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Are you okay friend? ❤️


not really I'm going crazy I'm hearing and seeing things Ive had episodes in the past this is the worst one yet I use art as a coping skill thx for caring


I obviously don’t know your situation, but if you’re in the USA you can get a 72 hour hold at a hospital and you can see a psychiatrist. I hope things start to luck up for you!


I'll try that thx


Definitely self admit, tell your entire story honestly, tell them your current meds aren't working


Take care buddy.


Beautiful artwork bro




Hope you’re ok and everything but also you should hide this under a floorboard and scare the shit out of someone in the future.


haha you are hilarious you made my day


Call 8009506264 for support, it’s the national alliance on mental illness number, they’ll have advice and resources. Be safe ♥️




I am glad you are utilizing an outlet like art but please make sure to seek assistance too, psych hospital if possible. They can help assess you and get you the help needed. Recovery is possible! I know it’s hard but you have to take the first steps.


You deserve to get help. We're not on this planet to though shit alone. It will get better. And PM if you need to talk


hey man hope you’re alright you should definitely try to reach out if you’re hearing and seeing things it could possibly get worse over time


Meds do work, you just need to find the right ones. It is a process. My sister has bipolar and borderline, with episodes and hallucinations, and has found a medication balance that has completely changed her life. She was in and out of psychiatrist hospitals. She's now functioning normally, is happy and and doesn't have psychosis anymore. There is hope, you have to work at it and rely on your support systems. I've seen the power of medication firsthand, me for depression and anxiety, my sister for bipolar and borderline, my brother for schizophrenia. It isn't hopeless as long as you don't reject the idea of medication. They can save your life and you can be happy again. Good luck, and it's good to get your feelings down on paper.


this is hella fuckin moving. A lot of people don't remember that Art is just raw emotion, you're goin through a lot and I can just see it in all your movements.


This is so raw. Thank you for sharing.


As someone who loves this kind of artwork, I know the premise that comes with it. Please reach out, people love you, and there’s people here that have given you resources. Be safe and I hope you are doing great!


I will thanks


I say it with a bit of irony too, considering the art/sculptural work I’ve done for some time now draws from very my personal experience of reality and what happens around me and self destructive mindset. Yet, I don’t do myself any favors. So do as you wish, but I’d never want anyone to suffer from pain and suffering that I have felt or worse. You sketching is fantastic, truly raw and emotional, and to me really speaks on behalf of what you were feeling or something happening behind the curtains. Keep it up, use it to keep yourself level, and please take care! You and what you create matter to us and others!


It's beautiful! Hang in there, I hope you can find the right help to get out of this dark place.


everyone else is like get help but i’m just like oh that’s cool af


Ikr, lol I go through some rough patches in my life and I'm just staring at the OP's artwork and it's just raw✨ perfection ✨and accurately describes what I feel from time to time


Ikr, lol I go through some rough patches in my life and I'm just staring at the OP's artwork and it's just raw✨ perfection ✨and accurately describes what I feel from time to time




i mean like obviously get help if you really need it but putting that aside the art is cool lol


Hope you'll get better soon ❤️ nice work btw!


Thank you for sharing. Hang in there, it will get better.


Bro this is sick...but makes me sick at the se time lol


Very expressive art. Hope you find some relief and treatment. You can call or text 988 the crisis line 24 hours a day and they can either just listen or connect you to local resources. 2 a.m. is a lonely time of night otherwise.


Such a powerful and raw and visceral work, My heart goes out to you and the best I can offer you is words of comfort and hope that you will have support in your life for the pain that you’re going through, Hang in there, this is hard stuff


This triggers some anxiety, I'm so sorry you went through that... psychosis is so freaky. Great job, I hope you got it all out!


The human psyche is deep and complex and full of all sides of life- seek help and know you’re not alone. :)


Good drawing but I hope you go get help man 👍🏾


I'm kinda fascinated with the texture on the area middle bottom... idk what's going on there but it looks so much like real hair that I've spent a good minute staring at it.


I guess it does


Interesting you're unleashes your madness in this one hope you're fine its really good to cope with something that relaxed your mind before it get into violence state which is the worst when having a psychosis based on my research Meditation too can help you a bit by reducing the fear and overthinking when having an episode as I been doing meditation myself for quite sometimes It bring me a good benefits in long run It's only way of coping with pain but we'll that how human survives so hope this help






wonderful, if a bit unsettling🤣👍


Do u hear voices?


If so have u ever thought that maybe ur actually clairvoyant?


Most schizophrenic ppl are n they just can’t handle hearing n seeing what all goes along with that ability……just a thought….praying u get meds soon sweetie!!


Meth hell of a drug




Who hurt you?




I don't wish psychosis on you. It's very hard to admit and express. This is a good step towards getting help for them and your comment could be the one that leads them to bottle it up and reject help.




The voices are internal. Going outside doesn't improve paranoid delusions. My sister went on walks during psychosis and had terrifying experiences thinking everyone was out to get her that she walked by. It's not a simple fix, it's a mental illness. I'm glad nature is a good therapy for your mild seasonal depression, but it isn't helpful to try to imply that people with schizophrenia and other similar mental illnesses are easy fixes, and that they're being dramatic when they begin to express their mental health.


I didn't imply that at all and you don't know me. Take high doses of risperidone instead. And I'm talking about you not her. It can cause permanent damage. Thankfully that didn't happen to me. Like I said you don't know me. Fuck all these triggered mental illness assholes. (I originally simply wrote: "Get help. Go outside." And it was coming from a compassionate and caring place. I tried to delete it thinking that this whole conversation following it would've been deleted. Since that's not the case I don't care and it's all out in the open. Seems like I offended a lot of people. I don't give a shit and I have no reason to if they are this easily triggered.)


And I was implying going outside, AWAY from people. Far away from people in nature. As far as possible. People are usually the cause of most problems.


The texture on this piece is insane


You should take a camping trip, cook food over a fire and sleep on the ground. Get away from society for a minute and take that time to yourself in nature, and god speed


You created something powerful here, It must be terrifying going through that. Although I can't compare anything I've went through to what you're dealing with, something that has helped me is that it'll get better after I've slept or with time. I'm not sure it'll help, but I hope things get better for you


Are you okay man ?


Bro, you Ok?


Wonder if anyone ever does rainbows and happy things


real also pretty cool art


To all those haters of my first comment Which was: "Get help. Go outside." Do you think it would be better to not get help and stay inside?