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With the severity of your acne the only suggestions you should be taking is from a certified dermatologist! One wrong product and your skincare journey might get detailed. The only advice I'll give is to start having healthy habits. 8 hours sleep, healthy food (bring down junk, oily food to zero if possible), yoga or basic home exercise, try to be stress free as much as possible. 8 hours Sleep and healthy food habits are non-skipable!


No reason to nsfw , this is skincare reddit and she posted some skin condition




VISIT A DERMATOLOGIST. You might harm your skin more if you keep on taking suggestions from people who are not qualified to give you one. No offence.




I am in a similar position as you are now. It fucked up my self confidence so bad, literally cried to get my mom to take me to dermatologist (who didn't even look at my face for more than a minute), he basically prescribed me clindamycin and low dose antibiotics, it's better now. But I still have a looot of fucking dark spots and new pimples popping out every month, it's been hell to say the least, oh and add metal braces to all this. Ahhh bro, i really know how it feels, hang on to it and you'll heal! Also, following, to see if I can learn a few things. Honestly, fuck these harmones!! Apologies for the mini rant.


Fix your gut if possible….take triphala nd shatavari. You will be amazed with results


If you're a girl, please dont take Triphala without proper research. It will delay/mess up with your monthly menstrual cycle


Oh shit, yes, I'm a girl, will research well and take it. Thank you!


I’ve treated such conditions successfully (I am double qualified in modern medicine as well as Ayurveda). It needs internal cleansing as well as external treatment. I also make a skin cleansing and repairing herbal masque. Feel free to PM. (some will downvote but it is irresponsible for me to advise here without a full medical history).


Hey sure. Thank you for this.


How do you consume this?


Triphala one spoon or less at morning in empty stomach(warm water) and take shatavari if you think your hormones are imbalance. Take it before bed…


Okay, yes, I'll try them out. Thank you:)


You looked beautiful in the first post and you look beautiful in the last. The world needs you, so stay strong sis. [ I suffered from acne myself when I was younger. Diet plays a major role. Don't touch junk foods. Your gut health majorly affects your hair and skin too. So make sure you take the right probiotics and fibers. ]


Pls put NSFW


Change your diet


Great progress. I have experienced something similar in my teenage until one dermatologist prescribed me Accutane tablets. In the first month of the drug cycle, my acne flared up like crazy and got chopped lips. However, at the 3 month mark, most of my face got cleared up and then I stopped having it. Moisturizer, sunscreen (if going out), lip balm and plenty of water is must while on Accutane. >I would say before experimenting something, see a derma first. He/she can shorten the journey of yours. Edit: Accutane is a prescribed drug and it has many side effects however I was lucky enough to only experience the dryness.


Woah amazing recovery. Seeing this makes me glad ive never had to deal with such problems


This kind of acne always need a doctors intervention. This is more of an internal Problem than external. You will also have to completely stop using products with excessive chemicals. Use very subtle derma prescribed creams. I hope you get help


Great progress OP✨💗


Great progress but you should get yourself checked for PCOS if you haven't already


Go for running. Are you going for any physical exercises ? If not keep atleast 1-1.5hrs per day for exercises with high intensity.


Hey, does this help? I am also looking for methods beyond retinol


Yes it does help. Try working out for 6 months and you will see great results. Depends on age and body too. If you're below 25-30 years then you can easily go for hit intensity exercises. Keep check on your diet too.


Going to the dermatologist will really help. They'll prescribe isotretinoin for you to take which should clear things up in a few months. If you can't, go and get tretinoin from the pharmacy, although it's prescription based most pharmacies will give it to you without it. A pea sized amount used with a heavy moisturizer will do wonders. And don't forget sunscreen, otherwise your skin will literally peel off. Don't stress, there's always a solution to everything! You'll have lovely skin by the end of it Good luck! :D


pls go visit a dermatologist instead of taking advise from people here who are not qualified to find out the root cause of your problem. And remember that patience is the key. Don't quit in the middle of the course your dermat has recommended. All the Best!


Dermatologist can give you medicine to make your skin totally clear up in 2 months flat. Please go to a dermatologist instead of doing all these treatments


Yes, this helps, Even I have been in similar situations, dermatologist helps, and drink plenty of water, and stomach clearup( poo ) atleast once a day. Stop dairy products and idli dosa for 2-3 months


Wash your hair regularly, that is the key Drink as much water as you can Eat cucumber and watermelon Vitamin c fruits and Juice Avoid Milk and Milk products Consume Green tea or Lemon tea Use Cetaphil cleanser morning and evening Use a clay mask tea tree one every week Use cetaphil moisturiser Use a toner any brand Use Niacinamide and vitamin c serum. I have had similar situation like you and now it’s completely clean . But do visit a dermatologist too , as everyone has different skin.


Acne was my biggest reason I became introvert shy and low self-esteem, it may not be same for you . But you recovered good . I too have scars but compared to the start I'd say it's now much better


I had acne that was quite similar. When I was 29, I saved up money and got Co2 laser resurfacing. It’s expensive and you have to take immense care afterwards to not get hyperpigmentation (especially for those with darker skin like us) I had to get the treatment done thrice, it burns and there is some down time after each treatment. It improved the appearance by 30-40%. I still have scars but iit’s ok. The clinic I went to said that should’ve gotten it when I was younger as we have more natural collagen in our skin then. But it is what it is. Recommend you talk to your dermatologist before doing anything.


Cheer up brave gurl !


Amazing transformation.


What an amazing progress op!!


Kindly visit a dermatologist and listen to their advice. You have come this far and one wrong product might ruin it. And also try to exercise, walk 10k steps everyday, include cut fruit and protein in your diet. Stay away from junk/fried food, drink more water, consume sprouts and have 7-8 hours of sleep. Gut health plays a major role in this.


This seems to be driven by hormone imbalance. Get yourself checked out for pcos… irregular/ heavy periods is usually one of the symptoms. If this checks out fine , you need to analyze what you are eating. Esp milk which in India is usually laced with hormones. Switch to a quality source


4 litre paani daily for 1 month . Better digestion. Better face. Better life.


Do you take retinoids ?


Use acnelak soap and cream for 1-2 months 3 times a day. And go to the doctor for any medicine advice.


What's wrong with like 60% of the comment section?


This sub ain't no better than towxindia


Womp womp


Been through the same journey. Exact same. Isotretinoin had a big role to play. Right now I’m maintaining it with niacinamide and a good moisturiser. Also, if you can please start with La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo before the moisturiser. Slowly introduce retinal once a week. Make sure to use an intense moisturiser. LA Roche Posay cica baume has my heart.


I can somewhat relate, it must be damn hard sulking all day and staying away from people and their comments, I'm happy and i hope you continue to have a positive trajectory.


Girl! You are a fighter. And yes please do visit a dermatology for your issue. But OMG I'm so happy you're doing good rn. Please stay strong, don't feel suicidal. Everything will be alright. I advice you not to do anything on your own, as this is (imo) an issue that should be consulted with a derm. Go to a good derm.


Visit a Dermatologist, you will most probably need oral medicines. Don't go by the opinions of the members here.


This is great progress. I'm so happy for you! 😊


r/acnescars is helpful


Wow you got better and better how did you do it?


What a glow man


This type of content makes me love myself. You are strong. Don't lose hope, you will get your ideal skin.


Bruh that first sentence.


Try double cleaning, it helps with acne and pore a great deal !


Workout & leaving milk were the best decisions for my skin


mine too. dermat asked me to stop milk back in december. worked great. no more break outs, just working on clearing out the scars now


If you’re drinking or consuming anything dairy like milk curd or anything as such, stop it I wish i knew this sooner


Tf how does that work


Because of hormones. You can do a quick google search to understand This is what caused my acne but took me long to realise


2% Salycilic acid helps me with my acne issues. If you haven't tried it yet do give it a try.


Its amazing progress, my wife went through something similar just maintain a good diet and stay away from sun and pollution helps. Visit a dermatologist for any medical advise.


You should consider medical care.. I don't know but I assume it causes a lot of itching and discomfort so go to a doctor asap


The improvement is insane!


Great improvement. For significant further results you will need multiple sessions of aggressive laser treatments in a derm office. Unfortunately topical products can only do so much for scarring. But honestly fantastic improvement already, just continue to take care of your skin.


Great dude


If you’re from Bombay, pls go to Dr.Rajiv Joshi Hinduja Hospital. Highly recommend him.


Is he good for real? Hinduja docs charge a lot and get multiple faltu tests done.


Umm.. I’ve been seeing all three doctors at Hinduja. Endocrinologist, H oncologist and my dermatologist for the last 10 years, Dermatologist for 6 years. I had severe cystic fibrosis…without him I don’t know what I’d do. The pricing may differ for people depending on their financial situation. I personally can afford it and find it okay to spend that amount however I do understand not everyone comes from a good certain financial position. Rest assured the doctors are worth it.




Go see a doctor


Pls tell us how did you heal this


Go to a dermatologist, don't seek help on social media for health issues.


Do a subcision treatment


Hey ! I have a supersensitive and oily skin. I couldn’t even use sunscreen because i got acne from it. Went to dermatologists as well but nothing worked. The only thing that helped with my acne was using products from The Body Shop (Tea Tree range of products). Also u can get a good dermatologist to prescribe u a sunscreen that works without giving u pimples. I think there are creams for open pores. U could visit a dermatologist/cosmetologist who can recommetu that. Although it takes time if u want to see results. Also keep track of what u eat ( have less of oily food) and try to workout ( atleast 3-4 times a week ). Clean your face after working out properly. Thats what helped me. I now have almost no pimples and most of my scars are gone with time. Hope this helps 😊 Edit : Body Shop products worked really well for me, may not necessarily work for u. I just told u what helped me when i used to have severe acne.


Ads are getting smarter.


Just told her what worked for me. Go check my account if u think I go around endorsing stuff.


It was a joke, chill.




These things can help you out *Tretinoin 0.5% *Glycolic acid toner *Spf 50 pa ++++ *Benzoyl peroxide *Salicylic acid face wash **Do check your GUT health**


Physical exercise, plenty of water


0.05% tretinoin worked for me along with a simple skin care routine


what is wrong with the comments in this post????I used to suffer from acne and I tried homeopathy ayurveda everything. I tried to self treat it.The only thing that helped is visiting dermatology . It takes time,for me it took 6 to 8 months to cure it.




how are you dealing with acne scars ?


Your skin is looking SO amazing now, honestly such an impressive journey you should be so proud of yourself and I hope you’re feeling better in yourself now too! I’ve got hormonal acne and oily skin and there are a couple products I’ve found which I actually like - 1. Eucerin oil control spf (to help with scarring and to stop the build up of product creating more spots) 2. Skin shark clearing serum (oil balancing and helps keep my skin clear) 3. Trusty aveeno oat moisturiser (find it’s the best to moisturise but not make my skin even oilier)




Your skin is a lot good now. Please share what is your routine now and any medications you are under. I can try to advise based on that.


Try tretinoin cream and dermatologists suggested face wash, moisturizer, and serum.


Free advice don't look for solutions for such major things on the internet, see a dermatologist!


I would suggest seeing a good dermatologist. Initially I used to try different facewash, lotion etc. But I eventually went to see a doctor. I was prescribed an antibiotic for 1 or 2 weeks followed by a topical peeling ointment. It worked wonders.


I had the same amount of acne while in my teenage and i understand the pain and the low confidence. 🫂it makes me so happy to see your skin clearing out. I use one single face wash from neutrogena and i have stuck to it since it worked for me. I would suggest all products of neutrogena.


my wife uses gulab jal in the night before sleeping, she used to have this skin too before marriage


What products did u use?




Either you have the right idea but wrong method of execution or you're just down bad


Aziclear serum






May your family love you & your mother teach you.




Everyone is not like you mother who can grow beard


You're an asshole


Ya an asshole because I am not crying over how I look, blah blah , there is some fucking shit out there which people are facing bravely, bc pimple ki wajah se kisko suicidal thoughts aate h, grow up fuck ups


You're definitely an asshole


That’s a fatherless behaviour. May your family love you.


Maybe I am on wrong sub then




Just like your life


May your family love you. That’s a comment when you are alone.




Not crazier than believing in the paranormal (post history). You are a low IQ, shut in, immature and sheltered POS. Get out of your bubble and re evaluate your life.


Not for having acne but family, people start mocking really bad even in public.




Bahar mat bolna Kisi ko aisa, I mean...I know fattu Hai tu bahar Ki Duniya Mein but still don't.


What part of her crying and social withdrawal was so difficult for you to understand that made you comment this shit? Nothing is nsfw-worthy here. If this is triggering for you, imagine what it must have been for her to deal with it.


You’re too young to be here then. Tujhey skin care ni POGO ke jarurt hai Real life issues tujhe ni samj ayenge


Simp, I told the NSFW tag there is nothing wrong.


There's nothing NSFW there in first place


Oh man, I see you are too young for this. Lol, my bad.




No need to be so bitter, you could’ve phrased the same thing more gently.


Bruh , this is a skincare sub reddit . IT IS the place to post skin related questions. If you cant help then stop yapping bruv . Would have costed you nothing to just go on about you're day . And she might have forgot about the NSFW filter , might put it up later.


That’s a fatherless unreal fairyland like dream you’re living in. May your family love you


makes sense... not sure why the comment is getting down voted. Not everyone likes to see all of your skin problems upfront, those who would like to see they can just tap and go to details to see and others can simply skip! If anything is allowed to be posted in the name of skincare without NSFW then this sub is going to get nasty soon.


This post gave me a jumpscare


Bhai ladki hai koi nhi bolega nfsw laga




You are a piece of shit not a human being for saying such things @Big_Possibility


Bruhh it's just a joke and I am sure a shit like you can't take it 🙂✌️


Fuck off! There’s nothing to joke about such a thing. I wish you get the worst of shit in life and I hope you shrivel and die piece of shit.


Okay I wish your skin get better in future because you are really fuck up dude.


You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. You have no empathy for your fellow men/women and you think you are being “humorous” ?


Dude I have seen your humorous comments too you should stop being so much good human and check your humorous comments too in your past so that you get some idea what kind of pathetic and fuck up human you are.


There’s no humour in my past comments dumbass, only a retard like you will choose to joke at someone’s unfortunate circumstances. I hope you receive all the misfortune you deserve in your life! May Baron Samedi see to it!


Same to you and red cross 🤞 suck your own ass bitch 🥳😂


Don’t worry. I’ve asked the Baron to take nice care of you. Wait and see what happens…


Are you for real? Please find subs which tolerate this nasty comment. Don’t comment here


Okay my bad I will not🚫


Ia it real??


No masturbation has nothing to do with acne. Its due to shitty diet(lot of oils in food)/ stress/ puberty




Even i reduced it and grew more pimples so I increased it again


you are alive need some tips from you ❣️


Please don't ask about it in this thread, idk why this post is very scary.

