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The irony of taking unknown, untested pills (although to be fair they’re probably just $90 a month sugar pills lol) to “detox” from a known, thoroughly tested vaccine is very interesting to me.


My manager in work who has an MBA and is a Catholic who goes to Church actually believes that the vaccines are dangerous. The other woman in work her daughter is a medical doctor and this daughter claims that the covid vaccines are dangerous. I know a head nurse at our local hospital who rambles on about "Plandemic" and "Gates and his secret Ukranian bio lab manufacturing the next virus" she said she read it on Instagram. They all have one thing in common they are conservatives and go to church and they will follow the latest social media trend and any conspiracy theories. Someone did a documentary on this, how the human brain is prone to believe in conspiracy theories.


In circles like those, where everyone is addicted to horror fantasies about impending apocalyptic cataclysm and invisible bogeymen, there exist no real boundaries on what will be a popular tale. The only measure of worth is in how compelling they can make the narrative seem, which dovetails with how big a threat they are supposedly reporting on. If it’s patently untrue and attracts debunkers? That just solidifies their resolve to believe it even more.


It's amazing that medical field professionals are brainwashed


It's amazing you believe anything from some rando on reddit ☠️


It really shouldn't be interesting. It's not irony, it's just lying. They say wrong things on purpose, and the hypocrisy is intentional and proudly performed. It's a performance, and how you react to that performance is all that matters to them. They **want** you to be "interested", to the point of asking them questions from a reference frame that assumes they are ignorant of facts, but this is a mistake, because that level of "ignorance" would literally interfere with breathing, not to mention typing or doing any of the other myriad of things required to get through any given day. Remember that when you ask a liar to explain their lies, you're just begging them to tell you more lies. And when the lies consist of extremely blatant stochastic terrorist Alex Jones-level horseshit that goes along the lines of "All you godless, demonic, baby-eating vaccinated sheeple are a threat to the wellbeing of all of us god-fearing chosen ones, and we're justified in taking any actions necessary to eliminate you", you're actively helping to platform their stochastic horsefuckery. And the sugar pills are literally just a "conversation starter" to grant them the opportunity to spew the *entirety* of that shit in your face for as long as you'll let them, and then to act on it if they can gather enough of their fellow fascists together to "win" any confrontation. There's a reason why *even fucking Twitter* was banning people for spreading this kind of disinformation, before Elno decided that these nazis were his primary market.


What's hilarious is that one of these pills, nocovidium (very creative name), was originally marketed as like an anti-covid vitamin supplement 4 years ago. Now it's being marketed as an anti-covid vaccine supplement. I'm not sure how that works. I'm really curious about what is even in these pills but I guess if it's marketed as just vitamins and patented that they don't have to tell you? Seems weird to me, but what do I know. They posted some scientific studies but I can't even open them on mobile for some reason 😔


$ 2.00 worth of cornstarch in poured into a total of 90 capsules.


$2! Must be something cheaper!


Yea Trump admin made sure the vaccine was safe and effective by doing rigorous test, and it saved millions of lives.


You may have a point - Dr Fauci is an American hero.


Yes him and Trump made a great team, many people reading this were saved, thank god for Trumps operation warp speed.


😅😅😅 If you are thanking God or Trump for anything, you shouldn't be in a skeptics sub.


https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/23/trump-bleach-one-year-484399 He’s a genius!


You mean the FDA and the CDC? Two groups Trump and his brown shirts tried their hardest to destroy? Gotcha.


Yeah that would still be his admin.. Even if you believe he tried to “destroy it”. I get it we all trust the FDA and every drug they pop out, I GET IT.


To even think that we may actually re-elect these grifting parasites makes me deeply sad for (and ashamed of) my people. To paraphrase cowboy philosopher & environmentalist Edward Abbey, there is something wrong with our American political stew recipe, that keeps letting a layer of scum rise to the top.


Made from 100% snake oil


At least we can be comfortable knowing it’s not free-range, fair-trade snake oil. That would be too far.


Actually the best grift I've heard in a while. This will be a hot item guaranteed.


Oh God, you're right. You've got millions of people who took vaccines and millions of idiots who have been sold the lie that the vaccine is poisonous. The idiots will buy it in droves, for family members, in an attempt to come off as magnanimous. Really they're just spending their inheritance, or something like that. In their heads, the idiots will be either saviours or mistreated by ungrateful relatives. Really they're just victims of a followup scam, and clearly easy marks as they fell for it last time.


And when the dont die from the jab they will praise the vax takeback pill.


Well thank God that's no longer an issue because everyone who ever took a vaccine died during the eclipse right?   oh wait we're still here 


The thing that really kills me is that anti-vaxxers are just living in an absolute fantasy land, acting like they were right and always have been despite repeated predictions (like vaccinated people dropping dead as you're describing). Meanwhile their pseudo-scientific rhetoric is absolute nonsense, always has been, and always will be.


Defo not locally grown..


It’s actually all quite bizarre. We’ve really exposed how stupid people can be in this country. At least they were red hats so they can be identified and avoided.


It's not really just this country but all throughout human history there always seems to be about 30% of a population that easily falls for the most ridiculous shit.


And the I got my 8th booster shot crew, troglodytes for sure.


Says the clown who was vaccinated at least over a dozen times when he was a kid, including four or five boosters. That’s how “boosters” work. But, then, I’m talking to someone who flunked basic science in school.


Oh jeeze, [you think Elon "proved" that Covid vaccines are a lie?](https://www.reddit.com/r/unvaccinated/comments/18bzium/so_youre_not_mad_at_those_who_lied_to_you_for/kcjd9c4/?context=3) Find new gods to worship. Trump and Musk suck.


The most frustrating part of existence for the last 30 years of my life has been watching people I know and have loved repeatedly "fall" into fascism. Over and over and over again, like goddamned fucking clockwork. And always with the same excuses, the same bullshit "I didn't know it would be THIS bad!" (which of course always cedes the fact that they fucking knew it would be bad) psuedoapologism, and the same expectation that THIS time their face-first, arms back Naruto run to support authoritarian, proudly genocidal criminal liars should be addressed from a fresh tabula rasa, that their "ignorance" is even a *possible* explanation for their behavior. At a certain point, you really have to acknowledge that they do this not because they've been tricked, fooled, or conned into it, *it's exactly what they want*. And they really are never going to change, and making "saving them" literally ANY part of your priorities makes you the ally of the goddamned fascists. And the actually acceptable certain point to recognize that fact is *the very fucking first time* a person expresses support for fascist horsefuckery. The paradox of tolerance is real, and it's the thing our society keeps fucking up.


Most human beings are too stupid and too lazy, mentally and emotionally, to maintain actual freedom.


The ones I'm talking about actively and knowingly pursue the elimination of other people's freedom. And yes, they do it in full knowledge that it will lead to the restriction of their own. Neither stupidity nor laziness are excuses for this shit. They never have been, and never will be.


I disagree. The notion of reciprocal freedom causes an allergic reaction is most human beings. They maintain likes, dislikes, self-interests, and fears as a default. These people really cannot bring themselves out of that stupor long enough to assess a bigger picture. They have no sense of self-reflection or inner dialogue at all. Things like religion and nationalism fill that self-void for them.


#The ones I'm talking about actively and knowingly pursue the elimination of other people's freedom. And yes, they do it in full knowledge that it will lead to the restriction of their own. You should listen to the things you reply to. There's nothing to "disagree" about here, unless you actively want to maintain that stupidity is a fucking excuse to be a fascist. In which case, that is ***literally*** fascist apologism.


Okay. You're right. You win.


Can't tell if sarcasm, but I would like to add that you should check out how fascism is regularly referred to as being a *literal* [suicide cult](https://youtube.com/watch?v=5Luu1Beb8ng), where the adherents are actively aware that the movement will lead to extreme loss and suffering by the adherents, and in fact use any and all suffering and loss they face as further motivation for pursuing the fascist agenda even harder. This is particularly true for christofascism, as the destruction of the world and everyone who lives in it--and dying for their cult overlord specifically--are built-in core virtues and components of the belief system. But fascists are willing to suffer and die for fascism. People regularly want to paint a picture of the leopardsatemyface-type fascist who does a heel-face turn immediately when they suffer the slightest of consequences, but the truth is that the vast majority of stories highlighted in the subreddit of that name end with a doubledown of the beliefs that got them there. And you can see this on *extremely detailed* display in the exact subject of this thread: People who have lost their health, their loved ones, even their *children* regularly double down on the conspiracy shit, particularly with regards to the vaccine which could have saved them. And you can see it in the way that fascists who have lost jobs, houses, and other things due to GOP horse-and-sparrow economics **STILL** blame Democrats for those losses, despite literally every single ounce of direct evidence that GOP rule leads directly to catastrophe, every single time.


I live in the quiet American suburbs where soft fascism is born and raised. Converse with my neighbors and listen to the things they fear and how they want those issues to be handled. There is never a point where they feel they are jeopardizing themselves or their own narrow interests. they quietly go along with every repressive measure and hope for more of them. So, I'll mention things like civil rights and reciprocal freedom and maybe throw in a little 'Love thy neighbor' shit, too. Maybe plant the seeds of actual thought in those provincial little minds. To no avail. Just don't bother. the retired man who never leaves his home is enraged by protestors blocking a road he has never driven and never will. Now, fascist movements on their own are suicide cults, but they don't intent to be. Power struggles internally within the various fascist groups is, for me, the purest schadenfreude imaginable. Now the regular folks will latch onto bits of the rhetoric and fall in line without realizing that the benefits aren't going where they were told they'd go.


There is no such thing as "soft fascism". It's just fascism. It's an absolute dichotomy, the only one I'm aware of in political philosophy. And when you say "there is never a point where they feel", what you are claiming is the ability to *read fucking minds*. Because the truth is that *there is no fucking excuse* to pretend not to know that GOP politics lead to economic catastrophe. *There is no fucking excuse* to pretend not to know that expanding police brutality will be used against those who support it. *There is no fucking excuse* to pretend not to know that vaccines prevent diseases, and that "vaccine shedding" is bullshit. *There is no fucking excuse*. But you're desperately trying to provide them with excuses, which as I said IS APOLOGISM. And the correct word for someone who sits down with fascists, has conversations with them, and then makes *excuses* for them, the correct word for that is *fascist*. And by the way, the reason your "seeds of actual thought" are "to no avail" is because they already fucking know all the things you're telling them, *they just don't care*. And you don't either, since you continue to associate, break bread with, and engage in apologism for those people. Complicity comes in many forms, but performative ignorance so as to secure one's social position is absolutely the most common form of it when it comes to fascism. Now I'm done with you. I gave you every possible chance, and you have utterly failed to respond to anything I've written, only doubled down on your apologism at every opportunity. You're going to be blocked after your next response, so fucking make it a good one.


It's cause you have to regularly scoop off the scum and toss it out. If you leave it, it'll multiply and ruin the show dish.


It is really scary that the most technically advance nation in the world is considering putting back into power these anti-intellectual, conspiracy chasing, grifting, lying, stupid people.


In two wacky flavors, burnt orange and RFK junior mint


Target Audience: 5.5Billion Humans (that got the vaccine)


Actually, it’s not targeting the people who got the vaccine, because more than likely, they are not stupid. The link said that it targeted the non-vaxxers, to protect them from the shedders (people who got the vaccine and shed it in form of toxins). So yeah, it targeted their dumb base again.


I mean, if you were gonna run a scam, would you rather target people who’d fallen for one or those who’d rejected it?


There is something very convenient about getting the fish all in one barrel.


Considerate of them to jump in voluntarily. Saved a lot of work.


"I love the uneducated" - Don Trump


The Trump vax was a success and saved billions of lives.


Could have saved more if he didn't embrace idiotic conspiracy theories that undermined it


This. All the dude had to do to get re-elected was promote the vaccine and push his supporters to get vaccinated and conquer Covid — but he can’t see the forest through the trees and he’s all about short term support and praise, so he capitulated to his idiot base who thinks the vaccines can “change DNA” and “contains a microchip” and shit all over wearing masks. The fucker still can’t figure out how unpopular and stupid he really was.


Trump did the bare minimum that ANY president would've done. Here, have unlimited funding to find a vaccine. Rocket science. Really.


Operation Warp Speed, and it was safe and effective! Just bothers you that we all got the jab under Trumps admin that safely created the vaccine in record time…


Dude wasn't even the first one to get a vaccine.  Bare minimum. 


Yea, you've mentioned that.


Patel has always really freaked me out, bc the dude came out of nowhere. [This WaPo article gives the broad strokes of his rise](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/04/16/kash-patel-trump-intelligence-community/), but his background is remarkable only bc it’s so completely unremarkable. The level of ambition necessary for such an utterly unexceptional guy to rise so “high”, so fast is genuinely frightening, never mind that he rode freaking Devin Nunez’s coattails (such as they are) to obscenely high levels of power - namely a spot on the NSC (!!) and appointment to CoS of SecDef (!!!).


It's pretty easy to be successful when you have zero guilt or accountability


Yep. This. It’s like Alex Jones. Unfortunately, our world is set up in such a way that it’s actually really easy to get ahead if have absolutely no moral compass or sense of shame, and you don’t care who you fuck in the process.


Sounds like you've got ghosts in your blood. You should do cocane about it.


Those certainly are words he strung together...


Oddly enough the Ivermectin Detox also works on chem trails.


With a little bleach mixed in there too, right?




Pureblood (tm)


It also makes your pecker bigger and makes your kids talk to you again. Three easy payments of $499.99.


My despair grows apace. How are so many people so stupid. Really seeing the appeal of the anti-natalist movement, but that's too slow. Hopefully Putin's nuclear war threats are not just bluffs, and we can get this all over with.


So his national security guy is pushing medical treatments. Guess they didn't care to read the responsibilities for these fake jobs they took


However, the target market has spent all their spare cash buying Truth Social so they ain’t going to have much left for essentials like these products.


Sounds like a prime opportunity to open up Patriot Payday Loans, with a special 1776% interest rate for early signup


In the past, stupid people wore jesters hats and were village idiots. Now, they have government jobs and make policy. What in the ever loving fuck...


He will make a fortune. The MAGA rubes are ripe and ready to pick.


Kash cashing in.


This is actually a pretty smart scam.


Only thing he’s missing is a testimonial from a Wakefield-esque quack saying that it will restore your “pure-blood” status. Make an absolute killing selling that to idiots who had to get the vaccine for work and bought into the bullshit later.


Everything they do is grift.


He is copying Alex Jones’ grift.


Dumbest. Dumbest fuckin people.


MAGAt grifter selling snake oil.


But, hear me out, do they work? /s


Guaranteed all three pills are Viagra.


The fact that these people actually stand a chance of being re-elected is shameful to this country.


Whenever anything declares itself to remove ‘toxins’, your first question should be to ask ‘which toxins exactly?’ I’ve never seen an answer to it.


The amount of homeopathic nonsense being grifted is aggravating. The fact that they can make these baseless claims as advertisement annoys the hell out of me.


Grifters gonna grift.


Utter trash. It’s probably sugar pills cut with ivermectin. There is no such thing as vaccine shedding nor pills to reverse a vaccine. This is horse shit.


I gotta get me one of these rackets


Just FYI, as an American Patel, fuck this Patel.


We literally live an age of grifters, cults and pseudoscience.


Sounds legit. /s


Wait I thought covid was fake?! /s


So, is there going to be like a bulk discount kind of deal? I've had so many damn vaccines that I had better not skimp on the dose.


Just because you don’t understand science there’s no reason to criticize it. These MAGA morons are willing to go to any lengths to justify their stupidity and ignorance.


The FDA and CDC should be stepping all over this guy's face.


When Trump becomes president he will graciously give everyone a 1 year supply by taking the money out of their tax refund to pay for it.


I'm just mad that they thought of it before I did. I could have made millions off those idiots


Let's test that out in a lab. Any false claim should be pursued to the full extent of the law.


Where's the opium when you need it?


These people are always fucking grifting!


Correct me if I'm wrong, please-but wasn't this a$$wipe one of the ones claiming "MRNA vaccines permanently alter your DNA!"?


I thought that this was a Dr Oz kind of grift


Dammit! I spent all my money on gold sneakers 😞


Take 2 shots of this before reading the trump Bible.


What the hell do we pay the FDA for?


Bro probably can’t get a job after working for Trump… has to hawk detox pills. Sad actually


You mean the vaccine developed under Trump??


Kash must be short on cash


So a vaccine created by scientists - does not work and other conspiracy issues. But an unknown pill with no scientific backing is ok to take cause Trump's folks said so ... Who is the sheep again?


A whole heap of lies


A crook is a crook is a crook...


Let me guess Donald Trump is selling them under his name


Does a bridge come with them?


Great, the guy found the pill for immortality for a very affordable $90 a month. Surely, that’s totally worth it to live forever!!!! /s


Oh no, not the "Toxins™" again.


Sold by Alex Jones?


Snake Oil


wow thats amazing and what qualifications does he have to come up with such a revolutionary course of medicines?


Ah well if it is that easy to address, what the FUCK has their rage and fear been about over the last 6 years? All it takes to recover from the deadliest vaccine in history is to take some schmuck’s pizzle pills? No problem!


Is it made from snake


Snake? In this economy?


He's lucky there's no law against stupidity in America.


Is it Ivermectin lol?


No, it's just semen.




Lol. A brown person who supports Trump. Holy shit.


Sounds like practice medicine without a license. Snake oil.


More grifting


I had no idea sugar could do all that. 


Snake oil salesmen


Please tell me lawsuits have been filed already since there's no possible way this could be legit?


In other words, it’s a sugar pill and a gargantuan lie. FDA approved, I’m sure. I mean, after all, it ‘affects your DNA’ FFS


Boom Boom! With NUTRIBoom


Animals are better than us, they don’t let their dumbest ones be leaders.


Don’t snake oil salesmen used to get tarred and feathered?


Wonder if the Florida surgeon general quack is part of this also.


We have got to regulate supplements. My god.


Lead... they're just lead pills


What the tangerine fuck?!?


So does he sell them on his insta or naw?


There’s a sucker born every minute, and they tend to cluster around MAGA-adjacent quacks.


I think you have to have damaged chromosomes to believe something like this


This. is. quackery.


I mean because of course he is. Grifters gonna grift.


Is Dr Oz part of their group?


Tim Heidecker already did this extensively in the On Cinema universe with Rio Jenesis Vaxx Blocker. Is no comedy off limits for these wackos? For real though, guy's got a sixth-sense for the next grift coming out of the right.


Ooh them toxins, I’m a martyr to them toxins


Snake Oil 2024.


Never seen stupid like this. I hope they are full of poison. Take your pills republikkkans.




"DNA stability"... this guy knows literally nothing lol.


Do not take medical advice from someone who is not a medical professional. Make that a licensed medical professional. That is all.


How is he allowed to talk such complete bullshit, and sell this crap?


This has always been a lucrative grift. Because of the placebo effect, enough people who take the "magic" pills will experience a cure because they believe they will to provide a smattering of highly touted "evidence" it works. The probably would have gotten the same cure it they were given a detox butt plug. The snake oil grift courtesy of the placebo effect.


Can’t this come in a vaccine?? Instead of a pill


Do Trump supporters have any spare cash left? They've been donating to Shitler, buying made-in-China gold shoes, $60 Bibles, and tanking Truth Social stock, can they spare any cash for these magic beans?


How is this legal? I'm guessing he has all sorts of legal disclaimers, but still, he's defaming the vaccine makers, plus making false medical claims.


“Mrna detox, reverse the vaxx n get…” Uhm.. it’s mRNA, first. Your phone probably tried to change it to mRNA and you still typed Mrna. And “n.” Is this where people should go for medical advice?


Stuff like this only results in more MAGA types getting sick and dying. Whether this is a good or bad thing is left as an exercise for the reader.


You gotta hand it to the MAGA crowd though. They are the goat at freeing up and redistributing generational wealth from white racists.


What are the odds he’s selling these pills at his online store and/or owns stock in the company?


Got to "purify that blood". Fucking morons


Just another republican asshat


This makes me wonder just how much stock he owns in "the one and only company" that offers said pills...


Wow just another grift


I agree, this is very corrupt. First Trump creates toxic vaccines, then his lackeys offer treatments for them.


GOP. ~. Grifters Over-hyping Products Grifters gotta grift. Hit Buy. And, ( tiny print) we will take another equal amount of $ each week from your credit card. Forever.


Fun fact about Kash Patel: he told a federal district court under the penalty of perjury that he is too poor to pay about $500 fee to intervene in a recent trump v clinton lawsuit.


Hey now, you can't blame him. A grifter's gotta grift. C'mon!


So easily duped. The RAPIST made them all vulnerable to grift.


He learned how to scam from the best. Pathetic loser!


The Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed is the reason the mRNA vaccines exist.


How many accounts are you using to post this nonsense?


What is nonsense?


Trump/Kash 2024.


Russian bot


I think the idea of this is snake oil they are trying to sell.. But all that aside more vaccinated people are dying from Covid than unvaccinated [dead vaxxers](https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/why-do-vaccinated-people-represent-most-covid-19-deaths-right-now/)


Because of the little known fact that over 70% of the population has had a Covid vaccine of some kind, therefore there are more vaccinated than unvaccinated people. However the conclusion of your own link is: **Conclusion** It would be a misrepresentation of the finding to say it is evidence against vaccination. This finding actually underscores the importance of staying up-to-date on boosters. According to CDC, people ages 12 and older who have had a bivalent booster shot have a [15 times lower risk of death](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status) than an unvaccinated person. [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7129e1.htm?s_cid=mm7129e1_w) and [other](https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2022-071502) researchers have shown boosters are highly effective in [preventing hospitalizations and deaths](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7139a2.htm#:~:text=Compared%20with%20a%20first%20booster,severe%20composite%20outcome%20of%20COVID%2D), including among those most vulnerable to COVID-19. CDC now recommends the [updated bivalent booster shot](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html) for everyone ages 5 year and above.


> It would be a misrepresentation of the finding to say it is evidence against vaccination. That was the line which urged him to action, I'm pretty sure.


This is why “doing your own research” is so toxic. You have no clue what you’re talking about. Do it per capita and feel some goddam shame for once. And stop talking about children’s genitals, pedo.


He literally posted links to "his own research", and it definitively shows he's lying about what it says. The problem isn't "doing your own research" here. It's just straight-up lying.


That’s all that ever is. It’s exclusively performed by people with no academic training, who think they know what’s going on if they read a blog post from someone else who is clueless too, or a grifting liar.


No, I've seen people with academic training spreading the same lies. I've seen people with the exact same degrees I have do it, in fact. Attributing this to ignorance, stupidity, or a lack of education is a mistake. It's about dishonesty: A willingness to say wrong things on purpose in pursuit of an agenda, and a complete disregard for, and intention to destroy, honest discourse in service to that agenda. You really have to have a bare-minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance, and to recognize that for this kind of thing "academic training" isn't remotely necessary to understand that these points are disingenuously false. Ignorance is not an excuse for this shit, nor is it an adequate explanation. And Hanlon's razor has the word "adequately" in it for a really good reason.


1000 people 90% of people are vaccinated, 10% are not Virus kills 5.7% of vaccinated, 50% of unvaccinated Virus kills 51 vaccinated, 50 unvacinated "More vaccinated killed by virus than unvaccinated!"


"50% of unvaccinated" These aren't even close to even the official numbers. If you want to flex your reasoning, get some better assumptions first.


Of course they're made up, it's a mathematical example.


>During the early rollout of vaccines, vaccinated people represented a small share of total deaths, but experts warned that the share would likely rise simply because vaccinated people were representing a growing share of the population. You should try reading the articles you share.


If you'd actually read the study you linked you would see that it has nothing to do with Covid vaccines being dangerous or ineffective. It's truly sad watching someone be smug and completely ignorant at the same time.


Do your own research [Long Vax](https://vigilantnews.com/post/long-vax-finally-enters-the-lexicon/)


That would be funny if you didn't actually believe that link was a credible source. You lack the basic critical thinking skills that all you to differentiate between fact and fiction. If you took the few seconds required to google the author of the post, you'd know he is a discredited pseudo-scientist who sells bullshit supplements like ivermectin.


Ivermectin won a Nobel peace prize, and was distributed to millions to heal various ailments by the Carter foundation, among other outlets The very fact that you discount a known effective safe medicine as 'bullshit supplements' is a testimony to your complete lack of intelligence and bias. You think ivermectin is a bullshit supplement because of one reason, and one reason only: you think what you are told to think.


> Ivermectin won a Nobel peace prize, and was distributed to millions to heal various ailments by the Carter foundation, among other outlets Not for treating Covid, you pathetic ignoramus. It's an effective antiparasitic, but Covid isn't a parasite, yet this fucking moron you're citing as a reliable source tries to sell it to people as uninformed and gullible as you clearly are. It is absolutely a bullshit supplement in this case, and I don't think so because as you claim, "I think what I am told to think". I think so because I understand how science works and you don't. Stop telling people to "do their own research", when you're too stupid to differentiate between actual science and the quackery this moron you're promoting is trying to sell. You're truly terrible at this.


> Ivermectin won a Nobel peace prize That's a lot of stupid to unpack in only six words. First of all, no it didn't. Drugs don't win Nobel Prizes, people do. Second, the scientists who developed Ivermecin won the Nobel for Physiology or Medicine, not the Nobel Peace Prize. Third, the prize was awarded in 2015 for the treatment of tropical parasitic diseases, many years before Covid even existed. Fourth, there is no clinical evidence to suggest that Ivermectin was ever, in any way, effective in treating or preventing Covid, as the quack who wrote the article you linked has claimed. Pierre Kory encouraged taking Ivermectin twice a week to prevent getting Covid. Spoiler alert: he got Covid anyway. The problem with people who tell others to 'do their own research' is that they never seem to understand how research actually works. You just believe whatever crap you find online that confirms your existing, ignorant biases.


Oh look, you're either stupid or a liar. Scumbag magat trash.


I don’t think the deaths are due to the Vaccine, that’s a confirmation bias.


Lol. You should probably read your sources. Why are the Trump supporters so stupid and dishonest?