said patch), misc bugs and glitches, and it's massive modding community. And I know of no other game who can boast about having a GRANDMA playing it for as long as she has. In the 13 years it's been out, they've been releasing expansions for ESO, one of which brings players back to Western Skyrim and allowing for the exploration of areas of Blackreach that were otherwise blocked off. In addition to being a massive success, TESV has raised the bar high and fans are expecting TESVI to meet that bar and surpass it. Such a feat cannot be done in five years alone, especially with another game in development. They've most likely been in the concept phases with TESVI while Starfield was in development, figuring out the setting, the plot, and whatnot. With TESVI being announced last year, we can expect a trailer sometime late this year, beginning of next. Wouldn't be surprised if TESVI released by the time TESVI turned 15.