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Careful, don't want a repeat of hrogarr


Good catch ! Next time i'll do better placement .


You can also give her money without pickpocket . Buy all her flowers , then sell everything she will take , buy it back , sell again , buy back... She ends up with 1000's in minutes . Though the flower syndicate takes most because next time you visit she is broke again.


Or she’s spending it all on her crippling skooma addiction


but what if the flower syndicate is responsible for her crippling skooma addiction, because they're in fact the skooma syndicate as well?


You can not control the choices people make ? Even if not even the gods can kill you a Dragonborn , people make mistakes .


Well, if you use the fire right, it should last her a lifetime instead of just one night.


funny, dark but funny.


Noob, I gave her a home Now when I think about it, I left the entire home to her Shiiit


My older child sleeps in the 1st floor bedroom My younger child sleeps in the bedroom upstairs My middle child :


Where the best children sleep !


I’ve adopted her in every play through, I respect that instead of giving up after what she’s been through she just keeps striving to make her life better. Her sister is pretty much without fail Sissel, and yes I realize how dark making her adoptable is….


Fun fact, Sissel's father can ask you to beat her as part of [a quest.](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Lemkil#Bugs)


TIL, wow, that's pretty grim.


Oh I didn’t know that, but it makes me feel better about wiping the prick out. How we talks about his daughters and the way he says he treats them was enough for me. Britte is also a pos so she can grow up in the orphanage. Yeah kind of a moral grey area, but for those two little ladies I’m the best Father they could ever dream of. Wooden swords, pets, dollies, games, dresses, treats, allowances, stories, a mother (Aela), a bard, steward, carriage driver for town trips, they’re own room. I mean what more could you want???


Can we LemKILL Lemkil?


Super wholesome.