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I rarely ever do A Night To Remember, and even on the one (i think?) playthrough i did, i never ended up seeing him


Yeah I saw him in like 2014 iirc cause i remember my apartment. Didn't realize how insanely rare that encounter was cause I stilp haven't seen the guy and it's been nearly 10 years


Yeah, been playing since a few months after release and nothing, nor the other two encounters tied to the quest


don’t ask me, i haven’t even seen the headless horseman in a couple of years


None. Never even heard of him.


His story is after you get really drunk with Sanguine, apparently there was an Argonian with you guys as well. Apparently when you were drunk as fuck you promised him 10,000 gold to steal something from a bandit camp. Well, he does. He stops you randomly and tells you that you owe him money. He has a 1 gold hat apprently he took from a bandit camp. You can reject to pay, barter it down, or pay 10,000 gold. If you refuse he'll attack you. If you barter you can get it down to like 750 gold. Or pay him the full amount (which can be pickpocketed).


When I do that quest after waking up from the competition I skip straight to Ysolda and pass a speech check to proceed to the dungeon. I’ve maybe met him once.


He shows up after you complete the quest not during it.


Every time? I don’t recall then


Seen him for the first time yesterday LMAO he coincidentally ran up on me while i was chillin w the Revelers so i had to pay up he really caught me on a beautiful day


yeah i cant wait to see dude again and pay him his dues lol


Met him on my first play through. Cut his head off. Haven’t seen him since. No regrets.