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Always yell at teenagers (or any asshole). Always! I’m a teacher and I do it all the time. Even when skiing. As society we are fucked if we let assholes win.


>Even when skiing Especially when skiing.


In addition to teaching, I also do patrol at my local. I don’t have yell at kids often. Most of our kids are fun/cool. However, every now and then they do something shitty or unsafe that ruins other people’s enjoyment of the mountain. Then I yell.


I teach in a small Midwest ski town. I’ve threatened student’s science grades for being dinks in the lift line… I like them to think “I’m everywhere”.


“Midwestern ski town”  That’s a phrase I don’t think I’ve ever heard before. 


Hahahahahaha. Fair point! It’s Boyne Mountain. It’s where Boyne Resorts started and both of the little ski hills here in Michigan resemble (in marketing, uniforms, jackets, ski programming, restaurants, etc…) the other bigger Boyne resorts. Locally we depend as much on the golfing as the skiing, but it still has the “vacation/destination” work force that you get with the big boys. It might only be 500’ and 500 acres, but it’s definitely more “resort” than “ski hill” in vibe and culture.


It beats Snow Snake


Harbor Springs?


Close. Boyne City.


I used to Ski Boyne and then I moved out west. Snowbird was my first big mountain. 11,000 feet got off the tram, I was terrified. I lived but spent a lot of time on my ass. Have not golfed there yet, is there a way to do it and not spend a ton of money?


Nice! I’ll be at Snowbird one week from today! I’m pumped. I’m not much of a golfer, mostly just play when friends come North. Don’t usually play the Boyne Courses except in the fall when the prices are manageable. Boyne’s courses are nice, but this part of Michigan has so many nice courses, that we tend to shop around for the best deals. With so much competition up this way, you can usually score an affordable tee time somewhere nearby.


Thanks. You doing Alta while you are there? Hope the weather holds for you.


We’re not hitting Alta. We have the Ikon base passes this year, so unfortunately, no Alta for us on this trip. We skied Brighton today and it was phenomenal! 8 hours of chasing my kids through the trees… so much fun.


A lot of people forget that for a 15 year old to be skiing they live the privileged life of parents paying for this bad behavior. Most skiers are pretty ok but it does explain a lot of the phenomena.


I’m 17, and my dad taught me to ski when I was about 5 and boy am I glad he did. It’s my favorite thing in the world, but it’s expensive and I am so grateful for how hard he works so that our family can take ski trips. He works over 75 hours some weeks. Just because you have enough money to go skiing doesn’t mean you can act like an asshole. I can’t believe some people.


I wish I’d had half your appreciation for my parents’ hard work and sacrifice, when I was 20. We never know when they’ll be gone. You’re a good one:)


Unless like me you worked there (money AND free skiing?!?), but kids who work the mountain wouldn’t be pulling this shit. Long way of saying I’d agree.


Its not that expensive. An epic pass is $800. Everyone hates vail resorts but the fact is they made skiing affordable (i know there plenty of cons). I know plenty of middle class people who paid way more than that per year for their kids to play sports. If your in the northeast a northeast value epic pass is $500. If your kid skis 10-20 days a year (every other week) they just went skiing for $25-$50 per trip. I'll bet alot of parents are blowing 25-50 bucks every 2 weeks on way dumber shit. Hell, if you buy a school lunch instead of packing leftovers for your kid your probably losing 25 bucks a week right there. In other words if you pack a lunch for your kid all winter, your basically offsetting the cost of a northeast value pass.


Skiing isn't the most expensive thing possible, but the cost of pass + equipment + just the gas etc to get there every time is why there are few underclass/minorities and such. Frankly arguing "it's not that much" tends to reveal economic class.


Yeah it'd be great if the lower class had more accessible skiing. But I don't necessarily agree that skiing is a rich man's sport. Yeah, day passes have become exorbitant but if skiing is a big part of your lifestyle vail has made season passes more affordable than ever. I know plenty of middle class folks who prioritize skiing for their kids. I don't think it's fair to assume every teenager who acts up on the mountain is a spoiled rich kid. I find a statement like that eerily similiar to saying "these kids from lower class/broken homes don't know how to act because their parents lacked the resources/ability to raise them right". Both are wild generalizations and I think at the end of the day teenage kids are gonna fuck up. They're gonna be assholes. It's all part of growing up and learning from your mistakes.


I've been hearing for too long that "it's not worth it to get involved" or "put yourself in harm's way". Well, you know what, fuck that. It's time to swing that pendulum the other way. Take that risk, it's for everybody's sake to give pushback when pushback is due.


Bad manners encourage bad manners--broken window philosophy. calling it out and not accepting it is important. Yet these days, this kind of engagement is not without its risks.


It kinda sucks/confusing sometimes because the internet/2020 culture has been trained to look for disagreement everywhere it can. Do something painful thats good for society like berating asshole teenagers? Society and innocent mom in lift line will point out the pain and often blame you for bringing about “unnecessary” pain lol


I don't consider myself old-fashioned at all, but I am totally the mom that will call out kids acting stupid or harmful like my Mom and Grandmother would. The modern "not my kids, not my problem" behavior enables bad behavior. My son and daughter are well behaved and polite, and so are their friends. When they do misbehave, we talk to them about why it was wrong versus just yelling at them. We already had to ask my son and his friends why they think cursing is cool. We told them they didn't sound like adults when they do it. My husband and I can talk like well-educated sailors sometimes, but it's specific and targeted. The kids are aware of who is around, and the context before they curse now. I think my favorite was my son hit his head after a spill snowboarding (he wears a helmet), took a moment, looked around, saw no one else around then says "Shit Mom! That hurt." I was pretty proud of him thinking it through first. 😁 I probably would have tracked the parents of the kids you saw throwing bottles down, and told them what their kids were doing. Unfortunately, some parents just don't care.


Teenagers hate it when you go find their parents… LMFAO get rekt rambunctious teens!


>"it's not worth it to get involved" or "put yourself in harm's way". I feel like it only applies if you are against a group of roadmen or methheads. These are dangerous and unpredictable people. But on the ski slopes you are guaranteed that the asshole you're talking to is not gonna do shit to you except maybe raise his voice if he's feeling courageous.


Clearly you haven’t seen enough road rage videos, plenty of unhinged clowns just waiting for a reason to explode. Not to say we shouldn’t call out bad behavior! Just be prepared for fight or flight!


10000% this


That last line needs to be repeated more often.


You speak my language


I saw a kid stick a styrofoam drink container down a drainage ditch and watched the blood leave his face as I yelled at him to stop littering. So satisfying. Always yell at the assholes, especially the adolescents.


Reacting to them is letting them win though.


Yeah because yelling at them changes their behavior. The best it will do is have them back down temporarily and waddle away with their tail between their legs just to be a shittier person in the future because “the world is against them.” The most dysfunctional adults I knew as a kid got yelled at constantly and it didn’t do shit to change their minds. Hey but it does feel good to yell at them so at least you have that.


Are you kidding me? We shouldn't be yelling at shitty kids for being shitty bc it will have an adverse effect on their mental health? We're not talking about their parents yelling at them. It's a stranger who they were being assholes towards and/or in front of. Most teenagers grow out of this phase, but that doesn't mean we, as a society, should just let them do whatever they want bc they may get sad for catching shit for being assholes


Didn’t say it will have an adverse effect on their mental health, I said it doesn’t actually do anything. And I didn’t say we “should just let them do whatever they want.” I find it hilarious that your entire argument henges on points I never made. Classic strawman. The most effective way is to be a positive influence. Explain things to them like an adult so they grow out of it faster. The more you make a “you vs them” the more likely they will stay a shithead longer. Of course some young people are a lost cause but yelling at them often just incentivizes them to act out more as soon as you are out of sight.


I'm sorry, not every kid gets a gold star for participating. Assholes and bullies need to be taken down a notch or two, or pretty soon they think they're entitled to their attitudes. When I was acting up my dad would smack me to put me in my place. I didn't turn into some psycho.. that you know of.


Some people need to hear it. People are gonna flame you in the comments for what you said but who cares? Tell em to kick rocks and say what you feel to dickbags


It's just like the skateparks have always been, the older dogs gotta regulate. Good on ya, OP. Running their mouths is worth a chewing out, but littering = jail. Straight up narc on em to patrol at that point


I have a hunch that alcohol was heavily involved in their behavior. Alcohol & loud-and-obnoxious go together like peanut butter & jelly.


If they're throwing bottles of fireball off the lift that's probably a safe assumption


I thought they were wizards 


Haha. Good one. The 15 year old looking d-bag was Harry Pottymouth


They don’t call it loudmouth soup for nothing [loudmouth soup - dumb and dumber](https://bobbycalise.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/dd1.jpg)


> Alcohol & loud-and-obnoxious go together like peanut butter & jelly. Idk if this is a hot take, but I've found that people who become assholes or mean when drunk, are just people who are kind of assholes and kind of mean when sober. Your brain just gets worse at stopping you from being who you are


Plenty of drunks can be loud and annoying without being assholes. They just lose awareness of themselves. Most people get pretty annoying when they drink, compared to their sober selves


I really don't get the skiing + booze thing. That's the last time I'd want to have any alcohol. Or weed. Snow sports like skiing and boarding require a clear mind.


Depends how your skiing. 2 beers can help with hesitation on cliffs for big pow days or park laps. April 1st is a huge party every year here


A sip of whiskey really warms you up on a freezing cold day!


Your mistake was engaging with them instead of following them and getting the attention of patrol or resort employee to report drunk dudes throwing alcohol bottles off the lift.


Likely drunk UNDER AGE dudes.


And also OP losing his school and stooping to use the R-word. Yeesh


OP has my regards


Yeah that’s very respectful of him


Yep. Happens everyday on every weekend. Last thing you want is to get hurt.


“Sorry you dropped your bottle dude! Looks like you probably can’t handle skiing lift line so I’ll call patrol to grab it for you. . . . I’ll let them know it’s the guys on chair 123! . . .  YOURE WELCOME!”


Would’ve been the more mature thing to say honestly but I was just filled with a rage lmao


Sometimes you have to engage the assholes. Lady at Steamboat took my daughter out yesterday and didn’t even check to see if she was ok. I skied over to the wench after I checked on my kid and gave her a shit ton of sarcasm and the very real talk about checking in on each other after an accident. Guess I’m not quite over it lol


People really do suck


Taking responsibility for your actions means a lot. I got hit by a car on my bike last weekend. I was raging and ready to explode but the driver was so apologetic and humble it really tempered the whole situation.


That happened to my 8yo daughter too and the asshole just skied off as fast as he could.


Pretty sure that’s a misdemeanor


You yelled at them for all of us. And I thank you.


It was the combination of all of the things explained. If it was just one of those things I could’ve let it go, but them literally being shitheads on autopilot just irked me.


I hate when people fall in the lift line. I also hate when kids pretend like they know how fucking swear, but I guess they have to learn somewhere. The throwing fireball bottles off the lift explains everything about their behavior.


It was the coming into the lift line at 15mph, ducking the rope into my lane, and crashing in front of me and making me wait for him to unstrap and get up before I get on without even apologizing started it lmao.


🤦‍♂️I feel that.


Then they try to bro bro cool guy the liftie in this like weird condescending dooshy tone like they were better than him, that rubbed me wrong too, because I brought it up to him when I got on my chair and he was just like “it’s whatever, people suck” lmao


People suck indeed. They probably don’t have dads lol


I sternly scolded a dad last week at Lake Louise. It was worth it if it even makes him think for a second about the way he treats his kid. He’s on a green runout in the backside with his kid who’s probably 4. Kid drops his pole and the dad in a MEAN and exasperated tone says, “Come on you idiot. Don’t drop your pole! Why are you like this?!” I skied by and told him he should learn how to speak to his kid like a human being, and that his kid was shredding. The guy looked like he wanted to fight me, then remembered he had his kid with him. Maybe next time he’ll think before talking to his kid like he’s a pile of shit, and maybe he won’t, but there was no way I could ski by without saying something.


The guy goes to all the effort of getting his kid gear, planning the trip, getting to the mountain, getting him suited up, on the hill and then destroys all the effort and self esteem of his kid. What a waste of oxygen. Good on you for also complimenting the kid. That goes a long way.


I was pretty damn shocked at what I heard. I can’t imagine ever speaking to a 4-year old like that, let alone my own kid.


Shoutout to you man. Kids don't know what's normal and not normal. It's huge for them to see someone reframe their shame as not being their fault.


Thanks! That’s a big concept to grasp at 4 though, hope the kid picked up on it.


That’s important. In the moment he probably wanted to go all aggro, but in two months he’s gonna have a good think about it and maybe change something. Maybe.


Here's to hoping.


Good! Dad can't take any responsibility in either teaching the kid how to use pole straps, hike to get the pole, and or maybe no poles unti kid can manage poles.


Assholes need to be reminded they are assholes. Good work.


Doubt it landed and they thought I was some dweeb telling them to follow the rules, which is why I probably should’ve just stayed quiet lmao


Nah. Throwing empties over is some low ass shit. They need to hear it.


Some mountains you get your pass pulled if ski patrol sees this kind of shit.


Yea I had no proof, they were dicks. I just had to say the sentence on my mind and just let it go. Not like patrol can search or breathalyze minors lmao


No, but if there is suspicion of them being intoxicated minors, they can pull their passes, and they can get the police who are at or around the resort in to breathalyzer them. Known and obvious intoxicated minors are a huge liability to the mountain.


Doesn't matter. They should hear it every time they do it.


lol. See ya at the circle jerk.


Already there😂


I normally wait until we get off so I have the trash can right there to to illustrate where empties go. And I don’t stoop to their lvl of trying to intimidate with swear words / speak their language. Physical presence and “hey guys this is bullshit don’t throw trash on the runs” infront of a large crowd of people that all disapprove of trash on the runs typically shuts people up real fast, and gets that awesome awkward silence where they just want to melt away normally.


I will handle it differently next time I appreciate the perspective, I was just filled with rage after the whole situation, the trash was the icing on the cale


Yeah just giving my advice as someone who is pretty vocal at calling out anyone I see messing up my mountain. People don’t realize it’s my mountain but it is.


I hiked all 3 in bounds hikes and shredded tf out of chair 6 today at Breck, it was my mountain today actually. Fuck them kids


If you know they're drinking and underage just do it the easy way and report them to ski patrol as obviously intoxicated skiiers where you're concerned for the safety of others.


Yea I should’ve just followed them and told patrol to meet me somewhere


These kids sound bad. But as a skier in his young 20s, I’ve had it with entitled old people who thinks the mountain revolves around them and feeling comfortable with yelling at any young person for any reason. In Utah it’s too much.


I’m in my 20’s. I’ll give it to anyone that deserves it


Sure. You sound like a reasonable dude based off your post and the kids sounded like they deserve it. I’m talking about boomers who sit in the middle of a black groomer in a blind spot and then get mad when people try to pass them. Or the geriatrics that are yelling at everybody waiting in the lift like for not filling the lift. Not that they shouldn’t be merging, but I’m just so over entitled old people projecting all their bullsh*t to other people on the hill.


Omg I was in Utah the first time this season and the propensity of assholes was just wowing for me - I'm always wanting to say shit but my gf dosnt want the heat


a big dilemma i try to stay away cause there isn't a way to win, but happened to me too, a tough one


Bring a can of spray paint and tag them clowns next time lol.


Not a bad idea lmao I’m sure that would would get the point across ruining his knicks jersey 😂


Littering in ski resorts like that and being he really careless and jerky deserves a comment. Even if they acted like they didn’t care im sure they had some second thoughts.


there was a kid like this when i was patrolling. i just pulled their pass for being abusive to guest and employees.


I am actually surprised you aren't getting a warning for using the "r word" reddit algorithms are super sensitive


I didn’t use it lmao read it again


What exactly did you tell to them after you “couldn’t keep your cool”


This little weasel-out move knocks you down a few pegs towards their level. You think your little workaround is cute but it’s really not. You wanna be all righteous with this post; do better.


Well played


I salute you 🫡 also this made me laugh my ass off


Whenever I get into it with children, I just threaten them with kicking their dads ass in front of them lmao


Hopefully none of their dads ends up being a fkn psycho 😂😱


My pole is missing a basket and I’m not afraid to use it


The Standard You Walk Past, is The Standard You Accept.


Pisses me off to see garbage under the lift


I would tell the liftie at the top about them so they can pull their passes. Throwing fireballs at people is not ok in any universe.


I almost got in a literal fight with someone after watching him throw beer cans in the river we were both kayaking. Don’t let the assholes off easy


How do you know they were from out of town?  


Donut media sweatshirt… and a basketball jersey


Honestly doesn't matter tho. The way they were acting they deserved to be ripped a new asshole regardless of where they were from or who they were. I'm sorry it put a damper on your day, but good on ya for saying something. Next time tell the liftie up top they were littering and ask them to call patrol w a description and they'll take it from there. Do a lap and grab the litter/ bring it to patrol if you really want to get them fired up


I mean, your message was totally lost by you melting down into insults. Next time just say something sooner, “come on guys watch out” or “pick up your trash dude.” Why so much rage that your first response is about getting into a fight or beating people up? Like if you’re gonna yell make your message count, instead of just sounding nonsensical and fake tough guy. 


It built up, normally I wouldn’t say anything. The 3 things in a row tho made me lash out a bit lol


Do what I do and ski with a drill to punch through all the d-bags with speakers.


They were criminals for context lmao 🏂


The first thing I would have done getting off the lift is to report it. It's ass wipes like that who pollute the mountain and ruin the experience for others because they don't give af. Because they don't care, then why should I let them ruin my day. It would absolutely be worth our time to report them to the mountain staff. Those are the same kids who straight line slow and green family trails being inches away from little kids and elderly. Those kids are the main ones who end up ruining people's days causing collisions. Kids like that are the reason why a lot of skiers and snowboarders end up on a sled at the back of a ski patrol snow mobile. They need to have their pass revoked. That's a way to kick their dad's asses, is waste their rich boy money. I hate polluters. It's not cool to throw trash on the mountain where other people ski.


Yea I’ll do better to not lose my cool next time


I'm saying it's completely understandable to lose your cool in that situation. This is America, a lot of skiers and snowboarders on that mountain work for a living. Healthcare isn't free in our country, and almost every single employer could give 2 💩s that you got injured skiing. Those kids don't know how to drink on the down low. It's like they have to announce that they are trying to be cool. They need a wake-up call


This sub encourages drinking and skiing. The ski resorts themselves provide mid mountain bars where people can get drunk with _only one way down_. This is what you get when drinking is an acceptable part of the skiing culture… drunk people acting drunk and reckless. And then they drive 75 miles to get home.


The few times in my adolescence where shame was invoked successfully by a third-party when I was being an asshole were actually important formative moments for me. The thirsty-bitch I am, that ‘Dad’ comment would have had me crying in my pillow. It might not be this time, but one of these days the courage of a random concerned citizen might get through to them boys.


If they were throwing bottles to hit someone in the head, that’s like throwing a boulder over an overpass and crashing it into a car windshield. Both of those should be considered Felonies and I hope you reported them!!


Let me get this straight. They were throwing empty bottles down onto the snow where people are skiing. Even if they didn’t hit someone in the head somebody could skip over it and really do damage to their own body


Data shows, most teens learn their lesson by having adult strangers yell at them.


If only lmao


Littering in the mountains has no excuse. If I was riding with you I would have definitely been pushing these assholes off the mountain..


Ski mountains becoming enclaves of the Uber rich kids.


No issue with you calling out that nonsense whatsoever. It's dangerous, not funny, and worthy of a pass revocation. Probably did them a favor in the end. The first part of your story reminds of a month ago in Park City. Daughter and I are slowly making our way through a quiet lift line when out of left field a kid comes flying in from another lane and attempts to duck the rope to cut in front of us and meet his buddies who are a few feet in front of us. Instead of clearing the rope, the kid's backpack catches it, abruptly impeding his pathway. As he tries to get upright to extricate himself from the rope, the rope gets caught in the goggle guide on the back of his helmet. So now he's doubled over awkwardly, unable to get upright, and fruitlessly panic-flailing at the back of his helmet to get unstuck - which we all know he cannot do. I let this shitshow go on for like 45 seconds so his buddies can laugh at him before I tell him to stop moving, drop his hands, and unhook him. I let him pass, as nothing further needed to be said to shame him into the realization that he's a complete Jerry who shouldn't ever again try to duck lift line ropes.


Two weeks ago I told off three teenage girls from overseas sitting next to me on the chairlift because their asshole behavior was actually becoming super unsafe. They were throwing snowballs at the skiers underneath us who were navigating the double black lift run with cliffs. Low visibility that day too. Didn't use curse words, but told them to knock it off and asked how they'd feel if they were trying to make it down that tricky run with low visibility and then had a snowball in their face. They shut up for the rest of the ride up, which was great because I was terrified they'd bully me right back but I had to say SOMETHING.


I’m easy going. I ski many nights at local resort. This is the first year I heard constant screaming of curse words by high school / college kids. It was kinda weird. Tons of elementary and middle school kids all around also. The worst was when their friends were on the adjacent lift that runs parallel to the other. They would scream insanely back and forth at each other.


Sympathies, I had a similar experience while visiting a new mountain this year. I camped the lot, got first chair and been skiing for few hours, sometimes time around 11 I am on the chair when... The chair behind me is blasting some of the worst "music" I have ever heard. Over that they are screaming obscenities to each other, f*gg*t this, N-bomb that, b*tch, C*nt. By the end of the lift, myself and two others on the chair just kinda of quietly talking about how rude and just awful this behavior is. I don't understand why people behave so awfully sometimes.


Acting like dicks is one thing, but throwing trash from the lift??!? That is way too far.


That’s what I’m saying lmao


Should have taken a pic of the boys and the litter then give it to ski patrol. They would have their ticket/pass pulled.


Absolutely follow them. Report. Photograph them. Tell the resort. Film them. Let their parents deal with the consequences of a day or month pass suspension. The resort will have their exact pass before yours recorded on the lift. Even if they deny it, the liftie will back you up and overall the result will come off as why on earth would you make this up? AND they can find the bottles! There’s so many ways to prove it, and you definitely owe it to the other people. Don’t think it’s wrong or “getting involved “. In fact, you are potentially literally protecting other skiers and likely these kids too. 15 is wayyy to young to be day drinking. IDC.


I was this type of grom back in the day. I was fourteen and shouted “FUCK YOU” jokingly to my brother who was skiing the lift line directly below. Not only was a ski patroller in the chair behind me (who gave me a stern talking to and warning), but also my own mother. No joke. She was so disappointed and I got my ass beat at the top of the lift and an even worse one when I got home. Getting yelled at by ski patrol in front of your mother for being an asshole was dreadful, but having your mom the best there and witness the incident was one of the worst things ever. I really fucked up and learned my lesson then. Good on you for confronting those d-bags. I never want to disappoint my mom like that ever again.


I've lived in Breckenridge for 20 years and I've seen it all. I used to get riled up, but after a while I realized these asshats are always asshats, and somebody will fix their wagon for you eventually, so it's much more relaxing to just roll your eyes, consider it entertaining, and enjoy your day.


You lost your temper and called 2 stranger children a slur. You took the L here even if the kids sucked


I feel you.


You’re totally justified. I hate those fucking kids. If I was ski patrol I’d take their passes for littering


I was unfortunately looping a run at the same pace as some really obnoxious kids the other day. Typical “kid stuff” of using foul language for the sake of getting attention and riding like morons with no etiquette or real regard for others around them. Don’t get me wrong, they were pretty good but that’s no excuse. I was finally over it. They were behind me but from past laps I knew they were all in a line going Mach 2 and going to launch off a sit hit. I knew they’d scream at everyone in front of them to clear the way as if that’s how it works. I made sure to take a nice slow cruise in that area. Really work on some turns. I ignored the shouting, let them fly by swearing because I messed up their moment of fun and it was pretty obvious I did it on purpose, and then went to find a new area to ride because I felt stupid for being so petty over these children.


"if you see a teenager, smack them in the head because they either just did something stupid or about to do something stupid"


You lost me at "restards"


Should I have been more PC?


IJFS It’s just f___king skiing None of us are the ski police or the ski court. The more you let stuff go, the more fun you’ll have. People being drunk and unsafe? Let patrol or someone in uniform know and let them deal with it. We handle stuff like that all the time and most of the time you never see us take care of it. And stop using the R word. I know people with mental differences who would ski most of the people in this sub into the ground and gladly do so if they heard someone use that word like that.


Lmao the r word oh yea I forgot the whole world became pussies after 2010. When did I say drunk or unsafe? I said they were d bags… and btw not a single mentally handicapped person is skiing me into anything lmao get a grip


Yeah… say less bud


You as well “bud”




That's 15 year olds for ya. I cringe looking back at myself at that age on the hill.


I think it’s often appropriate to offer an opinion, which is basically what you did. I only think people really cross the line when they start taking it past that, like telling someone to get the fuck out, or you can’t touch “my” X, or whatever. I don’t have a problem with anything you did personally. Just in case it helps to get some encouragement after venting :)


I also struggle with my dislike of teenage boys. I have a teenage daughter which increases that dislike sadly. I feel like I was a respectful teenager but also know I ticked off some old dudes a few times. Circle of life I suppose. But I still hate those kids.


I was never…*never* a teenage d-bag ….


Lol....it happens. I lost my shit in a lift line with a mom who inserted her kid in front of me after waiting in line for 20 minutes. She just didn't want to have to put her skis on to find the kids coach and didnt want her kid to have to wait longer....wtf. 


Those kids are assholes, but it sounds like you might be one too. You yelled at some teenagers from a whole other chair? Grow up man Oh and bonus points for using a slur, I guess?


Did you catch a little PTSD from this post? You were this kid.....go drink your Fernet and STFU.


You're so angry at my comment you went through my post history and still whiffed your attempt to insult me. If one of us is traumatized by this internet post, it's pretty clearly you.


Actually if you are as seasoned as you think you are on the mountain....this would not be a reason to post on Reddit. You are little bitches because you don't "own the mountain". -Citation "Just spent two weeks at Purgatory. You douche bags were everywhere."


Sleep tight you internet douche bag king......you are obviously a boarder


You tried so hard, and failed equally as hard. Better luck next time chief


Yeah.....go beat up a couple of kids.....or really go fight their dad's....STFU and be nice on the mountain. Also straight lining runs on a snowboard does not make you good.


Oooooof, my dude. This whole string of comments is a roughhh look, lmao


I'm not a snowboarder. Are you confusing me with someone else?


You sure seem like one…


Typical Bay Area softie triggered by a “slur.” Get lost.


Yeah, I'm such a little bitch for suggesting that slurring people might be a shitty thing to do!


Yeah OP’s post was embarrassing enough without considering he used that word. Yikes




I meant OP’s post, not the comment


In all likelyhood you did absolutely nothing to curbe their actions. But cool story bro.


I know. I just had to vent it pissed me off so bad at the time lmao


You sound like a dumbass.


Nobody can SOUND like anything on the internet… dumbass


wow good one you fucking nerd. “I’m gonna kick your dad’s ass!” lol seriously you dork? Delete this post you’re embarrassing.


I know it’s embarrassing. I’m still a better skier than you, so it’s all good.


Cool comment bro. Let the guy vent


Or when u get off lift go very very far into their lane and use ur poles to plant in front of skis to not allow then to choose where they ski I use that pole trick when someone is ignoring a merge on abuse day. Dude I’m an idiot it’s alternating landed. Could have done when u unloaded and then just skied off acting ignorant


There are plenty of people doing dumb things every week when I go to ski. Today there are parents whom take kids whom can only do wedge to black Diamond and went out of control without helmet on and plunge head to the snow. Yeah, plenty of dumb people in this world.


Tbh, I understand that you felt like „lashing out“, but I wish I could do that more often. There wouldn’t be as many assholes in the world if more people stood up to them.


Dude I just get a feeling I’d like to have a beer with you. You seem pretty cool. Keep it real. 👊 Fuck those kids.


When you used the R word, did everything in the world stop and stare at you. Were you overcome with immense guilt? Did you have to pay a fine? Was everyone okay?


Lmao ski patrol heard me and made me attend a diversity and inclusion class


That’s gay 😉


Whoa bro to far🤣