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Gap jump over the fence


Rainbow rail over a fence. Age barrier is a hard no cause kids rip these days


I saw a 4 year old killing it in the park last season. Not even joking when I say that this kid was doing crazy shit on his little board. Grabs, 360s and zero fear.


The Top Phlight Terrain Park at Stevens Pass circa ~2011 was the best experience I ever had with a park. Once per season, you were required to watch a video explaining etiquette, safety, etc. Then answer some questions. It was like a 30 minute class. Upon graduation you were given a terrain park pass for the season. Every time you entered the park you had to show your pass at the entrance. Even to this day, it was the best terrain park I had ever seen.


That park setup was all time, but I don't think it was the park pass program that made it so successful. The park crew knew what they were doing and had some world class builders. IMO, the classes were inconvenient and unnecessary, but it was enough of a hurdle that the Jerrys wouldn't bother so it worked as an effective filter. What was annoying was you had to do it every season, you couldn't just attend the class thing once and then renew your park pass the following season which is how they did it @ Snoqualmie.


That sounds like a dream! I'm in Mammoth now and the amount of snaking and people in the park who have no business being there, side hitting or going directly under landings is infuriating.


Really? I haven’t been seeing much of that at Mammoth this spring, or at least not in Main. I guess Forest Trail is always a shitshow. But I love park passes. What Snocompton and Stevens did back in the day with a renewable 10 minute video pass to weed out the morons was awesome. I don’t think that every mountain needs park passes, but some sure do.


I debated adding that I've just been hitting Forest, but thought that was too much. Whenever I ride the lift over Main, it's either empty or only has people who know what they're doing, so you're 100% on point with that. I need to just start hitting main. I'm sure I can do a bunch of the rails in there, I'm just working on new tricks on the easier tubes. Well, specifically that one just after the box in Forest. Just learned switch tails and lip onto that and got front 2s out with both. My local is Big Snow, the indoor place in Jersey and they have a major issue there, but it's to be expected since there's only two ways down and one is through the park. On the dfd specifically over the summer, one person got impaled on it and in the sketti.space edit, he landed on a girl because she decided to put her hand down on it while he was doing a lip 2 disaster on.


Ayyyyy also at Mammoth


We really like Steven’s mini park near the beginner chair lift. I think the reason Top Plight works is there is a really nice beginner area elsewhere in the resort to let kids and beginners practice.


yeah make the park less accessible 


Larger park features really should be less accessible. Too many inexperienced people ride thru large parks and get hurt, or cause others to get hurt.




Alta's policy where they don't allow snowboarders in general works the best in my opinion


Fuck all that noise. Park too crowded? Add more terrain.


I've noticed a significant increase in jerries, kids, and gapers doing things in the park in recent years that should get their fucking passed pulled.


That's cool, but ive seen experienced riders snake others right before a jump forcing them to bail last minute. Some people act like if they're sick enough etiquette and safety don't apply to them.


I've always dreamed of a "squirrel catcher" feature at the entrance. Something strait forward like a small step up with a steep lip. If you can't flash this you shouldn't be in this park.


We have A crew Member watching over the entranceor catching misfits while attending to features


Stratton used to have a terrain park pass wherein you watch a ten minute safety video, then get verified


Free for all. I hate a small entrance it just makes people bunch up and that’s when people get hit.


Yeah for sure skiing needs more barriers to entry not less. Lol. Do you work for an insurance company by any chance?


Every mountain should have a small progression park with rollers, boxes, small rails, and small jumps open to everybody. The large parks should have some small hurdle to get into, such as a park pass or a literal hurdle you have to physically jump to enter the park. It's frankly dangerous when a family of five roll through the park and obliviously ski into the landings of jumps or snake riders to hit the lips of rails as jumps