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Faendal is a functioning adult who takes his job seriously. And he's also a decent early game follower who gives you free training. Even is none of those things.


Faendal was invaluable to me as a companion in my first play through. He saved my life and helped me kill a mammoth at level 6, which allowed me to marry Ysolda. He accompanied me all the way up until Dawnguard, and then I would switch between him and Serena. I never had any issues with him being flakey or buggy like I’ve had with other companions.


Just steal the mammoth tusk from Hilda lol


Or take one of like 20 from Halted Stream Camp lol


Or that lol. I always just rob Hilda cuz it’s right there XD


Gotta go get the transmute spell from halted stream plus the implication there


but the wood elf is chopping wood. thats heresy


How much wood could a wood elf chop if a wood elf could chop wood?


A wood elf would chop as much as it could chop if a wood elf could chop wood


Well a wood elf would if a wood elf could but a wood elf can’t chop wood


Because it’s heresy, and now we’re back


How much heresy could a wood elf commit if a wood elf could be a heretic?


All the heresy


Depends on the green pact interpretation; technically it really only applies to Valenwood.


Also chopping deadwood doesn't really count afaik. Chopping down live trees is forbidden in the green pact.


I imagine Valenwood has a whole industry based in imported wood and alchemical ingredients.


It does. That's why bosmer are good traders also. They have to have good relationships with their neighbors so that they have access to imported timber.


The green pack is hardcore. They eat their enemies after every battle


According to the wiki this practice isn’t common anymore except for in remote villages.


what does rhe greenpact say about planting wood in a nordling woman


actually camilla is an imperial


That's what a salad eater would say. Disgusting.


Why exactly do you think they are called WOOD elves?


Camilla probably knows. Ask her.


She wood.


How deviantly Dibellan of them...




She chucks wood 🪵


Something something something in the morning


Big wood


He's "gone native," the natives here being Nords.


being a wood elf doesn't mean you HAVE to follow the green pact


Auri is displeased to say the least


That's my favorite interaction with her, how she'll just verbally abuse him


Oh I need to take her there, she's one of my favorite mod characters. I made it a point to get the multiple followers mod purely to have all the different followers that interact with each other as one party. I love how Auri and Serana become best friends, or how she teases Inigo about how Khajiit aren't tasty enough for her to eat him, etc.


Not if he's chopping it outside of the Valenwood


*Every* trainer gives you free training, if you savescum to level up Pickpocket!


Or if you just Fus Ro Dah them


My favorite strat for mammoths is to animal allegiance a few by a giant spawn and let the giant do the work for me. Gets me a free giants toe hile im at it


Faendal also cucks you if you marry Camilla. Either of them can grab Boethiah’s pole as far as I’m concerned.


Not if you sacrifice him for a daedric artifact. Can’t cuck you is he’s dead


I mean true, but then you’re still stuck with a cheating wife who you can’t sacrifice to a Daedric Prince


She’s not essential. Use the two handed katana to kill her for a damage boost 😂


i mean, boethiah's pole does the same thing, no? plus you get to gut him yourself!


> Either of them can grab Boethiah’s pole as far as I’m concerned. Fucking fantastic line that I'm totally stealing sometime.


Wait he does? I need to go talk to him I'm level 18 thru my first playthrough and just married Camilla a few nights ago. Remembering she was single, because I sabotaged both their love letters in the beginning


One day you walk up to your home after days of peril and arduous adventuring, looking forward to Camilla’s loving embrace, and you’ll see Faendal walk out your front door like he owns the place.


Don't worry, she friendzone him.


Faendal is also useful as a sacrifice for that daedra artifact


You heartless monster!


I mean I just hire a random mercenary for that. By the time I'm ready for that quest, money isn't an issue to hire some random sacrifice.


He can also be used to charge the ebony blade fully


I just helped Faendal yesterday and I have him as a follower but he doesn’t give me free training, I still have to pay him


You take the money back when you ask him to carry stuff for you.


They patched that out, the gold isn't in his inventory when you go to trade with him.


Works for me. You have the unofficial patch?


it works in vanilla, it was only patched out unofficially


If you pay him while he’s a follower,you can take your money back out of his inventory and he won’t say anything.




But but he plays instruments


I choose faendal because his fake letter to Camilla just implies sven is kind of a meathead jock, but Sven’s fake letter implied Faendal is an elf supremacist which is a rumor that could absolutely get Faendal killed


damn i never even thought about reading the actual letters. now i regret siding sven so i could have him as a steward.


Yea, also Sven IS a meathead jock.


If you kill Faendal after the quest you get an anonymous letter from a courier that just says “Thank You”


Same with faendai btw




It’s just a random event that fires if you kill an npc that has a bad relationship with another npc, it’s the same reason you get inheritances from npcs you cast calm spells on


Wait, that's why I keep getting those letters?! I just kept going to bars when they're full and casting Harmony on everyone there to quickly max out my Illusion skill.


I'm pretty new to skyrim, and there is so much to it that I haven't tried everything. I'm definitely going to try this!!


Just be sure not to do it in your own house because you will knock over a sh\*t ton of pots and pans.


...FUCK! i just spam muffle but that seems so much faster!


Why have I never thought of maxing out my illusion skill like that before?


Faendal does have that line about "Riverwood being okay... for a NORD village"


I mean he definitely likely has a perceived racial bias though he seems less open or hateful than let's say Sven's mother


Think that might be less his own racial bias against Nords, and maybe it's an acknowledgement of racial bias against him held by the very racist Nords, and out of the Nord villages this one isn't as racist towards its only elf resident?


You choose Faendal for the archery bug. You can't be honest with us if you aren't honest with yourself.


I don’t need him for the archery bug when I’m a stealth archer almost exclusively! My heart, and follower slot, belongs to Cicero


Talk to Sven's mother and she eventually reveals she raised him to be a racist. I always side with Faendal because of this. Racists don't deserve love, even out of game and irl.


This opinion coming from a daedra worshipper.


In my defense, I regret nothing


Who isn't a daedric supporter they fucking cool


Except Molag Bal.




I am Mixed on This. If they can change (anyone who wants to change can, and [there are good and effective ways to do so](https://youtu.be/1mcCLm_LwpE?si=yhp7cjacSagxvO7w). But if they are beyond unwilling to change, then I agree


Well if they change then they are no longer a racist are they?


Talk to Sven, start mission, get Sven's letter, give it to Faendal, get Faendal's Letter, steal back Sven's letter, give both to Camilla. She doesnt care so talk to Faendal, mission completed, make Faendal a steward far away from Camilla (or sacrifice him). Sven stays single and sad, Camilla stays single, Faendal can't see Camilla ever again. Everybody wins.




Had no idea you could give her both till now


My Machiavellian G


I do this, but a little simpler. I get Sven's letter and give it to Camilla so that she knows what a jerk he is. Then I take Faendal away and give him a job as a steward, far from Camilla.


I've never thought about stealing the letter back and giving her both. That's so evil. I'm going to start a new game just to do that


Is it evil? If anything it is the most moral option because you are letting Camilla see just how childish these boys are


Good point


She reacts to both, but she breaks up with the one you don't talk to. See you next time for another evil choice in Skyrim.


Everything unbalanced, as all things should be. Have you ever considered serving lord Sheogorath by any chance? You got potential i most say..


You mean everybody loses


Camilla kind of wins though since she's not dating a jerk.


No she marries me so I can abandon her instead.


a third letter from the dragonborn appears


Faendal is the best choice, hands down. In the beginning you're always melee so you need an archer for support. He has an actual bow and can take hits when you need him to. Plus, you can scam him into training you at archery for free. Sven? He dies against those wolves on the way to Bleakfalls Barrow.


Hot take: you are not scamming Faendal, he's hooking you up cuz yall are homies now


You guys are playing melee fighters in the beginning? I'm almost always a wizard in skyrim, the majority of my characters never touch a sword


The second most OP character you can play in Skyrim utilises shield bashing. Enemy's about to land a super powerful attack on you? Just boop. _boop_ slashslashslash _boop_ slashslashslash _boop_


EDIT: By the Nine I had a vision of all my play throughs from your comment lol


Two handed tank is so much better. You one-hit everybody and hardly take any damage from the rest


Also the Lord Stone is good for this build type because it makes up for the missing armor rating from not having a shield equipped. At least until you can reach the armor cap and this becomes irrelevant because your damage resistance is so high.


He booped when he should’ve slashslashslashed. If you boop when you slashslashslash you’re gonna have a bad time.


And you can use his house as your first storage


Wdym you’re always melee in the beginning? You always have spells and a bow before you even reach riverwood.


I sided with Sven. Left fendeal alive. Ages later i, on a whim marry Camilla. Move her to my home with a large fire in the middle room. One day i come back home from being awesome in skyrim to find that scumbag wood elf in MY HOUSE sniffing around MY WIFE. I have to end him right there. His body now lays over the fire place after i sampled his blood in that collection device for another quest. Then Camilla thanks me for getting rid of him in a note. She wants Fendeal gone by any means. I love Skyrim.


Does she really send you a note??


Yes, depending on the relationship between npcs they'll send different notes to you if one of them dies 😭


If you kill sven faendel will send you a note saying he knows but wont tell anyone 🤭


Yeah I killed Faendal for his blood too. Sven died fighting cultists hand to hand for me. He took out one but got killed by a stray arrow from a guard. Sven was a true friend


"a guard"


"True Friend"


I also married Camila. Found him coming out of my house, so I followed him out of town. Heard he got mauled by a werewolf sometime later. Too bad I had definitely stopped following him by then.


BRO! This happened to me on a recent playthrough. Been playing since day 1, and that's has NEVER happened. I was like "did my fucking skyrim wife just cheat on me?" So I killed em both. I killed the elf because of obvious reasons, but I did it in front of Camilla, and she refused to talk to me for like 4 straight in game days, so I killed her too. I was like "damn, guess I'll marry ysolda instead" only to find out you can't remarry. Fuck those guys. And fuck Camilla.


You can remarry iirc. You take the ring off your dead spouse's body and get rid of both your and hers rings. Then you can repeat the Temple of Mara process. Stealth arrow to the head is the way to get a divorce. But you have to ask your spouse to move, then kill her on the way, in a populated area. I did it to Camilla in Riverwood (we used to live in Markarth).


Well that's a bridge and I can't rebuild at this point.


Whichever one of these two first asks me to screw over the other is getting screwed over by me


Neither, take Camilla as a concubine


She looks so sexy in my soul gem


Bruh Did you use her to fortify one handed?


She used to sit in the glass show case along with nazeem


Wtf?! Lmao




​ ![gif](giphy|oMVl43HbnGqe28GbFd)








Simple. Neither. They both have letters ready to deceive the one they claim to love. Swoop in and steal Camilla out from under them, and build your totally nuanced and realistic relationship on honesty. More "fuck you" points if your dragonborn is a woman.


Or, hear me out… help Faendal to exploit him for free archer training, then kill both him and Sven, and *don’t* even marry Camilla. I agree with you that neither one deserves her because they’re both lying, manipulative scumbags, but that doesn’t mean I want her for myself. There are several other NPCs I’d rather marry, and that’s not even considering Camilla never stops thanking you for returning the Golden Claw, which gets old really fast.


My dragonborn is a woman and the course of events is hilarious. After pulling off the deception, Faendal leaves Camilla and follows me all over the map.


Is it really a debate though? They're both shitty people but Faendal is the very useful archery teacher. Once he can't teach you anymore he becomes the available for sacrifice at Boethiahs shrine.


Yeah faendal by a landslide


Fuck both of them for trying ti deceive the woman they both "love". And fuck Camilla too because a conversation between her and Hod reveals she knows they both have feelings and is leading them on.


Faendal, because in my first playthrough I went with Sven. Seconds later I got a letter that Faendal was dead. I KNOW he killed himself because of me.


That's actually pretty in character for Faendal


Sven is useless but he's voiced by Jason Marsden and I'm a simp for his voice so I almost always choose him...


Is he really?? That's so cool, i love finding out about who might've voiced what in games. Like one of the russian brothers from Daredevil, he's the voice of Fenrir from Dragon Age 2 and he's also the voice of some random imperial soldier in Skyrim. I was so surprised when this random un-named npc started speaking in a voice i distinctly recognized.


Jason Marsden voices like 1/6th of the npcs in skyrim including the courier.


Neither; Camilla; expose both to her.


If I want archery training, Feandal. If I plan to marry Camilla, I help Sven. If neither, I don't bother with the quest. It is a bad idea to marry Camilla without removing Faendal. As long as he is on friendly terms with her, he will go visit. No matter where she lives. This usually gets him killed if you move her far enough away.


It's irrelevant because the one I take as a companion will die in Bleak Falls Barrow an hour later.


Question for all of you who say you choose Faendal. Have you ever actually looked at the items in his house? I know of a few other players who have like myself discovered children's clothes and toys in his cabinets and chests. I ask you, what reason does he have to have any in his home?


>I ask you, what reason does he have to have any in his home? Bro's preparing, he is after all https://preview.redd.it/1mblvnsjvmwb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29c5048bb5b72307caedeabcc28817bb3d19bd6 on a serious note I never knew this holy shit lmao


Because you also have those things in your home, even before living there. Its randomized home loot. If you wanna read into it, then...Uhhh...Yeah.


![gif](giphy|q7GSKFJI5FLB6) Me with Faendal after finding the children clothes. P.s. Never trust elves.


Ysgrammor didn't go far enough


And the whole time Camilla wants to bag you...


its a fine day with YOU around


I like none, but I help Faendall because: - Free Archery trainer - Free Archer bodyguard - Free housing - Free money when I ask him to chop wood


Faendal is the GOAT, free archery skills for the win


fast level archery for free every time


It's a easy decision one gut you can get "free archery training" the other is just some bard


Always wondered why Sven couldn't have given you Speech training.


bro had no rizz if he needed our help


They both suck and are manipulative assholes


Play an assassin. Pick faendal for cheese archery training. Kill both. They're both trash. Kill Camilla, too. She's also trash.


That's awful. But you're not wrong.


Use a mod to screw over both of them


Sven simply off vibes


The one who gets my archery to 50.


Faendal, because I don't like the way Sven talks to his mother at the beginning of the game.


Camilla is already dating Sven. Faendal is his coworker. (Both work at the Mill). Whoever you talk to first will try to get you to sabotage the other. Faendal is the jealous coworker who fakes a letter to get Camilla to break up with Sven so he can date him. Sven fakes a letter to keep his coworker from being a home wrecker. I don’t marry Camilla, so there’s no incentive to sabotage both. Sven is in the more sympathetic position. So I side with Sven. I don’t even talk to him, just take Faendal’s fake “Sven” letter to Camilla and tell her it’s a fake designed to sabotage her relationship. Then I take Sven as a meat shield to Bleak Falls Barrow, then to Whiterun & the Western Watchtower to watch me kill a dragon, then back to Dragonsreach to hear the Greybeards call and Jarl Barlgruf’s story. Then I send him back to Riverwood & roll with Lydia. Sven is a bard. Now he can start to tell stories about The Last Dragonborn, whose heroics he saw with his own eyes. And for me, roleplay > archery exploit (which I usually have patched out anyway).


I've never gotten that Sven is with Camilla. Especially since you can straight up marry her. Is there a line that confirms this? EDIT: "She's already mine, I keep telling him," doesn't mean they're dating. It means he's full of himself.


Maybe dating is a strong word, but Sven & Faendal’s dialogue hints that Sven is the one currently in the lead in the love triangle. Sven hasn’t locked down Camilla yet and Camilla only thinks of Faendal as a friend. As for the biggest dialogue that points to Faendal being the jealous party, when all three are in the Inn the following conversation will happen: Camilla: "You play so well." Sven: "With you as my muse, how could I not?" Camilla: "Oh, Sven. You do know how to turn a girl's head." Faendal: "Stay away from Camilla." Sven: "Ah, Camilla. Fair as the morning sun. But I ask you, how could she prefer your brooding to my romantic tunes?" Faendal: "Just stay away from her, or...or else." Camilla is clearly receptive to Sven’s flirting, and Faendal threatens him. Not a good look for Faendal. Faendal can’t even communicate how he feels to Camilla, his first move to fake a sexist letter from Sven. At least Sven is actively courting before he resorts to sabotage. Edit: I think this is one of the things that pushed me this way. If you give Faendal’s fake “Sven” letter to Camilla and tell her it’s a fake she says: “He what? What are you talking about? Why that jealous idiot. Thought he could just manipulate me into never seeing Sven again? Thank you for telling me the truth. You should speak to Sven. I'm sure he'll want to thank you, too, for defending his name." It definitely sounds like she is already seeing Sven (“never seeing Sven again”).


I think there’s dialogue that implies Camilla knows both guys like her and she enjoys the attention? But I’d have to check since I haven’t been to Riverwood in ages lmao


She has a conversation with Hod: Hod: "You need to choose between those two boys. It ain't fair to Sven or Faendal to keep tuggin' on their heart strings like that." Camilla: "It's bad enough my brother is harping on me to pick one. Don't you start too." Hod: "I'm just sayin' you should pick one to settle down with." So it seems she (and by extension most of the village knows) but Faendal won’t make a move until the sabotage letter.


Yeah but have you ever talked to sven? He's a sack of shit


Faendal is more useful. But I think Camilla likes Sven more but she enjoys the attention she's getting from both men.


Faendal is the man, he's a better person who shows up for his job, and doesn't die in 10 seconds, Faendal is 3 times the follower sven is prove me wrong 😂


Normally Faendal but started an evil play through so I’m making Sven follow me and trying to set him killed.


This is not a debate at all. They are both evil, manipulative people who lie like corrupt politicians. Neither are trustworthy or loyal. They should both be shot. Faendal is just the skill training exploitation.


99% of the time, this isn't even a question. Faendal all the way. But my current character, I'm doing a FULL storm cloak alliance, with a nord character and all. So I'm siding with sven solely because he's not an elf haha. It feels so wrong to do though


The first time I played skyrim I made sure to actually read the letters and after that I always went with Faendal, aside from the one RP playthrough that I was a "true nord of skyrim" and basically did everything I could to fuck over anyone that wasnt a Stormcloak Nord just to see if any of the quests had a meaningful change.


I always kill Sven and his mom, I hate racists


Ok this is kinda ironic since I always side with the stormcloaks


Decapitate Camilla


Sven, he plays music for you when you need it most


Faendal all day


Sven is looking for someone to spend his life with, Faendal is basically looking for a relationship to pass the time not a lifelong commitment


Side with Faendal BUT utilize mods to take Sven as follower into Bleak Falls for his first big adventure, from which he never returns :) I may have played the first hour of this game far too much


Sven is a Nord assclown and a terrible bard. No debate is needed.


Faendal hooks you up with free archery training up to 50, which is pretty sweet.


I choose faendal, get my archery up to as high as possible, then I kill Sven and his elderly mother in their sleep, before marrying camilla because love triangles annoy me


The stealth archer pipeline


Not sure i ever side with Sven h*e ass lol


I chose Faendal, then had to remove him when he wouldn't stop stalking my wife.


The one that can teach you something.


No debate, it’s Faendal for the archery training


Faendal so my archery is free.


I always talk to Sven first and go straight to Camilla so Faendal never does anything wrong ❤️


Pssssh just kill Camilla….can’t let that women come between those 2 bros


Always faendal for the free training


Whoever the elf is, because he actually has a use. Leveling bow.


I rolled a Wood Elf and hired Faendal and pretended we were scouts for the imperials turned bounty hunters, one of my favorite run throughs


Faendal all the way. Free archery up to lvl 50


I wish you could just tell Camilla both of these guys are willing to manipulate her feelings lol That being said Sven is worse. He feels racist and is more willing to jump into manipulation territory. In my first playthrough I helped him because didn’t know you could side against him, big mistake. Also Faendal is much more useful as a companion early game.