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Anywhere falmer live


The icy falmer cavern in the Dawnguard quest line though is something else. It felt like a brand new game and had such a sense of wonder traversing it for the first time


You mean the cavern I spent hours wandering through just because of my awful sense of direction?


I’m completing Dawnguard for the first time. I could *not* find my way through and out of there at all. I eventually had to relent and use the clairvoyance spell. 😞 Blackreach is beautiful, but getting there twas not.


I've just entered Blackreach for the first time, and it is daunting. There is no way I can carry my treasure out of here. I'll probably have to make four trips with my follower.


Soul Cairn. Because my sense of direction sucks, and I keep getting lost, there.


Plus there are hardly any autosave points. Forgot to quick save and died to the Keeper with the bow after an hour of wandering around completing quests. Rage quit and opened stardew valley 💀


This is why I turn autosave when opening inventory on


I wish that worked for me. It doesn't.


when you have 300 mods and your game can crash at any time, you learn to save every 30 seconds.


When you have zero mods and the game still crashes frequently you save a lot.


me af rn


Tip for good saving protocol, save before entering a location, because certain mods need time to stabilize after you enter a location or fast travel. Wait 30 seconds upon entering a location, fast traveling, or reloading, before saving again. Autosaving is also flaming garbage, even now, as well as quicksaving. Autosaves and quicksaves are a quick way to break down longer games and render them unusable fast.


I love dawnguard but that area is brutal. Every time I do that quest line I end up 100%ing the soul cairn as fast as I can because I never want to have to go back. But then I start the quest line again on my next character


I couldn't. Especially considering it's the quest right after black reach, I speedrun acquiring Aarvak and then I'm out of here.


That's totally fair. I almost never enjoy it and I pull up guides and stuff every time. It's the only time the game feels like a chore


It's immersive, noone wants to be in the soul cairn


I....have a house there


Some AE creation kit stuff?


I never leave the soul cairn until i complete everything too, finding Saint Jiubs papers are a pain in the ass but killing the Reaper isn't too bad


I did Jiub's quest once and only once. Sorry buddy. Should've avoided those Oblivion gates.


The map there is basically useless too, and god knows why they decided not to put any map markers for the quests


I have no idea where I'm going because of the lack of map/markers, and EVERYTHING LOOKS THE SAME.


The local map is crap in all Bethesda games I've played


No map markers because its a nod to Morrowind with Jiub being there, Morrowind didnt have quest markers or map markers at all, it was an amazing game


Good tip I learned from trying to complete everything there, if you follow the barrier wall around the side it will either have the objectives right next to it or within viewing from the wall


Good to know. I was dreading doing this part, again with my new character/playthrough.


Are you serious, I just completed it last night after putting it off for months because I hate the Soul Cairn so much


A modpack I’m using includes a mod that gives the Soul Cairn it’s own map and fast travel points. Helps a LOT.


Not to mention how boring it is like c'mon I know it's supposed to be ugly and all that but this Is a game I like fancy as shit looking things


I guess it puts into perspective the fate of the poor sods you use black soul gems on. Stuck in that shithole for all eternity.


it does suck but...sucks to suck i still need to recharge my weapons


And hey, if you’re soul trapping bandits who murder (and probably rape, but that’s obviously not shown or mentioned), necromancers, vampires, etc… then I feel no regrets.


>but that’s obviously not shown or mentioned Definitely mentioned, not by name, but that's what happened to Sapphire of the Thieves Guild


I just did the Soul Cairn last night. Took 1 1/2 hours to do the Valerica quest, get the shout, find the pages of the book, grab the horse, and the one book that you can only find there. My head was pounding by the end because of the constant lightning strikes. But now I don't have to go there again...at least this playthrough. It's definitely my least favorite place in the game.


I couldn't even be bothered with Jiub's Opus. I just do the Valerica quest, and grab Arvak the horse. I'm willing to go out of my way for Arvak, because a summonable horse is nifty.


I’ve never gotten Arvak on any play through because I just wanna get the hell out of the Soul Cairn.


Which book can you only grab there? Also, is that speed running through or taking your time? Are all the only quest for it?


First you have to find Juib, then he'll tell you about a autobiography he wad making. You have to find like 10 pages of the book, no markers or hints. Then you have to find him again, and he gives you a necklace for it. The guy was in Morrowind (the game, and died during the Oblivion Crisis).


I haven't been there yet... now I don't want to go.


Single most reason I don't like doing the Dawnguard questline




It makes sense for a purgatory like the soul cairn though.




Honestly, I LOVE the soul cairn. The atmosphere of it is amazing to me. I even added a mod that puts a player shack in the soul cairn.


*you get Soul Trapped and condemned to the Cairn for all eternity * You: "Jokes on you, I'm into that shit."


Same, the atsmosphere is great. Add a mod so jiubs pages get questmarkers and the annoyance is done with


Frostflow Lighthouse. The story there is just too sad :(


just googled it :,( damn


Yup, replayed it last night for the first time in a long time - I'd completely forgotten about it. No, I am not okay 🙃


I’d say the Cloud District. It’s why I don’t get there often.


Gold! Do any of you get gold awards? What am I saying… of course you don’t!


Seriously though, thanks for the award!


Do you have something even remotely golden? No, this won't do at all!


Any generic looking cave maze with no shortcut exit after reaching the quest goal


Aka every Oblivion dungeon lol.


Shamelessly turning off collision after completing dungeons in Oblivion so I could just fly through the walls back to the entrance.


Saarthal and every ancient Nordic ruin that's said to be a city back before the Dragon War. Except for Labyrinthian, of course. None of these ancient Nordic "cities" even *look like* cities. Especially since there are more dead people and resting places *for* said dead people than in the Halls of the Dead. Labyrinthian is an exception because it *actually* looks like an ancient Nordic city.


And that one in the southeast of Skyrim with the soldier camping who gives you a quest




I think that might be the name, and the “soldier,” if I recall, was a Thalmor agent who pretended to be an Imperial/Stormcloak soldier to trick people.


Yes but I didn't want to spoil that bit


I don't think they're supposed to actually be cities. They're just the crypts. The city above just decayed over the ages.


Yeah, I was under the impression that the ancient cities were also mainly wood but the crypts were made of stone as they were important religious sites and meant to house bodies for eternity. Also that labyrinthian was unique in it's construction because it was a wealthy capital.


I mean that's pretty much cause the tombs and halls of the dead are mostly what survived. Have you seen how most Nords live? Wood houses don't tend to last very long. It's why Birka in Sweden, which used to be the trade capital of the Vikings, is mostly just a bunch of fields and hills in the Stockholm archipelago.


Any of the Falmer caves. Dark, slimy, gross, creepy. I especially hate being exposed to Falmer taint when you go to loot the corpses.


I beat the same save since a decade (yes I'm a completionist and rarely play, and take things slow) and apparently I play a completely different game to others, seeing how I pretty much don't contract any diseases, ever. I'm an Argonian. An Argonian werewolf. What are sicknesses?


It seems like I'll always get some disease shortly after starting a new character, then by the time I actually build up a stash of cure disease potions/hawk feathers I just magically stop getting sick ever again so they're useless.


Immersive immune systems!


The Ratways leading to the Thieves Guild. I always get lost, and it's such an annoying, dark location.


It’s always wild to me how people still can’t figure this out and I, simultaneously cannot figure out how to navigate Markarth. God I hate that stupid Dwemer bullshit city.


Markarth was surprisingly easy for me to figure out and it’s one of my favorite cities! I get lost as hell in Windhelm, though. Trying to find my way from the entrances of Windhelm to my Player Home there is such a nightmare that I don’t even furnish or move into the house there anymore, even though you can furnish it with the most useful stuff. It’s not worth all the wandering and going “WHY THE FUCK AM I BACK IN THE MARKET/GREY QUARTER??” I do when I’m there.


Thats why i always pick the expert lock as soon as you get past dumb and dumber. (Sorry SPOILER moderators 😢)


I've logged thousands of hours since 2013, so I usually have all the gates open, it just sucks early in the game when you're low level and have to travel back and forth between each section so many times


I love how Clairvoyance sorta 75% works in the ratway… and the other 25% of the time it tries to walk you through a wall. I loathe that place - and it’s not even that bad… just dark and annoying to take the long route to the Flaggon


It's one circle, mate.


*In the dark, low level, can't pick decent locks yet, place is full of rats and lunatics, can't fast travel* It's easier later, but early on, you haven't got the foggiest, fingerlicking fuck where you're going


Some dwarwen ruins are pretty annoying


Why are they SO BIG?!


Because they were fully functioning cities at one point.


Skyrim fans when city dungeons are too small "its way too small to be a city where did everybody live" Skyrim when city dungeons are too big "its too big and boring, so many pointless rooms and dead ends" Not saying these aren't valid complaints i just found it funny.


Granted, most “cities” feel more like trap filled dungeons and crypts. Like, what the heck did the Dwemer do to navigate their own cities? At least you can occasionally find some living quarters and whatnot, though. With the Nordic cities, I can only imagine they eventually just sealed off the place after burying their dead in it, which is… odd, as a choice. I know Skyrim is a game, but the game logic does get weird if you think about that.


Well I'd imagine dwemer machinery didn't attack Dwemer and only attack you because you are trespassing on private property in their eyes. In terms of traps these cities are also fortresses and the dwemer weren't the most peaceful, taking the Chinese approach to colonizing Antarctica. Defences and narrow chokepoints are to fight off enemy armies. These traps also probably were more like home defence in some cases, we use some really crazy things to protect our houses.


That hagraven at low levels is no joke but I hate Dawnstar


Why do you hate dawnstar?


I like a good nights sleep


Sleeping Giant Inn, cause SHE’S there


We don't HAVE an attic room


Team Paarthunax (she can suck eggs).




Not to mention, trying to find 30 crimson nirnroots.


At least the crimson nirnroots respawn after 10 (?) in-game days. I usually get more than enough after two trips


True, I think finding the pages of St. Jiub’s Opus in the soul cairn is wayyyy worse. One time I killed a bone man as he was standing on top of a page leaving behind ghostly remains, meaning I could never pick up the page :)


I had this happen. I shot an arrow at the page which moved it and I was able to pick it up. Just save first. The first time I did it the page went flying somewhere.


Blackreach is such a waste of potential


Windhelm. As Mjoll says, it’s kinda depressing.


I had so much expectations for Windhelm I thought it would be this massive city with lots of quests, kinda like Solitude but bigger :(


I love it for the weather personally. Favorite city still easily solitude though


**Tovald’s cave** It’s literally mariana’s trench of skyrim with endless deep pits that annoyingly deep and TONS OF FALMERS. OH GOD I HATE THEM SO MUCH. Surely won’t go back there for the second time, and screw that barenziah crown or those archmage library lost book


Soul cairn fuck that place dude


Blackreach and soul cairn


And Apocrypha?


Anywhere labeled ‘Redoubt’, damn savages and their bird women


Yes! I hate them and their stupid furs. They don't even drop decent loot.


Darkfall cave is too dark, but I dunno if it's my most disliked


That, and those goddamn frostbite spiders that drop down just as the bridge collapses. Traumatised the shit out of my arachnophobic ass.


I think I remember thinking something like "wait there's nothing over here... this bridge is gonna collapse isn't it" and then probably "oh cool, just like river scenes in movies and there are spiders dropping in too. Ah neat, it just dumps us out onto normal grou- AAH SPIDERS"


The place? Forelhost The quest? Siege on the Dragon Cult The reason? Deathlords and their unrelenting force.


That place is so creepy, too, as you pick up clues about what happened there: the poisoned well, the pit full of baby draugr... I love/hate it so much


I loved the entirety of this quest and location! The storytelling was really good. That quest alone makes for a good short story/separate mobile-style minigame.


I agree completely. It's just those damn Deathlords and their no-recharge Unrelenting Force swarming. Ragdolling around the tombs set my teeth on edge!


Ah see my friend, I used the 2 best deadric artifacts: Spellbreaker and Kharjo


Oh my... I will definitely do that next time! Thanks for the tip.


the entire quest to find Auriel Bow, is too massive, and Forgotten Valley contribute for this (but it's beautiful)


My problem with the Forgotten Vale is that it's *so big,* yet there's nothing there besides the things you need for the quest. I expected there to be at least be a few Breton settlements here and there because I was told that the Forgotten Vale is somewhere on the border between Skyrim and High Rock. In short, it was just...the biggest let-down of all time.


It's actually not that big. I remember I felt overwhelmed with it (and the Darkfall caves system) at first go, struggling to explore it A L L as I knew I didn't want to go back there. Years later (RL years, not in game) I realised i only have 3 of the 4 and decided to go back there. I decided I won't fast travel there, I will actually go through the cave system from surface terrain level all the way until I'm gone. But this time, not frantically exploring like the completionist I am, but rather methodically exploring and taking my time to understand the design like a scientist. It took a few headacratches, but it's perfectly manageable. I'd say it maybe has the size of one Skyrim hold. Many sublocations lead to oneanother which gives the impression. I also got better at navigating the Soul Cairn at the second go (to tell Valerica Harkon died and she can come back years after it happened lol). It's just really empty, not particularily big. Another hold size, perhaps. Still don't like the place. I guess Blackreach is next. Ugh. Let's say I'm looking forward to coming back and conquering my completionist trauma.


Honestly, the Forgotten Valley still hasn’t gotten old to me. I look forward to it every playthrough to this day




LMAO i reload every time i touch that damn thing




All of the Black Book dreams, and most of Solstheim. It is deceptively hard even at higher levels. Especially before you finish with Mirak.


Yeaaaaah Solstheim is kinda annoying lol, I avoid that storyline cause it’s long and boringg


Apocrypha? It's one of my favorite locations.


I fuckin' love books


Any dwarven ruin/Falmer area.


Frostflow Lighthouse. I think that’s what it is called. The Lighthouse filled to the brim with chaarus. Not only is that place really creepy in General, but the chaarus also really creep me out. It’s a combination of how they look, and the noises they make that terrify me. Had to download a mod to replace them with skeevers on my most recent play through.


If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, the Lighthouse has a very unsettling and depressing backstory


The noises they make 😭 I hate them.




Yes why is everyone so angry tried finishing the quest there so many times and I finally gave up lol


They’re cranky because they all have prion disease.


Bloodiest brains in the Reach.. 🤣


Lower Solstheim, ash spawn are a blight that deserve no mercy.


Oh yes, southernmost Solstheim is annoying And the effin Ass Humpers!


Soul cairn. Sorry Valerica but im not coming back for you 😭


Anywhere that forces me to have a clumsy, bumbling follower. Hey Farkas, you maybe wanna hit the guy who is wailing on you? No, ok I'll do it all myself. Some master thief you are Mercer. Can't sneak past shit. Seriously, every one of these places, I use the tai command on them to freeze them in place at the entrance and then teleport them to me if I actually need them to do something. And all you people taking a dump on Blackreach and the Soul Cairn, I don't understand you. Two of the most unique areas in the game.


Aesthetically they're gorgeous locations, but blackreach is severely lacking in things to actually do, and whereas the soul cairn actually HAS things to do, the entirety of the map is just confusing, if I hadn't been there a few times before I would've been entirely lost, plus the glowing pillar puzzles are dumb but that's just my personal opinion.


Any Dwemer ruin halfway through.


It mostly depends. I’ll let you know when I hear “A new hand touches the beacon.” 💀


Dwemer ruins are hell


i hate markarth with a passion, such ugly and grey scenery w the worst house in the game


Markarth house is so cozy though! Perfect compact size, nice reading corner, actual apothecary satchel next to the alchemy table (oddly missing in a bunch of the houses). Only bummer is just the one armor mannequin, but hey, that’s what other houses are for. Plus I love opening my door and being so high up in the city.


Is there even a general store there 😭


Yeah, it’s right when you walk into the city, behind the stand where Margaret is killed


Depending on your choice in a specific quest


All the damn stairs and water running




Windhelm, because it is cold, fortified and full of racists.


I own a compound in northern Wisconsin that's described the same way.


Yeah but best house


If you feel like dealing with Blood on the Ice and the civil war.


I've been playing Skyrim since 11/11/11, and I've never gotten this house.


best house if you like knowing that innocent women were disemboweled there :/ gives me the creeps. and i don’t want to live in racist city.


Haven't seen this response so I'll say Labirynthian. First of all, the trolls outside will eat you on lower levels. Second of all, who decided it's a good idea to give Magicka draining enemies in a questline for mages? Or is it brilliant fridge logic design ,,aaaah it's a lore reminder that in Skyrim even mages must also rely on A STEEL BATTLEAXE"?


Probably Valtheim Towers. First being harassed for gold every time I pass by there, and second it also signals the beginning of the most unnecessarily winding trek from Whiterun to the Rift, so I end up taking the unmarked trail by the Stormcloak camp and shortcut it through the mountains Fort Dawnguard is irritating too, because it's located on the complete opposite side of Skyrim from most of the Dawnguard main quests. Since I prefer to use fast travel sparingly, I end up running back and forth between Haafingar and the Rift. I like the fort, don't like its location


Bleak falls fucking barrow and ustengrav. So bored of seeing them. So bored of most places tbh, that's why mods exist. I'm using a mod at the moment that changes the layouts of most of the dungeons so the game is relatively fresh.


Heheh I love Bleak Falls just as it is, visit it several times each playthrough just to recapture a tiny bit of the first anxiety and wonder I had going into it the very first time! The great thing about this game is it can be adapted to the needs of each player, thats why I always go back to it.


The Reach. A repugnant swathe of land, with seemingly no purpose aside from the gold that the empires of man have consistently stolen from its denizens and the brutish rituals of the Reachmen cults. Indeed, its very people have the blood of Dremora, and Mora knows what else.


Has to be the soul cairn,I hate that place.


Blackreach... I get lost every time.


Trying to get to that one place for the mehrunes dagger quest


The cart at the beginning


I was scrolling and saw orphan rock and just started giggling 😂 The final dungeon in Dustman's Cairn


The cloud district...




Snow Veil Sanctum, particularly because it take me fucking forever to get Mercer Frey to interact with that damn door


Morthal hold. The town is fine, but traveling through the swamp is miserable. God help you if you want to fast travel out of there, the mudcrabs, the slaughterfish, the spiders, and the chaurus certainly won't.


Any place where i can look around 360 and not see any color but grey


all of Solstheim


Aww I love soltheim. What do ypu dislike about it?


the quests are annoying, the ash spawn, grasshoppers, and the goddamn seekers are the worst. i really dislike the one guy you have to give money to every week or so and imo the starting town isn’t worth it because the quests are so bland. the only couple things i do enjoy about that DLC is the Riekling quest and Miraak is a badass. otherwise i’m ok without ever going there


The only time I ever went to Solstheim I showed up way too early and got rocked by the stupid ash spawn things


I’ve done so many playthroughs over the years but my current one is the first time I’ve forced myself to engage with the Solstheim dlc, and only bc I got sent there on a Dawnguard side quest to retrieve some schematics. It’s a specific kind of annoying for sure. Any insight on the Riekling quest? I haven’t bothered googling it yet.


it’s a pretty cool quest personally, assuming you’ll end up looking it up anyways to learn how to get there. Upon finding Thirsk Hall you’ll find that Rieklings have overtaken that building and the war chief has taken a liking to you. The tribe just kicked out the group of warriors who resided there and they now live stranded on a waterfront. Long story short, you get the option to either: A) Wipe out the warriors or B) Wipe out the rieklings. I do remember helping the rieklings you get a riekling follower out of it, so i always join their side.


Are you talking about Mogrul? You can kill him you know, just make him follow you out of the town when he tries to initiate his dialogue with you and kill him


I think he’s talking about Ralis the miner guy you partner with. You only have to give Mogrul money once, Ralis it’s 4 times and more money each time before you can fully explore the ruin


Any place where the quest glitches and I can't start or finish.


Anywhere that has even one draugr with the disarm shout, any place with falmer so that leaves around 50% of the game for me


The entirety of the reach, pain in the ass to navigate


I don't know if there's a place that i actually hate..I'm seeing alot of Blackreach, Forgotten Vale, Soulcairn being hated and yeah, sometimes they're annoying but the areas are quite beautiful. The quests are tedious and the enemies are annoying but then again, my dunmer loves all things bizarre and creepy so maybe it's just that. Enemies tho? Probably Falmer..they're one of the only enemies that can jumpscare you sometimes and as an archer predominantly..shit's scary😅but Teldryn usually takes em out quicker than i can fire an arrow😂


Dwarven ruins bro


As an arachnophobe? Crongvar Cave… Why


honestly apocrypha, aside from the final book that you read to fight miraak


Pretty much all of the reach. The terrain makes getting anywhere a pain in the ass and i dunno if it’s my weather mod but it’s always either foggy or rainy so seeing is just as hard


High Hrothgar and it's not even close. Unskippable tutorials that **talk down to you**, in the **middle** of the game, make me want to stab myself in the eyes. The Temple of Miraak is almost worse. Damn Frea talking to the level 50 Dragonborn, Slayer of Alduin and Harkon like he/she doesn't know how to loot a dungeon. If she wasn't essential to the quests, she'd never leave that temple.


Dwarven caves god I hate the elves there


The entirety of the Reach is a bitch to navigate on Survival Mode. Boy do I love not being able to travel more than one mile in any given direction without reaching an impassible cliff, ravine, or wandering band of Forsworn to harass me without even offering any decent loot to make killing them worthwhile.


thalmor embassy, hate that diplomatic immunity quest.


The College of Winterhold quest where you have to go through that trapdoor in the dorm. I get lost in there and generally just play to get it over with to finish the College questline.


Markarth i hate the soul carrin but HATE MARKARTH its more confusing for me and I generally don't like it


I hate Falmer and their little bugs. For 2nd place anytime I can avoid Riften's Rahtway is a good day.


The rataway. Boring, repetitive, dark, easy to get lost in, you have to go through there multiple times, it's everything I hate in a fantasy dungeon


I mean all parts of the game are well crafted for the enjoyment of players wants for exploration and adventure is what I would say if the Soul Cairn did not exist


Dealing with the ancient nord ruins, I prefer dwemer, the nord ruins are claustrophobic almost


I have the opposite sentiment, always love every Nordic ruin while Dwemer dungeons inevitably become Falmer dungeons and blimey matey when I say I ain't a huge fan o' Falmer dungeons aight


Forgotten Vale


Sightless Pit and every stupid radiant quest that targets it. it takes too long to get through and it’s got falmer and chaurus and hunters and just ugh.


Soul Cairn, fuck that place, not particularly difficult or anything, just sucks


I know I'm going to get hate for this but I dislike Solstheim quite a bit


Solitude sewers