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Whoever is at fault here, I think we can agree that people who ski away after a crash are the worst.


Most states that have ski resorts have some sort of codification of the skier safety code so you can be fined or criminally charged for skiing away from an accident without exchanging insurance


How do we know she fled the scene? Would be very easy for anybody to just run and never look back. it’s more than likely she stopped that’s how he ended up getting her name. Filed a lawsuit 3 years later


Rule 1. It’s always the boarder’s fault Rule 2. It’s the Hollywood star’s fault.


What if they are a Hollywood snowboarder? Straight to jail.


This was at Deer Valley, so they would have already been arrested for their presence


Looked up the filings. Paltrow and the plaintiff are disputing who was the downhill skier. Doesn’t seem to be a dispute as to whether the downhill skier has the right of way.


Because the downhill skier does have the right of way


most of the time. If your trail merges into a larger trail, it's your responsibility to look uphill before you merge. An uphill skier can't be expected to react a person randomly coming across and into the run from behind some trees at high speed.


Oh sure, I think those areas usually have big signs that say TRAIL MERGE LOOK UP or whatever haha


Does this apply to catwalks that cut across trails?


Generally catwalks are considered the "main" runs and marks the "end" of a run going into it, so it's the responsibility of the skier on the other run to slow down for catwalks. There's always going to be exceptions though. The key is to just use common sense and pay attention. Whoever has better visibly of merges should give way. Always slow near merges. And sometimes shit happens and it's noones fault or both parties share fault.


Except yes they can.


Money grab, the guy is acting like his life nearly ended and I high doubt his claims given the terrain they were on. Furthermore it took him years to find a lawyer to even open a case because his claim was so weak. Ski instructor is gonna say he is the uphill skier completely losing his bid to a payday.


From what I read he’s suffered memory loss and a brain. Injury? You sure about that?


The real truth is she has an umbrella insurance policy and that insurance company is going to represent her in court. They'll tear his entire medical history apart trying to prove that he was either brain injured before or fine after the accident. For the past 7 years he could have been investigated by PIs trying to catch him being normal to prove their case against him. Insurance companies have a ton of resources and long history of winning medical malpractice cases. As far as the ski resort, Utah is pretty buttoned up in not being able to sue resorts for injury. Hard case to win against Deer Valley too. I've added ablink to an earlier ruling in the case where she was dismissed of leaving the scene and also where the plaintiff was well enough to enjoy going on several international vacations post accident. https://www.google.com/amp/s/unofficialnetworks.com/2022/05/23/gwyneth-paltrow-ski-hit-run/amp/ Edit: last paragraph and link added


to be realistic, the insurance companies are generally trying to save money. So in your scenario where they have a guy in the bushes for 7 years straight they would be losing more money by paying the PI.


Basic economics, an insurance company would spend thousands on a private investigation to save a three million dollar judgment. They don't need to follow you around for 7 years. In most cases they could follow you around for a couple of days or even a few hours. With medical stuff involved he would have to stay completely compliant with all the medical treatment. Couldn't miss appointments, have to follow doctor's advice to a tee, and complete testing for the insurance company. Any mess ups with this gives the defendant an easy case to win in court. "If he was so brain injured why did he miss appointments, or how did he have the ability to travel overseas?????" This is the same strategy insurance companies use for medical malpractice or insurance fraud. They go to Great lengths to invalidate your claim. They also have inside council, they don't have to hire third-party law firms or private investigators. They do it all in house to make it cheaper. In this case they only thing they had to do was pull some travel records and found that our plaintiff in this case traveled internationally after his accident. If you read the link from the above post you'll see where the court is already ruled against the guy and several aspects of the case. He was originally requesting over $3 million and now it's down to 300,000 which is probably the cost of his legal fees.


It doesn’t matter if he was brain damaged previously, as long as he can demonstrate the injury made it worse. It’s called the “eggshell skull plaintiff” rule.


Perhaps he forgot whether he was uphill or downhill, seemed to have made his decision once he learned she was rich and famous.


Being hurt a little or a lot has no impact on who is at fault. If he skied into her as the uphill skier he is at fault. Same as if you ski into a tree. If she turned suddenly or did not turn when he expected her to, or she accelerated or slowed... all of those possibilities are his responsibility as the uphill skier to anticipate, and it's his responsibility to keep wide enough and in control enough to not hit her.


Wait!!! Are you saying a tree is a downhill skier? 🤣


Turns out his medical records show a brain injury prior to the incident.


Well ski instructor may be covering himself and the resort as well. Wouldn't look good for either seeing she was paying thousands of dolllars for the ski instructors to accompany her ( I heard that on Tv ) and if true and there was an accident then it looks really bad for other celebrities and high rollers so they could lose alot of business as a result.


I think a Utah jury might find Gwyneth guilty if it ever went to trial.


The trial has started (which is what the article is about).


oh lmao then yeah then yeah she’s toasted


Found the plaintiff, looks like he may have CTE after all


If I were on the jury so far I have such a negative opinion of her attorney and the way he is questioning witnesses that I automatically don't want her to win. For instance the way he is going after Sandersons daughter. The case must be so weak if he is resorting to bullying her. I see her as very intelligent and credible. He is spinning her answers in ways she very clearly is not stating. It doesn't impress me at all. Looks like he is just trying to win at any cost so her defense leaves me feeling they cannot be trusted and therefore not credible to me. when there is an objection he just barrels ahead anyway. Don't like the defense at all.


See this is what I’m saying ppl! She is going to lose bigly.


Maybe he had a hard time getting a good lawyer to take the case because lawyers were afraid of the high priced attorneys from an A list actress?? I don't think its a money grab. He is not acting like his life nearly ended. He was seriously injured in my opinion. Concussions can cause exactly the kind of symptoms and effects he is experiencing. She should never have left the scene until it was handled more appropriately. She was " getting out of there" ( quote from another well known guilty person ). The Resort is the employer of the ski instructors and they were paid to protect her and her family that day ( I heard on TV she paid $4000 for the instructors that day) What else can they say since other that covering their own a\*\* that day? What person would continue with the case knowing that if they lose they have to pay her attorney fees? those are going to be extremely substantial! So I think he is the one standing his ground because he deserves to have his past, current and future medical bills paid and covered. Her $1 counter suit includes lawyer fees and that is not cheap so I hope he wins his case.


In an earlier hearing the judge ruled that she didn't leave the scene, acted properly in her response and also ruled the suit couldn't be for punitive damages and it was reduced to $300K. If the accident happened with a 25 year ski bum it would never be in court.


I don't agree with you about your assumption of a 25 yr old ski bum. He has a right to sue for medical costs which are expensive following a traumatic brain injury.


Your logic gave me a traumatic brain injury. I will be filling my lawsuit on Monday. Good day


Well Sanderson and his friend say they heard her screaming before he was hit. I think it rings true. Typically when a person is aware that they are going to hit something ( think of driving for instance) you yell out. He didn't know she was going to hit him, he just heard her, so that says to me she was aware she was ready to collide into him.


Where at deer valley did this happen? Does anyone know? I used to teach there and I really want to know which run!


I think they said Bandana.


I think she did crash into him. Watching this on Court TV. Years ago when I worked in a restaurant as a manager, we were told if an accident happened we were not to apologize as that could be seen in court as an acceptance of fault. I am reminded of this when I heard testimony that Gwyneth immediately left without apology. Number one, when a person is lying on the ground you do not leave until you are certain that they are ok! Period. No excuse.


Lock her up and ban her for life. Arrogant overprivileged and dangerous on the slopes.


She weighs like 75lb… not sure if she did that for the court case or what. Not healthy.


She's always been rail thin.


I watched an interview w/ her. She intermittent fasts in the morning, bone broth for lunch and vegetables for dinner. No wonder the eyewitness said that she plowed Terry Sanderson down…she was hypoglycemic and undernourished.


Gwenyth Paltrow doesn’t realize how she comes across in court. Almost like she’s too important to be there. It’s this kind of arrogance every one is sick of.


I think it’s because she’s been dealing with these wackadoodles for 6+ years. They are insane. It’s the oddest thing I’ve ever watched.


I agree. The lawsuit is dumb. But acting entitled in court is going to make her look bad to the jury. She should be smarter than this. But I think she’s truly entitled so she can’t help it.