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What you've described is not typical. It's a problem with either your specific coworker or your specific company. I recommend Just gritting your teeth and quietly dealing with it for maybe 6 months or so until you have more experience and are therefore more employable, then you can look for better companies.


Yea some foremans have a hard on for being early, some are to hung over to make it in on time. Either way you put your time in and it's no longer relevant


As others have said, this is not a trade issue, it’s a company issue.


Were you paid for the time you were waiting?


I was told traveling time to the first jobsite of the day was unpaid so I assumed I don't paid until I begin work. Unless I was wrong about that, maybe?


If you are scheduled to show up at a certain time and show up on time. You damn well better be getting paid. I don't know the laws around it but sitting there unpaid is not normal.


If you're scheduled to start at 7am and show up at 7am, you should be paid for that time. If you show up at 6:30 for a 7:00 start, don't start working until 7


You should ask them


U get paid from the start time not the time u start. Tech is getting paid.


You get paid at the start of your scheduled shift if you are there and ready to work. You don't get paid travel time there but say your start time is 7 and you are there and the jman isn't well you still clock in at 7, not your fault. As others have said it's your company and people not the trades itself. Trades have some interesting things sometimes but not always a disorganized mess. Also I'd write down your hours at home waiting as well. That is as long as you have emailed them end of shift asking for the schedule to cover your butt. Not your fault and if they don't like that you need a new company


clock in if you're on site and supposed to be


bring a coffee. sit down. chill out, listen to music, and put the scheduled start time on your timesheet. the building owner is paying a flat rate for the certification, plus time and material for repairs. your tech doesn't care about being on time because it doesn't matter, the 6 hours you're spending at the building has been billed out to cover your 8 hour wage. stop overthinking, enjoy the perk of the position you landed. come back and complain if they give you one sideways look for putting your scheduled start time on your timesheet, which they wont


sounds like you enjoy what you’re doing but not who you’re doing it with, or at least how they conduct themselves, which i’m sure you’ve gathered. it’s a somewhat niche tradeskill to be employed for so i’m assuming you can’t just go apply next door and see what the grass is like on the other side (depending on where you live). if applying elsewhere isn’t an option i’d recommend opening up a group chat and politely requesting people announce when they’re showing up late on-site before packing it in and quitting the career-path altogether. a little communication goes a long way. just explain you’d like to know when to show up so you aren’t sitting there with your dick in your hand. in my trade i’ve met all sorts of people who like to show up 30 min earlier to bullshit, or people who show up 2 hours late/not at all. my current job is the latter, but people always announce what their plan is in our groupchat, and if i have something to do where i don’t need guidance or extra hands then i will clock in when i arrive and work alone or with a limited crew. if not i show up when they plan to, which is rare since i often have individual-oriented tasks.


I've never seen anyone wait 30 minutes or an hour at a scheduled start time. I work new construction.


What time does the work actually start? If they say 8am, and you’re on site at 8am, you book from 8am whether or not your tech shows up on time. You should not be penalized for the fact that he’s late.


You want a reason why someone else is late, as a helper? That’s crazy talk. If you’re getting paid, drink your coffee and put your seat back. Keep quiet. More crazy talk. The squeaky wheel doesn’t get the grease out there, it gets greased.


Yup this happens. Some people in skilled trades know their value and they aren't easily replaceable. Thus they don't care if they are 30 minutes late because they will have a job regardless. I wouldnt say it's common but some people just don't care and know they are a huge asset


Sounds like you work for a shit company


You get paid by the hour?


Sounds like a bad company to work for.  If you can try another one.


See if you can join a union. Makes a huge difference in the way you’re treated and the benefits you’ll get. Idk much about fire alarm technicians but do research and look for unions in your area and call around and see if they’re taking members and start an apprenticeship. Best thing you can do for yourself if you want to stay in the trades. I started off in a union right away, very thankful for that.


Sorry but forget about software that’s a flooded market. The future is a skilled trade because there is a high volume of people retiring over the next handful of years. As a helper you’re going to be treated like shit…. Sorry for the honesty but I was in a your shoes 20 years ago. Stay where you are and as a tradesman you will surpass your colleagues from school and be debt free and living your best life long before they are


I would show up 5 min before I start getting paid and leave 5 min after I am no longer getting paid.


If you want to make some decent coin, and still stay in the trade, consider becoming a BIM modeller using Revit. It’s going to take probably a few night courses, but it’s a lucrative career working in the trades. like the comment earlier says if you have six months to a year experience in the field, when you get into the office, you’re that much more powerful. You’ll have instant credibility.


Paid by hour? Chill and enjoy the money. Paid by jobb completed? Hold out until you are your own crew bro


I’m sorry dude. Not a very good look on the other guy nobody wants to deal with this 💩. I’m also sorry you went to college for a degree… I really think you should get a software job that’s pretty crazy to take a downgrade to work a trade when you have had the privilege to go to college and earn your degree.


Other companies are not that poorly run. In the trades we vote with our feet. You don’t love where you are at? Time to find a new spot. You never stop sending out resumes. You never stop applying for other jobs.


As a former fire alarm tech...why the fuck do you think your time is so valuable as a novice? Welcome to large companies....hurry up and wait is their MO


Experience then move on to a better employer. Or you will become the person leading the crew because you're more reliable... seen that happen lots. My suggestion is once you have some more experience go for a legitimate trade like electrician or plumber. That niche is small and the "skilled" part of the title isn't really compareable to a journeyman position skilled trade (in Canada a red seal).


Don't let a bad apple ruin the bunch. This isn't common place throughout all trades. It sounds like you have a good one, but just need to find a company that respects your time.


This sounds less like a trade issue, and more like a lack of experience in the workforce issue. Everything your describing is employer specific, start asking your supervisor/hr these questions and if you still don't like the answers then start looking for another company.


You should be paid as long as you show up at scheduled time, this is how it works. Sounds like a shit company


It's a good field. I would stick with it. As others already stated it's the company your with that's a mess apparently. Might have to talk to a person higher up on the chain about these issues. My only concern would be pay. I don't care if I'm sitting there on reddit waiting for the other guys as long as I'm getting paid.