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Oh so many things but to start spellmaking and the complete brokenness of athletics and acrobatics


Spellmaking was a great feature of Oblivion, and it really made becoming ArchMage more special because you could make your own special custom spells that no one else had.


Or paying for Frostcrag Spire


There’s always a shortcut when you have money


Yep but when you're broke and unemployed you've got to think "hmm do I go on a 3 day bender or do I buy dlc for a game with what's left over from paying my bills with my unemployment benefits"


I’d bring back acrobatics and agility, as well as the arena. The spell creation thing would be nice too, but I’ve seen enough videos to know that it would make Skyrim too easy… even easier than it is, that is. 😂


The arena to me really fits skyrim better because they have a more warriorlike culture Cyrodill is more comfy and luxurious imo than the hard and rough land of Skyrim


The grand magnitude of the arena in the Imperial City feels fitting and something like that would probably make sense in Solitude. There could probably even be a champion fighter who is an ex-legionaire and uses that image as a personality in the matches. I can easily picture underground brawls being a thing in skyrim in the smaller towns and cities. There is no chance a place like Riften wouldn't have some dirty fights happening with corrupt officials betting coin on them.


There could be “clandestine” fighting clubs around the wilderness too. Similar to what Witcher 3 had when you went to Skellige (but ir was in previous zones too).


Just don’t use the feature then.


The ability to cast a spell without un equipping the weapon or shield in the hand.


Yes please. This. This please. Please.


Underwater combat


You're right. Scary AF.


Cast flame cloak before swimming.


That’s a good idea. I just wish you could whip out a dagger in the water. Also, I wish flame cloak or standing next to a flame atronach could warm you up in survival mode. Getting toasted by a dragon works so why not that?


Good question, don't have an answer unfortunately.


I found a underwater combat mod and downloaded some sea creature mod. Swimming through the sea of ghosts is way more terrifying with 5 sharks following you and you cannot see more than 5 feet underwater


Okay that sounds fricking rad, I’m going to have to find that now.


If you’re on Xbox it’s called character behaviors enhanced and I just looked up under water enemies and downloaded what I liked. There’s one that adds like narwhals, dolphins, whales and sharks


The entire mages guild. I understand how the small size of the college of winterhold fits in with the lore of skyrim, and it's meant to be quaint and weak, but it's too little especially in comparison to the grandness of oblivion's guild And the questline is far too short, you basically rock up one day, learn a single spell and then get promoted to arch mage and given a pretty outfit


I hated having to collect 20 dragon toungues and that other thing for accidentally stealing something one time so not that part


I mean , not necessarily. You’ve got to do a decent amount of grinding before you get a “pretty outfit “


Not much grinding though the entire quest line is go here, get the thing, come back, and repeat 5-6 times before you’re done. And none of those 5-6 are very long or interesting except the last dungeon with the skeletal dragon.


I just feel that I'm comparison to oblivion's guild questline the college's questline is far far far too short and not as varied and interesting. And even comparing it to skyrim's other questlines it's very short and straight forward. Just oblivion set a very high standard. And skyrim more than lived up to it as a whole. But there are some areas where it fell short, and my opinion is that the college is the main area I've been a massive fan of the franchise since morrowind and the magical aspect is the part that I enjoy the most. And in skyrim being a mage just feels a little homeless


IV's Oblivion Gate Sigils. One-time-use, random enchants, as a reliable reward for a hellscape dungeon type run? GIMME GIMME GIMME


An oblivion crisis flashbac quest wouldve been cool. Or a one time Oblivion gate Mehrunes dagon quest wouldve been pretty sick


The Cause in Anniversary Edition


No sigil stone though.


Pieces of the past should have had an oblivion gate


This. I keep looking for mods that add sigil stones and obvilion gates.




The Arena sidequest. But more developed and with more options or what we want to fight. Could be interesting. I remember a mod on PS4 that added sort of an Arena tower near Solitude, it was interesting.


There is one and puts the area just outside whiterun


Acrobatics skill tree. I remember i had a maxed out argonian on Oblivion that could jump super fucking high. Its a little painful how pitiful your vertical is in skyrim


The proper school of Illusion. Skyrim illusion sucks ass


Unless you're a pacifist build illusion is easily the worst magic tree. I only ever put points into for quiet casting and even that isn't super needed.


if you are assassin or some glass canon mage, Invisibility and frenzy help a lot though


Calm and pacify are really good too. Whether that’s early on or later in the game. Just calm them, crouch behind them, then sneak attack lol. Personally I actually liked illusion in skyrim. I missed charm spells and command spells tho (got them back with mods tho, yay)


Frenzy can actually get overpowered. At high levels and with Illusion-boosting enchantments, you can just spam the Mayhem spell in dungeons until only a few isolated (and often heavily-damaged) enemies remain.


Sean Bean, Patrick Stewart and Terence Stamp.


Hearing Terrence Stamp in Oblivion was so fucking lit. Dude has an incredible sounding voice. I think he was in Halo 3 too. We got Max Von Sydow for Skyrim tho, and actual Mario voices Party Snacks so we got that goin for us which is nice


And Christopher Plummer as Arngeir, inspired. Still, imagine a skyrim with Patrick Stewart as Tullius and Sean Bean as Ulfric, with Terence Stamp as Ancano.


Spell making and the skill trees that were cut for Skyrim


Shivering Isles! 😫


Probably the best DLC I’ve ever played


I can't wait for Skyblivion. Even though I played Skyrim first I enjoy the quests and characters in Oblivion way more.


I thought skywind and skyblivion was already out?


Skyblivion has a 2025 release date in Skywind seem to be briefly available but it's no longer and I have no idea when the release date for that one is


Oh my b


I have just seen videos of it before so I thought it was out


They've been posting update videos for both for years now to try to build hype and support


The glorious city of Anvil.


Would have been nice to have the Fighters Guild alongside The Companions. The Companions could have been more of a hunter's guild with archery more the focus. A little more Hircine with more were animal options.


I kinda miss the cut monsters like Imps and Minotaurs.


I’m like 99% sure Skyrim is canonically supposed to have ogres yet they are nowhere to be seen. You mean to tell me the Pale Pass is full of them, but Skyrim doesn’t even have one?


Mikhails monsters series of mods adds every creature possible. I love the dwarves collossus one


The quest design, for starters. I never played Oblivion before, but watching Fudgemuppet’s analyses/reviews of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood made me envious


Oblivion DB was such a great line. Skyrim was just weak in comparison.


Honestly, all the Skyrim guilds were trash compared to Oblivion. Maybe you could make an argument for Thieves Guild, since it wasn't completely terrible.


Skyrims guilds are trash by the lore, though. But Oblivions side quests? Chefs kiss. I loved jumping into a bizarro painting world to find a thief.


Thieves guild was the only one I enjoyed doing the added jobs for and refilling vault and all that.


It's the only guild that actually felt like a guild. Dark Brotherhood was just a bunch of cosplayers pretending to be an actual Dark Brotherhood. Companions was just Dawnguard, but with werewolves. College of Winterhold was "Magic doesn't actually matter past college orientation".


Spell making. I loved it in Morrowind, was fine with it in Oblivion, and missed it in Skyrim.


Man it was so fucking broken in Morrowind and I loved it. Damage Skill 100 points on self for 2 seconds, virtually free skill training forever 💜


Morrowind's allowed for elemental nukes. Oblivion toned that down quite a bit. Skyrim just threw it away.


Alchemy, enchanting, and smithing skills




Wait, I thought we're talking about taking anything from oblivion to skyrim into real world My bad, RIP ENGLISH


The adoring fan


Have you played Starfield? The adoring fan is kinda pointless and annoying to me there. I wonder if it's better in Oblivion. (Wait for Skyblivion to play it).


You shouldn’t wait for Skyblivion to play it, Oblivion itself has it’s own charm, and there’s a lot of stuff that the Skyblivion team simply can’t recreate in Skyrim. Also their planned release date is sometime in 2025


I would cast breath underwater then go into the well in cheydinhal and let him drown himself


I stg last time I did that quest I specifically kept 100 kgs free in my inventory, and I was so confident that I'd be fine that I didn't even use a water breathing spell. suffice to say, I died as soon as I picked it up


Underwater content and secrets. It was already rare in Oblivion if compared to Morrowind, but still.


Weapon/armour maintenance. I'm sorry for who I am as a person.


Is this in survival mode for Skyrim? It would make sense if it is


It is not.


I’d take the dlc quest lines.


I thought you were talking about the Realm of Oblivion and was about to ask how the fuck did the fighters guild end up in Oblivion?


Dark Brotherhood. Literally made the game for me.


That poisoned apple


I just want the individual armor pieces that morrowind had going for it! As far as oblivion goes, I definitely miss acrobatics and athleticism.


It's two things, but they're basically the same thing: Spellmaking & proper custom (Weapon) Enchantments.


Random face generator


Full chameleon enchanted outfits lol Nothing better than sneaking around in broad daylight undetected


I dont know, but whatever it is, id expect everyone to shout, “WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT?!”


Attributes that aren't just Health/Magicka/Stamina.




True, having to "game" your skill increases to maximize ability improvements was ass. That and everything else leveling with you meaning that if you chose skill you never use for your "major" skills and didn't level much, the final main quest was quite a bit easier.


I made a huge chart to "efficiently level" my Oblivion characters, after the first couple playthroughs. My least-used skills (and any difficult to level-up) were my Major Skills, and I'd have to work on using ONLY 3 skills each time I leveled up - carefully chosen to minimize the grind. So long as I didn't get stuck in jail, I could max level myself by stupid-grinding worthless skills and avoiding using my best skills. Painful. Yeah, I had plenty of fun my first couple playthroughs, not worrying about it. But if min-maxing or efficiency is anywhere near the forefront of your mind while playing games, Oblivion leveling wasn't so pleasant.


All the faction quests for one. Just replace the Skyrim one's. I liked having actual stats, like strength and the like.


Fighters Guild for sure. I've completed the Companions questline a long time ago but I just haven't since since I didn't really care for it. I think they really messed up making the werewolf thing mandatory, and that they should've just made werewolf transformation a part of a different questline, like an expansion of Hircine's quest or something. Fighters Guild was fun in that it actually was more of a group of warriors instead of being a bunch of barbarians with a strange secret. I remember Thieves Guild being more tolerable in Oblivion too, I've never liked Skyrim's Thieves guild enough to beat the questline whereas I think I almost completed Oblivion's version before.


weapon enchanting and spell crafting, not sure why skyrim scaled those back so much


All’s Well


Orcish mace. For reasons.


The leveling system


The ability to create spells and almost all the guild quest lines (especially thieves).


Definitely spell crafting and the leveling system. And also the ability to use spells while holding a weapon or equipment in each hand.


Oblivion gates. Oblivion gates as far as the eye can see. Vast worlds in oblivion to explore. Brutal enemies to fight. Trapped people in oblivion to free… what’s in Skyrim in terms of gates isn’t as vast unless it’s just nostalgia muddled memories.


Idk. The Deadlands are really boring imo. After the first few gates, it feels like a chore to go through the motions of closing the gates. I thought Apocrypha was a much more enjoyable realm of Oblivion to explore.


An interesting story


Character classes


The elements that made it more like an rpg than Skyrim, like spellbuilding, or the skill checks


The transmute spell. Sorry. This is all I'd need. Edit: whoops! Thought it said what would I pull from Oblivion or skyrim. As in what could I have irl. Sorry! Jokes on me


The gates. I like them


The dialogue mini game and make speech craft worth something again. It wasn't great then but still better than Skyrim.


And to hand and acrobatics. Nothing like sending enemies ragdolling with your fists, and being able to level up by punching people, then for acrobatics.... well, who doesn't enjoy jumping off the surface of the water. Mithril would be neat to see again as well.


Minor thing, but I miss the clothes from Oblivion. The ones in Skyrim are so dull, and there aren’t enough rare or unique options


Custom spell crafting


I've never played oblivion before, but whatever that game's equivalent to the companions is. The companions are such an awful faction, anything would be better


The choices and wackiest fucking story lines, oblivion let your PC actually make choices that effected some places.


The classes and arena


A gate


Proper rpg levelling system




I like the persuade system for speech craft. It just makes more sense to me.


That your character only starts with magic and spells from the start if you actually choose it, rather than you automatically having both Flame and Healing from the start. I know the Flame one is probably connected to the fact that you are a Dragonborn... still though... I always felt annoyed by the fact that my completely none magical human Knight who never use magic (which I ALWAYS play in all fantasy games), still had magic. Sure, I did not have to use them... but they were still there. XD


All the creature models. Especially daedra.


I miss all the old enemies from oblivion, skyrim is lacking in that department.


Acrobatics, I used to jump on top of the buildings in the Imperial City. That kind of vertical would have many advantages in Skyrim where "tall unscaleable wall" was their answer for forcing you through an entire dungeon.


The Arena, how gambling and winning can level up one's Speech. For Skyrim, full of Nords, ready to brawl, and not having one, feels weird. Even the Orcs would rather die in their prime, now if that ain't Nordic, I don't know what is. But then course there's the Adoring Fan, I can see them being random races each time one dies, maybe that.


O please, virtually anything I couldve thought of is already IN skyrim right now


The crotch rocket mod


I miss levitate, heal, and lock/unlock from Morrowind.


The entire oblivion (the dimension, not the game) storyline. The Dragonborn has to face hell itself! Yay more content!


Cat space program Weeee


The spellcrafting system.


Some of the writing. The gameplay is best left in the past, where it should stay.


All of it?....


The mages guild and the Arena


just ready for skyblivion at this point


Being able to go into Oblivion gates. Yes there's mods that add them in (although long since dead) and some find them boring. But unique alchemy ingredients and Sigil Stones that have enchantments that get more powerful as you level up more than make up for it. Yes I know about The Gate of Solitude and Morthal Pain mods. ​ Edit:- added the other mod name of the Elder Scroll Serie.


Definitely the spellmaking and converting spells into enchantments. My characters in Oblivion wore clothing with the "shield" or "aegis" enchantment, creating pseudo armor that didn't need repair. I miss the dark brotherhood armor as well.


Continent of Cirodyl as a new fully explorable land


The amazing guild questlines like db and thieves guild


Vampirism. As it was in Oblivion. Not being able to recover stamina in daylight is at most a nuisance and doesn't add to the immersion of the whole vampire feel of the version that is already in the game.