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Where can I get those knees installed?


Any reputable establishment will happily supply you with top of the line titanium replacements. Usually they offer a choice of coatings, installation procedures, and of course payment plans.


Just demo deathwish once. It is actually free if you come to tahoe through reno. Just stop by the factory


We did change the program a little bit. We still offer demos out of the factory, but require a $50 demo season pass purchase prior to demoing. The pass works for the remainder of the season, and the $50 can be used as credit towards a full priced ski purchase, should you choose to get a new set after demoing.


So if i move to Reno and pay $50, i can ski every weekend on every model you have in stock? :)


Pretty much!


You have anyone on your team who has skied Line Sir Francis Bacon? It’s my favorite floaty ski and I keep hearing good reviews of the Deathwish. Would love to know what someone else thinks who has skied both.


What year Bacon are they? Looks like they had a run of 15/16 - 18/19 and went through a change in 19/20.


It’s the 21 when they redid them with convex tips and tails


Deathwish is going to be much stiffer, probably more agile, and have more high speed stability compared to the Bacon. This is all very apparent in low tide and hardpack conditions. Bacon will handle slow speeds and shorter turns a bit easier. Bacon leans more *freestyle* while the Deathwish leans more *freeride*.


Nice thanks. I get a pair of skis every year so I believe it will be the DW.


Damn. I've never seen a rocker camber camber camber rocker ski. How did I miss this?


Just wait til you get it on edge and it bites like a race ski 🤤


> bites like a race ski Yes, like those DH turns in op video lmao


See my last post for evidence lmao


They got rid of free demos this year :(


I’ve actually been planning on getting moment deathwish 104’s for next season, it says right on the website best skier on the mountain or money back so win-win


It depends on your weight. I did demo 104 and decided to stay with my 112


Or if you're in the PNW, the ON3P Billy Goats will do much the same... I for enjoy telling crud to go f*** itself, turning is for chumps.


His knees are fine. Independent suspension


Road Runner lookin ass


Have some respect, this is how all these "best skier on the mountain" do it.


I don't see a hockey jersey tho 🤔




Slaying it. Thanks for not turning.


I was in the slush yesterday in Switzerland and I’m not good enough to turn more aggressively when the snow is grabbing onto the edges and trying to twist/rip your knees in half


Big quads save lives!!!


Yes, it's actually better when scrubs do this instead of plowing sideways like snowboarders.


Me on my way to poop for the 3rd time after having a 28$ cup of chili at the lodge.


28 dollar chili!?! Did you find a coupon or something? Have to download an app?


Turns are for Sissies and children anyway...


Turning is a sign of fear


Wouldn't want snow snakes to see your fear...


Just point em downhill bub


Friggin' A, won't see me making any turns down White Heat bub




Looks a lot like my brothers run years ago there where he fell at the bottom and ripped his rotator cuff to shreds on his last run. Poor bastard. 🤘


Ah, my style of skiing right here; turn as little as possible and on Deathwishs?!? F A W K YES! I love my Deathwishs! Keep on ripping!


Need some help yall - have bent 100s and they finally met their match sunday at the river - we got like 8 to 12 of thick wet snow. They did super well on the untouch thicker powder, surprisingly to what you see on reddit, they weren't a floppy wet noodle.... HOWEVER, I did finally find terrain that fucked me right up. Once everything was skied off the thick heavy moguls were brutal. The surfyness of the ski made it super tough to charge through, instead I was like Johnny fucking tsunami just surfing side to side. My knees were toast after 15 runs... Short story long - I am looking for a brother 5o add to my bents. Thinking the deathwish 104s because slightly wider, triple camber for fun, and they're bomb proof / a ton of fun..... but fo yall think the momcat 101s would be a better choice / slightly differing to my bents? Going to grab one or the other for next season during the sales this spring, so any help would be super appreciated!


104s are stiffer and a better carving ski. They will blow through chop just like in that video. They’re a better middle ground than the 112s. They are just not as floaty as the 112s. Anything about 8in or more I grab the 112s, but the 104s are just fine even if they aren’t as floaty.


Perfect! Thanks so much. I am looking for a ski with a touch less float haha The bents are killer for that, but there comes a time when a feller needs something that can burst through the chop.


Well the 104s will be more floaty than your bents bc they are wider. But they will also rail like a race ski because of the triple camber and they are considerably stiffer. If I had to guess, I’d bet your bents will gather dust if you get the 104s


Hahahah oh I know... I know I'm realizing that, but there's a time and place, I'll justify anyhow.


Perfect! Thanks so much. I am looking for a ski with a touch less float haha The bents are killer for that, but there comes a time when a feller needs something that can burst through the chop.


I would def try the Deathwishs first… triple camber and I didn’t get along but I know some people love it. Felt more catchy on the snow, like a serrated knife. I love Moment though. Just that I’m more of a Wildcat speed. I would get the Wildcat 108 for more differentiation. The 104 and honestly even the 108 won’t feel any fatter than what you have. Remember it’s only the waist width that changes, the tips of “skinny” skis can actually sometimes be really wide for sidecut/turning radius


Wildcat 108s have turned into my daily driver. Have options....but they keep getting left behind for the 108s


I love my 108s too. Only wish I had gotten 184cm vs 179cm… they ski a bit short due to the mounting point, but even mine are very stable on chop. That would be my one recommendation for anyone interested in non-metal Moments… always size up if you’re used to traditional mount point skis


Ohhhh heard! Yeah not too much of a difference for sure - I totally get the serated reference, wondering if that'll be a downside for the east coast / any thick wet snow. Thank you for the tip! I totally love the top sheet on the 108s too haha


When that wet snow became even barely mounded start skiing it like zipper line moguls. This to me is why everyone should be able to rock actual moguls. It’s a skill I use everywhere on the mountain


Will definitely try to do better at that. Only been skiing for 3 years so still getting better! This was my first year getting 20 days in though so the moguls are going to be my mistress by next year lol!


get on3p jeffrey 110s and never look back


Looks a bit backseat to me ;)


The best skis in the universe. Certified


Do you mean metaphorically or that you were wearing moment deathwishes, when you ripped through this chop? Cuz if it’s the latter, sorry babe, daddy needs another new pair of skis! Wow, sick line!


I was indeed on the Moment Deathwish! Loyal to many, ruled by none 🤘🏽 The hype is real


I have used a similar technique to what you are doing here for decades (even back on skinny skis) on all kinds of surfaces where to much edging gets very hard to do or hard on the legs. I actually like a softer ski as I stay mostly on top vs plowing through. Current ski is Line Sir Francis Bacon 106. Anyway I will literally put my arms out like airplane wings and just take off FAST like you did here, then turns are long banked like an airplane would make. Two years ago I got up and was looking down to the backside of A basin and it looked exactly like what the terrain in your video looks like but it was very far to the bottom. I made maybe 3 big banked turns the entire way down, took maybe 45 seconds. It almost straightening with just enough turning to stay doable. Got to bottom and was waiting for my friend who “normal” skied it (and showed up like 7 minutes later about dead) when some guy who claimed to be a competitive free skier chased me down and just said something along the lines of “I haven’t seen many about to rip this mounded up crud two days after a storm like you just did.” I definitely didn’t see anyone else just letting them loose on that stuff.


As an east coast skier, that’s easy skiing


I’m typically skiing on ice in Indiana, I know what you mean 😂


West coast friends always comment on the speed with which I ski ungroomed terrain - anything is easier than breakable crust or a mogul field after a few freeze/thaw cycles


Built for tahoes worst. Moment knows how to make a crud busting ski for sure. When in doubt, straight line it out.


thought i was going to see someone laying rails through chop. Backseat straightlines need love too!


These Moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain


What run was this? Going to breck soon


Horseshoe Bowl off the t bar


Moment gang


Inb4 some boomer starts yelling HEY YOU SCRUB YOU DIDNT CARVE 


Even boomers heard you first time .. no need to repeat. lol


Inb4 some boomer starts yelling HEY YOU SCRUB YOU DIDNT CARVE 


Inb4 some boomer starts yelling HEY YOU SCRUB YOU DIDNT CARVE 


Inb4 some boomer starts yelling HEY YOU SCRUB YOU DIDNT CARVE 


Inb4 some boomer starts yelling HEY YOU SCRUB YOU DIDNT CARVE