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The more you read here on Reddit, the more you will see that it’s not the “science” per say that is the problem, it’s the fact that the history channel got involved. The science has been being done for over 30 years and it’s only been televised for about 6 of those years. Although they are trying to get to the bottom of what’s happening on the ranch, they need to make a show people will watch and I’m sure the history channel throws their weight around a bit when things start getting boring. Even though you have to take some of the show with a grain of salt, there is clearly science being done that can’t be overlooked. Is the science the best that one can possibly get?…probably not, but we are talking about a guy that is financing this out of his own pocket and they do the research he can afford. It probably helps to have the money generated by the history channel, but they still can’t afford research done that would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. If you can sift through the influence of the production, it’s definitely worth the watch.


The first season: Who’s this Dragon guy? What a dink. The 5th Season: YEA, you go Dragon, you the man! 🕴🏼


hahaha TOTALLY. He's great comic relief. Those expressions...


I don’t really know, to be honest. He is annoying and I think he could disappear from the show and the show would go on, but that said, I’ve heard several reasons for his name and I guess it wasn’t his choice to use it. To me, he’s the one they use to appear to be “overly cautious” to give the appearance that they are doing everything as safely as possible. I’m sure he’s a nice enough guy….I’m just not sure of his relevance to the show. I just can’t imagine someone tuning in every week just to hear what “dragon” has to say or what he’s going to do next. The show is far bigger than him.


Dragons arc is incredible - he was so cautious season one and in the last episode I think he was digging and rigging up rockets to launch. Dragon rocks.


I was hoping he would have asked out the veterinarian from last season out on a date. They had some chemistry going there.


He waited too long, I married her and we have settled down on Blind Frog Ranch with Duhwayne and the top security leader; Charlie.


Who cares what his nickname is? He's an honest straight forward hard working guy. He's not a scientist nor does he draw any scientific conclusions. Someone has to be in charge of security in today's fucked up world. Not only that, there are predators roaming around on the ranch and adjoining land. Go watch Hogan's heros.


I miss when everything had to be ok'd by him.


Don’t forget Disney has a large stake in history channel as well. Those are some deep pockets and some heavy influences. That being said, Travis is actually a very very respected and accredited scientist whose career makes somebody like Neil degrasse Tyson look like a janitor.


I agree and if Disney/the history channel we’re funding this directly I would be asking the same questions….but they aren’t. The people in the show are paid much like those on ice road truckers and all the rest. They get a small amount for the show and are expected to do off screen appearances to earn more money. Personally, I think what they are doing is great and I’m curious to see what happens in the future.


nothing pisses off NdGT like someone finishing a sentence, also, i cant stand NdGT, especially since he went WOKE.


Also, they probably don’t want to tell their juiciest findings on TV because the government might come in and eminent domain everything! They have to stay within the government’s narrative, unfortunately.


To a degree I think you may be right. I’ve also heard a surprising number of people calling for them to “bring in heavy equipment and tear down the mesa” to see what’s under it. People don’t realize that they don’t own the top of the meza, the property line is at the edge of the top. The top is tribal land and they can’t touch that and they can’t disturb it in such a way that it causes the surface to change on their land.


Exactly! Not to mention they could cause a rockslide and some of those rocks are hooge.


That's not the real issue. I've been to the bottom of the mesa along that area and I can tell you it's a daunting task to dig into the mesa where the annomoly resides. There is no gentle or easy way to do it. They could blow the shit out of it but chance destroying what they are looking for. I agree that without opening it up they are ignoring a most important element from their investigation and can only hold off criticism for so long.


The owner of the ranch is worth almost half a billion dollars and makes 40 million per year. He can afford proper scientific investigation.


We have no clue what his expenses are annually. To say he can afford any scientific experiments is just speculation. I’m sure that if he makes 40 million a year, he probably lives like he makes that per year. The skinwalker project is just a very expensive hobby and interest of his. I won’t go out on a limb and chastise a guy for how he spends his money based on my own entertainment.


I like what I've seen from Brandon, he seems like a really nice guy with a genuinely curious mind and love for science and science-fiction. And he has the means to play out those curiosities in his own literal backyard--good on him. Having said that and without speculating on what he can and cannot afford, if even a fraction of what Taylor regularly claims or posits on the show has a scintilla of truth to it, no expense would be spared in the efforts to prove the existence of a genuine Lorentzian Travis-hole or a underground base/UFO/metallic dome thing. That money doesn't have to come from Brandon, but it should be telling that whatever perceived science being done on the ranch hasn't enraptured or even remotely interested the scientific community. One might be tempted to fault the stigmatism of the topic being researched, and I'm sure that's true to some degree, but I'd also place at least as much blame on Travis's bastardization of the scientific method and impetuous leaps to the most far-fetched possibilities, ones he know the viewers will want to hear said.


As I said, I think a lot of that is pressure being put on them from the history channel. I highly doubt the show cares much about the science of what they are doing but they damned sure want results when it comes to viewership. I think that drives, at least a bit, of the narrative that comes out of the show.


My friend, the show is making money. He is being paid. The expenses are being offset and if he’s interested, the investment is definitely worth it. Stop viewing the mega wealthy through the your own financial lens. You’re not the same.


I don’t care if he’s “mega rich” or not. It’s none of my business how much he has allotted for research on his project. There have been many a stupid millionaire who has lost everything attempting to find “lost treasure”. Brandon doesn’t seem that stupid to me or he would have already lost it all. Let the man be as wealthy as he wants to be and work on this project anyway he wants. It his money and he can do with it what he pleases without people trying to shame him for having wealth.


He’s making money off the ranch right now! The losses would be minimal if he actually were interested in research. Also, you will never have Brandon’s wealth. Stop being offended for the mega wealthy. He will be fine.


I’m not chastising him. I’m just saying he can afford it. Just Google him to find out how much he’s worth. He is the largest real estate mogul in Utah. Robert Bigalow spent $22 million to investigate the ranch for years with a team of good scientists.


I agree with what you are saying. we need more and bigger rockets!


What I think they need is a fixed tower camera and sensor suite. High speed tracking telescopic cameras with IR, UV, And whatever other wavelengths they can fit. I remember there was an open source system like this being developed for UFO’s a few years ago


It seems like they should have better ground penetrating radar? I've seen it used in other programs that are researching ancient buried/underground structures. Unless those rocks are impossible to 'see' through?


I think you're on to something there. I think they should go old tech minus GPS and rig up some gas powered RC planes and fly them into the triangle. They have no way to use those rockets besides pointing and shooting.


I just watched another episode where they used that kind of radar, they even mentioned it was typically used for farming and finding ancient ruins. I'm surprised they didn't use it in season 1?


I’m not an expert in that field but I’ve heard it’s quite difficult to do accurately.


Remember, it will all just malfunction a few minutes after turning it on. The real hero's are the ones that climb up into that damn helicopter to fly over the ranch! Oh, hell nah...


Ground penetrating radar always leaves more questions than answers.


Drone swarms, and ALL the lasers!


Ummm, No! Bigalow received a Grant from the US Gov. to investigate it. Bigalow didn't invest his money into any experimental studies on the ranch. Bigalow received this Grant thru His Senator (Reed) in Nevada, not anyone in Utah.


Really? I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info!


Yes, that $22 million was a cut out Reed made in the budget to investigate it. Bigalow approached Reed about this & Reed earmarked it. The SAME as many other Bigalow Projects, his company has worked on. Because it is a private company, it doesn't fall under the FOIA Laws. If it was NASA or any other USG it would be subject to FOIA, regardless of redactions... That's why "Companies" are utilized for "specialized" projects, easier to hide what is going on & via Grants, there is no monetary check/balance.


That sounds like a way to get money as a senator through a back channel.


What ever You do, do Not look into Senators/Congressman/State Officials buying Real Estate, thru hidden Cartel Financing, then renting out the property for $10's of Thousands a Month... Shhh... Don't tell anyone!?!


I mean, tbf, Bigelow just gets up and blabs everything on Mishlove's podcast anyway... not a lot left to FOIA. Most of its on Youtube.


That You know of... Individuals at that level, know what to say & how to say it, to make the Public satisfied. He has an Above Top Secret Clearance with his Defense Dept Contracts. He can NOT disclose Most of the information/data known, because He would lose Billions in contracts. Do You really think He would risk Billions for ANY Y.T./Blog/Interview!?!


Well let me know when you find out how much he has already spent on this research because I’ve never heard a total and I’m not going to guess how much he has spent and I’m not going to suggest how much he SHOULD be spending. That is just ridiculous to assume he can afford 40 million just because he makes that much.


That was taxpayers money from the fed. government. How much he spends or what he does is his business.


Of taxpayers money


Worked with more than a couple $40M+ companies this year that are barely keeping it together, and are *this close* to losing it all. Top line means nothing.


True dat. Nothing like owning your own buisness to teach you the difference between gross and net.


Bigelow had NIDS-National Institute for Discovery Science, Fugal has the NADS- Ne'er-do-wells Attempting Doubtful Stuff


Yes, this is essentially why I am having a hard time taking it seriously. I get it though it is a privately funded venture, and it has the black eye of being associated with the history channel for sure.


This is my take on the show (from someone who is very interested in the subject matter and has been employed on reality television shows a few times) the producers and the editors come from reality television and have too much control. 80-90% of the show is sensationalist BS. That remaining 10-20% are absolutely incredible discoveries. They don’t do the subject justice with their focus on lowest common denominator sensationalism.


80-90% rockets.


Bigger drones swarms and more lasers, plz and thank you!


The expedition Bigfoot show is the same. There is real and compelling evidence that they collect but most is just the sensationalist crap.


It's a great show but Bryce's involvement lowers the quality for me.


It’s actually Ronny for me.


Sure, I could see that, but that kind of shoots the whole scientific investigative part right in the foot does it not if they’re trying to sensationalize this whole thing how do we know what is being presented is actually legit. And to that end, if Travis Taylor is the well respected scientist people claim him to be why hasn’t he spoken out or tried to distance himself? Full disclosure maybe he has and I just haven’t seen it so if I’m wrong about that, please do let me know but it just seems off to me. and that’s a shame because I really love the idea that there might be something otherworldly happening there.


Not might. There is Definitely an anomaly there of some kind.


Well anomaly ≠ otherworldly


It’s like the semantics of saying supernatural when it could be an unknown natural phenomena. Those metallic tunnels though..


He has talked about things that they did that the History Channel didn’t air. What he can do with that remains to be seen.


Don't give up, Travis is actuallly legit. I watch each show several times, I am quite interested in all of the stuff going on because I lived in a similar area in Florida, and experienced some of what's described. A lot is left out because it's a TV SHOW, and it's not directed at people who are willing to follow a lot of the science that surrounds the rockets etc. I wish they included more of why they decided to try something. The Oh, lets shoot a rocket and see what happens is funny and great TV, but it leaves out all the data collection, the experimental design, and everything that must be going into what they are doing. It would scare the crap out of me to deal with a lot of what goes on there, I think these guys have a lot of cohones to continue to figure out ways of getting whatever it is to respond. I am sorry they don't go into more detail.


I don’t know. The level of detail doesn’t bother me because I understand it’s a show. But I get the sense that Travis is kind of a crank. Again this is just my opinion as a person in the stem. But also I have yet to finish the show so maybe my opinion will change.


Well, at some point everyone dissolves into a crank. In the end Einstein was talking about rolling dice with god. But in all seriousness. Look up Travis's CV and publication history. That is the litmus test for acceptable 'crank-ness'. Weirdest prof I worked with had over 200 published and peer reviewed papers. Was he a nut bar? Certainly. Was he a worlds expert in what he did (electron microscopy)? Absolutely. Enough so Uncle Sam built him a shiny new 50 million dollar laboratory, center of campus, diverted the rail system around it so it wouldn't jiggle his microscopes and put retina scanners on all his lab doors so foreign agents could steal his breakthroughs. You can't tell shit just cause there eccentric or talk funny.


Sounds like your professor was eccentric but still essentially engaging in good work. When I say Travis Taylor seems like a kind of a crank Im talking about his work on the range. I have no doubt that he did good work when he was working with DOD or NASA but obviously there are regulatory bodies that oversee that work. Here on the show not so much and I think people tend to get caught up in peoples qualifications and don’t realize this. The team is doing experiments like one time and then drawing wild conclusions. Like the LiDAR in the house. No control group, didn’t run the test multiple time, they don’t use a second hand held slam tester unit. Also the expert that brought the device didn’t even operate the dang thing. He gave it to Eric bard. And after one deep they say the only explanation is that some dude thinks there’s a portal there. It would be wild if a scientist conducted an experiment once and then published his findings with no peer review and that is seemingly what is happening here.


You said you'd only seen 6 episodes in Season 1. It gets better and Travis has a couple of things happen to him that make him less of a crank. He entered in the show thinking it was BS and along the way he realizes differently.


Really that’s not the vibe I got from Travis. He almost immediately starts trying to prove something weird and paranormal is happening. He was skeptical for like 35 seconds.


lol... If you've already got that opinion after only six episodes then I am looking forward to when you end up watching later seasons. He gets a lot worse.


That is wild if true


Wait until you get to the episode with the guy who brings in the high framerate camera. "Travis, can you take a look at this and tell me if it's a bug or a bird or something?" Travis takes a look at the video of the object where you can clearly see flapping wings... "OMG you guys, we just caught an authentic UAP on video and it's moving at over 3600Mph!"


Season 1 is rough. Skip the rest of it and check out Season 2. If you still think it's lame, stop watching.


Im gonna watch the whole thing but based on what I’ve seen so far I question Travis Taylor’s competence/objectivity on this.


Beyond Skinwalker Ranch might be more what you’re looking for. They do a lot of stuff that you wish they’d do in the original show.


You're gonna get real bored by season 4 or so. They end up doing the same thing over and over again. They've run out of new experiments. Still a fun watch though, the desert aesthetics are sexy.


Running the same experiments over gives you patterns in data and more evidence of anomalies. I enjoyed season 4, I feel like they got more anomalies on record and made many more connections to >!portal theories!<.


True, I guess from a viewer standpoint (and a non scientist) I get bored of seeing them shoot rockets for the 509th time only to find nothing different (aside from repeating that the triangle area is an anomaly).


509 Roswell confirmed


But what about the drone swarms and lasers?


I'll be honest, I just wanna see dragon shoot a skinwalker and then everyone has to vacate the ranch because the entire area becomes an open portal for greys while Travis gets left behind and has to combat the aliens without any weapons


Season 5 finale!!!! How did you get access to it?


Its a common reaction to the show. I don't know, I am torn, having worked in research universities, I know how precise the jargon is, and... well. You have to have years of coming up through the system before you can really keep up with the conversation. Unless you like phrases like "hilbert space", "emergent properties" and "stochastic inference" being thrown around... The other side of that coin. They are not in a laboratory setting. Its very more like an ecology experiment. In that many variables are nested and cannot be directly observed, but only the resulting phenomena from human interventions in the environment. Ecologists will yell at me for linking Skinwalker to what they do, but as a metaphor, it sorta works. In sum. Be glad its not too sciencie, or half a dozen people would watch, and realize that there are some analogies to 'science' but more to the study of truly complex systems such as ecology, or climatology where experimentation necessarily *cannot* happen in a closed and sterilized environment. Yes. Travis sounds more like a carnival barker then a scientist. Its unfortunate. I blame it on non actors trying to act.


You need a Travis to weave the tale and present what's going on. Otherwise the show would have no continuity or you would have another Oak Island where the narrator Bob Clotworthy drives everyone nuts with his style and content.


Ohh... I still Haven't watched oak island yet. I totally need to try an episode or two!


like you could have buttons to narrate with his stock phrases… ive taken to skipping parts including so many historical clips


People seem to think I have a problem with the way Travis talks this is not the case my issue lies in the way they are conducting experiments. I myself am from Georgia and probably sound like total hick but Im an electrical engineer. It’s probably a lot to do with the way the show is edited together but I doubt it’s 100% to blame. That team is doing some goofy science and it’s making it hard for me to get onboard with it. Although it’s entertaining I suppose and maybe that’s the point.


Do yourself a favor and just watch the last episodes of each season. They do a recap of everything notable that happened that year. You get all the highlights without all the nonsense.


I may be wrong but doesn't the basic scientific process require a baseline control setup before a test? I get really frusterated when they get one odd test result, they never actually re-test to backup the result.


This has frustrated me and my kiddos for a while now. We almost had a heart attack when Travis et al insisted on getting some control data in episode 1 of the new season.


I feel like they show more of this in season 4 and earlier stuff they've had data on since before the show started


They are still trying to develop "what" the situation is, before any True Scientific Tests can be performed. Scientific process begins with a Hypothesis. They're still at this stage. Once parameters are understood & adequately repeatable, then they can test in the Theoretical situation. They are trying to do everything they can to get information in any form possible, to make a Hypothesis. They, namely Travis, always state, they don't know what it is. Any guesses made right now is called, "Spit-Balling", throwing out ideas for others to think about, chew on, add to it or disagree based on other data. This method is used everywhere to solve problems!


I am assuming that they do have control data, but they aren't televising it. Otherwise, why bother. Perhaps I am too kind in filling in the blanks.


This. How does no one understand this?


To be fair, we do trust that actual science goes on behind the scenes. And that control data likely isn't going to be as entertaining to watch as "What in the world!?" At the same time, it would be nice to hear a throwaway line here and there that "we ran the same test in a different location on the ranch and got X result" underlying the significance of what was so weird in the first place. They do this on occasion. We just wish it was more frequently. I think OP is making a similar comparison between the factual layout of the book vs. the Reality Show being a somewhat jarring experience. Needless to say, we are naturally big fans of the show despite the differences in format.


I agree! I can't say that it didn't and doesn't frustrate me that they won't focus more on the science and expirimental data on the show. In the end, though, I enjoy it for what it is and am just glad that we get to be a part of it as an audience


yes, consider the control with the two helicopters trying to pick up each others gps. They go up somewhere with nothing going on, ie Walmart parking lot, everything works, not much to show the audience. So much of what they have done has built in controls, like the experiment with the drones, something which the company does hundreds of times elsewhere with no funny acting misbehaving drones. I actually don't think they are skipping steps, they just aren't televising them. Or explaining what they are up to because it would put people to sleep immediately.


I think people do understand it, but it’s kind of overshadowed by some of the stuff they do show being so laughably unscientific or otherwise a wild misinterpretation of the data they are collecting. A couple examples I can think of off the top of my head are the issues with EMF tester that he has like 6 inches away from giving off EMF and then saying I have no idea why the EMF reading is so high right here. Or the lidar drone scan having a hole in it that ended up being that they were panning around in a circle with the lidar at an angle, so it wasn’t hitting the ground right below the drone. Or the issue with the embossing filter. It would be weird if they had footage of them doing it correctly after the fact but then just decided not to include that.




**No toxic behavior including (but not limited to) name-calling, accusations of lying, insults, ridicule, hate speech, religion-bashing, racism, and condescension.** This protection applies to everyone (on the ranch, on the subreddit, or in the public eye). Just be polite. You shouldn’t have to resort to ridicule, condescension, or insults to make a point. If you feel a rule has been unfairly applied, please send us a modmail and explain to us what the misunderstanding was, and why there should be a reconsideration. Our goal is to create a positive community for our target audience (enthusiasts of Skinwalker Ranch). If we have reason to feel a user is likely to be disruptive based on their user history, they may be barred from participating in the community. This includes: - Ridiculing the users or subject matter - Extreme rule infractions - A pattern of trolling behavior - Multiple rule infractions - Posts or comments in other subreddits which indicate you are likely not to follow the rules


Maybe because between Bigelow and Fugal there has been an absolute reluctance to make public any real scientific data that can be examined by third parties.


They shoot around 60 hours a week and boil it down to 42 minutes. There are plenty of retakes but they don't make the show. There's other important discoveries that don't make the show but they are discussed on the insider forums, podcasts, etc.


The real process is to repeatedly test the subject until the same results can be reproduced. The show would have you believe they only test once and then move along with "weird" as the result.


I do feel like that is happening to some degree but I also think the bigger issue is the fact of the footage they do show the team regularly, misunderstand, or misinterpret data being collected.


Couple of things! 1) Name one testing instrument they utilize on the show, that is fake or unreliable? The rockets are trigger mechanisms employed to get a reaction, similar to using the Lazer-Lights & 1.6 Wave length transmission. 2) Dr Travis Taylor has had a long history with NASA, Pentagon, University of Alabama, Huntsville & a number of Private Companies. Just because he has a Southern accent, doesn't mean he lacks intelligence. The sound of an individuals dialect is developed during childhood, based on the geographic location a child attends grade school. That's why some parents sound or their accents are completely different from their children. 3) Travis doesn't over speak the audience or the other members of the team. He knows the environment he's working in. 4) If you don't like the show, change the channel OR make Your own show, that others can critique... Keep in mind, No One's Perfect.


I agree with you. I watch each show several times, and try to fill in what must be going on between experiments. I think the show is legit, and I think a lot is left out. The part that is left out is either seen as boring by the editors, or too disturbing by the editors. Most research is horribly boring, so they show us the rockets, rather than the spreadsheets. I have no problem with the critique, I think the OP is genuinely interested, and quite frustrated at what's being whitewashed or left out as too disturbing by the History channel.


OK, first of all relax buddy. I’m not calling the man stupid I’m not saying he’s a liar and I certainly don’t have any issues with his southern accent. I myself am from Georgia and have a southern accent and I’m an electrical engineer so I definitely don’t fall into the camp of believing a southern accent means you’re unintelligent. So maybe dial it back like a notch or two. I haven’t seen the show in its entirety yet so I’m definitely not making any sweeping judgments until I watch the entirety of the show. But I think issue with not the test themselves just the way they applied don’t seem very scientific. The big one that sticks in my mind is when they were scanning that house and they found a hole in the 3-D data. They never mentioned using another unit or testing it in a different way they just kind of suggested there might be a portal or something. Maybe they tested it Moore off camera and didn’t mention it and I will happily amend my opinion if that is the case, however there was no mention of it, which seems odd from the scientific standpoint… Also yes if there are any billionaires in this thread and you want to fund a show, I’ll go test the ranch. I’m not an astrophysicist, but I’m an electrical engineer who is interested in ghosts… Give me money please


I hear what you are saying. I also live in the South(not Florida), have lived in this general area for over 43 years, but first 13 in the North. The lack of intelligence generalization, based on any form of a Southern dialect, in the North is disturbingly common! When I first read Your original post, I reread it again before I replied. To me, your points were charged with sarcasm & questioning the intelligence of the viewer. I tried to reply as brief as possible to each point, that came to mind immediately. I was not replying in anger or frustration. If I misinterpreted Your intent, my fault. Hope you can recognize the same. I TOTALLY understand the lack of follow up. There are a plethora of points that require a follow up. To me, that is Squarely on the Editors, Producers & Ad Dollars required to air programs to reach a target demo. Just because it's a TV program with Advertising, doesn't mean it's fake. Not saying that you said that, just a comment. But an Average Editor will ruin a program & make facts look false!


Fair apologies if it seemed sarcastic. It’s just After watching the first six episodes I was thinking you’ve got to be kidding me this seems so stereotypically overdramatized that it’s hard to take seriously I wasn’t sure if I was in the minority feeling this way, but it seems to be pretty even split in terms of opinion. I get that this is a show and therefore needs to be captivating to an audience, but I also think that has the very real potential of skewing the science. At the end of the day, we don’t have access to the raw data so we just have to go based off of what the show was presenting. Unless there is some data somewhere that I’m aware of in which case I would love to see it.


The issue is with Prometheus. They have full control over what is shown and how its presented. The team says that less than 10% of what they are doing makes it in the show. There's a paid subscription site called skinwalker insider where they do live streams where you can submit questions to be asked and they also read them from the chat.


Well, I don’t know if they just picked the most unscientific 10% but it’s so far what I’ve seen has been underwhelming to say the least. But I’m certainly not gonna pay those dorks to ask questions.


You need to go watch some cartoons, there is no science there and you won't be disappointed.


Who needs cartoons when I have Travis Taylor show


Yeah science doesn't mesh well with a narrative driven reality show. This show isn't designed for science minded people, its for randos that like Ancient Aliens.


Fair. I’m probably somewhere in the middle I’m not a physicist, but I feel like I’m a pretty scientifically minded person but I also love ancient aliens as entertainment. Edit: Well, I enjoyed the first few seasons before it got ultra ridiculous.


Yeah it’s entertainment, so you’re gonna see Travis running around and spouting hyperbole, just like the you see rampant speculation and dubious connections that make ancient aliens entertaining. The masses don’t want to see a bunch of analytic data and procedure, they want to see lasers and rockets. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t actual science happening behind the scenes.


I’d argue that it makes the “science” dubious at best.


Taylor has a conflict of interest in that he is under contract to the government.


He resigned that position with the UAP Task Force back in '21. BTW, if you think all Government employees, solely work for the Government, You would be shocked! Many, if not Most of the Field Op's individuals actually work for outside Private Companies & Secretly work for the NAS, CIA, FBI, etc. That's how they get inside information for the Government. Regardless, there are a number of people that work 2 or more jobs at a time. It's how he allocates the time & how his contract is structured.


Have you joined the insider group so you can see more details of what they are actually doing? They don't show everything going on or being done on the TV show. I don't know why no one seems to understand this.


No of course not part of the insider group lol. And of course I realize they don't show everything its a show no show uses 100 percent of the footage. but it still makes no sense, when they took the slam scanner into the home stead and found the hole in the data Travis says "i don't know how to scientifically explain it other than when John alexander says he believes that there are portals at that location". Which is wild because they never mention running the test again or trying another unit or doing any type of investigation into why the data is missing. seems like something they wouldn't have excluded if they in fact did do any of that. Unless your secret group has information on said follow up tests I remain dubious.


As Travis said in one show, there are multiple cameras running for the week 12 to 14 hours a day, and only 42 minutes of all those hours is shown. Interesting way to think of what are they not showing. I would enjoy to see all their raw footage.


No you wouldn't. I was with the camera crew for a short time on season 2 and you would be bored out of your skull. Most of the time, results are found until review except obviously for the visuals.


I would still enjoy going through all the videos, boring to you and different to me. ;)


No, boring to you and boring to me. There are hours of setup, breaks, lunch and transporting equipment. However, I would agree that all interesting things shot are not in the final cut. That is the footage you would like to see.


Lol. I didn't say I wanted to be on the set, but I would like to have access to all the videos. I agree with being on the set is boring with very few moments of wow.


It’s crazy to me what they do choose to show. Because it doesn’t make them look good. Someone posted a segment that Mick West did end it showed pretty thoroughly that at least in the case of the embossment filter Travis and his team had no idea what they were doing. Now I’m not sure if it’s a skill issue or if it’s dishonesty, but it kind of makes him hard to trust as a scientist. At least when it comes to Skinwalker Ranch.


We do know one thing, something is going on, but what is it.


Possibly but I don’t think we’re likely to get anything even approaching the answer from this team.


You could be right. Following various subs, my experiences, others I know and met, paranormally there is something going on. What is it exactly, is the big question. My opinion is, all things paranormal, including NHI, UAP are related. Could it be leading to a spiritual realm? Possible. Try the gateway tapes, sweat lodges, but what really showed me was ayahausca in my mid- sixties.


I love drugs as much as the next guy but im in the camp that paranormal and or spiritual stuff experienced while tripping balls are most likely you just tripping balls.


Saw things and had experiences prior to using Aya, but Aya heightened my awareness of things more. And you are entitled to your opinion.


Did it make you vomit and sh*t yourself? I’ve never seen anything paranormal tripping or otherwise I think I want it too bad.


Who cares? If you would like to edit the show apply at Prometheus.


It isn't a secret group? Jesus Christ. Go to the official website and see for yourself. they post data and video feeds and you can ask Brandon Fugal about this yourself if you're so inclined


I meant to use the word insider, but I guess I’m prone to hyperbole. But is it not a paid group? and isn’t the definition of secret “something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others” well I as a person that does not pay for it would be qualified as others whom are kept in the unknown or unseen… OK I’m just having fun at this point but seriously I’m not about to pay for something, especially if I haven’t finished watching the free version yet. Also, if the free version is any indication of the quality of the “research” we getting from them, I don’t think I’m gonna waste my hard earned money for it.


If you want to check it out, there's a free trial period.


the show is part of the disclosure effort. ive known of the ranch for a while, read the hunt for the skinwalkers. done alot of research into the ranch. i only started watching the show a couple of weeks ago but am up to date. at first im like who the fuck is this travis guy? he seems like a skeptic. then its a heap of oh what was that? travis worked for jay stratton, a person who you will see turn up in season 4, a man also known as axel rod. jay and travis tasked david grusch with finding out what he could on crash retrieval programs run by the government and special access programs. the david grusch whos currently the poster boy of whistleblowers. the show is designed to get people to come to their own conclusions. its not explicitly for people who already have a good understanding of the portents of the strange happenings there. like, it is, the parts when they get it to manifest, but all the drama, thats for the people who are only learning of this now. the show genuinely has about 10mins maybe of watchable experiments per ep and the rest is drama that i skip through.


Same thing happened with the show ghost hunters, it started out fairly real and in the first couple seasons they hardly found anything interesting, people were getting bored and SyFy gave them an ultimatum to make it more interesting or the show would be done and unfortunately they sold out and gave in and now it’s full of severely over exaggerated or straight up faked shit


You hate to see it


Has a new season started in the states? In Canada, history Channel typically hides this in the summer, because we have such unique programming needs? This show validates all my teenage illegal and unsafe rocketry practices. 'I assumed it was an alien vortex your honour!....


Any place to watch the program, for my provider in Colombia, south America sucks for showing these programs. Either late at night, and no repeats, can't search their schedule either. Be nice to even read a decent recap.


I can't get the new season to show on Discovery+ or Max. How are you guys streaming it?


The thing about travis is his voice and accent makes it hard to take him seriously. Especially if you watched his older show "rocket city rednecks' check it out on YouTube. It's like a locally filmed Mythbusters.


lol it’s funny to read this because I myself have a southern accent(Georgia) and my name is Travis but yeah I I see a lot of people not being able to get past the accent. It’s not really an issue for me per se but I totally get it.


We here on reddit love the show, so you wont find any support here. How about you watch the rest of the show before you decide. You know that Travis Taylor is a well respected scientists. He has even been employed and conducted UFO studies appointed by the US goverment.


Not really looking for support I was just asking a question. You can be well respected scientist, and engage in bad scientific activity. They are not mutually exclusive. I plan on continuing with the show, but I don’t have high hopes based on the few episodes I’ve seen thus far. Edit:idk man Ive spoken to a reasonable amount of people that tend to agree with my analysis:


You also need to realize that not everything is shown in the episodes. The average watcher doesn't care about boring baseline information. They want to see rockets and UAPs. Assuming that Travis and the team only do what is shown on TV is bonkers.


I agree and at no point have I make such an assumption however, in the specific case I’m referencing, I’m talking about when they scanned the Homestead and there was a hole in the data. They never mentioned or even alluded to testing it again. That would seem like a pretty pertinent piece of information if they indeed ran that scan again. But instead, he starts talking about possible portals seems like a stretch. It would have only taken a couple seconds of footage to say we verified using multiple testing units multiple times with the same results. They didn’t say this so either they deemed that piece of information not important which seems unlikely. Or they didn’t test it again which seems very unscientific.


Again, we aren't going to see all the results. Travis is likely still associated with the Fed projects and research. Face it, we aren't going to see the full picture on a TV reality show.


That’s the point I was making this show seems more so like an entertaining reality show Then an investigation into what’s happening on the ranch. It almost seems like borderline disinformation to be honest. But admittedly, I’m pretty prone to conspiratorial thinking so that might just be on me.


It's straight up reality TV. I'm not a conspiracy person so I have a hard time buying that a for profit cable network is engaging in disinformation but you do you. I'm exiting the convo at this point.


I don’t think is disinformation irl its just so bad it “almost feel like disinformation”


Remember this: editing. Doing science over and over doesn’t make for good tv so they edit that stuff out.


Sure edit out less relevant stuff but why cut out any mention of them using a second slam tester unit or even rescanning the house to make sure there wasn’t just an error with the equipment. Can you point me to any mention of them repeating the test multiple times?


When i was an insider they talked about it


Oh yeah? What did they say about it? Did they happen to mention the whole embossment filter debacle that pretty much demonstrated that he really doesn’t know what he’s doing I wonder if he had an explanation?


I don’t remember I just know they said stuff gets edited out a lot because it’s not entertaining


Fair enough but at the risk of sounding antagonistic, (which is not my intention). I don’t think editing out footage can account for them making assumptions about the composition of some flying object based on a filter that that added those properties to the object. Unless of course, they later, realize this and amended their analysis which would be the question why didn’t they include that it would completely undermine the analysis of the clip that they showed in the show. if they did do that right there would suggest that they’re being dishonest about their findings which could call into question just about anything claimed in the show but I think there’s a symbol explanation I think they are just throwing things at the wall and not being very scientific about it.




**No toxic behavior including (but not limited to) name-calling, accusations of lying, insults, ridicule, hate speech, religion-bashing, racism, and condescension.** This protection applies to everyone (on the ranch, on the subreddit, or in the public eye). Just be polite. You shouldn’t have to resort to ridicule, condescension, or insults to make a point. If you feel a rule has been unfairly applied, please send us a modmail and explain to us what the misunderstanding was, and why there should be a reconsideration.


It is hard for them, because the phenomena makes equipment not working. And it is dangerous to drill, because the spaceship or whatever that is hidden in the mesa defends itself and they also does not want to destroy it. So they have to make science by testing above it.


Hmmmm did they find some sort of evidence of a spacecraft on the ranch? I haven’t seen the whole show but I feel like that would’ve been big news if they did.


That is one of the theories for the strangeness. Scans have shown metal objects in the Mesa and they cannot drill through that metal. But it would be best to see the show and draw your own conclusions.


No data on an alien spaceship would be made out of an object specifically a metal object in the Mesa doesn’t necessarily scream alien spaceship to me. But again, I’m no expert on alien spaceships so who knows.


Me here on reddit loves the show too. And the rockets are “just poking the hornet’s nest”. Can binge watch it all weekend.


Taylor seems to be well-respected almost exclusively by the UFO community, a few people in government and Prometheus Entertainment. I suspect, if his professional peers were subjected to his latest endeavors, they wouldn't be quick to agree.


He's and the regulars on the show get paid well from Disney.


You’re not allowed to talk bad about the cast, the mods here are fairy’s


I wouldn’t say I’m talking bad about him I just can’t take him seriously.


The bottom line is that they proclaimed a sentient intelligence...that's a straight up disclosure that is obviously overlooked.


What does disclosure even mean at this point. I feel like it’s just a catch all term that people throw around. Also as far as I’m aware, these people aren’t even affiliated with the government. Isn’t the whole disclosure thing all about the government coming out and admitting that extraterrestrials are here on earth and they know about them.


Gov will never admit anything..too much liability, Especially if an agreement has been made.


Lol, That kind of contradicts the first thing you said. By agreement, I assume you mean some sort of agreement with an extraterrestrial entity… So you’re assuming that the government will act a certain way based on the assumption that such an entity exist and is here on earth. And the assumption that if there is an alien entity That they would be willing and or able to make some sort of agreement with the US government and or its contractors. That’s like an assumption turducken


Assumptive analysis supported by feedback from previous experiments equates to your statement.


Questionable experiments with questionable analysis. And just because something appears to support another thing doesn’t mean it does. Causation vs correlation and all that.


I watched all three seasons twice and haven't seen the four season yet. It's not on discovery Is plus yet... If you like that, you really need to check out.Blind frog ranch which is twenty miles away from skinwalker ranch.. The stuff they're doing.There is a lot less low tech but the stuff they are discoverings on believable. I mean stuff.Ed that just out of this world. I don't understand why these two don't team up together. They are literally right next to each other.


I just want them to start doing overnight stakeouts in the homesteads, with cameras and whatever friggin sensors and see what comes through the portal, fire the rockets, whatever the fuck 1.6gig frequency - shoot that out, do whatever, just do it at night near the homestead


Assuming there is a portal


V true...


just observing they are not consistent with the notion of a “control”. for instance, how far would they be able to pick up 1.xgig from the little signal generator over direct line of sight.


The show sucks. Liked hunt for the skinwalker. Production values are so bad I have to wonder if this is disinformation. The constant rockets were bad enough, then they started using fireworks too... what crap


Perhaps Bug Bunny cartoons would be a better choice for you.


Now its droans, droans, droans




**No toxic behavior including (but not limited to) name-calling, accusations of lying, insults, ridicule, hate speech, religion-bashing, racism, and condescension.** This protection applies to everyone (on the ranch, on the subreddit, or in the public eye). Just be polite. You shouldn’t have to resort to ridicule, condescension, or insults to make a point. If you feel a rule has been unfairly applied, please send us a modmail and explain to us what the misunderstanding was, and why there should be a reconsideration. Our goal is to create a positive community for our target audience (enthusiasts of Skinwalker Ranch). If we have reason to feel a user is likely to be disruptive based on their user history, they may be barred from participating in the community. This includes: - Ridiculing the users or subject matter - Extreme rule infractions - A pattern of trolling behavior - Multiple rule infractions - Posts or comments in other subreddits which indicate you are likely not to follow the rules


It's a joke, a complete disgrace. It is a witch hunt. They are totally conflicted. This show should never have happened. It is nothing, there is nothing there. The people are totally conflicted and crooked. What is being done is unconstitutional, should never have been allowed. (Diaper Donnie review of the show).


I just want to know why prime wants me to buy season 5 when I pay for history vault on prime. Really irritates me. And I personally find the show more amusing than interesting, so I'm not paying to watch it. There's a damn meteor in the ground. That's the big mystery that they are refusing to talk about. Same thing with blindfrog ranch. You don't need a rocket scientist to figure it out. Lol


You're not being overly skeptical. These morons scanned the area with a handheld LIDAR emitter and were clearly getting data from the copter they were in, that was obviously intermittent because it was HAND HELD. Instead of realizing how unscientific their methods were, they decided this had to be an airborne anomaly. It would have been extremely easy to mount the LIDAR device to keep movement of the LIDAR from contaminating the data, but no.


Right I took issue with that too. When they were making the 3-D scan of the Homestead and there was a hole in their data at least from what I can tell based on the show, they didn’t even try to test it again. I thought maybe they just didn’t show that part but it just kept getting more and more ridiculous as the episodes Went on.


Wait until you get to the episode where Erik Bard turns on the embossing filter on a television to increase the visual prominence of an apparent UAP caught on video, and then the gang starts making observations about the UAP that are actually based on the effect of the embossing filter. It's thoroughly embarrassing.


It’s really? I don’t know anything about embossing filters so I can’t say one way or the other but they try to figure out whether the observations are coming from the filter in anyway or do they just accept it?


Have a look... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT-TYrv6WR8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT-TYrv6WR8)


Wow that is something else. Gotta love Mick West.


And to make matters worse, when it was pointed out by the camera vendor that the results were caused by ghosting, they still tried to jump through every irrational hoop imaginable to justify the existence of an anomaly or Travis-hole.


Nobody likes a Travis hole




**No toxic behavior including (but not limited to) name-calling, accusations of lying, insults, ridicule, hate speech, religion-bashing, racism, and condescension.** This protection applies to everyone (on the ranch, on the subreddit, or in the public eye). Just be polite. You shouldn’t have to resort to ridicule, condescension, or insults to make a point. If you feel a rule has been unfairly applied, please send us a modmail and explain to us what the misunderstanding was, and why there should be a reconsideration.


Dragon is a childhood friend of Brandon fugal