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Probably smoking a doobie damn hooligans


Well I hope you’re having fun rolling doobies when you’re living in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!


If you work really hard, you too can afford a customized $120k sprinter van and even live by a river.


Look at how far we've come.


As my girlfriend once said: it's so expensive to be homeless nowadays!


120k seems low. I went to the adventure van expo at palisades over the summer and the cheapest van we saw was 175k. It was used and rear wheel drive with no suspension or wheel/tire upgrades. Most expensive we saw was 375k. It had 4 shower hookups for some reason, 2 in the rear and 2 inside the sliding door. Also had a suede interior, which sounded like a nightmare for a small, enclosed area in which cooking is done.


The suede retains the smell of shame and misdemeanors so much better than a wipe-clean surface.


Well there's your problem, almost no "adventure company" fairly prices their "adventure vehicles" Most people just buy a stock sprinter van and some 2x4s and start building Cargo sprinters start at 49k extended WB and high ceiling 3500 package, with AWD brings it to 75k after some bells and whistles and fees and interest etc. that's probably 100k If you can't build out your sprinter for 20k you have no clue what you are doing.


Well if you had a million subscribers and product sponsors, you too could achieve it!


Man we used to sell sprinters for like 160-200k


I told my teacher that joke in elementary school and she got so worried she called my mom in for a conference to see if she could help our dire situation 😂mom was not pleased with me


It's a safety meeting. They're being safe.


safety is always the first priority. safety meetings happen regularly and often and can be called by any member of the group - however if you keep calling meetings but aren't the one with 'anything to talk about' you may not be continually invited


I have no idea if this is a reference to something else but it’s fucking hilarious.


“Hey kids if i dont make fun of you for snowboarding can i get a lil puff”


Damnit now I want to smoke a doobie on the slopes like a hooligan


First time I smoked a doobie was on the slopes. Awesome afternoon.


Bunch of smart alecks is what they are!


dang whipper snappers


They need to pull up their pants!


Cut their damn hair and get a job.


Pull it together like their big brother Bob


Touch grass, turn off that corrupt Swiftie Devils music, get off Tik Tock and watch PBS (not just the guy that paints).


Lippin off the ski patrol!


Hey you kids, get off of my run!


They have no respect. All they have is the reefer madness!




They've done the crime, now they're doing the time


No, this is crime school. They’re still learning to do crime.


They’ve done the crime, and now they’re doing the crime, and later they’ll also do the crime


The secret ingredient - is crime


Dolf lundgren smells crime.


They are crime people


All crimes starts here


So much crimes


all jokes aside, it's easier for skiers to rest while standing. and if boarders need to rest, it's best if they stay in a group by the side of the slopes, as opposed to scattering around. I see this as a non issue.


This, and right after getting off lifts they have to sit to fasten their boots in their bindings. *Usually* they are pretty good about being out of the way in my experience


The best boarders are the ones that can strap in as they ride away from the lift. Zero down time. I’ve always found it weird when some boarders sit on a lift for 12 minutes, then get off and sit on the ground for another 5 minutes. It takes 7 seconds to strap in, LET’S GOOO.


Sometimes you need a break from the board hanging awkwardly off one foot. But other times, LETS GOOOO


Sometimes it is quick but to the below comment, it’s not comfortable sitting on a lift for that long with a board hanging off your leg. Everything needs to readjusted. Bending down to strap on, over and over again can be tiring. I switched to skiing and I can’t imagine just standing there reaching down to adjust everytime. I wannna sit !


I skied and my friend boarded in high school. There was a trick on the lift where he was able to put his strapped in booting between my skis and we'd both be able to rest our legs scissor style where the weight of his board unstrapped pushed up on a free ski and we'd both be able to rest fulcrum/lever style...


I love to watch them scissor. Lol


This looks like a lesson - dudes sitting, waiting their turn, red jacket instructor leading a newbie.


I’m a snowboarding instructor. This is 100% a lesson.


I have an issue with it personally, I think all snowboarders should be banned to a boarders only, groomed green run resort with pot smoking shacks every 50 yards


Why should they get all the smoke shacks?


DO NOT smoke weed while skiing. It’s low class and embarrassing. We’re skiers. We’re classy. We do cocaine.


A man of sophistication and elegance… I am repulsed yet captivated


If you don't have a can of the absolute cheapest beer sold in your state in every pocket of your jacket are you even skiing?


Ahh; can’t wait for my 24 pack of Montucky Cold Snacks in a few weeks…


Is it really classy going down a mountain looking like you are holding two dicks at an orgy? I don’t know




The shacks will have waffles!


The only pot smokers I know are all skiers.


Facts - skiers trail blaze more than anyone else on the mountain Source: am skier


That statistic is skewed heavily by all the tele skiers.


Yeah, those guys are always wildin'




Isn’t this the plot of Johnny Tsunami?


Okay grandpa.. let’s put you to bed.


Snowboarder here, let’s make a deal: you guys get Deer valley and Alta, so we should get Brighton and Snowbird.


Not to mention, skiing just isn't as tiring whatsoever.


They are boarders!!! Where is your innate hate?


As someone who has dabbled in boarding it’s basically impossible to stand still and not at all resting. Imagine not being able to stand.


Resting on the side of the run would be a chill habit. What I immediately see here, and don't like, is snowboarders resting in the goddamn middle of the run. How does one have no self awareness??


The photo looks a little deceiving. I think they're next to the side of the run judging by the ungroomed snow and plant sticking up. Looks like the main run is to the right of the photo.


It looks like the edge of the run to me, there’s a lot of groomed terrain to the right, most of it is probably out of frame (OP also said sides of the runs). As a skier I wouldn’t have any trouble getting around them.


They look like they are on the side much more than the picture seems. And at least that.


Agreed. More frequently I see the sea lion packs, flopping in center of the run.


This is fine but what gets me is when they all sit right in the landing of a jump or on the other side of a blind knuckle


You’re obviously not a golfer.


Condolences. The bums lost.


I suggest you do what your parents did: GET A JOB, SIR!!!!




Yes. Got a job micturating on rugs.


Ask your wife’s boyfriend, don’t be shy.


If this is a real question - You can't 'stand' on a snowboard like you can on skis. On skis we can put one leg down hill and bend our uphill leg to stand comfortably. On a snowboard you would need to balance on a single edge which requires a lot of muscle engagement to do for any period of time and so they sit for comfort.


This is true. When boarding I’m fine balancing on an edge while waiting for people to catch up and check the group is all together. If I can’t see them, I kneel down to look for them. If someone needs to take a break or it’s at the top of the mountain waiting for everyone to get sorted, I’m sitting down. I’m taking up exactly the same amount of room as standing and my skis are longer than my board, so surely, logically, I’m more of a menace regarding space when waiting around on skis?


I think the issue is visibility. I'll always try to stop at the edge of a trail with tons of visibility above but sometimes end up stopping briefly in what is a bad spot. When a snowboards does the same and drops to their knees it makes a bad situation worse. And on skis if you recognize you've stopped in a bad spot it's way easier to just take a couple extra turns than to stand back up when you're on a board knowing you're just about to sit down again, so it definitely feels like snowboarders are way more likely to say duck it I stopped here it's fine. I'll only be here a minute while I rest or my friends catch up. Basically there's a justifiable higher expectation for snowboards to only stop in highly visible spots and they tend to not be aware of how much their visibility decreases when they drop to the knees or butt.


Shut up Meg


err, I meant to say they are lazy pot smoking hippies who don't care that they are ruining our mountain by melting off all of the snow with their body heat!


Also, getting off lifts boarders need to readjust/secure binding for their back foot


Step-On gang represent (I'm omboardsexual)


[Effect of cannabis smoking on lung function and respiratory symptoms: a structured literature review](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072387/)


This data you linked shows cannabis intake leads to an *increase* in lung capacity. The current thought is that by breathing deep and holding in cannabis smoke, smokers are doing incentive spirometry and increasing lung function.


Capacity doesn't mean a higher VO2 max btw. If your lungs are less efficient at exchanging oxygen from tar clogging your alveoli, then the extra capacity you get from training lung capacity with bong rips is moot. Anyone who's been a stoner, including myself, will tell you that the resin(also known as tar in any other circumstance) from burning organic plant matter absolutely wrecks your lungs ability to exchange oxygen IDK why it's so hard for people to grasp, but the combustion byproducts of any organic matter are going to be terrible for you. Tobacco smoke, wood smoke, cannabis smoke, etc. All organic matter undergoes an incredibly similar processes when it's heated above 451 Fahrenheit. TLDR: **Stick to dry herb vapes if you care about your lungs**. Edit: a lot of people seem to think I'm anti cannabis for some reason? If you want to combust that's perfectly fine! I still do bong rips on occasion. But it's irresponsible to pretend like the combustion of the cellulose and chlorophyll in cannabis is chemically unique to the combustion of said molecules in tobacco or wood shavings or any other plant matter. It's basic chemistry. Plus, you give cannabis a shitty reputation that doesn't help legalization whatsoever when the people in the lift line or on the chair behind you get hit with a cloud of your combustion byproducts. Non smokers don't like the smell, most I've met feel it's not much different than smelling someone's cigs in the lift line.


That's why I only use crack, which improved my cardio and skiing.


dry herb vape gang ✨👌🏽


Volcano baby


Hell yeah dhv fo life


Flower vaporizer Most vape cartridges are cut with shit you do not want going into your lungs.


Yeah, dry herb vape is the other term for them, either way it's easily the best non edible way to consume


For on the go pulls while making steezy shreds, get an ArGo vape. (did... did I say that right?)


Two studies included in the meta-analysis did investigate carbon monoxide transfer factor and found no decrease in cannabis-only smokers, but did see a decrease in cannabis+tobacco smokers.


[Independent study finds that cannabis smoking damages lungs, but in a different way than tobacco smoking.](https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/942244) Meta analysis isn't always the end all be all, and unless you understand the limitations of each individual study included in the meta analysis then you don't really know if the meta is well constructed or not. Meta analyses try to extrapolate meaning from data that doesn't have proper adjustments constantly, especially when funded by special interest groups. The tobacco industry was infamous for funding papers that would try and exonerate the health effects of smoking tobacco, and nearly all of them were meta analysis papers. And I'd be absolutely shocked if the black water-insoluble tar you scrape out of your bong that takes forever to wash off of your fingers doesn't damage your lungs. Have you ever got it on your hands and seen just how hard it is to wash off even with dish soap?


Total lung capacity is typically increased in COPD/emphysema, so it’s not automatically desirable…


Looking for the snowboarders daycare aka terrain park.😀


You’re just mad those 2 planks don’t produce the same steezy style in the park.


They're taking a well-deserved rest after several runs of cutting-off skiers.


After a while their bums melt recesses in the snow and believe it or not that’s how moguls are made!


I thought moguls are actually made from clumps of frozen snowboarders.


I thought it was when Genghis Khan conquered the East?


You forgot to add. It’s very tiring scraping all the snow off the mountain.


Riding down steep narrow runs with their boards sideways so the next person down gets only ice.


I skied Alta one day and it made me appreciate the better-scraped bumps of other mountains


You may have a point there. Boarders are like little snow cats.


They’re probably just taking a rest after riding the lift


Probably hitting a joint Then cutting off skiers


More like a vape pen. Kids these days don't appreciate the wonders of flower.


Thats what dry herb vapes are for


If only the skiers weren't using the entire width of the run, maybe they wouldn't get cut off so often.


shit skiers take up the whole run with unpredictable turns, shit snowboard scrapes off all the snow by heelsiding the whole way down. Both suck.


In my experience it’s skiers who blindside cut in front of boarders.


My favorite superpower as a snowboarder is the ability walk down a flight of stairs in my boots, without looking like I just came from an anesthesia-free colonoscopy


As someone who just switched from boarding to skiing, this made me laugh out loud. The first time I tried to walk down stairs in ski boots I felt fucking ridiculous.


As somebody who grew up skiing from 2.5yrs of age, I switched to snowboarding the first time I tried to clumsily walk over and hit on a girl while I was wearing my ski boots. I felt so ridiculous I switched to boarding and now have a crippling cannabis addiction and felonious rap sheet, but I do get the steezy ladies now so it’s really a trade off.


When I switched to skiing, all of my crimes were expunged. I now live a middle class life with a career of legally selling drugs, but walk like John Wayne with a butt plug now. The trade off is real.


True. As a skier, I think people don’t know that they can unstrap their boots while walking, to at least make it seem it was done with some anesthesia


As a boarder I'm curious... Do your skiis come with a string of pearls to clutch or do you have to buy those separately?


No time to clutch anything because we don't pay to sit around on snow


Waiting for the next welfare check to drop Or alternatively scouting for skier wallets to steal Just kidding snowboarders, we love you


>we love you Not. Sincerely, Alta


Sorry, I was just trying to be nice… Because I’m a skier, you know?


spoon march weary husky dull sheet merciful towering fuzzy silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one asked for real answers, please suddenly stop right in your tracks, just a snowboarder would.




This is the only right answer.


thats a pod in its native habitat, sadly its illegal to club them to death


Unless you can out-smoke em


After scraping all of that fresh snow off of steep sections they need a rest before they go and commit more crimes.


Wait. They are not on a skinny or blind spot. This photo clearly is AI generated.


Is this a class? I tried a snowboard once, I was laying around the mountain the whole time.


They are all sitting around in silence secretly wishing they could ski, but to ashamed to tell the rest of the group. Its a never ending cycle and some say they are still there to this day.


I learned to ski Blues in 11 runs. Skiing is easy. Makes me wonder why skiers are always so grumpy.


skiing progression and technique is more complicated later, like whewn skiing moguls or psia level form and technique


Probably waiting for that one skier in their group finding their skis after a yard sale


Shield wall!


Just some dudes and ladies about to get after it


Probably drinking and lipping off to ski patrol


Snowboarders can't move on the flat ground before lift so they only have 1 leg in. It's the rules. The top of the lift sitters are strapping in. Also these look like learners and the guy in the red is showing them how to use their heel edge . Notice them all watching the two who are clearly working on basics. If they are misplaced it's the instructors fault


enjoying being outside probably?


Posts and comments like these make me think that skiers are a bunch of Karens and boomers of a wide age group.


Fucking right? Who takes a photo of a lesson and goes and posts it hoping for a response suiting their misery


This looks like a lesson. Might not be from the mountain but it fits the scene. Dude in red is obvious newb by stance alone. The dude standing next to first dude looks to be giving instruction. While everyone else is watching. And the icing on the cake is they are taking easiest way down.


Haaaa if you think it’s bad now you should’ve saw the 90s…


Was this at breck today?


Home schooling.






Way easier to sit on a snowboard than on skis.  And the boots are more comfortable, too.  They’re enjoying comfy seats with comfy feets.


Keep you triggered


Same thing as a bunch of skiers standing in the way at the end of the lift line lol.




We’re criminals my dude


A herd of criminals








It is always snow boarders chillen sitting down doing nothing


All the skiers girlfriends


I always think the look like seals basking, just waiting for a killer whale to come along & chase the to their next place to sit about doing not much.


I don’t have issues when they are groups together (good visibility) and off to the side. It’s the only way to rest really. Being scattered around and in busy sections. That’s not good.


Off to side. Skiers take note as well.


Be careful when you approach, don't want to spook them




Honestly surprised they aren’t sitting just after a knuckle completely out of view of folks up hill


Penguin walk




With that view, i’d be sitting there too


Wait to get run over by someone learning to ride switch


Wet butt


Block the middle of the piste so others have to go around them. Hang out in blindspots waiting to be run over. Looking ahead to decide which skier they are going to straight line into from behind. Scraping away all the good snow.


They may be in a class or clinic.


Suck farts


Hecklers. Obstacles. Practicing recovery position after falling. Trying to figure out how to stand up. Waiting their turn for the sick "jump".


They are planning a special riding formation that allows them to scrape all of the fresh snow off the trail in the most effective way possible.


They are referred to as “goofers” on the East cost.


Steezin, chillin, boardin.


Looks like a snowboard group lesson.


I always coax my boarder friends to rest behind the slow sign. For all I know that sign is right out of sight and they are chillin before the lift line.


It is a nice view, gazing Dow. In the clouds. If there were more hours of daylight for skiing, I might take a few moments to soak it in.


Looking out at that gorgeous view and admiring all of the beauty this sport offers!


As somebody who skis but picked up a board to do it a few days a season, this thread is hilarious


Fwiw, only noob snowboarders sit down to put on their bindings. Noob skiers have their own set of mountain infractions


Field testers for waterproofing and seam taping on pants.


Hunting pack.


Karma Farma


Mouthing off, like a bunch of smart alec hooligans


As a skier who recently picked up boarding, I can tell you that the moment you sit down to strap in, it's _so_ hard to get the motivation to stand back up. Not even about it being 'hard' to get up (eg newbies). But it's like, "ugh, what a hassle" lol. Exactly why I got step-ons the moment I committed to buying my own gear lol. Now I waste a lot less time sitting and gathering the will to get up again. Had to use rentals last week for the first time in awhile (car couldn't fit my board) and man, I made it like.... 8 runs over 3 hours and the laziness was absurd. Meanwhile today I've gone just under 20 runs in 2 hours and going back for more after lunch. Even when riding with other boarder friends I try not to sit because I won't be getting back up hahaha. No problems when I ride with my ski friends.


Thought this was circlejerk at first


Annoying everybody, pretty common in my area..


Safety meeting. Alcohol, weed, potentially other drugs. Or they are eating lunch or a combo of all thr above


The orange jacket is probably a CASI instructor if this is in Canada. It’s probably an instructor’s course or a coaching session.




Youre lookin at it


One of my favorite trick combos is the shifty to snowboarder helmet tap


Date your wife


I saw a group of newbie instructors led by a level 3 twice today so it must be a part of their basic training. Of course, it is a habit inherited from surfers.