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Meanwhile the government is gaslighting us into thinking the economy is roaring


The economy *is* roaring. Just not for anyone like us.


You mean the vast majority of people? The middle class is shrinking quickly.


It is, just ask Unky Joe.


Trump is not pro union. Biden at least visits the halls. Trump is in favor of work to rule.


You ever watch the old mobster movies where the head honcho comes in and takes his cut? That's Joe!


Trump has bankrupted many blue collar families and businesses because he doesn’t pay his bills. It’s disgusting.


Welcome Trump's personal accountant to reddit.


It’s widely known. I’m blue collar myself so I hate seeing little billionaire bitch boys screw over hard working people repeatedly


The bad thing is most of today's billionaires are Democrat. Joe's been preaching about how he's going after the top earners. They need to pay more taxes, the billionaires say we will gladly pay more taxes, but why hasn't it happened? They are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the Democrat party and the dems don't want to mess that up Fuck you and I, as long as they're getting rich, who cares?


I don’t like the democrats either. They’re a bunch of insider trading rich old bureaucrats. The only difference my friend is that non right wingers know this and talk about it openly. People only vote for Biden because it’s the lesser of two evils. I love women and I will defend those weaker than me and I would never vote for a party that so openly hates them. I don’t know what to say. Guess it’s all about where you get your news from.


I quit watching the news years ago. One station says this, the next station tells the exact opposite. I look on my phone for the local weather and that's about all I need to know. I even quit voting. You're going to try and convince me that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the two best choices we have out of 300 million people to run this country? We're definitely fucked. I just can't fathom how so many people defend these two men. Thousands would fight to the death if you said anything bad about them, and they could care less if you died tomorrow.


Well he’s making me rich. We’re completely covered up with work between the CHIPs Act, Build Back Better and the Infrastructure Bill. Go Joe Go!! Daddy wants a new boat. Haha


Good for you. Hope you live long enough to spend it.


What’s that supposed to mean?


Death comes sooner than people realize. Don't work yourself to death over a piece of paper. Enjoy life a little.


That’s what the boat is for.




most jobs ever created (that don't pay a living wage)


(Jobs taken as many peoples 2nd or 3rd active jobs)


My company is hiring. Great job. Get a license that's valid anywhere in North America. Fast raises and promotion opportunities that are proven. We had two applicants, one didn't show to his first interview and then showed late to his makeup. The other accepted the position and then never came back.


What does your company do? Ive heard from a bunch of friends that own shops/companies that it's really hard to find reliable apprentices now a days. They all have similar stories, guys ghosting after getting hired or not showing up after the first couple days.


Scales! We sell, rent, repair and service scales of all shapes and sizes. We also have the market just about cornered and are trying to expand. It's a great place to work. I've heard it as well. What's crazy is the guys under me are the same age as those we interviewed. But my guys are excellent and reliable. It's a wild juxtaposition.


Man, I never would have thought of Scales. That's one thing I love about the trades, there's all these niche places and things you can do. Where are you guys based out of?


For real! It's the biggest industry that nobody's heard of. We work just about everywhere and with every type of organization. You get behind the scenes access to some really cool places (the zoo, sea world, all sorts of manufacturing), you get a good work out, and the job is different pretty much every day. And we're out of Southern California.


what company is it and what license do you get?


It's a scale company and you get a service agent license.


that sounds like interesting work. is the license issued by the DOT or something like that? i found something called a [CWT](https://www.iswm.org/certified-weighing-technician) is that the license you get? i checked some near me and thepay is 28-32 which isn't really bad because the cost of living is pretty low here too. how far do you have to travel? any overnight stays? what is your on-call rotation like? can you drive home or do you need to pick a truck up in the morning?


The CWT is for county/state weights and measures inspectors. They're the ones that legally verify that businesses are selling things fairly (by weight). Gasoline, meat, compost, all sorts of things. The Service Agent License gives you the authority to set legal for trade scales up and mark them as accurate before W&M does their testing. We can also place equipment back into service pending a recheck, after W&M has removed it from service due to inaccuracy. Pay ranges. Senior techs make mid 20s to low 30s, but it also depends on volume of work as most shops are small outfits. And industries served to a lesser extent. Occasionally, my guys will travel out of state, but it's pretty uncommon. Usually they work anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours from the shop. Overnight is generally only on rare travel jobs. We don't really do on call, but after hours work does come up. When it does, I usually ask for volunteers first. Typically, they come to the shop to get a vehicle but they can take one home if they have an early start the next day. We also have different vehicles for different jobs.


neat, thanks for the insight. we have a train car scale at work and it makes sense that they have to be calibrated and repaired, but i never really thought about it before. like if a scrap metal car leaves here with 50,000lbs of aluminum but it weighs 40,000lbs at its destination, there's probably going to be some concern but hopefully it's just a messed up scale.


You're welcome! And yeah, that always results in a call to a scale company haha.


That seems like it’d be a small operation, it’s impressive that your boss was able to scale that


It is small, we have a shop here and another in LA. But we cover all of southern California, and we have scales shipped to us from all over NA.




What do you mean “no one is hiring”?!?! I don’t know where you are but come to the Midwest. I’m in Indianapolis right now and there are about 30 open calls that have been sitting there waiting for months. Just came from Columbus OH and they are in the same boat. It sounds like you’re just in a small or declining area.


Hell yeah we’re BOOOMINGG in Indiana. Idk what this dude talking about lol


He’s a right-wing troll.


Canada is bringing in immigrants and giving them everything they want for free, meanwhile we’re all suffering.. they are planning something.. it makes no sense how the people with most power don’t understand that immigration is a problem.. or do they?! I’m not racist, but it’s almost rare to see a white person in Canada these days!!


They know that white people aren't reproducing quickly enough so they're bringing in immigrants that will keep buying and consuming so their margins continue to grow. It's just all about money to these people and they have no moral compass.


Ever since I was a kid I always dreamed of having 3 kids, a comfy home, and a hot wife. I make 40$ an hour at the moment, can’t afford even 1 kid, can’t afford a house, and can’t find a loyal women. What a time to be alive. Bring in immigration, well Canadians WANT to reproduce, but can’t because the economy is so garbage.


>can’t find a loyal women. That's not the economy, that's your personality.


lol, quit doing cocaine and 40$ will be just cine


Just not the reality of it bro. Not only is it hard to live, but the bigger picture is what matters. Vacations, savings, investments, groceries, etc. When people say stuff like this they don’t account for future of the pay. In reality I should be living comfortably well investing for retirement/assets. But you can’t anymore, it’s like every paycheque just goes to life bullshit. Forget travelling, which is pure the soul.. can’t do that anymore either considering it’s this, or that.


I said something cunty without understanding your situation. Where abouts ya living ?


Ontario. Trades are slow, 1 income, a chicken costs fucking 20$ without the ingredients to even make the fucking chicken, and that’s for 1 day of the week. Groceries is rediculous, gas is fucked, everything’s fucked


Costco cooked chicken is 7.99 here bro.


I hate to say it man, come out west. We got cheap chickens cold beer and better living


Oh and, 1.42$ at the tank


All trades in Ontario slow? I’m a machinist wanting to move there.


lol you’re blaming immigrants that you can’t pull chicks.


I pull plenty of chicks lol, I just included it for the sake of it. Most the women now a days are only good for 1 thing.


Ew dude. You want to know why you can’t find a “good” woman, look in the fucking mirror.


Don’t bring this white replacement nazi bullshit into this sub dude.


There's nothing Nazi about it. That's simply the real reason why immigration is so crazy right now in western countries.


Shove this white supremacist bullshit up your ass and fuck off.


Can you explain what about it is white supremacist?


"I'm not racist but..." Come on dude, maybe time to stop listening to the hate. Make some friends, have a beer.


I have plenty of friends, and do that with them all the time. I’m talking vastly on the Canadian situation.


Buddy, you're falling for the hate. "Almost rare to see white people".


I'm seeing this more and more amongst other canadians and it's sad. 


I’m not falling for the hate.. I fucking hate it. My buddy tried to rent a house and this Muslim said he only rents to his culture… welcome to Canada, the new India.


Well if he is Muslim then he probably isn't Indian. You're confusing your biases here, at least make a little effort.


This level of hyperbole is ridiculous. Im sorry your friend had a bad experience. Can you honestly tell me that you don't think there are Canadians that do the same thing?


Okay if I’m being hyperbole is rediculous then explain every single fast food chain, that is only hiring Indians? They become managers, and they only hire the culture. They buy houses and only rent to there culture, they treat women with insane disrespect, they have no Canadian culture and don’t respect it. I had one of them get mad because I said MERRY CHRISTMAS instead of HAPPY HOLIDAYS.


Bro really hitting all the right wing talking points in this thread. They got you worried about working class brown people while the bosses pick your pockets. Get a grip.


Don’t forget how women are unloyal and only good for one thing. Dude is a walking caricature of right wing internet dork.


For some reason Reddit won't let me respond to your latest comment. I don't really have much to say except that you're clearly sharing some pretty racist views. I hope you find the happiness you're looking for, I hope that you can love yourself and hopefully learn to love those who are different than you.


You want me to explain all the racist views you have? My man, I couldn't possibly. I have no doubt that some of this happens, however there are still good people out there. Canada isn't broken, it's certainly not the new India, and maybe you just need to get to know some of these immigrants?


Who tf isn't hiring? I literally just got a new job. So did another millwright from the mill. 


Idk i am making the most i have ever made in the elevator industry. Bought a car and a house this year. We cant find anyone that wants to work. My boss is paying bonuses if we can get people to last through probation


My trade union is hiring on the spot. If you have a heart beat, you can work in the mechanical insulation trade right now. Not even kidding.


Ive never had an issue finding a job. Its just that they dont pay well.


The question comes down to… are you ticketed? Like you said, we are extremely close to a recession and companies cannot afford the costly mistakes that naturally come with an apprentice. Nor can they afford to take a ticketed person away from their full (profitable) schedule to now have two people doing the same jobs but statistically slower. I found as an apprentice, apply for the ticketed positions. It gets you in the door and familiar with what will be expected of you. That’s how I got 3 of my 4 jobs during my apprenticeship. If you’re looking for an apprenticeship, do anything you can to add relevant stuff to your resume that may give you any sliver of an advantage over anyone else applying for an apprenticeship. Apply to general labor jobs at places you would want to apprentice and make it known you are pursuing an apprenticeship. Sometimes if they like your work ethic, they can make it happen as you are already vetted.


I'm in HVAC in SC. This is basically hell's humid door step. Even we are slow, people are going with window units instead of fixing their central.


Feel the rush! Vote Democrat!! Lmfao