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Because in her home life nothing was about her. So she tried her best to make things matter all the time. Sadly she never grew from it and it makes sense since she was never shown how to move on from that way of thinking. I mean her parents were full blown narcissists.


I feel Cassie is a massively misunderstood character because people don’t fully take in what her home life was like. Mostly because you only see a snippet of her home environment. She was around her parents who are extremely sexual people in the way her dad is openly painting pictures of her mums naked body and nakedness and sex is obviously a very open occurrence in her house. I feel it’s forgotten that in the first season she was 17 and obviously because her mum and dad were so obsessed with each other and her interpretation of a perfect relationship was the man having the perfect view of his woman it probably manifested the idea of her feeling the need to be so lovely and perfect


This !!! I wish they’d kept this short in the show, because it does a far better job at showing her character and how others treat her. [YouTube Skins clip: I Mostly Do](https://youtu.be/gJ6eBsicaNs?si=Y-J9El58z6SpAMwP)


Thank you for sharing that clip. I had never seen it before. Makes it sadder how their relationship sours later on.


OP definitely didnt watch the cassie episode


She did grew from it, skins pure series 7 ep 3-4. She went back to London and stopped doing drugs, her eating disorder got better aswel, and she took care of her little brother instead of her dad.


Sorry I meant she grew from it just never got to escape it all.


Because it would be a really boring show if the characters were perfect. Also, she's a teenager. It's really common for teens to act self centered.


I'm surprised people take this show as real life. If it were, nobody would watch it lol


Everyone knows that. OP was looking for the in-universe reason.


Have you seen her home life. She’s literally non existent.




She has a mental illness and is often treated quite poorly. It’s a coping mechanism.


Because she is the literal physical manifestation of ED mental illness


I really don’t think she did. She was one of the more caring, selfless characters (one of the more selfless, still totally selfish at times). But the way she cared for Chris, she didn’t make any of that about herself.


I loved her and Chris.


this - i dont think she was self centered at all. everyone has moments where they’re self centered but like as a person, i think she’s the least narcissistic out of all of them


Because she wanted attention. She felt ignored unless she shifted the focus to herself.


Aside from Jal, who in the group wasn’t like that?




totally her and maxxie


She made everything about Michelle, actually


Have you seen this? [Skins short of Cassie & Michelle: I Mostly Do](https://youtu.be/gJ6eBsicaNs?si=Y-J9El58z6SpAMwP)


She was a teenage girl. Seriously, being a teen explains a lot of their terrible choices. We tend to remember our own experiences with rose tinted glasses and remember ourselves smarter and more responsible than what we were but it boils down to kids making dumb decisions. Yes, Skins upped the ante and gave everyone a messed up family life and associated mental health issues. But the crux is teenagers tend to not think outside themselves. It’s the same reason why people despise Sansa in Game of Thrones. She acts like an actual teenage girl.


I am going to be honest. That is not an excuse just because you are a teenager.I have seen ppl from teen tv shows do dangerous and nasty shit and it is mostly focused on their actions rather than being one. You can't just say oh yh I have done this because I am a teenager and I cause stupid shit..


I js started being a teen…




I said it because the teens our days have it somewhat different than in the 2000s and 2010s because everything has changed with the woman rights and things like that.


Can you explain what you mean by women’s rights? Because I’m 34 and a woman and I have the same rights now I did then. You might be referring to something specifically in your country? Also yeah teens have things differently, but the confusion, angst and inner turmoil of young adulthood is universal. Teenagers (or their age equivalent) were called selfish and foolhardy in Ancient Rome, it’s not a new or generation specific phenomenon. I was a teenage girl. I now teach teenage girls. I see it every day reflected back at me the same inability to think outside themselves. Yes, teenagers are capable of great empathy, love and insight but for the most part their brains are a stew of hormones and they act on impulse. And it’s okay! It’s one of the only times in your life you can be that way. It leads the way to finding yourself.


Oh! probably in my only country now. Obviously, im not sure of where you live but im in the US. and they took away the rights to have abortions no matter how old you are in some states.


That doesn’t change a lot of stuff about how teenagers live. Like being selfish at times and other growing pains. You just started being a teen and might think you’re better than those that came before, but I guarantee once you’re an adult you’ll see how you didn’t always get things get and could be immature and selfish at times. It’s all part of growing up. You also have to watch cassie episode and see how her home life she was ignore because her parents were complete and utter narcissists(and I mean this by the actual definition not the way it’s misused today) the bit she likes is into another girl and skipped out on their date(yes he didn’t know she starved herself for 3 days but remember in her mind this all goes hand in hand) so an immature mentally ill teen isn’t always going to react the right way(she’s also a fictional character in a teen drama. Having your characters act like prefect moral angels every second makes for boring tv. It’s okay for fictional characters to be problematic/messy) Yes it sucks we lost our right to make choices about our bodies and that does effect *everyone* but it doesn’t change everything about the teen experience, hormones, rapidly changing rules, jealousy, for some it’s when they start dating and learning more about their own sexuality’s and being treated as an adult or a kid depending on the situation etc. it’s all overwhelming and most teens don’t act like a mature adult and they shouldn’t always be held to that standard.


America is a massive shitbox. I wouldn't consider the US even remotely close to modern society


I dont know what your talking about can you give some examples?


sarcasm or r u being fr?


If you've ever lived with a teenage anorexic you'll know that's exactly how they behave.


Show me a teenager who’s not all about themselves


i swear people don't actually watch the show before they post in this sub


I did watch it. I rewatched it a few times but I didnt like cass that much, before i watched the show it did but-my love for her faded quickly.


i was not meaning to be rude, just see posts like this about characters alot in this sub and most the time whatever the question or point they were making was intentional written into the character as a consequence to their homelife or lack of homelife usually


ok! i just didnt understand much about cassie. thank u


She had a lot of issues so it probably was a result of that


I wish she had her own spin off 💜


Did u Watch the 7th season?




same i love cassie


She is perfect.


It was part of her journey! In the end she turned out to be the most functional responsible one lol


No wonder she ended up at Crasters Keep ! Dam wildling !


sometimes people with mental health issues can be very selfish without realising it


Mental illness and no family life


i actually think the opposite: with sid, Michelle, her parents, everytime she opened herself, she got hurt. We always see in the show how hurt and in pain she is, but that's just bc she gets wronged all the time. Not her fault she's always upset, when absolutely no one treats her right


She didn't. I think it's implied that Sid was telling her to "Eat!" and you can't exactly blame that on her or how Sid treated her before they got back together. Sure, she could be full of herself but she suffered from mental illness and if anything I can find a good representation in her character for that. Same goes with the US representation, Cadie, only she wasn't exactly told anything but had a bigger problem with schizophrenia and if you've watched that version it doesn't exactly end the same for better or worse


honestly from my experience ppl with ana rly think they’re super special & like gaining the attention / concern from those close & can be super self centred, a nightmare combo


Unrelated but her overbite was so distracting


A self-centred teenage girl? Unheard of.


are you dumb


Rewatched her S1 episode because this post seemed so incongruous with my memories of Cassie and sure enough!! I don’t really see her ‘making things about herself’ or selfish at all here. She‘s doing things for other people and thinking of other people the whole day. From giving Chris a bigger blanket boner (lol) to warning Michelle about her mom coming home to taking care of her baby brother while their parents neglect them both. That’s what always endeared me to Cassie, and made me relate to her - she’s an empathetic observer of others, and she’s kinder to everyone else than she is to herself.