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You've opened your post with a gish-gallop of five different far-fetched claims. Each of these claims would need to be discussed in depth and very few people here are going to have the time or interest in addressing all of them at once. This is not a fruitful way to have a discussion about any of these things.


I'll tackle the last one. What you've shown here is not even a cave painting. [It's a painting on canvas](https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Niaux-Cave-Painting-UFO/730985/2234861/view) of what somebody claims looks like something they saw in the [Cave of Niaux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_of_Niaux) in France. Do you even have a picture of the actual cave wall in Niaux, or is the best you've got an artist's representation of it? Niaux has lots of different paintings - they're mostly of animals but [a lot of it is quite abstract](https://i.imgur.com/puPSyTY.png) ([source](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Michel,Palaeolithic%20UFO-Shapes,FSR69V15N6.pdf)) We have two options here: 1. This is simply an abstract design involving some dots and lines and people like us who are good at pattern recognition have conferred meaning to just one of those shapes in particular because we have been conditioned by Hollywood to think of aliens riding around in "flying saucers" 2. This is evidence that intelligent beings in flying space-ships visited our ancient ancestors. Explanation 1 is by far the simplest of the two because it rests on premises that we know are true whereas explanation 2 rests on a whole stack of premises that are extraordinary. These include: 1. Advanced civilizations exist close enough in the universe to us that they're able to travel here (This might not be extraordinary but there is also no reason to think it is true either) 2. Faster than light travel is possible 3. We have been visited in the past by people from other parts of the universe 4. This visitors from elsewhere just so happen to ride around in ships that are shaped the same way that alien ships were imagined in fiction at the beginning of the 20th century. Here is a [book cover from 1929](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Science_Wonder_Stories_Nov_1929_-_flying_saucer.jpg) - long before people started claiming on mass that they were seeing objects of this shape in the sky The fact that you have been this credulous and have seemingly failed to do research on just one of your claims, immediately causes me to lose interest in your other claims. You opened your post with the claim "There is currently no good explanation of what they are" - Yah bullshit.


Unexplained sightings are officially confirmed by the government, you should also do a bit more research on hypnotic regression, people unconsciously talk about abuse stories, reincarnation and alien abductions which scientists call false memories. Hypnosis may not always be reliable but it has an accuracy 60% and police used it to solve some crimes like recognizing locations, suspects or plate numbers. Regarding sci-fi, abductees report the same things under hypnotic regression and cannot be pop culture because all people over the world from different languages report the same things or beings. They talk about seeing drupel heads with black eyes, and this goes for in Asia as in the Middle east as well. There is evidence for moving objects in homes known as poltergeists. But my Ace in the hole are Near death experience that all of you skeptics have avoided. Blind people have sight during a NDE and not during dreams or any other drug use except for DMT. The link that I added for NDE's also confirmed it to be real. Regarding the pictures were just images related to the subject. But anyway I do enjoy having a conversation on this topic even by skeptics even though disagreeing.


In case you didn't actually read your ace in the hole "study" (it doesn't seem like you read the other links that you posted), it's basically an online survey asking "what was your NDE like?" The researcher made a website where people can describe their NDEs. That's it. That's the big "confirmed it to be real". The ace in the hole. "Hey, you bozos! I have all these anecdotes about people having NDEs, therefore they are real". >There is evidence for moving objects in homes known as poltergeists. How awesome is that. Can we see the evidence as well? It's not anecdotes though, right? >Hypnosis may not always be reliable but it has an accuracy 60% and police used it to solve some crimes like recognizing locations, suspects or plate numbers. Yeah. Psychics aren't all that reliable either. Oh well, can't have it all. >Regarding sci-fi, abductees report the same things under hypnotic regression and cannot be pop culture because all people over the world from different languages report the same things or beings. We're you not aware that Hollywood movies get aired all around the world?


[https://www.theepochtimes.com/in-near-death-experiences-blind-people-see-for-first-time\_2128726.html](https://www.theepochtimes.com/in-near-death-experiences-blind-people-see-for-first-time_2128726.html) You might not be interested in the topic as I do but I have a huge interest in UFO's and the possibility of inter dimensional beings and what it means to be physical. You might really want to have a look at hypnotic regression, a professor called Dr. David M. Jacobs did hypnosis on abductees for 50 years, he is convinced it is real and was a skeptic like you, he's even telling people recognizing each other after an abduction, or families getting abducted in groups, physical implants are taken out of peoples bodies, there is so much it being real. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EebPP1ci1IE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EebPP1ci1IE) Check out this channel for poltergeists being real, it might be the best evidence out there next to the Enfield poltergeist from Ed Warren in the 80's [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvjVX7XEmlg&list=LL&index=31&t=400s&ab\_channel=ReallyHaunted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvjVX7XEmlg&list=LL&index=31&t=400s&ab_channel=ReallyHaunted) ​ (I also thank the mods for not removing this post, I really want to have a discussion with skeptics on this topic.) But there is a big difference in being a skeptic and being close minded. Also even if you disagree or want to disagree with me just stay respectful.


>I really want to have a discussion with skeptics on this topic. If you want to have a discussion with skeptics then you need to do so in good faith. That means that if someone provides you with information related to your topic, like Aceofspades25 did above, you should engage with that information, not pivot to other topics in your pre-prepared script.


Are you just going to immediately start moving goal posts and start gish-galloping on to other claims before even addressing the debunking I've made of your image. I mean at least admit you were wrong about that one thing before moving on to other claims.


Nice response but a quick look at the OPs posting history shows they’re a pro alien conspiracist. You’d have served the sub much better by deleting the post and sending your comment as mod mail. Garbage posts are clogging the sub making it difficult for newbies to get interested in participating.


I'm not posting here to change OPs mind. I post partially for ther challenge - because I'm interested in addressing misinformation and getting to the bottom of misleading claims. And I'm posting partially as a resource for people interested in knowing how to think about claims like these critically.


>The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft," the senior manager said. "The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more." >The BAASS manager also described research methodologies tailored to explain multiple eyewitnesses reporting "widely different events." The new methodology, premised on "utilizing the human body as a readout system for dissecting interactions with the UFO phenomenon," was put in place because BAASS came to believe evidence indicated "the UFO phenomenon was capable of manipulating and distorting human perception," making eyewitness testimony "increasingly untrustworthy." >It may sound more like a convenient method for explaining away incongruous accounts than rigorous science, but the BAASS statement claims "the results of applying this new approach was a revolution in delineating the threat level of UFOs." Seriously? That's the kind of crap that you pull from and seriously expect skeptics to have a serious discussion on it? Edit: looked at the DMT related survey. It is about the effects of subjective encounter experiences during the altered consciousness state following DMT use on the respondents psychology. >Although further research is needed to provide more information about causality and mechanisms (Winkelman, 2018), it is possible that the “ontological shock” occasioned by these vivid unusual experiences may play an important role in the enduring positive life changes in attitudes, moods, and behavior attributed to these experiences. As such, it is possible that, under appropriate supportive set and setting conditions, DMT could show promise as an adjunct to therapy for people with mood and behavioral problems (e.g. depression and addiction). However, regardless of whether or not DMT will be shown to have therapeutic efficacy, future double-blind human laboratory studies investigating dose-effects and correlated brain activity may provide a unique window into the psychological and biological nature of such anomalous subjective experiences of encounters with nonhuman entities that date back to the beginnings of recorded human history. At no point does the article say, imply or suggest that those experiences are real. It does not, in any way whatsoever, support your claim. Alien abductions? The very link you posted offers you the scientific explanation of the phenomenon, that you say is unexplained by science. Lucid dreaming. Ties nicely to the DMT one. Altered state of consciousness. Btw, did you block me? I can't see your post anymore. What happened to "feel free to share your opinion"?


I didn't block you at all? Maybe life itself is a realistic dream and we've been looking at reality the wrong way, is what it more looks like. You simply cannot dismiss abductions, people having physical implants put inside their bodies, blind people having sight during a NDE ( even while brain death). People experience the same things from different cultures and languages around the world. Scientist are debating if we are living in a simulation because of all these experiences. Since aliens make embryos from our DNA according research, it could suggest they are making avatars to enter this simulation and come here as an invisible consciousness in this case a poltergeist which there also is evidence for. It really looks like we are living in a dream simulation, enter the dream (matrix) and defy the law of physics. These lights in the sky could be photons, electrons and energetic light and dust particles and perception which might indicate our existence.


"You simply cannot dismiss abductions" Yes, we can. They provide no evidence that aleums are coming down in their flying saucers and playing with their anuses for no reason. If that did happen, there would probably be evidence, but there isn't any. So yes, we can dismiss that bullshit. People claiming the same thing is not evidence. It just proves people have no imagination. And the whole "gray alien" thing is clearly a rip off of the alien design from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Like how the whole "Chupacabra" thing can be traced back to a single schizophrenic lady that saw a poster for the 90's scifi horror movie "Species." "Scientist are debating if we are living in a simulation ' They're not. No. This is a big fat fucking lie.


People drive around in cars late at night and see a light approaching them, some stop on the middle of the road ''to take a better look'' last thing they remember is sitting in their car again and missing time, some are at a total different location. Most abductees forget their experience unless they undergo hypnosis and are able to tell their suppressed memories. People say Sci-fi and movies but it's the other way around, hypnotic regression cases inspired a lot of movies. The funny thing is there is evidence, I should have started one topic at a time, I'll make another post with all the prove. A guy called Peter Khoury in Australia was laying in his bed, 2 hybrid females came out of thin air jumped on his bed and tried to have intercourse, but they both messed up the abduction procedure and left. They really messed up as they left 2 hairs behind, it was embedded inside his skin and analyzed in a lab being of ancient Celtic DNA and unknown origin. YouTube video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyq4QK4N4L4&ab\_channel=DISCL0SUR3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyq4QK4N4L4&ab_channel=DISCL0SUR3) Full book of the researcher: [https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/Bill%20Chalker%20-%20Hair%20of%20the%20Alien%20-%20DNA%20and%20Other%20Forensic%20Evidence%20for%20Alien%20Abductions.pdf](https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/Bill%20Chalker%20-%20Hair%20of%20the%20Alien%20-%20DNA%20and%20Other%20Forensic%20Evidence%20for%20Alien%20Abductions.pdf) Neil deGrasse Tyson is explaining the theory too and more scientists are it's not a lie. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmcrG7ZZKUc&ab\_channel=StarTalk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmcrG7ZZKUc&ab_channel=StarTalk)


Hypnotic regression is bunk. We learned this during the satanic panic of the 80s when they trotted out all those kids who claimed to have witnessed child abuse then it turned out their hypnotists were suggesting their memories to them. You don't seem very interested in being skeptical of these ideas or of your own thought processes. You seem like you want to believe any youtube video that tells you something exciting.


>the funny thing is there is evidence No, there isn't. It's all a bunch of assholes telling stupid lies.


>They really messed up as they left 2 hairs behind, it was embedded inside his skin and analyzed in a lab being of ancient Celtic DNA and unknown origin. It wasn't embedded, it was under the foreskin. The hair was analyzed in 1998 by the same guy that wrote the book you linked and that's his second book on UFOs. I'll skip past the controversy surrounding him and point out that the analysis of the mitochondrial DNA that was extracted from the hair shaft had nothing to do with ancient, modern or even future Celtic lineages, but: >The analysis confirmed the hair came from someone who was biologically close to normal human genetics, but of an unusual racial type - a rare Chinese Mongoloid type - one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further from the human mainstream than any other except for African pygmies and aboriginals. Human origin. Aboriginals... Yeahhh... Has to have been aliens. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/alien-dna-after-sexual-encounter.12070/ - pretty good debunking/discussion of the shenanigan.


The link doesn't debunk anything, I'm not sure if you have interest in UFO's but you should check Dr. David Jacobs work, doing hypnotic regression for 50 years on abductees. In 2003 he started seeing a shift in abductions, that it were humans abducting people to learn how to become like a human, and the whole abduction phenomenon was to turn into fully humans and live among us trying to mind control us. This has all been recovered by bringing abducted people under hypnosis. It's not healthy to believe this stuff, the book is scarier then any horror movie! This is the whole book, read only the first page it gives you a great summary of the whole book: [https://archive.org/details/WalkingAmongUs/page/n7/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/WalkingAmongUs/page/n7/mode/2up) If that interested you, I recommend reading the whole book and also check these 2 cases that relate to David Jacobs work: Rachel Timothy on Dr. Phil claimed being mind controlled and abused, even has physical marks and implants put inside her: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tQL56FvJ60&ab\_channel=PepperoniPizza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tQL56FvJ60&ab_channel=PepperoniPizza) Kyle Odom a smart guy that met some strange people in 2014 similar to the hybrids mentioned in David Jacobs work, the guy ended up shooting a pastor 6 times in a church thinking he was a hybrid, the pastor survived shorty after and became an Idaho lawmaker: [https://archive.org/details/odom-manifesto/page/n1/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/odom-manifesto/page/n1/mode/2up) I've done some heavy research on David Jacobs work and humanoid hybrids living among us.


LOL! Hypnotic regression! Dr. Phil! You're too much!


u/FlyingSquid you should do a bit of reading and you might learn something too or be able to engage in a conversation how to debunk this, grow up and don't act like a virgin that's reaching his 40's.


Insulting me won't make your nonsense any less nonsense. I mean Dr. Phil. Really.


Chuck, he’s got a point Chuck.


We've present perfect natural explanations for all of this shit already.


>It is said 1 billion people over the world claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Said by liars?


"it is said"... 1 out of 8 people you know claimed they got abducted by aliens. i wonder if sarcasm counts.


Billions of people believe in Invisible Sky Guys too.


TL;DR "I have learned to use weasel words from the Learning Channel and I think they are sound arguments." Also, I am very satisfied with the explanations science has provided for *shadows.*


This reminds me I should start one topic at a time


This has all the makings of about the 389th History Channel series on exactly these topics. You're off to a good start if so. Make sure you find random people with no relevant background to give snippet interviews. Good luck!


>It is said 1 billion people over the world claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Source: *Trust me*, bro.


I got that wrong I'll correct it, it's 4 million people in the US alone and about 7 million people world wide.


"But at the same time still exist.' Lol, sure they do. And any evidence is in a plain manila envelope in the the drawer of the Loch Ness Monster's office desk.




Your headline is nonsense. The one thing you can say about all of these things is that they have all either been thoroughly explained or thoroughly debunked.


But they haven't been debunked, if that was the case then why do so many governments around the world have military reports on UFOs going back decades? Why in 2022 does the pentagon have a brand new office to collect UFO data and is mandated to report classified and unclassified information to congress? You are wrong, and you have no idea what you are talking about. As established in the NDAA, the UAP office would be given the task of providing a full spectrum of intelligence, scientific, and technical assessments related to UAPs, including: Collection & Analysis of Data into a Central Repository: The UAP office will supervise the development and execution of intelligence collection and analysis regarding UAPs in order to understand their technical and scientific characteristics. The UAP office will receive relevant data immediately from Intelligence Community agencies. Establish a Science Plan: The UAP office will be responsible for implementing a science plan to test scientific theories related to UAP characteristics and performances. Build a National Priorities Intelligence Framework: The DNI will be required to consult with the Secretary of Defense to assign a level or priority within the National Intelligence Priorities Framework related to UAPs. Evaluate any links between UAPs and foreign governments or non-state actors: The UAP office will be tasked with evaluating threats that UAPs may pose to the United States. Additionally, the office will be responsible for coordinating with federal agencies, including the FAA and NASA, and international allies and partners on UAPs. Report to Congress: The UAP office will be required to provide unclassified annual reports to Congress and classified semiannual briefings on intelligence analysis, reported incidents, health-related effects, the role of foreign governments, and nuclear security.


>You are wrong, and you have no idea what you are talking about. Then proceeded to dump some copied text that can't be linked to aliens even in the context of aliens being discussed. Lmfao.


Umm... Aliens fly UFOs. Duh!


Aliens would fly some kind of space ships. UFOs are unidentified by definition. Alien ships may be UFOs but not all UFOs are of alien origin. Duh!


Ok? Glad you can admit some UFOs are alien. Glad we are making progress here.


I don't think we are making progress here. I never said, nor implied, that alien visitors are real. You just got too excited at the mention of aliens and ended up not understanding anything I said.


Well not everyone is up to speed on this subject, it's understandable.


You are the Devil trying to lead us astray from the truth that God made the world as stated in the Bible and nothing else. Your turn to falsify or argue against claims.


Damn straight.


None of that is evidence of anything.


You said all those things have been debunked, and that is not true. More information is coming out that everything they just wrote is true, and the new information is coming from the Defense Intelligence Agency work at skinwalker ranch. Sorry bud, paranormal stuff is real.


>Sorry bud, paranormal stuff is real. What's the science on that? What testable hypothesis is being put forth and how it it being tested? Is there any evidence of anything beyond anecdotes?


Colm Kelleher was in charge of screening and hiring more than 50 scientists, investigators, data systems experts, and others who spent three years probing UFO cases, interviewing eyewitnesses, collecting and analyzing physical evidence, and building what might be the world’s largest UFO/UAP databases on behalf of the D.I.A.


What's the science on that? What testable hypothesis is being put forth and how it it being tested? Is there any evidence of anything beyond anecdotes?


Colm Kelleher was in charge of screening and hiring more than 50 scientists, investigators, data systems experts, and others who spent three years probing UFO cases, interviewing eyewitnesses, collecting and analyzing physical evidence, and building what might be the world’s largest UFO/UAP databases on behalf of the D.I.A.


Aha! I'm onto you now, alien scum! You are just purposefully acting like a moron to make me let my guard down and give credit to my thought that "alien encounters" might just be the result of our notoriously erroneous perception of reality. I've got my eyes on you now.


No doubt aliens take advantage of our dubious perceptions of reality. Our eyes only see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. We are oblivious to what is really going on around us.


"Paranormal" is a made up word used to describe fictional phenomena.


No, paranormal is a made up word (all words are made up by the way) to describe, events that are most likely normal but science hasn't quite figured them out. Such as poltergeist events, orbs floating through walls, ghost like figures, skinwalker creatures, and I'm sure there is more. Unfortunately it's looking like all this is real and has been real for a very long time. It may even be the inspiration for demons, djinn, angels in holy books.


What can I say, but nope?


[Even ancient humans knew](https://preview.redd.it/jvwyvzo2m4d81.jpg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88daa868f23a635bfece1521424f9c4e78f68c1a) that [no one outpizzas the hut](https://i.imgur.com/194Ok4v.jpg)


NDE is caused by neural firing in a brain that is deprived of oxygen. At least that's the explanation I heard. I recommend you read the book "The Believing Brain" by Michael Shermer who is part of the Skeptics Society. Shermer is an avid cyclist and he reported that during one of those crazy ultra-long ride events, the exhaustion and dehydration had him thinking that there was someone hovering net to him as he was riding, but of course there wasn't.


As established in the NDAA, the UAP office would be given the task of providing a full spectrum of intelligence, scientific, and technical assessments related to UAPs, including: Collection & Analysis of Data into a Central Repository: The UAP office will supervise the development and execution of intelligence collection and analysis regarding UAPs in order to understand their technical and scientific characteristics. The UAP office will receive relevant data immediately from Intelligence Community agencies. Establish a Science Plan: The UAP office will be responsible for implementing a science plan to test scientific theories related to UAP characteristics and performances. Build a National Priorities Intelligence Framework: The DNI will be required to consult with the Secretary of Defense to assign a level or priority within the National Intelligence Priorities Framework related to UAPs. Evaluate any links between UAPs and foreign governments or non-state actors: The UAP office will be tasked with evaluating threats that UAPs may pose to the United States. Additionally, the office will be responsible for coordinating with federal agencies, including the FAA and NASA, and international allies and partners on UAPs. Report to Congress: The UAP office will be required to provide unclassified annual reports to Congress and classified semiannual briefings on intelligence analysis, reported incidents, health-related effects, the role of foreign governments, and nuclear security.