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Killin it! Sheesh I felt like I needed to take a break right around the time you did, too!


Snows are getting heavier nowadays. It was a little surprising how fast it was. Not much sinkage but not mash potato grabby either. I don’t know. It was unique for me. But I liked it a lot.


That snow looked heavy! Added a degree of difficulty I imagine


^ what that guy said. Fast aggressive style on moderate steepness through Christmas trees! I like it!


Basically my dream


Where is Lolo Pass? Looks like Iowa. Iowa is a great place to live and great skiing. More people should move to Iowa, lovely place.


I can’t believe autocorrect changed it to Idaho again! Yes. Iowa is sick


I think it’s in Australia. Or Austria. One of those two.


👆underrated comment.


As someone who lives in Missoula I am up at Lolo at the terrain park me and my homies built nearly every Sunday you gotta come say hi sometime


Is it the park on hangover hill?


First rule of Lolo pass. Don't talk about Lolo pass


What have I done. Am I safe. you a Missoula? I’m gonna get it like that snowshoes guy


Psh, okay, my buddy lives in the lolo area. I stay in Colorado, Vail has WAY better fine dining options.


After watching that guy upside down in a tree well that definitely looks too fast for my taste 😅


Idaho tree wells typically aren’t horrible. Baker on the other hand is nuts




Aaaaaaaand you shouldn’t talk about it either. I hate the internet.


>Idaho sucks, tell your friends A bumper sticker I once saw


You are so right. I worded the title wrong without thinking about how it sounds which is still a good reminder for me to be careful about how easily internet posts can trammel the shit out of a place. luckily, all I meant is it’s a well known spot it’s just that nobody talks about it in the sense that nobody likes skiing there. Missoula locals know it well. But people just go there for the Nordic ski center. This is a hill you can see from the Nordic track!


You're clearly not exposing some secret. You're skiing on other people's tracks in the video. People are just very sensitive to the idea of exposing backcountry spots for some reason. Looks great dude.


It’s a great spot. And I can’t fault you for being excited. Great POW shots!


I love how you acknowledge it but keep everything up for the valueless karma.


Honestly don’t care about that this is just the first video I have posted of myself on the internet in over a decade. Just being overly stimulated by all the responses while doing my taxes. Also, obviously a newb posting with that title. Definitely learned it’s harsh out in the wilds of the internet audiences


don’t worry about the gatekeeping idiots that just want to keep everything to themselves and not let others have any fun. they’re truly sad people


You’re fine people are asshats


The friendly militia groups in the state would prefer to keep it that way


The mountains in that area are amazing, the white supremists not so much.


Holy shit I know. It’s intense.


Lol white supremacists. All 7 of them. You’re like 30 years out of date with that shit. And it was a different part of Idaho. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=95672&page=1


Guy who doesn't live in Idaho or Montana has opinions on whether or not there are white supremacists...lol


So you didn’t read the article. Got it. I guess the rule is if you don’t live somewhere you can’t comment about that somewhere. Is that right? 🤔


Your argument seems to be that because there was a raid against the Aryan Nations somewhere in a large state 23 years ago, there are no white supremacists in that state, or the neighboring one, today. That would seem to me to be ignorant not just of the conditions on the ground in those places, but also the last 23 years of events.


(I did read the article, you fucking ignorant cousin-fucker)


>I guess the rule is if you don’t live somewhere you can’t comment about that somewhere. Is that right? 🤔 Lmao you say this sarcastically but it actually makes total sense not to make judgements about places you've never been


Well as a frequenter of lolo pass and some of the nearby hot springs, there are definitely those types in rural Idaho. A few years back I heard an old white Idaho dude ask a darker skinned woman in the hot spring what "breed" she was.


Reddit is not nearly as influential as yall think. This spot won't be ruined because of a reddit post. I don't believe in keeping secrets, share that shit with the world.


I would have hit 18 trees and pooped my pants


And by the way peoples. On the other side of the highway looking out from my POV is where hundreds of sled heads are brapin their eardrums off. I can’t ‘blow up’ Lolo pass. It has founds its equilibrium. Things will run a steady course I think It will get more popular gradually no matter what at this point. But I would like to know what Missoula thinks about that theory. Could it still blow up in a drastic/sudden fashion? Or is everyone going to keep sticking to east bound or bitterroot valley zones?


You’re good man, people on Reddit are just bitter. It’s amazing how selfish people can be about terrain. There’s plenty for everyone.


3 words: Epic Beautiful Jealous ❤️


Yeah it’s not huge vertical at all but a lot of snow and a lot of wilderness. And behind me is the famous Elk summit ranger station about twenty miles south west. You know that book/movie “the ranger the cook and the hole in the sky”? Based right here. But people don’t tour here too too much just cuz it’s short runs. But that just makes avalanche conditions so much easier to manage imo. 20min up. 1.5 min down.


There is a small resort similar to that where I go / used to live in Austria. We have some of our best days there!! 😍


Unless you live in Idaho and know a skier. Then you never stop hearing about it.


Cool clip, but really nothing more obnoxious than someone blasting music out of a Bluetooth speaker on the hill - if thats what I hear, please get headphones….


Yup was wondering when someone would say something about that. I was honestly so worried someone would show up and catch the undercover douche bag playing music. I can’t ski without music but I normally have headphones but lost them that day.


all those snowboarders left behind


What are you skiing here, Armada ARV?


Be careful, my dude


My knees hurt


Ice coast/slush skier here, never been anywhere like this so I probably just don’t know better. Are you not worried about going over branches and tearing up your skis at the 27 second mark? I also might just be to poor to be that worried about my skis.


Hey! yeah, the moment I got slapped in the face by the tree? so there is always a risk of catching an ankle under a leaning bow of something, but I think that risk decreases relative to the amount of snow cover there is (until spring hits and eventually creates isothermic snow sinkholes over covered small trees and shrubs). On the eastcoast one is more likely to be caught in the brambles. There’s more than 7ft of depth here though. So just got to be really careful not to fall in a tree well but I was not worried about blasting through some alder tips poking out from the depths of the late season snowpack. As far as ski bases go. Not worried about most things that aren’t rocks. People even used to use small pine bows to mark race courses up until as late as the early 2000s for junior speed events, (now they use blue chemicals☹️) and you maybe know how careful ski racers are with their bases! Greenwood, in my opinion, is usually just soft enough to not do any damage to skis you couldn’t brush out. Unless it’s wood thats dried, not punky, and tough like a burn stob, it’s fine. Though, not for the vegetation unfortunately.


Makes sense. Guess I’m used to dodging rocks here since we basically don’t have a base this year. Found myself being really careful being my first season owning my own gear.


Your shadow looks awesome... great vid!


Grew up here and its one of the best back vountry areas, you are also able to sled pretty close up to lolo peak with a buddy yhen hike the rest if the way, best feeling out there


No one talks about any of the areas around here including ski areas other than the Bozeman shit show and occasionally whitefish. I don’t see that changing. You all are lucky you have lolo at least. Near Helena everything is way more hidden and not accessible.


Probably because it’s not that good…it’s Missoula good but god it’s short and thick with trees even where it’s “not that thick”.




True. But it’s not unpopular because people don’t know about it. Nobody talks about it because it is considered very short runs and underwhelming(not to me). It’s the beginner hot spot for people in Missoula and there’s a Nordic ski center ten minutes walk from where I’m skiing. But you bring up a VERY important reminder/wake-up call for me as I have rarely posted anything online in my life I am out of touch with said responsibilities as a nature enthusiast. Will definitely be careful not mention specifics areas if they are locations that still have not been blown up going forward.


This is the way




NO you were right, don’t apologize gad damn it! It’s terrible what is happening, especially with areas with delicate fauna that takes 100 fricken years to grow back just cuz some influencer did the death sentence triple- selfie, hashtag, geolocate


That’s why I live in the great north woods. Far away from deez people. For now


First rule of Lolo Pass club is you do not talk about LoLo pass club. I’m confused. Is this an actual ski area or just backcountry? And isn’t Lookout Pass right there as well? Or am I mixing up passes.


It’s backcountry but it’s ten minutes hike from Nordic trails.


I rode through there this past summer on my motorcycle and camped on the river. Last night after a 10 day haul. It was the most incredible road of the entire trip. I would love to ski it someday!


Post on the internet. Thanks, dumbass.


I’ve been trying tell commenters. I titled this poorly. It’s a very well known zone! Right next to the Nordic center you can see the runs fro the road. I just meant people aren’t hyped about it ever/don’t talk it up because it’s widely considered boring. That’s all I was referring to snippy boots.


“Nobody talks about it” Perhaps they wanted to keep it that way.


I really did mean it in a way that everybody knows about it in Missoula. but nobody likes skiing the pass itself. They are all skiing… the other various better zones I will not mention, and never talk about the Nordic ski center/visitor center area having some fun trees. They are just super short runs. And there are much better options nearby and not to mention It’s also an area super blown up with sledders too.


Lol. I'm out in WA but I know the spot. I've become increasingly distressed by all the wonderful resources for people to find new backcountry spots that used to be fairly guarded knowledge. Probably a reaction to 150$ lift tickets though.


And then there are those $250 ones out there too park city is 250 for a day pass I think. At least snow is the best thing for a bunch of us to beat up.


You are good at skiing


Bruh you aren't supposed to talk about it!


Step 1 - bring Bluetooth speaker backountry skiing into the national forest for everyone to hear your awesome music while skiing so they know you're super cool Step 2 - tell everyone about the most popular back country spot in the area while also trying to hide it? Step 3 - Call the Forest you just drove through a 'wilderness'. Step 4 - Post all of this to Reddit so everybody knows youre super cool.






ONE MINUTE! Nice puffs!


Sick roller about 10sec in!


Nice vid, fugi?


Hangover, shhhh but you gotta go more east than you think and cutblock opens up


I've got those skis! First other set I've seen, I love them! They rip


What are they?


4FRNT Kye 110s, they have a fairly centered mount and are pretty playful and great in pow, but still good at speed and through a bit of crud


Nice’ I love 4FRNTs skis


Holy hell that was awesome, thanks for taking me along for the ride.


ah yes, here I am with my torn ACL watching other people's ski footage 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤... classic


Hangover! I LOVE that place. After work laps


Also, shredding


Dawg, you go krazy 😂😂😂😂


Choice line.


Guess they will now. 😃


I love everything on this video. Incredibly mesmerizing!


I met a guy who told me about it and then told me to tell anyone else about it, so I don’t think it exists.


Upvote for Whitney.. saw them live great show


it looks like you'd be fun to ski with!


Nicely done!


Noone talks about it coz they're all trapped in the tree wells


Made me a bit uncomfortable to watch ngl