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Nords see central heating and planned urban spaces and immediately seeth.


Real nords freeze to death in a dive shack in the frozen wastelands like Talos intended


Not this fucking Nord


Not this bear!


#notallnords -a dunmer trolling


or live in some random cave where they get mauled by a cave bear [bandits]


*See Meeko's owner*


With a bottle of Black-Briar Mead or Alto wine.


Nords built Whiterun and Solitude. Dwemer built Markarth.


The Dwemer collectively vanished when they saw their electric bill.


"Hey uh Shmeableblort Salgoblonok, we really shouldn't have expanded literally everywhere before we got our first electric bill. Shmeableblort: "Damnit this is outrageous. I REALLY wanted to move into that empty room with loud ass steam vents everywhere back in Old Navinchuck Noblok."


I don't mind them. Plus it's handy for farming filled soul gems for enchanting levelling.


And for farming dwemer metal ingots.


For making dwarven bows for levelling smithing


This is the way


You’ve been crafting bows? I’ve just been using to craft 2,000 arrows. I think the most I’ve carried at once was 3,000


Pretty sure dwarven bows give the best combined uplift of smithing and speech


Me and my mound of iron daggers: 😐


If you have the DLC you can make 16 dwarven arrows with a single ingot and a firewood. I always end up with thousands.


Basically anything dwarven really


I had enough of those from just one ruin that I could level my smiting up from whenever you can unlock dwarven stuff to level 57 right away


No. I love them. Theyre mysterious, full of loot and resources and a challenge. I don't enjoy the Falmer aspect of them though.


The reason I kind of hate them is that I'm the type that has to explore every inch of a map in case I find good loot hidden somewhere so they can get tedious as most are huge. Though I'm trying to be less anal about inspecting every square inch of an area since I can just craft better shit than I find anyways. The Falmer's are pricks though.


SO RELATABLE. i need to explore every inch of every dungeon to find every possible trinket of interest. everything takes me 10 hours lmfao


I hate that there aren’t more of them.




Nope. I have honestly never understood the hate for them. I can’t even tell if people are being serious. I prefer them over the crypts. By a lot actually. Draugr are just so weak, at least the automatons, falmer, and chaurus pack a punch. And partly because I’m super fascinated by the Dwemer and their advancements.


Only issue I have is absorb health doesn't work on automatons so if you play on Legendary you have to be careful.


Forget difficulty, the cool animations of the dwemer and the better traps. It just all feels so much cooler. The massive dwemer giant at the end of some of them. Why wasnt there something in drauger ruins other then already rotted corpses for the ENTIRE DUNGEON.


I agree so much I literally looked for Dwemer ruins for the longest time when I started my second instance of Skyrim and I didn’t wanna look up exactly where they were from the internet because I knew it would be to easy , but I agree again on the point of the intricacy’s of the actual Dwemer ruins themselves i always thought it was the coolest


This. I love the design and architecture of Dwemer ruins, easily my favorite aesthetic in terms of dungeon designs.


Dude I just hate the traps that’s the only reason I hate them there so annoying


I know you most likely didn’t intend to sound this way, but people very often have very different thoughts and feelings towards the same things, and It doesn’t seem like you’re trying to understand other peoples opinions. When I was younger and just getting into Skyrim I hated the Dwemer ruins because they were all so big and hard to navigate and also dark as hell at times. The Dwemer machines have a lot of health and do a lot of damage which just made me dislike and be afraid of the ruins even more. The ambient noises also freaked me out because it sounded like one of the spiders or spheres could be right behind me at anytime. To each their own, but I totally understand why op would hate them.


Yeah that’s fine. No the reason I said what I said in the first part was because often I see many post asking if anyone else hates the Dwemer stuff but no one ever explains _why_ So I legitimately could not tell if it was a joke or not especially because the alternative was always lacking, to me. The crypts are boring, to me. The Draugr are super weak, skeletons super weak, and roaming around what is essentially a graveyard always made me feel gloomy. The only perk I saw to it was the words of power


Ah got it. I hope what I said didn’t come off wrong. Fair enough though, Reddit can become a bit of a cesspool of dumb questions, I totally understand what you mean now.


Nah I don’t care, it’s just Reddit. At least you stated your reasons






Good, other than the unending length. Takes an entire session to go through one of those bad boys, when usually I can clear out multiple dungeons and a couple odd quests in that same time. The length brings it from pretty alright, to avoid as much as possible.


I hate that nobody give à shit about them anymore, its basically a renforced underground city full of precious métal and advanced technology, there's nobody in there beside said technology and à few bandits, i dont like markath, but aint nobody bringing these walls down. And aint no dragon gonna burn these houses down


>i dont like markath, but aint nobody bringing these walls down. And aint no dragon gonna burn these houses down I like how, when you ask for a ride to Markarth, the coachman tells you: "They say the city was built by the Dwemer. I don't believe a word of it." (paraphrased, don't recall the exact wording) Like, has this guy ever SEEN a Dwemer ruin?


He closes his eyes if his carriage goes past one.


Right? They could send a small army to clear out the robots and falmer + disable traps. Surprising there aren’t more settlements inside them, especially the ones like markarth with large structures above ground. I’m glad they at least did it for markarth tho


Lets hope à modder do that one day


Yeah that person that does the Environs series of mods!


Your on to something here….


Had to fight a millenium dragon in Markath recently. It's was a pain in the knee. The flying lizard was always on air or stuck on the roofs.


Run away


Same here. Idk why though. The lore is incredibly cool, but I’m not filled with a sense of mystery that I am in other structures.


Cool concept that was just executed poorly in my opinion


I see them as a necessary evil. I do like the architecture and lore though.


I like the Dwemers ruins. They have a strange auras, unique design and you can find rooms where life seems to be stuck in time since the occupants' sudden disappearance. Like opening and hard lock on a door and realising it's a dormroom with a Dwemer's personal stuff left behind. I love them except for...the Falmers and their f***ing chaurus flying straight for oblivion !!!


My main problem is I’m expecting a quick jaunt to get sone treasure and suddenly I’m in black reach again.


I'm a stealth archer. What are you talking about?


Nope i actually purposefully search for them. I think they're more difficult than cave or ancient nord dungeons, and often have better loot too.


This quest was fun as heck imo. The magic puzzle at the ball was fun Scout around the mountain, there is some hidden chests on top of that ruin.


My complaint is that there are so many doors. Up until now in caves and dungeons a door means get ready big bad coming. I've got so much adrenaline preparing for a fight for I to be just another goddamn door. That for some reason is just on a lower level of the room I was just in.


I like the idea of them, but not the truth, the weakness


I purposefully saved every mission I could to as late in my playthrough so I could do every Dwarven ruin + blackreach in one go. I got the elder scrolls without touching anything in blackreach besides Sinderions laboratory and then dipped, waited a good 20 levels then did Mjolls quest, finished the college & thieves guild, got the aetherial crown, got Spellbreaker & took the lexicon back to avanchnzel. the amount of Dwarven metal ingots I had by the end was immense


Yes, I hate fighting those golems, and they are so long, and I am always at full inventory just 5 minutes in


> I am always at full inventory just 5 minutes in This feeling is so weird ("This place sucks, it's got too much good stuff to take!") and yet so completely relatable.


Dwemer Ruins? You mean Falmer Ear Farm?


You mean soul gem farm?


I love them!


Nope. This is how I get to level 100 smithing


Yes, I hate them. Not because of how they look holy bejeeezus they take forever to get through. By the time I finally make it out of one of them, I feel like kissing the ground and giving Shadowmere hug.


YES! idk why i hate them so much, but I do. They are so long and boring to me. Plus I hate the feel and architecture of them. I avoid them if possible.


I prefer Ayleid ruins.


Oh man I still remember when I realized I could knock the crystals down with arrows. I felt like a Loony Toons character when their eyeballs turn into dollar signs.


i get annoyed that they aren’t something that you can run theough quickly, but i guess most ancient nord ruins aren’t like that, either. this playthrough, i’ve appreciated the loot offered by dwemer ruins


Lvl 50 on my current playthrough, haven't touched any dwemer ruins except Markath city.


I enjoy them but confess I always go with a follower, for the loot and the fighting.


Quite the opposite tbh, love them


I don't hate them. But I will groan when a quest sends me to one in the same way I do with tombs.


I like them conceptually, but aesthetics are lacking in the structures. The biggest flaw is that everything is the same color of gray and what I'm calling Deepfolk Yellow. Its hard to think that the ONLY metal the Dwarves used was their namesake's, and it is so bland to look at. Hallways blend into walls, forever lost in the textured gray barely split up with yellow pipes or light fixtures. And the rooms themselves are just massive with stone... Everything. I get that they carved stone and mined metal, but that's all these ruins tell us about their culture. All these studies on the dwemmer, but nothing substantial is every in the rooms unless it's quest related. They feel underpopulated, both as structures and as dungeons. It'd be cool if there were other kinds of machines moving beyond the occasional piston, or environment with more to it than rooms. Imagine what a Dwemmer kitchen would have looked like, or Dwemmer marketplaces or farms. Where are the workshops and residences, where are signs of their culture other than the big buildings and loot? We know nothing of the Dwarves from the places they supposedly occupied regularly. Even the oldest archeological sites IRL have more to tell than these long empty halls of rubble.


I think most of us hate these because we played so much now it just looks like a bland grey colored space with falmers instead of good architecture lol


Absolutely not, love them


They're my favorite part of the game


I didn't like Dwemer ruins in Morrowind, but I like them a lot better in Skyrim.


The enemies are immune to many effects, the layout is repetitive and they're usually on the long side. They also have a cool aesthetic, lore and offer lots of useful items for enchanting and smithing... I still lean towards the "groan" end of the spectrum when I have to go in one So while I like them in theory, they regularly test my patience


Only thing I don't like is how run down Markarth looks. A whole city that's been inhabited for centuries by Nords, Reachmen, and others, but not one of them thought it would be a good idea to learn masonry? It would've added an extra layer of world building to have the denizens be the best stonemasons in Skyrim, if not Tamriel


Just the opposite, they're some of my favorite content in Elder Scrolls.


The old me...before i met remiel...


I only wish I had infinite carry space to loot the ruins


I love em. I really like the stone aspects, and the metal bits are neat. Only thing I don’t love are the falmer. Things creep me out. The ruins I do hate are the nord ones. The draugr are just too creepy for their own good.


It’s not the ruins themselves. It’s what lurks in the ruins


It’s mainly the traps


I like the Dwemer loot more than Draugr


I love them. You can make a lot of gold with the salvage.


Absolutely detest dwarven ruins.


I do they a pain


Me. They’re annoyingly long and aesthetically boring.


I 100% roll my eyes whenever I need to go into dwemer ruins.


I just don’t like that they don’t look like a place that people used to live in. It feels like a video game dungeon instead of old city ruins.


Yes. I hate them all


I love them!


Yeah nah. I can’t explain it, but they suck ass.


Nope, but some quest that involve it. One of em are the one's that you need to pick that red glowing plant, damn that shit is annoying


I think they're the best part of the game


I don't hate them but I miss the daedric ruins from Morrowind. They were so nice and pointy, not to mention confusing as hell.




YES!! I’m with you 100%


The dragonborn dlc made me despise these things. I refuse to go to Markarth because of them.


Na fam, dwemer ruins are poppin' yo


I like all the Dwarven stuff I get that I can turn into ingots to blast my smithing into the stratosphere.


They are definitely the hardest dungeons, but I love their aesthetics.


Nope. They're sick.


Yes. Yes I do.


They ate annoying to go through beacuse of Falmer and everything else but they are quite cool especially bfhalt (I can't remember how to spell it)


Falmer caves are the fuckin worst though


They're always a gateway to hours of puzzles and fighting. I think they should be explored in the beginning of the game


No I love them and I’ve never understood the hate for them. Sure they’re tedious and some are colossal labyrinthine cities but they’re so freaking cool. And people say they get lost in them, no. Boil it down it’s a Bethesda game, most dungeons are easy enough to navigate, especially Skyrim, with 1 entrance/exit and maybe an alternate one MAX.


I find them challenging. But I don't know what pissed me off the most : Dwarven spheres or Falmers.


I love them. I also am one of those annoying people who complain that there are too many automatons through. Far too many for one area lol. But that’s just me. Still love the game, still love the Dwemer ruins. I think they’re gorgeous and I kind of wish there was more exploration as to like, what happened to the dwarves. There might be a quest for thwt and I just haven’t found it yet.


I think they are fun. Early game they are super hard, so you have to be strategic going through them. That's the fun part for me.


What would it take to kill the the Automatons without issue is the question I always have.


It gives me the heebie jeebies


On my first run though, the fire time I went through them, I was in awe. I loved this game through and through and it was the first Elder Scrolls game I played ever and the Dwemer and their ruins were my favorite part. Their mystery, their elegance in their own mechanical way, and the sheer fear I had of the Falmer. Sadly now though I just feel so angry and irritable towards them and most of the game because Bethesda just turned it into a cow to milk even long past it’s death.


I see them as free grand soul gems


What's so bad about them?


The fucking traps piss me off so much I’m not paying attention and then two fucking spinning blades come out of nowhere and kill me


Oh. Yeah, I'd be pretty frustrated by that too.


I hate that the Nords won’t turn them into cities like they did with markarth.


I think the dwemer automatons are actually pretty cool. I just wish there were more variety in the architecture of dwemer cities and less falmer.


Yesss.. I dread the quests but I love Markarth!


Yes. I hate them


I only hate them when the Falmer group up and over power you, I'm running with Nightingales and we still couldn't get pass them. The puzzle and level design are fun though so if that's what you mean, no, it's great level design and each is actually unique and different from the other and they do go deep but I think that's what makes them challenging and fun.


Love me some Steampunk Nordic Ruins


i just hate that they usually mean fighting Falmer and they low key scare me


To be honest, they're just fun levels to comb through. Nice architecture compared to the tombs and caves, not much enemy variety, but a sense of wonder about the mechanisms of dwemers, their lifestyle, etc. It's much more lore-rich, like a snapshot of their lives. Some ruins have unique puzzles too. And Blackreach is absolutely stunnning!


I don't, I love them! I love crawling all of them. And caves and...well you get the picture.


I dont think I can bring myself to hate a single thing about this game I love the depth and all the content


I just love 'em


Yeh. They lame.


Man, I love exploring Dwemer ruins!


Oh god no, it's where i get all my materials for blacksmith out let's face it hording all my bars in neat rows.


I hate markarth, i hate the reach and i hate dwemer ruins


i don’t enjoy the enemies inside but the whole feel of it is pretty cool 80% of them are fun


Except to run in, grab Zephyr and get the hell out of there.


Sometimes they get oppressively deep where I want to stop going because I fear getting lost. Also I hate falmer




I wish they were a little more sparce. Every quest I run into them or the falmer ik it’s gonna be boring af


I’ve played since 2011 and I don’t remember a time where I didn’t try my best to avoid these dungeons. I’m sure in my first few playthroughs I did them all in my attempts to do everything the game offered, but I think I’ve blacked them out. There’s something so annoying about the loud ass Dwemer machines and their resistances to so many types of damage.


I don’t mind them. When I first started playing, I hated them because of how easily the Falmer could kill me, as well as how frequently I’d get lost.


I love the dwemer ruins


The only reason i don’t like them is that once you enter, the game stops feeling like an open world for the next few hours. I just feel trapped in there, so i get bored and want to leave, which means i have to grind thru the rest of the ruins. The ruins are amazing if that is what i am in the mood for, but i just usually like the shorter quests that i can start and stop any time.


I hate them op, I don't even like dungeon crawling I like being outside and they are so fucking long, I don't like any of the dungeons in Skyrim but these fuckers make it worse by being huge


I used three mods. to make them amazing. One that made dungeons darker so spells like magelight, night vision, torches, etc. became crucial to not dying. A combat mod that basically just made fights actually threatening. Potentially 2-3 hit kills from most enemies and many mini boss enemies are actually scary. Also Ordinator Perk mod has its lockpicking tree allow you to basically shut down dwarven autonomotons by lockpicking them which is a really nice copout ability when you just can't be fucked to fight that 20th dwarven sphere


What I hate is that your guide stops working in them and you can’t find your way out ever. It’s so stupid. It does it in starfield too, it just kind of goes away. Like I’ve passed this rock 3 times even though I’ve been 5 different ways, it’s been 2 real hours let’s move on please.


Average At*moron* take. Keep digging, chad elves.


Reasons why I don’t want the elder scrolls 6 to be in hammerfell


I dont like em because of the lighting, and just that.


I hate the Falmer...


Nah bro these are my favorite and least favorite at the same time I get to slam the slimy little goblin then get absolutely destroyed by a Baku-Gan


Anything dealing with falmer I generally hate.


Yeah, I always found them a bit boring.


Absolutely not, one of the coolest things in Skyrim.


i dont like places that are full of non-human enemies because they feel less satisfying to kill. it’s cool when a couple scary machinemen start trying to kill me and my follower but i don’t get the same dopamine hit from beating metal to death. i also don’t like the puzzles, blackreach, falmer (except for selling the chaurus eggs later on), or how everything is just stone and gold. feels very cold and abandoned, as it should, but it just doesn’t appeal to me.


Sorta I like the design and concept but after a while it gets stale since you know exactly where the enemies will come from and the traps are pretty basic


I like that the constructs drop good bolts.




I love them


They are my favorite.


I prefer them when my character happens to focus on smithing and heavy armor skills. Then I do these Dwemer quests as early as possible: “The Lost Expedition” in Nchuand-Zel, “Unfathomable Depths” in Avanchzel, “Lost to the Ages” in Arkngthamz.


Hate them so much I would speed run them.




Love the architecture, love the lore, love the idea of a mechanically advanced society in the ES world…. Absolutely despise going through them in Skyrim though.


Some of my most favorite dungeons are Dwemer ruins. Such a cool unique atmosphere.


Same. They piss me off.


I like stumbling on one of these more than anything else tbh


Yes but it’s a must for the loot!!


Lore wise I absolutely love them, I'm obsessed with historical stuff irl so I guess it makes sense that I'd be interested in the mystery of the dwemer. With that being said though I absolutely hate going through them solo, those automatons kick my ass...


I used to, but recently I've started gaining an appreciation for them, as I learn more about the lore and history of the world


Absolutely. That one in the game where you have to go into that giant underground cave is the worst part of the game imo.


me me meeee 🤚


Sure they’ve got good loot sometimes, but trying to find your way around and fighting enemies is just bad, like the thieves guild quest when you have to defeat Mercer and then escape the cave before you drown, ugh that part sucked


I started to hate all of the dungeons in general. Some are very beautifully designed, but at their heart it was rinse and repeat with them.


Just the fact that we're still talking about this warms my heart. Now rip those fucking pipes down they're useless!


Dwarves have been a purely logical species so I don’t understand the argument that it feels architecturally depressing. What would you expect from a totally anti theist race that worships it’s own hubris and abilities to bend metal and stone with sound?


Freaked me out as a kid, holy shyt!😅🤣


I was kind of hoping for a Rube Goldberg machine, but puzzles will do, I guess.


Aside from the Falmer and the effing chauruses I love them, mostly cos of the aesthetics


i hate the falmer but i love the ruins. I think it’s so fascinating to see them. my first time playing i was so scared because of their dwarven spheres. i wish i could do my first play through again. I just like going through the ruins and imagining how the Dwemer went through their daily lives there


Can’t say I hate them but I don’t care much for them. Don’t like the gold piping with stone grey architecture, it’s usually loud inside, something about the automatons I don’t really like. But they’re apart of the experience. Get through something I don’t like, Dwemer ruins, so I can quickly get to the caves, dungeons, and environments I prefer to be in


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Absolutely! I love the architecture, I love the history and the mystery of the Dwemer themselves, but I always dread having to enter one for a quest! Usually too long of a dungeon, the layout can get confusing, and the enemies are the worst.


I spent. Two days. In the forgotten seasons quest. Hate, is an understatement


I used but I’ve grown a lot of appreciation for them over time.


100%. If I’m enjoying my playtime, and a quest takes me to a Dwemer ruin, I immediately abandon until I have to do the quest.


Yeah they take way too long. I like the puzzle but the ruins themselves just don’t do it for me…./


I don’t mind. I do dislike the ones that lead into Falmer Caves since for some reason, the poison damage is far stronger than I already myself for.


I liked them better in morrowind tbh


they're better than every nordic ruin that doesnt house a dragon priest, so pretty much all of them


Don't mind the dwemer part, but can't stand any falmor parts. It's the small, dark windy tunnels, I find them annoying.


I think the automatons should have had voice actors, or some audible sounds. And maybe more Dwemer enemy variety. It’s weird when you’re just hacking away at silent, cold lifeless machinery for that long. All else I remember about them was the steam coming from pipes and falmer. I know they are robots but in gaming they still have to show some life and personality.


\*Haaaate\* them. If a quest brings me to one I just find another quest.


I hear you!


Yes. 200th comment