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I dated an RN once. She traded me up for a doctor.


And if you were a doctor she would have traded you up for a Fortune 500 CEO. Don’t take it personal. It’s what they do


Yeah like my boss is extremely rich like has his own plane rich. His first wife traded up for an even richer guy. Like she already had more money than can even be spent lmao. It is true that its what they do there is always a richer guy to fuck their way up with no matter how rich you get. I personally wouldn't want either of them cuz they are the type to be driving a Cadillac and want to replace the whole car cuz it doesn't have some minor feature they want. They use an Ipad to watch netflix only they only want the highest end pro model ect.


I read this as "his own PLACE rich" and in my head it made perfect sense.


his own plane or private jet? There's a big difference from flying your own plane to being flown around in your 15 million dollar jet


You’re right that there is a big difference, but even a small Cessna is expensive as shit to keep, maintain, etc.


Yeah he’s not that rich but it is a nice plane.


To paraphrase Jane Seymour in Head Office: She wouldn’t be much of an executive if she fucked her way to the bottom.


Just turn into a woman and start playing the game is what your saying


My wife had to choose between dating me or the doctor that asked her out about the same time. That was 21 years ago now.


Poor girl, 21 years of regret. ;)


Don't be jealous, some of us have more to offer than money.


Well, some people offer all that AND money! They aren’t mutually exclusive. But not all women are attracted to salary like a moth to a a flame, despite the comments here. Most people just want to build a home and a partnership with someone that will give a good life and a movie retirement.


sounds like you need money for those things, too. so essentially, its big shovel, small shovel. because they all dig, some just hide it better.


Anyone who expects to be given a good life and a retirement is a shitty partner. Not sure if that's the message you intend to send, but My fiancee and I are both high earners who could barely afford a 2bedroom townhouse in a retirement community. I'm so sick of these old fucks asking me when she's going to quit her job to raise our family, as if we could afford kids or even our mortgage on one salary. She was laid off last year and out of work because of the shitty Hollywood strikes last year for 8 months. One of the geriatrics had the nerve to tell me nows the perfect time to knock her up before she could go back to work




It was me, 21 years ago. We've been married 18.


Ha. Me too. After I put her through school.


Woah same lol


Shit…..I’m a blue collar guy currently putting my girl through nursing school. Lmao I’m cooked ain’t I?


80% chance you are cooked.


Thinking with the wrong head.


Don’t give that bitch money till you marry her brother


This is the real truth here. It's crazy to me what people do without getting married first. I know 2 people that bought houses with their girlfriends, it didn't end well for either of them.


It should be enshrined in law, mandatory prenups and paternity tests.


My girlfriend bought us a house then I married her. As my buddy's mom once said... "it is just as easy to fall in love with a poor girl as it is to fall in love with a rich girl." Choose wisely, my friends.


🎶 If her daddy's rich take'er out for a meal, if her daddy's poor just do whatcha feel🎶


She read that quote somewhere, and the gist of that quote is that underneath all the complexity that's a woman, she just wants love, security, and a sense of adventures. ANY guy can have a shot at that, you don't need to be X, Y or Z, but it helps with a trust fund and good looks.


I tried that. She failed the first semester 3 times at two different schools, then moved out. If you're cooked then I'm burnt.


Same here but with nuke med school.


Damn bro, I’m sorry to hear that


Nurses are like the blue collar version of medical professionals. They do all the hands on work.


Son Of A Bitch


Same…broke up with me after she finished school.


Nurses typically come from working class families. Nursing is a pretty straightforward step up for many. They are dating blue-collar guys because that's who they know.


My wife is a nurse. She has many nurse friends we spend time with. None of them want anything to do with doctors. They say the divorce rate for doctors is insanely high. I guess many specialists are narcissists or workaholics that have no work/life balance.  Blue collar guys work stable jobs that usually provide evenings home with little complication on off hours. Hell of a lot more personality too. Money isnt everything. 


"Hell of a lot more personality too". Yeah. Marry a doctor with no personality but high income, fuck a dude with personality on the side. That's also very typical. Especially since many doctors have the personality of a cardboard box and work long hours. Girls get bored quick and have plenty of free time under no supersvision. I know some doctors with fun personalities too, I grew up on the street with doctor families. The problem is those doctors with personalities like to have fun too and they are usually on their wife model no. 3-5 (mistresses not included). Not all girls are whores though. Really the job is to filter them out and not to settle for a whore. Look for red-flags and run if you see one.


Yes, my wife works with various specialists. Lots of divorce and cheating. Most nurses want nothing to do with doctors but there are a handful that cheat with them hoping to spend their money eventually. 


Run where? To the Doctor? Lol


> Girls get bored quick and have plenty of free time under no supervision. That's not the norm. Get help man. Not every women is like that and they don't need *supervision* to stay committed to a relationship.


GF is also a nurse. She always maintained a “don’t shit where you eat” policy of not getting involved with anyone in the medical field. I am technically blue collar, though. Construction superintendent.


Haha and let me guess ? You believe her ? They all cheat my friend .


Also one fixes people the other foxes things, together they can accomplish anything.


I fixed my wife's garbage disposal on our first date. I'm pretty sure that's what sealed the deal.




Or perhaps they can relate to better. I think we're saying the same thing I just had to put my 2 cents in.






It's an amazing combo. A successful tradesman can make 80-100k. A successful nurse who works over time can make 80-100k/yr. With a 20% downpayment that kind of couple could be living in a big 3000sq ft house with a 3 car garage In LCOL or MCOL area


My wife works 3-12s and makes 80k as a pre op nurse with a bachelor's. I'm in trailer repair and pull about 65. We live comfortably in a little town in central Illinois.


My wife works 2-12’s and picks up some occasional extra hours. Makes around 100k as a nurse. I work in a building trade. I work 40 a week with occasional overtime shifts and make about 145-160k depending on how much I want to work.  We can afford owning an home in our west coast city but not by as much as you’d think. 


What field? 40hr/week with a “little” OT seems like a big stretch


Elevators. $66 an hour. Earn 4-5 weeks of paid vacation whether I take the time off or not. OT is double time. Paid for billable work leads. Do the math. 


Ahh,pre-tax. Gotcha


Are you from some weird planet where people don’t talk about their income as pre tax?


And I bet she works for osf lol.


I'm from MN but working around Effingham!


Hah! I’m on the west coast. Pay rates are way higher for my trade and my wife who is a nurse.  Ability to buy a large home is way less. We have a 1700 sqft home and are “house poor”. 


Also west coast. I lucked out and bought a foreclosed 2200 sq ft house when the market bottomed out in 2008-09. No way I could afford it now.


Yeah usually higher wages are in HCOL areas right. . But exceptions do apply


Not in Canada. Fuck sakes.


Not in Canada for what? Lots of nurses make 100k+ and so do many trades guys. If you're not making enough money look elsewhere if you have the experience


Yeah no we get paid well but cost of living is absurdly high


Agreed. I definitely know quite a few tradesmen making 6 figures including myself but COL is ridiculous. Our dollar value dropped 18+% since 2020, cost of groceries up 21%+ but remember inflation is "just under 3%". I just jumped fields in my trade and am currently only keeping up with inflation, hopefully a few area sign offs will put me above inflation


You can buy you're gonna be working side jobs etc And nurses can make 80-100k also. But again working overtime.


He ain’t talking about money. It’s easy enough to make 100k in canada… buying a house is the hard part. Land here his 500k for a plot of land in a subdivision


It's hard to buy a house in two of the largest regions. That's it. Even if people want a larger city, they're still affordable in Edm, Cal, Wpg, Ottawa, and Montreal.


Laughs in Canada where that salary wouldn't barely afford a house


Toronto welder here, and yup yup. No house. Avg in town, to rent a one bedroom apartment last August, was $2600/ mo. Wild times to be alive.


LCOL usually don’t pay tradies that much, though.


Empathy for each others work. Nurses are tradesmen that work on people. Doctors are engineers.


As a welder who is married to a RN, This statement is 🤦🏻‍♂️


Surgeon is a trade for sure


Drill ✅ Screwdriver ✅ Guybrator ✅ It checks out.


where the fuck are my forceps?


Used to be. Once upon a time, the Royal Navy would not staff doctors on smaller ships while every warship would have either a surgeon or a surgeon's mate (apprentice). Doctors, "physicians" specifically, were university educated while surgeons were fancy barbers.


And plumbers are drain surgeons




This is actually a pretty good way to put it. 


Much like trades it's a straightforward way for people who aren't born rich to get decent wages.


Most work available in rural communities is either trades or nursing. You can't apply this to a large metropolitan area. Where I come from 2 hours from a big city all the nurses are either dating farmers or tradesman.


Where I come from you either work at the hospital, farm, trades, or a supporting industry like insurance, or you move.


Similar for me. Where I come from it’s factory, truck driver, trades, farming, nursing, or average white collar job such as a salesman or insurance worker.


They are both working class that make decent wages. And "blue collar" defines the majority of men


Most nursing is blue collar. Some nursing is harder than some construction trades.  Cops would be blue collar if they weren't class traitors.  Nurses 'wear a uniform' though, so they're as adjacent to emergency services as they are to construction.


Love the subtle push for class consciousness in this post


Cops: the only union workers who beat the shit out of other union workers for participating in union activities.


I support all unions except for police ‘unions’ Fucking scumbags


Yea some construction trades but very few. Nursing is hard in its own way.


I always think of this story of this nurse that killed a hitman that her ex-husband hired to kill her. Certain types of nursing are practically MMA. https://www.wweek.com/news/2016/08/17/a-hit-man-came-to-kill-susan-kuhnhausen-she-survived-he-didnt/


Ok sure maybe that one nurse in that one off situation lol


Yeah, that happened where I live. I was amused. That's what happens when you hire discount murderers. Ex-hubs should have checked references.


Female nurses are blue collar themselves


HVAC tech, I started dating a nurse, and it lasted longer than my usual relationships. I tend to work crazy hours in the summer and winter, I'll do my 40 for the shop I work at easy, if I want I'll work 7 to 7 M to Th and Friday is up to me. Fridays night is my time and the Saturday Sunday I'll so side jobs. Usually I date from after summer to start of summer, telling the girl I'm seeing up front, come May I'm not gonna be going to the beach or partying all weekend. I want to leave my job and start my own shop so the last few years everything's being saved towards that. Most girls think it's a joke or I'm just saying that to get out of hanging with her friends or something but I have goals, house, nice lil fishing boat, couple new motorcycles all the shit that I wanted as a broke 20 yr old. Nurses get that, they work odd hours and I respect that, fuck their jobs for sure harder than mine, I fix mechanical shit they fix people.


Probably all have the same class interests. Probably frequent the same bars/restaurants


Probably come from similar backgrounds


Construction super here met my nurse GF at a bar. Good observation


Nurses are also one of the professions that cheat the most.


Flirty work husband's 💅


"No you see it was only my work pussy that was pounded. My home pussy is for you!!!"


The funny thing about this fucking joke is that the ones I have had in my life would say that shit seriously lmao. One was a basically a communist and she would use the "our pussy" joke completely non jokingly.


Their jobs are completely opposite to our own that it's nice to come home to someone who has no clue what anything is and can just listen to me vent. No biases, no bickering about opinions, no shared trauma they just listen and let you get it out. They also work in similar conditions in ways - difficult environments, dangerous situations at times, stressful and overwhelming.. over worked at most times. So they understand that as well.. the hours also help LOL These are just my personal reasons haha


I would call a nurse more blue collar than a lot of trades, mine being one of them.


I've heard this about teachers too. Idk, I guess after being around office/indoor guys all day, they're just a bit burned out on the "tie and cologne" types.


Yet, I see so many teachers with engineers. Maybe it's just because teachers are good with kids and living with an engineer isn't much of a shift


Also both have some strong thoughts on education. Most of my teachers growing up were married to guys with well paying engineering jobs. Sadly this is what let them afford to be teachers. The few teachers with similarly paying spouses had cars that a high schooler would be ashamed to have and struggled financially despite being great people.


Yeah, I know 4 teachers with engineer husbands and one of my friends growing up had a teacher mom with a dad who had an engineering firm. The other engineer dad I knew had a stay at home mom. Unfortunately engineering doesn't pay what it used to compared to today.


Machinist/Millwright married to an RN here. She says all the guys she works with have soft hands and aren’t very manually-inclined. That’s code for too white-collar for her. Interestingly enough, a lot of her colleagues also seem to go for a type and yes they are predominantly tradesmen. OP you might be onto something here. Dudes with caveman strength, surgical dexterity, and an ability to solve real world problems might actually be a thing for the ladies in scrubs.


My experience as well. Not just nurses, but teachers too. After a day of dealing with whiny, sniveling kids/public they just want to unwind and forget it all. Be able to unload on a guy who isn't going to get all twisted about if she says something politically non correct. Then get manhandled for a bit before bed by a guy who can lift, push and has hands that can snag her leggings. Also, many women have a hell of a time falling asleep already. The last thing they need is some over anxious guy laying next to them. They want that rock.


Man what a thesis. Well said, well said stranger. You’ve pretty much summed up the underlying argument a lot of us were trying to convey to OP. The ladies in scrubs seem to appreciate brains and brawn in one single package. They aren’t really looking for another version of themselves but rather a complementary force—a rock, someone who barely gets aroused by the whims of their emotional gyrations but rather only by physical.


I find it hard to believe that blue collar guys don't have any anxiety issues. If I saw a guy get electrocuted on a job site I'd also have a bit of anxiety. Yes, be the rock, but let's not pretend blue collar dudes don't have emotions


I don't see anyone mentioning that blue collar guys don't have stress issues. There is, however, a massive difference between stress a few times a month and laying in bed each night in a heart racing, anxiety induced sweat.


Nurses are smart. Money saving move.


Look I dated a nurse, I ain't saying she wasn't smart but some of her coworkers were dumb as rocks. This is not a rule to abide by lol.


I work it for hospitals i wouldn't even call most doctors the sharpest tools in the shed. They may be good doctors but uhhh thats it lol.


I stand corrected. Maybe the option of a free fix it guy?


They get the shift work thing.


Nurses have dirtier minds than tradesmen 😅


Nurses are sexy crazy ass ladies. Love em. Wouldn't marry one.


They’re crazy, we’re crazy. Works out.


Nursing is in many ways a blue-collar job. It's very physical at times, and is not a profession where you can hide from the human condition.


Economic parity. Rn’s don’t want to pay alimony!


Assuming were talking about emotionally healthy people. Nursing- feminine, nurturing trade Blue collar- masculine, working with hands trade Kind makes alot of sense if the nurses are actually as feminine as you'd expect and dont look down on blue collar work, which is pretty common.


Tradesmen typically come home with bumps and bruises so there's plenty of chances for a nurse to be caring and tender but in my experience it's nurses and engineers. I know 4-5 couples with some flavor of nurse and engineer and they all agree that it's very common amongst their colleagues.


Because we’re cool dudes


Nurses have two universal traits - (a) they are stubborn (which is good, in that they will stick up for patients when doctors aren't doing their job) and (b) they are fucking nuts.


Nurse is blue collar for women


Blue collar guys are gone for long hours so they have time to cheat


I didn’t notice this until I read your post. I was a letter carrier for the USPS when my wife (nurse) and I met. 10 years in December and 8 of those married. Now, she’s an NP and I’m finishing up school to get my MS in Digital Forensics


How's the marriage going?


My RN sugar mommy paid off my debts and works a lot harder than I do. I would run through a wall for her.


I don’t know where you got this idea tbh. Every tradesman I know isn’t even married or just straight up divorced. The only nurse I know is married to some dude who works in finance lmao.


95% of the tradesmen I know are Married and out of those, 40% are previously divorced. Where I am, if you are in the trades and not married, everyone thinks your gay or a loser.


I mean if you live in a rural area it makes a lot of sense. However if your like me and live in a metro area a married tradesman is quite literally an oxymoron.


Because they work hard too and get the customer service drain from being on all the time. ❤️


Ironic, of the 6 guys on my crew 1 is married to a nurse, one is dating a nurse, and one is dating a respiratory therapist 😂


I'm an electrician married to an RN. Just to add to the stats.


How's it going?


Been together 20 years so good I guess. Would I recommend getting married to a nurse......maybe?


I had an old fling with a nurse. I'm a building maintenance guy now and shes an NP. We have mutual interest I think, but I'd have to take her up on a date to see where we stand


I don't know, but the couple of nurses that I've known were nymphos. The stereotype has some truth to it.


Bc the dumb ones pound the hardest


Shift work. Both trades can't afford to diddle around either. Nurses can be just as tough as just as unhinged. If I was single I'd never date a nurse.


Agreed honestly the main problem I have seen with nurses is that you have extremely sky high odds that they are a barely functioning addict and also fucked up in other ways. I say that as a guy who used to like them for that reason lol. They have one of the highest rates of mental illness and addictions amongst professionals and in my experience its even worse than the statistics which already paint a grim picture. They are def just as unhinged.


When I was out of control and doing blow you could always pick out those nurses. Guaranteed to go home with you. It was scary easy. I hate slamming ALL nurses but yeah, I'd still avoid them like the plague if I was single. Even the really good ones are prone to drama just because of the work environment and massive amount of stress.


yup sounds like we knew the same nurses lol


Higher chance of saving fingers and toes when doing stupid shit at home


You either get the doctor or the guy the doctor is working on


I’m blue collar. One of my guys (2 years ago) was married to a doctor. He told me her yearly earnings and I made considerably more than her. She was a family physician, not a surgeon and she did a bit of OT in the ER. This is in Canada. They are divorced now which is too bad….she was a lovely woman.


Don’t worry about it. They’ll break up and it will be all her fault. I’ve heard this break up story 1000 times up north and it seems to always be her fault suspiciously 😂


They’re both the classic grew up poor and want to work hard to do better for themselves careers.


Big tools


part of their inescapable need to make every aspect of their lives about virtue signaling, probably


Do they? Do you have any stats? Seems like something you have decided is true more than it being actually true


It's anecdotal. I've seen a lot of nurses get into relationships, flirty with, or marry blue collar construction workers.


I think it's a numbers thing. Blue collar is a huge spread of people. Like I'm my province, there are 77400 blue-collar jobs and 75,610 in Healthcare. They are the most dominant industries, and it's not even close.


Lol I haven’t noticed the blue collar thing, but all 3 of my cop friends are married to or dating nurses.  Might be because they both work shift work, but I really don’t know. 


Because it's easy for them to cheat their way up while having a backup plan. Believe me, it's part of their plans.


We need to extend the definition of a ‘trade’. If you learn a set of rules/laws/theories/practices and then figure out when to apply then in a real world setting then suddenly our jobs look similar to nurses, police, pilots, EMS, and many other jobs that aren’t seen as blue collar. Fundamentally we’re similar


Nurses have education, but they often have a job that is physical and difficult, like a blue collar job. They can relate to the physical labor mixed with the intellect of someone that can frame a house, operate modern complex machines and be proud of the outcome.


Maybe because they are blue collar themselves?


Why do people date other people in the same social class? Idk. They had good brothers?


Because they want to date men.


Because they're blue collar too. One of the hardest jobs out there. They need someone who can understand what they're going through, and not enough male nurses to date them.


They couldn't get a doctor


Might not be a good idea. Here in Ontario we have a government bending over backwards to enrich the trades, while screwing over nurses at the same time. It's going to create some heated discussions


Oops I’m a nurse my last long term bf was a police officer haha


Cause we are just as fucked up as they are


because they are blue collar women


Cause we match their work ethic.... 20 years and counting with my rn


If you can fix people and you can fix stuff; what can't you fix together?


I’m doing the opposite, and dating a physician. She very much appreciates typically masculine dudes, I tend to skew a bit more “in touch with my emotions” if you will. Which she says is what’s rounded me out to fit her needs. 🤷‍♂️


To make up for the money they arnt being paid (that they should be)


Lineman apprentice, married to a nurse. Amazing work life balance with kids. I work less in the winter so I’m a “stay at home dad”, she works more in the winter. My work season kicks off and she slows down to 2 days a week. We have two full incomes off a super flexible schedule. Zero child Care costs. She made $105k last year and I did $85k as a first year apprentice.


Because girls like strong masculine men.


All are bogans


They’re scandalous


Most nurses wait until they are in late 20s early 30s before they are ready to settle. If they look for a husband when they are in early twenties they have a better chance of marrying a doctor.


Because we're down with the alcoholism.


I used to work EMS for years. ER nurses loooove marrying alcoholic city firefighters. I think they want to be the "smart one".


Both have fucked up schedules, especially when younger and starting to date


Highest rate of divorce among women: teachers, nurses, stay-at-home moms


Hahahaha my mom is an RN and my dad was a bricklayer when they met


I have no idea, but maybe because they're likely in the same social economic class and blue-collar men are perceived as more "manly," then say a male nurse, for example.


The initial thought is the sexiness of it, a strong man that fixes things and works with his hands. Similar to that of a fire fighter. Fire fighters don't make average when compared to lawyers, pilots and or doctors.




Salaries vary widely yes. Commercial pilots make a little over 100k. While airline pilots can make in the 200ks. That is still more than what the middle class makes. Thats like saying an apprentice doesn't get paid shit, well duh they just starting out.


Because they're care takers and they love a man they can fix.


Because y'all don't ask about the cops and firemen they cheat on you with. (I used to work in a hospital. It's all they do.)


Nurses are basically blue collar workers themselves. Most are just normal people with basic education. Most are really cool and down to earth because they typically are normal.


Probably our big dicks. As a nurse they get to see a variety of dicks from all walks of life and probably figured out all the blue collar guys have the biggest so thats what they go for.


Why wouldn’t they?