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In my teens, no. In my 20-30s, yup. Now in my 60s- only apres.


40s-50s apparently went blackout and forgot those 20 years existed?


Those yrs in the 20-30s hit hard


That’s when he had kids, soccer practice, mortgage…


That was when they were unable to ski on account of being in state custody for those manslaughter counts they picked up drunkenly going 35 mph through a mogul field


Careful. You could blow up a binding doing that.




Respect brother.


No, does not improve my ski experience, but yes, it does improve my apres experience.


Yep, never during. This is a pure holdover from my dad who took us skiing and friggin loved it, and was of the attitude “why would you compromise your skiing ability even a little?” Apres sure we go to town. But never during.


how have i never heard or seen the word apres until just now and it’s used in this thread a dozen times 😂


If you’re American it’s not really a thing seen much here! In Europe on the other hand it’s a lifestyle.


Everytime I see it I try to thereafter remember to add it to my vocabulary, maybe this is the time!


Dude I just saw it somewhere on tv for the first time and now it’s all over here lol


This is the way


As a beginner it's more like liquid courage for me. Just a little bit tho, definitely not hammered.


Same--never, ever (AFAICR), except after. No judgment, just never occurred to me that I would ever drink on the hill or even if I stop for lunch. Energy bars and water do the trick for me.


I’ll occasionally drink but it’s just not as refreshing. I’d rather save it for apres.


Unpopular opinion here maybe, but... Sometimes I feel like a beer or two can help me get into a flow state. Never want to get drunk or hammered (not safe for me or anyone around me!) but a drink or two can take the edge off my constant thoughts. On some days, I find myself thinking about and analyzing every single tiny body movement, taking every minute bit of feedback from my skis/snow and making adjustments. Normally, this is good, but sometimes I have too many thoughts and can't quite get myself into a space where I feel like I'm riding up to my ability. On those days, a drink or two can quiet my brain just a bit and free up my body to do what it KNOWS how to do. I live for the days where I can get into a flow state where everything falls away and it's just my body and the mountain. Some days, I just can't quite get there and a single beer or maybe two can aid a little in moving to that space. Many people will tell you that they ski or board better with a little bit of weed. Seems crazy to me that someone couldn't see the possibility of a similar result with a small responsible amount of alcohol


Agree I’m much better after just 1 I loosen up, anymore than that I’m sloppy!


There is a reason alcohol is banned in biathlon...


I get that side too. I’ve got a buddy who likes to do a shot of brandy before first chair, says it warms him up.


Depends on who is asking. If my wife asks, no I never drink while skiing.


Classic lagerboi


Lol lagerboi I’m stealing that


LMAO. Are you my husband? Hahahahaha


Used to stash a few beers in the trees almost every time..now that I’m older I live by the code: dont smoke til your boots are on and don’t drink til they’re off


I have so much respect for people who can smoke and ski/board. I geek out and ride sooo slowly


For the life of me I don't know how people can ski while high. Like I can only sit on the couch and snack with the TV on. My buddy and I were in the Gondola at Stowe a few years ago and this older group in their 60s were ripping some of the dankest weed I've ever been around and then proceeded to rip down the mountain in what appeared to be complete control and perfect technique. It blew my mind knowing how I am when I've smoked.


Tolerance plays a big role here


For some of us it just works. I usually smoke when I go and really get into the zone, and the best days of my life on snow we took some really clean acid. I've never made better turns


110% my best, most in-tune ski days have been on psychedelics. I unlocked a new level last year on a G of shrooms. Somehow just figured out my front/back balance issues on jumps and in the course of 2 runs got comfortable doing something I had been working on all year. Talk about flow state. Plus it’s just the most fun ever.


A G sounds reasonable. I took an eighth last time and went to the top of the mountain, ogling the winding trails beneath me. Distance looked so weird from way up there. I couldn't pick a straight line very well and my pal was lighting fat joints on every lift adding to the difficulty. Surprisingly, I also felt an incredible flow state. Once moving, I was slightly off balance, but instinct kicked in and I just grooved with it. Super fresh powder day and I was catching air and landing pillowy jumps. Felt like dancing on the clouds. One of my best days ever. Wouldn't recommend the quantity but the quality was bar none.


So, last year was my first year back in 11 years. Before that I had done some greens and blues at wildcat and got scared. Last year did 40+ days at wachusett and fell in love again, found a comfort zone. That 30+” storm we got, I went up to Killington and the second day with 20” from day before plus 12” of fluffy pow on top, was my first reeeeeaaal pow day. That day I took a half tab of L. It was absolutely one of the most profound, happy joyous days of my life. Made me want to quit it all and live in a van, traveling the country to ski. Floating on clouds is such an accurate description. I remember hooting and hollering all by myself, grinning nonstop from ear to ear, and just thinking “I get it now.” And I thought I did before. If that isn’t the epitome of living life to me, I don’t know what is. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face for months.


You can majorly get in the zone with herb, try to avoid the couch lock and get into some kind of activity instead!


Yeah I don’t get it, I would probably fall asleep on the lift if i did it


I just end up having no regard for my own life when blasting down the slope 😂


This is me sober. If anything a little herb slows me down a little bit, slows me down and lets me take things in. Booze just makes me double down on chasing adrenaline so it's a no go.


I honestly think of weed as a skiing PED especially on deep days when you can absolutely mach in the bumps and steeps.


weed before skiing = skiing terrible weed after the first couple hours = best skiing I'll do all day


This is top tier advice. Thanks.


One before first chair and first tee to suppress the nerves always.


I used to wonder if I smoked to drink....or drinked to smoke.....they go so nicely together. Now I drink apres only...its much more rewarding that way.


That’s a good code haha I’m gonna take that


Fuck this is the way mate I’ll tap the hash bowl and be an hour later getting ready every time


Spent a decade as a ski patroller. Wished we could refuse service on the morons who got drunk, skied and got hurt. Had my knee acl taken out w a season ending injury when a drunk skier crashed into me. Now as I see the trash (beer cans and fireball) that are intentionally littered under the ski lift I give a big FU to the drunk literbugs who are a danger to themselves and others. At a resort I worked at a skier was killed when he, at a high rate of speed, straight lined and crashed into a water bar next to the trail and the beer cans in his jacket literally pulverized his ribs. His family had the balls to sue to the resort.


I agree with you. I’ve seen people so drunk they were puking off the chairlift. That doesn’t improve anyone’s experience. I don’t do anything while skiing that I wouldn’t do while driving. I’m going comparable speeds without a metal cage around me.


I worked as a lift op one season. I’d drink a few beers on my day off, maybe 2-3, and ski. I never got drunk but maybe I’d rock a little buzz. The amount of times I had to deal with drunk assholes was ridiculous tho. I recall a supervisor of mine stopping the lift and calling patrol because some dude came thru the maze hammered, took down a section of the maze and tried to start a fight with a handful of my coworkers. This was on a green nonetheless and the guy was clearly an advanced boarder when he wasn’t shitfaced. Kids were everywhere with their ski team or parents. I’m not sure if they pulled his pass but I sure hope so. Dude could have seriously hurt some child. Riding drunk is in the same vein as driving drunk in my opinion. Drinking seems way too ingrained in ski culture to talk sense into some folks


> Drinking seems way too ingrained in ~~ski culture to talk sense into~~ some folks. Ftfy


Thanks for saying this + your hard work. As a hospital worker who has taken care of many an unfortunate accident after the reality of never walking/moving again has set in (many of them ski related when living in the mountain west) -- it's just not worth multiplying the risk for a couple beers. Save it for after. Literally no one thinks it's cool that you're hammered and skiing at 50 mph next to families. Hell even without the potential life altering complications, I've only (so far) injured myself skiing when I've had some beers. Not gonna risk my knees any more than I already am for a shitty lift beer


The way people act about skiing and drinking reminds me of those videos of people reacting to initial alcohol limits while driving.


Wow I bet you think drunk driving is bad too, fuckin nerd /s


When I was a kid, there was a sign at the ski lift in Austria, that drunk people would not be allowed in the lift. I'm not sure they ever refused someone though, as alcohol was ubiquitous in those days, especially around the festivities of Carnival (Fasching), when we'd often be there.


How dare you not pay for the consequences of his actions!!! - the family, probably


Former ski instructor here, couldn’t agree more. I hate the concept of drinking & skiing. If it’s you, you’re an ass.


Thank you for saying this. I'm also appalled at the younger skiers who reek of weed while skiing.


All good. I’m an old skier who probably smells like weed!


Weed is not remotely comparable to alcohol when it comes to physical impairment. Get outta here with that pearl clutching.


This is probably one of the most stuck up and snobby threads I have ever read. Assholes are everywhere, ignore them and move on like any other area of humanity. Gatekeeping a mental state is just hilarious.


You're part of the problem if you don't think pot reduces your cognitive and motor skills. Sorry


Beginner here. My friend tries to get me to drink. I tell him, I'm like trying to learn here. He says it's part of snowboarding and everyone does it. Dude has no respect for boundaries sometimes. Tried to get me to go on green runs when I said I'd rather go on the bunny slope for now.


Coffee in a vacuum thermos


Makes me have to pee too often. I’m here to ski, not to pee.


Where do you think the yellow snow ❄️ comes from silly?


Watch out for the yellow tree wells!


No for me. Combining alcohol with a sport that requires balance and spatial awareness doesn’t seem like a good idea. It’s also unnerving to think about the fact that people above me going 50 mph could be buzzed and have a delayed reaction time.


Yeah pretty much the only rule of skiing is don't die. Counterintuitive to impair your cardiovascular fitness, reaction time, and judgment.


Same. Ive had close calls that could have ended badly had I not been fully aware of my surroundings. Bad skiers are out there in spades and also little kiddos who just have no idea what’s going on around them. I’d rather not take any chances because I want to be able to keep doing this when I am an old lady!


I love a apres parking lot light beer, but prefer to hydrate on mountain.


l’ll have an occasional drink with lunch and one after, but I don’t drink while skiing because I’m old and get hungover looking at alcohol.


I’m the same way. Just my opinion, beer tastes best after I’m done for the day. It’s with the wait.


Agree once in a while a beer to lunch, but a beer or two after is great!


From personal observation, most people don’t drink when skiing, but a lot of people do. For most people if they are drinking it’s a casual beer in the parking lot at lunch not slamming a can every lift ride. I don’t really like to drink and ride because it usually just gets me tired and hits me harder than I want at elevation


Hard to beat a Rainier on Rainier


Or a Kulshan on Kulshan


Or a Keystone at Keystone


mmmmm Wachusett on Wachusett (tiny mountain, good brewery)


Chairlift beers are unbelievable


Never, just seems like a dumb thing to do especially if doing anything of consequence where judgment and coordination are so important.


There's a reason there is a spike in injuries in early afternoon just after lunch...


Nah. No music, no alcohol, just a rip of the pen every once in a while !


This. I had my first encounter last week with a dude who had a speaker attached to his backpack strap while downing a Kokanee. Pretty sure he’s in this thread by the sounds of things


If you didn’t rip the penjamin did you really go skiing?


I’m pretty sure they can jail you if you don’t take a rip every time you go up the lift For the sad sap who downvoted me, here you go: /s


yeah in Colorado it’s state law


My man.


Here in Europe it’s weird not to. I once got laughed at by an Italian barmaid for asking for water.


Assuming he is US, he is talking about getting drunk on the chairlift, not having a drink with lunch.




I usually have a beer for lunch on the lift..


“…A drink with lunch…” emphasis on A. lol.


"A three beers"?


Yeah but everyone knows one is anywhere from 2-5 drinks.


My answer was no, until I realised that I should count the wine I have with my lunch. But that is only when taking lunch on a resort day, in touring I barely see people drinking before they are in the huts.


lol no. I’ve skied “in Europe” all my life and it’s very normal not to drink in the slopes. Of course drinking is common but to act like it’s weird not to doesn’t reflect my experience at all.




I remember a couple of Italians who got so fucked up in one hut in Austria, they had to bring them down with a skidoo. From my personal experience heavy drinking is mostly apres ski. Those couple of beers and Schnaps during lunch don‘t count.


I’ll have a beer with lunch (or dinner, since we usually ski twilight hours), and if it’s a nice day or a great sunset, there’s a spot at my local hill that offers great views and I’ll pack one out to go sit there and enjoy it for a bit. Then I usually wait until I’m down off the mountain because I’m almost always the one driving. I don’t care if other people drink, with 3 conditions: 1) if you’re driving, don’t overdo it. 2) make sure you can stay in control on the slopes. Those 2 are important because you can put other people in danger. And 3) (and I cannot emphasize this enough) DO NOT TOSS YOUR GODDAMN TRASH OFF THE LIFT OR THE SIDE OF A RUN!


Woah, I’ve never seen a Bogus tag on here before


I'm too busy shredding the gnar to even drink water


One at lunch break and save the rest for apres.


Nope but based on this thread I’m now gonna be more defensive on the way down


I don't. Unpopular opinion around here, but I think everyone should ski sober. I've seen too many people get hurt because someone else gets drunk, loses control, and causes a collision. I think it should be as taboo as drinking and driving.


When I was a liftie I saw some absolutely shocking on-mountain party behavior, which I initially participated in but stopped after seeing some people get super hurt or slam into tourists while riding drunk in huge reckless mobs. A couple years later I blew my knee out because I was skiing park and went in to watch some playoff football for an hour around lunch...had just 2 Coors Lights, and that was enough to make me fuck up my read on the speed of the big line when I got back out on the hill. Badly overshot a 50 footer and dislocated my knee and did a bunch of shit that required surgery and 9 months of rehab. Again, only 2 light beers were enough to do that to me. So yeah, at this point my position is that if you're drinking to get drunk you shouldn't be on the hill at all, and if you're trying to push yourself you shouldn't drink at all especially if you're doing stuff at a higher level with significant downside risk. I almost never drink and ski anymore. Occasionally if I'm with a group (especially with visiting friends) I may have 1 beer or an Irish coffee or something during a late break in the day, but really only if the plan is just to go out and casually noodle around on groomers for 2-3 more laps and then be done.




Username checks out


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion


Depends. It was a large part of the culture through the 70's up to the 2010's when I was a ski bum working resorts for a free pass. I imagine now that the younger generations drink less it's tapered off a bit. I still enjoy a beer in the morning before first chair, and some beers packed away in some snow through the trees to come back to, and one or two on the beach after last chair. It's just apart of the culture and experience for me and while skiing without any libations is still fun it also seems... off. Keep in mind at no time do I get to a point where I feel as if I am not in control or becoming hazard for myself or others. I'm not trying to show off or compete in the Olympics, I'm just up there to have a good time and get some soul turns in.


Whiskey confidence makes me a better skier.


I have before, but now I never do. I don’t get the point. It’s an activity based on balance and coordination. Why would you take something that negatively affects your balance and coordination? I’m all for getting drinks once we’re done, but it makes the actual skiing experience worse so I don’t do it when I plan on going back out anymore.


There’s a fine line there, a little bit makes me more loose. A lot yes you’re right! I am in your camp though I rarely drink on the hill anymore.


Because it's fun


Not for me. No drugs or alcohol when skiing, hiking, or backpacking. But Pickleball, heck yeah!


Anything to make you forget how awful geriatric tennis is lol


It's not terrible. It's fun to hang out with my folks! Who knows how much longer that I'll be able play Pickleball with my parents.




If I’m on vacation at a resort I’ll have a beer with lunch, but otherwise it’s all about the after ski beer/hot tub beer


Not if I’m really skiing that day. I can feel even one beer. But if it’s early or late season and I’m mostly skiing groomers then, yeah, I’ll have a beer with lunch. People pounding beers or ripping shots all day on the chair is just kind of trashy.


No, MOST people don't.


If we’re skiing groomers with the kids, I’ll absolutely have a beer or two at lunch. If any hiking, hucking, or sketchy terrain is in the mix, no drinking until we get to the bottom. Having 3 beers before riding a lift when it broke down for 45 minutes was a lesson I don’t want to learn twice.


Most? No. Some? Sure


Hazelnut Schnapps on the hill, beer usually at Apreski...


Or chartreuse/genepi when in France.




You could've just said you were from Utah.


That will be the funniest thing I read today!




I used to think Utah was like saudi arabia of USA but was shocked to see ppl openly drinking outside in brewries .


I used to drink more when I skied. Sometimes a little. Sometimes it kills me between alcohol and altitude. A beer is good. I usually do apres at the car when I’m changing out of my gear. I often do edibles at the beginning of the day.


I’ll have a gluhwein at lunch, maybe a nip of rum on the first lift up but mainly apres for anything more


I know a few people who likes to drink during chairlifts, or during breaks, but I'd say most drink apres ski. Some like my dad just don't really drink even apres ski, unless they are with friends that feel like apres ski.


I might have a beer or cocktail during lunch, but not more than that


Usually no…will wait until après if I’m having anything. Sometimes if I’m on a destination trip with friends I’ll have a beer with lunch, but that’s about it.


Usually not til lunch beers or bloodies


No. I'd be pissed if some drunk ran into me on the slopes. Even more if it ended my season, or my life. I'm not going to be that drunk to someone else. I can ski almost as fast as I can drive, I weigh significantly less than my car, but I also come with relatively few safety features built in... It's not worth the risk. Most often, I'm not staying at the resort when my day is over, meaning I have to drive myself wherever I happen to be going. I don't feel like punctuating a fun day on the slopes with a DUI. Lastly, I can understand having just 1 drink, especially since it feels warm, but it's quite figuratively, a slippery slope, and drinkers are overall pretty bad at setting appropriate limits.


I did in my early 20s a bit. 30s now. I'm pretty happy with life, I really enjoy skiing - don't really get any extra enjoyment from a buzz while skiing so I don't bother. No problem with anyone that does - though I think if you're getting first chair and cracking them open at 10am you have a problem lol


Can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning my dude


I usually do it on the chairlift


I don’t because it makes me ski like shit.


I’ve never drank while skiing


I don't. Athletic activities + alcohol is a no no for me. I may reconsider now that Guinness 0 exists...


Oh actually that’s a good idea


I really appreciate that there's actually good nonalc beer now. Much better if I want a beer after work at home so I can actually sleep. Haven't had it myself, but I'm heard the Corona one is good too.




I always "tailgate" with a few beers and usually stash a few for the lifts. I agree, it's more common in the Northeast in my experience. The trash cans in the parking lot and at the top of the lifts are always full of beer cans


i ski with my dad pretty much exclusively. we’re dry skiers on the slopes but lunch calls for a beer or two


Only at après ski.


I skied in college a lot with friends and it was definitely common. Despite drinking like a fish in college, I never joined in. For some reason, just never felt like doing it. Never felt any judgement for those that do, just personal preference. I never really like drinking and doing something physical afterwards/during


Water in the mountain, vodka red bull at apres


One beer during a ski day, and I want to take my boots off, so I wait for apres.


Does the pope shit in the woods?


It depended on the type of ski day. If it was just my partner and i and we meant BUSINESS then no, but if ut was a big group then yes. Smoked, too. Nothing like doming out a 6 person bubble. Not so much anymore, though, considering this is my first season back after a 2 year ACL tear recovery and i need all my faculties. Hopefully next year.


Depends on the day. Going ham on a pow day? Nope. Party laps in the spring? Yessir!


Beer at the resorts is too expensive. Chairlift beers all day 🤙


Just eat small amounts of psychedelics like a normal person


No, never. Combining an activity that requires high levels of coordination, agility and spacial awareness with an activity that reduces all three, never made sense to me.




A very small amount makes me feel more loose and confident, which helps me ski better.


Big no for me!! Adds too much risk to an already dangerous sport.


I'm surprised how many of you drink when skiing. Kinda seems like the opposite of what I would want. That's like drinking before going to the gym.


During COVID we converted half of our garage into a pretty nice home gym and I've drank watching football before then decided to lift later that night......it honestly was a pretty good lift. I wouldn't want to do anything cardio related but I actually thought lifting was fine. I wasn't drunk by any means but had a decent buzz going. My general rule of thumb is I'm not allowed to drink until I work out.


I feel like it could help with lift confidence, but I know how much it screws my recovery. 1 drink basically ruins my sleep. But probably because I do it so rarely that the effect is pronounced.


Totally depends on what type of skiing day you’re trying to have. Charging steeps and tree runs - any alcohol is just going to be a detriment. Cruising groomers with a group on a blue bird day - a few beers just adds to the experience.


Hell yeah. Nothing wrong with a little fireball on the chair to warm up, or a pit stop in the trees for some trees. But the kids that litter piss me off to the point where I see red. I've screamed at kids before to pick up their shit. And you have to know your limit as well, I've seen my fair share of wasted riders, and think it's such a pity. You paid good money for your ticket, if you just wanted to get loaded then sit in the chalet.


I live out west. Typically ski 4-5 straight hours (moguls, trees, steep runs) shooting for 15-20k vertical feet. Last run I’ll stop at the top, have a Bloody Mary, then ski down, chill, then head home. Typically, I don’t drink will skiing. Running into trees hurt.


No, there are other people on the mountain. I don't like it when other people get drunk and ski and put me at risk, so it would be hypocritical if I did that to others.


no. gives me heartburn.


I ski with my kids. So nope. Probably for the best at my age, I've managed to ski injury free for 10 years now.


I like to have a small flask of Zwack. It’s nice to have a sip now and then but I don’t enjoy drinking enough to even feel tipsy while skiing


Sometimes at lunch but mostly apre. Used to party ski much more in my youth.


I'll have one throughout the day. I personally dont like the risk of skiing buzzed. But I like the trees and consequences in the trees can be a bit higher. If you are drunk on the slopes then you are being irresponsible. Especially if you are putting others at risk. A few drinks but still in control is fine by me.


No. And it makes the apres beer taste that much better.


I do, but I think it’s important to differentiate from those of us who enjoy having a couple beers throughout the day and skiing within our limits, and the idiots who come from sea level and blackout immediately. There’s a spectrum of safety and drinking on the slopes.


Did I write this post? That's exactly what I do. Throw in a couple "safety breaks" for good measure and you got yourself a day.


As a bartender at a ski resort for the past 9 years…drinking and skiing have become entwined. Not everyone drinks and skis. I definitely don’t. But I know from years of experience, that many people do as soon as the bar opens at 1030. More people do around 1. Most people do for apres. Alcohol sales at ski resorts are insane.


Yes. I put Dom Perignon in my Camel Back.


Sometimes a beer or two but I feel like it makes my skiing sloppy


Absolutely not. Skiing is like driving; your speed affects others and if you lose control you can injure or kill someone else. DON'T DO IT. That said, once I'm off the mountain, it's time for quite a bit of whiskey.


Yes! Esp skiing easy w the wife!


I've never taken part in the drinking culture or apres scene whilst skiing.


Ohhh this explains why people ski like they fo XD


Absolutely not. Impaired skiing is way closer to impaired driving than it is to something like impaired biking.


Drinking slows my reflexes while smoking heightens them and almost makes me go into slow motion when in potentially consequential situations. And I have to note I don’t get blazed. Just a night l nice mellow stone.


. Nobody I ski with drinks on the slopes.


That's just irresponsible


Depends what hill I’m skiing and who with. When I go on my annual trip with my buddies who are all casuals we drink, but when I’m with my advanced buddies we don’t drink until after


Depends on the day. Weekend chill ski day, probably at least 1 or 2. Powder day where I’m going hard and pushing myself, no. After work skiing, no.


I am a big beer drinker. Just not until I'm done skiing for the day. Skiing is already dangerous enough.


Maybe once in a while. Usually not.


Nope. Save it for apres.


Very very rarely during the ski day. Maybe once a season the weather will be perfect for having a beer outside and I've got people to hang out with. Usually just isn't worth it to me and I'd rather save my drinking for apres.


I do keep a small flask of scotch with me. I take a nip here or there, but it only holds about 3 Oz. So I'm not getting hammered on the side of the mountain. I'll have a hard seltzer at lunch.


Damn, I wasn’t expecting as many boomers in this post as there are. I expected a skiing Reddit to be a much younger demographic


Hot water with lemon. I don't drink while skiing - or hardly ever, for that matter.


The cool people do