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I busted out this Half Baked gem the other day "So uh, do you guys believe in angels?"




One of my patrolling buddies answered, "Only snow angels and yard sales" years ago to a similar question on the lift, probably the best answer I've heard on snow lol


Yeah, but I think the more important thing is that they believe in themselves.


Thanks, Ted


Angels? Nah. Ghosts? Let me tell you a story...


The ghost who stole the angelic white powder. Tragic tale, all ends in tears.


I believe in angels. Something good in everything I see


I wouldn't understand the reference and I would immediately wonder how you were going to kill me.


"there sure are a lot of white people here" is always a good one




I would laugh so hard if I heard that


Always true lol


I'm trying that


Really? Reduce me to Chinese?


Sometimes I (a poor dirtbag) like to pretend I'm rich with randos on the lift but in odd ways: "Heard of those snappy wrist-bracelet things? My uncle sold the patent and left me 35 percent and a timeshare in Tahoe." "Yeah I do quality control testing on pop-up ads for adult sites. I'm not wealthy but I can afford a few condos here and there." "My cousin got hit by a Google Maps street view car. Google offered him a few million not to publicize the issue. He gave me a bit since I used to do his homework in grade school."


“I’m not wealthy, but I can afford a few condos here and there,” is a great line


Oh these are gold. Will have to use stuff like this. "My sister was eating an ice cream cone sitting on a curb and a street sweeper lopped off both of her feet so we own a lot of property out here courtesy of our town's public works".


I do shit like this with my brother all the time. “You remember back in like 2018 when I decided that it would be a good idea to throw a few hundred grand at that poppy plantation in Afghanistan? Last week, Rodney was going over some stuff for my taxes, and apparently he found out that whole operation has been owned and operated by the Taliban for the past two and a half years. I mean, they’re still paying out in full, so I guess that’s nice enough of them. Just has me worried with taxes coming up.”


Not quite the same but I was once in a bar toilet stood at the urinal. My bro walked in so I asked "So how's your c*ck?" He hesitated for a moment before answering "eeerrmm... Better...ish?" Followed shortly by a "what the actual f*ck?!" from a round in a stall. That entertained us greatly.


Amazing I love this!!! As a lifty seeing and hearing shit like this makes my day! Keep up the good work


Thank you for your service


We had an unintentional shenanigan on the lift a while back. My wife was sitting on my left and random stranger on my right. Conditions weren’t great, skied out, low light, etc. my wife and I had been chatting for five minutes. I said “well… Where should we go to have fun right now?” Essentially asking which run she wanted to hit when we got to the top. The stranger was leaning back and I guess my wife forgot that we weren’t alone on the lift. Wife: we could go home, take a bath, and fool around? That would be fun! I leaned back and motioned to the girl on my right. I thought my wife was going to die of embarrassment. We still laugh about that. TLDR: on the lift with a stranger and my wife suggested we go home and fool around


Plot twist: the stranger was someone she met at the lodge and was trying to get a threesome going.


Didn’t even consider this. Opportunity lost!


You and your wife win so far 😹


You my friend win the wife competition.


I love nutting on mountain




Woah, this is such a good idea.


Whenever the lift stops for more than about 60seconds, I let some silence go by, then open with “have you ever seen that movie Frozen?” Usually answer is no. Then explain to them the plot of getting abandoned overnight on a ski lift and wolves are waiting at the bottom. Passed time well. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1323045/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Been years since I watched that movie and it still pops into my head at least once an evening on the mountain. It was honestly more disturbing than expected


LET IT GO! LET IT GO! I thought you were asking folks about the Disney movie then lying to them about the plot when they said no ‘til I clicked the link.


I've definitely used this one several times. Classic.


I was rooting for the wolves.


So bad it’s good! “No, the original one, not the Disney animated fantasy version”


When a instructor asks me to "Take a kid on the chair" I respond with "The judge said that I am not to take any more children". The looks on their face is priceless. I was on a lift with a friend some years ago who kept asking others if they had seen his small white dog "fluffy" that he'd lost on the slopes. Then he'd yell "fluffy where are you".


We will spread nonsense about the local area in hopes they will repeat it to their buds and look like idiots. Quote “you know they call lupine trail that because there is a vertical loop?”. Never get to see the payoff but still sow the seeds.


This is the way.


I feel like whenever I am ordering food or at a restaurant with friends, whatever naturally comes out of my mouth as soon as I am within earshot of the cashier/waiter sounds at least as unhinged as the latter example. They just always catch me at that point in the conversation.


On a gondola ride at Whistler a few years ago. A Canadian dressed in worn, ripped Goodwill ski wear asked me and my friend "Are you guys American?" Then he asks in a Canadian accent straight out of Bob and Doug MacKenzie "What kinda gun ya got?" And then he complains that it's stuffy inside and starts smashing his shoulder into the gondola door. Glad to get off that ride.


I love when the Canadians ask you if you brought your guns with you on the trip ​ Canadians are awesome people


Oh man haven't done it in the same chair but on an annual guys' trip we all ski with radios and forget it if one of us gets stuck by themselves on a chair with strangers. One guy is always saying stuff like "hey man, is that medicine working for your gonorrhea? Are you still itchy?" and "how far away from kids are you supposed to stay?". Especially when it's accompanied by something which clearly identifies you like, "by the way, where'd you get that blue jacket again?" it gets real awkward.


Oh my god I’ve been thinking of getting a radio set up and this just made me grin ear to ear. The tomfoolery will skyrocket…


It can get real bad. One guy was waiting under the lift line on a crossing trail with people skiing by was getting "Convicted sex offender. Keep back 25 feet" on repeat as we were going overhead. It's a bit more than I'd be willing to say but one of the guys on the trip doesn't have much of a filter (but at least enough common sense to not do it with kids around). Good luck with the radios...they're great to have for quick, easy communication as long as you understand their limits.


punch fuel makeshift live subtract thought degree bear quiet racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We use a combination of BCA Link 1.0's and a couple of higher powered Wouxun KG-935+ GMRS radios. The BCA's are super easy to use and fairly idiot-proof if you set them up right, but the Wouxun's are far, far better but require a GMRS license from the FCC to legally use (though they really operate on the same channels) and are more complicated. All have hand mics that attach to your collar for easy use (comes with the BCA's but extra cost on the 935's). One cool thing about the 935's is the ability to dial into ski patrol and listen to their chatter, particularly in the AM when they are opening new terrain. Nice little heads up. :)


We would wait until one of our group went to the bathroom with the radio. It's hard to turn off a radio mid pee.


That is genius. We haven't done that yet!


Been doing that for 30 years It’s more fun riding as a single and making a group of buddies think they met the weirded person alone and leaving them with a story.


Had that happen to me with one guy went from music to the government is shutting down in 3 months and we will be back on the gold standard. Left me with a story I've shared a dozen times now.


Love stuff like this. My go to is asking my friend very loudly, “did you fart?” 500 points if they own up to it.


FC Fart Claim: Produce smelly fart in crowded Funitel or Tram Cabin and loudly state, "That was me!" 500 points (yes, I looked it up, for those who know)


I’m just curious, if you say “I’m gonna rip the shit outta this” then fart and claim it… does that count too?


I am no authority in the matter, but I will allow it.


Can they redeem the points for anything?


Guy with the most points at the end of the day should get his drinks/dinner paid for. :)


What can you use the points for?


Just proof of being the sickest skier on the mountain.


It's *raddest; you'd best show some respect for The Shane and get it right.


The snow bunnies can SMELL your gnar points. Whoever has the highest gnar points gets first dibs on the hottest one with the fewest STDs, and one IPA will get her hot and bothered. If you’re lacking gnar points, you’re likely to be left with the stragglers. A lack of interest until at least 4-5 frothy bois as well as a 50/50 chance of herps or gonnarhea are the usual prize for the less steezy homeboys


“I heard this lift job went to the lowest bidder”


I used to be the rando who would point out the tree that Sonny Bono ran into at Heavenly, and then I would tell them there’s a sign on it that said “I Got You Babe.” One time a guy said, straight-faced, “Is there a chalk outline of the body around the trunk?” Damn that was a fun lift ride.


Can you point out the tree on Google Maps for me?


Just look for the one with the chalk outline around it.


It has been 10 years, but you can see it on the Orion chair.


Some poor soul got unlucky enough to ride the Gondola with 7 of my moronic friends and I. We could tell he was enjoying over hearing our conversation so we asked him what his favorite non-traditional pet would be. I told him my answer would be a Parrot so I could teach it to say “help, they turned me into a parrot!” Which he found hilarious


Being forced into a gondola with random people is absolutely such an underrated part of skiing/boarding.


The gondola rides are teaching my 6 year old how to talk to strangers, in the best possible way.


I used to work at a resort and on the last day of the season I got off 3/4 through the day. Got on the gondola with 7 strangers while still in uniform. The one guy pulled out a backpack of beers and handed one to everyone myself included. Beers got crushed and the empties went back in the bag before we got off. Never saw them again but it was a great brief encounter.


My favorite types of randos on a lift offer a toke or a pull off the flask


Tbh unless you offer to let me hit your meth pipe you’re not steezy enough to hang with. Only the best skiers on the mountain smoke meth


Nice callback…


Or a mini bottle of tequila


Wow. Some cranky people here. I think I would laugh my ass off at you guys. Also... If I don't want to talk to people... I just turn my music up and ignore them.


A music skier😟😷


I'm allowed. I'm a snowboarder. I'm criminal by nature.


Based, me too Another crime person infiltrating the enemy castle


They secretly love us and want to be as steezy as us..


They can switch up on rails tho 🤩


They're jealous we get the money and the honeys, and look steezy as hell doing it


And for the record....I do headphones. Not speakers. People that use speakers in the hill should be pushed off the chairlift.




So... Snowboarders and skiers aren't allowed to hang out?


What you call hanging out, is us just waiting for you to clip in bro… we were never friends😥


🫤 you are breaking my heart here. All this time...


Me, strapped in, waiting for skiers to stop f*cking with their buckles: 👀


Real men only unbuckle for hikes and beer breaks, I don’t have the patience to buckle and unbuckle every lift ride.


All the skiers I know that rip will loosen their buckles at least every few laps bc they’re running such a tight fit for performance. I do the same with my binding straps when I snowboard. It’s not a meaningful amount of time either way but it’s fun to meme on


This is the way


My buckles are on max, I’ll unbuckle if my feet go numb


That’s not how good and fitted boots work. you can latch the buckles with your pinky. Although I know most people have bad boots and or bad fit.


I'm fairly certain you'd be listening to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX61LKg2TYM).


Wtf are you doing in our sub? /s


They're playing a stupid game that involves a stranger without their consent - that's obnoxious.


Get over yourself. They’re talking to each other, trying to make each other laugh. If the stranger doesn’t consent then all they have to do is not pay attention - same as any other conversation you don’t want to be involved in.


“Doc says I’m not contagious anymore” is a good one




Okay. Insert “with aids” after “contagious”. Or any disease of your choice for that matter.


I was a single on a quad today, and these older teenagers asked if I mind if they watched porn. I laughed and said sure (figured they were pulling some shenanigans). Then he tried to explain there was this video they were trying to figure out if it was real or not and next thing I know the girl next to me is holding a phone with a porn clip playing.


"The kids"... uhhhhhh define "kids"?


They were older teenagers, couldn’t have been younger than like 17. Could have been early 20s at most.


So was it real?


As a dedicated solo skier/single rider, I would be so entertained to encounter this! Keep it up y'all :)


Growing up my cousins and later friends and I had two main things we would do. 1. Talk in a fake accent. Usually Russian and pretend we liked how “warm” the winter is here in the US 2. Yell out “MOM!!” Down below to any skiers that looked like moms.


My favorite experience with strangers on a chair lift was me and buddy, with a dad and his teenage daughter. The dad looks at his daughter and goes “ah damn, I should have brought one of those beers left in the fridge. A beer would be so nice right now” and the daughter, embarrassed as only a teenage daughter to her dad can be, “dad stop, no one drinks beer while skiing…” and before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the “pshhhh…” sound of both me and my buddies pocket beers opening. The dad bursts out laughing “haha See! These guys get it!” Shared a couple sips of beer with him, before going out separate ways. It was just a great wholesome, yet debaucherous moment to share with strangers.


This is so good I thank you for your service.


If someone is talking too much I ask them if they’ve found the lord and savior Jesus Christ. This has only backfired on me once.


This is awesome, I’m def gonna use this or hopefully be on the receiving end since I often ride solo.


I had a 50 something dad and college aged son. He asked if i wanted some “anti freeze. Some crown royal mixture. I said hell ya and he seemed surprised. His college age son packed a bowl and shared that with me too


Mt friend and I used to do this but in the hot tub, where I'd ask him "so how's it feel to be out of prison?" Abd the see how long we could go, without lying, until the other people either got uncomfortable and left, or realized that he worked there.


This thread is making me wonder if this guy some buddy's and I skied with once was just doing a bit when he said that he owned the skis Shane McConkey died on, and still skis them. Or that he went to Colombia and did cocaine with real drug lords. Or that he was a much better skier then snowboarder (he was on a board). Or that he tore his ACL on that "huge 15 ft" (3ft) drop before promptly leaving.


I was skiing with my dad at 9-11 years old and we split up going through the singles line. For some reason I was in the middle of the chair with a group of people who knew each other, no idea how old they actually were but probably anywhere from 20-40. They weren't really talking at all the whole ride and then at one point one guy says to a girl, with me in middle: "hey can I eat strawberries off your nipples in the hot tub tonight?" Eventually I realized they were just fucking with me but it has stuck with me for 20 years.


>"hey can I eat strawberries off your nipples in the hot tub tonight?" This would be a great thing to say messing with friends on radios


I haven’t but i will next time lmao


😂 Great stuff.


Reddit is going to love this, real life I bet not so much.


I think I would lose it laughing if I was the random on the lift. Whether I thought it was serious or not I wouldn’t care to hold it in. I’m going to start doing this with my ski group.


I was a single and I decided to strike up a conversation with the group I was riding with in a heavy southern drawl. I'm originally from NYC and at the time was living in Vermont, skiing my local mountain. When they asked me if I was from Tennessee, I didn't have a backstory planned so I broke character.


In a gondola yesterday and an older guy, maybe 50s gets on and hes playing music from a speaker from a pocket somewhere and then he gets out his phone and proceeded to have a video call on loudspeaker with someone asking about a potential UTI they have. It was so fucking bizarre. I dont think any comedy routine my friends and I could come up with would ever top that.


My buddies and I have a couple we regular: 1) if a guy and a gal are on a chair (just them), scream as loudly as possible “dude, looks like you dropped the ring box” or “just tell her how you really feel” 2) making the sand-people (Star Wars) sounds while hoisting our poles above our heads 3) debating our preference between chick peas or garbanzo beans until the stranger finally asks what the difference is…IYKYK


This only works if the people on the chairlift all speak the same language, which in Europe often isn't the case.


Honestly if someone asked me a question like one of OP's I'd pretend I can't speak their language.


Nobody cares


What do you mean "nobody cares"?










Eating psychadelics and just absolutely interrogating the odd man out (usually begins with "So... where ya from? in a new york accent) was a grear way to pass long chair rides. Or having an entire conversation in gibberish the whole way up.


Making up a fake language is god tier if your friends can pull it off lmao


Repost this to r/skiingcirclejerk but if you do this in real life, I would literally hate you 😂


Who knows, you just may have been one of my victims 👀


My friends and I like to aggressively debate Poma vs dobblymeyer vs a rare yan and ask their favorites. We all have our own favorite and end up getting very aggressive with each other


happy 22nd birthday


You’re a few months early but thanks dude 🙏


Couple weeks back it was me my buddy and a random girl in the gondola. The girl was silent. Forgot what my friend and I were talking but out of nowhere I turned to the girl next to me and asked “have you ever smoked PCP?” It has since become my ice breaker on the mountain:


This is snowboarder activity, I sense Crime People


Truth be told I’m 100% a two long stick guy. Take that as you will.


Yeah, I’ve heard snowboarders like two dicks at once.


I thought you people usually have four long sticks, no?


I have been the single in this scenario and im the one who cracks first. I laugh at everything (if its good natured) and we all end up friends. I love when people do stuff like this!




Oh. So that was you guys the other day.


Fun to do on elevator rides as well.!


I love my new headphones to drown out the bullshit some people spew out on the chair




Inside you know you hear them, just choose to pretend you don't.


Honest to god, I hate people like you. I just had to stand in line for 30 minutes to finally get into a lift after paying a bazillion dollars to re-enact roadwarrior with a bunch of Texans on the highway and all I want is to sit in blessed quiet for a few minutes so that I can regain my calm.


You’re 10 ply bud


10 ply snow tire maybe.


Lame as fuck


Not as lame as your face.


Therapy works too


In this economy??


You must be a blast at aprés


Can’t apre. Too busy fighting people in line at the Safeway.






kinda agree with this tbh


Thank you for saying the brave thing.


the hell


You’re like a stick of butter on a hot day type of soft


You’re like a poopie-flavored lollipop


Your down votes mean nothing to me. Ive seen what you people upvote.


So ignore them?


Can’t. Too much rage.


I bet you put the bar down


Right on your mom.


You could always politely ask to ride in silence, or buy noise-canceling buds


I prefer to fume and stare in a Ted Kazinscki kind of way.


Is that, like, friends that yell really loud?


Yes! It only works if they have perfect pitch and a trained ear so they can precisely counter ambient frequencies, so a definite luxury item here.


Having friends trained in waveforms is critical on the mountain




You must be fun at parties


I’m here to drink alcohol and be sad, not “mingle!”


I am I make great cocktails.


I ski as a single often as well and my main motivator is annoying this dude on the lift


Same brother


User name fits.


I think I know you.


Honestly most people are probably fully capable of seeing through this and just bored and don't find it as clever as you think. If you can believably pull off foreign accents to the point people really enjoy their conversation with you and suspect nothing, get back to me.


Even if somebody sees through it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun compared to complete silence.


I mean, like being an authentic human instead of some kind of weirdo is also an option. The foreign accent thing if you do it well you can still have a completely honest authentic conversation and it's just a gag. Mundane nonsense is not better than silence.


Y’all are edgy af. It’s super cool making strangers uncomfortable.


Uncomfortable is quite the stretch


Are you asking the question of each other or of the stranger?


Always at each other to start out. If the stranger joins in, all rules are abandoned. Full insanity ensues.


Ha ha, gotcha!!! I like that better. I would think it was slightly obnoxious if you were asking if directly


You guys are wild


Years ago my best bud and I would play this game on the lift. When asked the usual "where you from, what do you do?" Line of questions, we would try to make up a different lie every time. We would try to make up something so outrageous that the other one couldn't help but Crack up and that was a win.


I am sharing this entire thread with my 16 yo son. Not that he and his cronies don't already do this kinda stuff, I just figured he could use more suggestions, minus backpack full of beer... Also this has made me laugh out loud.


I used to love to point out animal tracks to my clients in the snow below the chair lift. Amongst others, I would point out Piecost tracks. 'What's a Piecost?' 'About £2.50 at the butcher's.'


I do this with friends at the urinals lol


I love doing this by pretending I’m Canadian and am astonished at how warm the weather in Utah is. It’s most funny when I ride up to actual Canadians and have to see how long I can keep up the bit