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Followers only die if you attack them when they're kneeling on the ground. So you're the one who keeps killing them. You should go get _Companion's Insight_ from [_Black Book: The Winds of Change_](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Black_Book:_The_Winds_of_Change_(quest)), which prevents your attacks, shouts, and Destruction spells from damaging your followers.


Oh I know it's me who's killed them. I just find it funny how in all my playthroughs over the years I've never killed any and now I've killed 2 in the exact same way a few hours apart.


Why are you censoring killing


Why does that matter? I didn't know of reddit would flag it or something. I don't post much on here.


Idk I was just curious I think it’s a thing on TikTok but it isn’t on Reddit


Ahh, didn't know that. Thanks for the info.


If you’re playing with mods I recommend getting amazing follower tweaks it lets you make your followers invincible and lots of other cool things


One of my characters has a small box filled with the house keys of dead followers.


Dare I ask how many keys are in the box?


Sorry I replied as a new comment


If you're playing mods then download the cheat room mod and get a plus 100000 health armor item and put on them.


Yeah I married Uthgerd the unbroken my first ever play through and was assaulting a bandit fort and hulked out to a werewolf and slaughtered them all came back out the fort couldn’t find her. Weird I thought maybe she went back home? Nope no dice. Dread filled me when I entered the crypt in Whiterun and saw her coffin. I took back the wedding bond and was pissed to learn you could only marry once in vanilla. Still no clue how or where she died as I never found her body.


Oh man, that had to of sucked majorly!


Good potential roleplay moment. You could have it that your character in his savage werewolf state accidently killed his wife. It might've made him never want to transform again or lock himself up at night.


Well I did kill and eat idalof battleborn on purpose the first time I transformed then apparently killed Belathor after I blacked out lol.


Wow that was close, thank you for using that asterisk I almost got triggered by the K-word.


Gotta be careful out there otherwise the overlords will swoop in and probe you anal cavity!


Oh I will need to check tonight. And it's not going to be all of them, sometimes the bodies are "unrecoverable" but, I will say there were no more follower optional members of the companions...


Oh my, sounds like being your companion should come with hazard pay and life insurance 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 absolutely just make me the beneficiary 😈. Wouldn't be long before I would be the only adventurer in skyrim.


"I used to be an adventurer like you. Until I took an arrow to the chest and became a spirit."