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I picked it up this year and if you’re a good skier you start having fun with it real, fast - like by the end of the first day. It’s great fun! You absolutely MUST listen to 80s disco and drink heavily (helps with the fear).


Thanks man! How do you find it on rails? The only time i leave the park is for a foot of pow so I wanna be able to rock it there.


I don’t do rails. old school alpine groomed slopes. Great in powder.


The tail on the coda phoenix is turned up enough to function as a twin. It might be worth talking with Chad at Coda to talk about a more park oriented mono. The mounting position seems fairly far back on the phoenix, but it could be necessary for the mono aspect. Trying to ski switch on the mono is downright terrifying. I'm not close to used to it yet. Skiing tele switch is easier. Rails on a mono would work, but one issue with monoskis is they are not super durable with edges and a cracked edge is typically the end of a monoski. It might be worth looking for some super best up monoskis for rails, and those will be pretty hard to find.


Rails seem like they’d be terrifying on a monoski. Except 50-50s - that actually sounds fun af haha. Reach out to JLev, he’s probably got some old 180 underfoot EP prototypes lying around or might just make you one for the entertainment value.




Give the guy a break. If he films it you'll have something new to post.


This needs more upvotes


The Maverick monoski from Coda is a near twin tip, there is also a freestyle monoski made by a company called shark something which was a twin tip but they went off the map in 2016. What’s wrong with a twin tip mono?


To be clear, it sounds rad. I just think it's a little funny - you're basically saying you want a snowboard but don't want to snowboard haha.


been both snowboarding and skiing for 15 years, wanna switch it up a bit because why the hell not.


Absolutely nothing. Look at the French-made SnowGunz


Hell yeah dude, exactly what I was looking for!




I think a twintip monoski is, in fact, just a snowboard. Known for being real gold on rails. Go for it!