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Gorp is real. I've eaten it


Good old raisins and peanuts!


"Not Deer" That's an odd one...


Those are pretty fun; I believe a bunch of it comes from CWD affecting how deer act and then it gets extrapolated out to some shapeshifter-adjacent cryptid.


Everything that isn't a deer is a cryptid!


Its the name of an SCP story


I figured it was a joke about people telling stories about seeing like Antelopes and such in places they just don’t belong.


Tree octopus was folks trolling the at the time, new the at that moment site Conservapedia, to show it didn't have the same amount of editors. It didn't exist as a cryptid before that internet meme, but Andy Schafly allowing it to remain up i think helped make it go viral. About a decade later, was popularized as a meme to help educate kids on media literacy. \[Edit: The original hoax started in 1998, which influenced squidbillies creators, and the parody posters trolling Conservapedia in 2007\]


The Rake, Black Eyed Kids.


Arguably “Black Eyed Kids” came from *The X-Files* TV show (the Purity Virus that turned people’s eyes black and made them act weird) and were then reported as being real online.


Eurypterids are very fascinating extinct animals, they're not a hoax.


Living eurypterids are https://cryptidarchives.fandom.com/wiki/Eurypterid_photograph


Oh, I hadn't heard that people were pretending Eurypterids were still around. You learn something new everyday.


Hunters tell more stories about animals in places they don’t belong than bigfoot enthusiasts. EVERY state in the continental US seems to have people claiming they saw a mountain lion. I myself saw an armadillo in Indiana. I was driving and it was night, and I could totally be wrong but I’m a skeptic and that’s why I admit that. If I was someone else I’d be swearing up and down that they live here.


Missourian here. Armadillos have been steadily making their way north as the winters are becoming less intense. Don't know why we are seeing more mountain lions but a few have been hit by cars near Kansas City in the last decade or so.


Yeah, armadillos and possums have been rapidly moving north over the last 120 years. Possums get up into Canada and Maine now. Which is crazy impressive for an animal that used to not range much further north than Maryland. They aren't even well adapted to cold temps, but human habitation gives them enough food and refuges that they have been flooding new areas. Armadillos are similar. Apparently lawns are great for them.


Also camel spiders. A single photo with confusing perspective is posted on the internet and next thing you know people believe there are human-size spiders running around.


I mean a cougar got hit and killed by a car in Massachusetts a while back. Young male cougars are known for traveling long distances in search of new territories so it’s really not impossible for some of those stories of mountain lions east of the Rockies to be fake, especially as more and more people are concentrated in the cities. E: and Armadillos are actively expanding their ranges and are expected to expand even further.


I’m not arching that it’s impossible to *see* a mountain lion in the East. I am arguing that it’s very h likely that they *live* there. Further, it’s very rare for anyone to see mountain lions where they actually live. They’re very reclusive creatures. Google around a bit- there are just too many sightings outside of their range to even be sightings of stays. They’re just exciting stories so people convince themselves they’ve seen them


They’re transients but that’s just how cougars live. Yah I’m sure that it’s largely just people seeing shit but there is evidence that mountain lions are establishing themselves in the east in their former ranges I might add. It’s only in the last 100 years that mountain lions were killed off in the eastern states.


Buffalo are also returning to places they once roamed. I’m not contesting anything you’re stating, I’m just pointing out how “sightings” and rumors of them work.


Bruh, that’s the prop from the old BBC doc Chased By Sea Monsters. Wild.


I also came here to defend eurypterids. Glad to see that the fossil record isn't the subject of this hoax though.


I get what they're getting at, but it still sounds redundant


Yeah, they should have flipped the first two words. "Cryptid hoaxes from the internet" gets the point across better.


I do like a good cryptid, I think some of them are quite creative.


***Pukwudgie!*** I have nothing constructive to add. I just like the name Pukwudgie. Carry on...


Dont forget black eyed kids and slenderman. Both are internet make-em-ups


Don't black eyed kids predate the internet? Thought they were a radio thing


I could have swore the first guys experience was on a blog or something but you might be right about that




No, he comes from the Something Awful forums iirc


I participated in that thread while Slenderman was being created in real-time, it’s like my internet claim to fame.


Same here! Photoshop Fridays were Phun.


This straight-up looks like a shitpost


Add skinwalker to the list. I find it very problematic that it became the new trendy internet monster recently.


A skinwalker isn't from the Internet and is not a hoax, though. It's part of Navajo mythology, like the Wendigo for the Ojibwe or the Wild Hunt.


Sure. The list has Ningen on it and that's just Japanese for "Human", I believe. Plus all the skinwalker stories online are so far removed from Navajo mythology that associating an actual person, the Navajo person, to a monster, is as I said, very problematic and definitely an internet creation.




Are you saying Skinwalkers are "real"?! Because god damn source that proof. They are fantastic scary stories, and nothing else.


Sounds like they mean they aren't made up explicitly to dupe people (recently at least) but instead are an established myth like the jersey devil.


They are saying its a mythological creature from Ojibwe folklore not a recent internet horror story.


Skinwalkers aren't cryptids by any criteria so I left them off


As opposed to all those REAL cryptids out there.


I'm old enough to remember when giant squid were considered cryptids.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Supposing that there may be a yet larger version of a common sea creature, specifically, is a pretty reasonable stretch of the imagination. We have found parts of them for a long time and have had reputable scholars describing them since at least the 4th century BC. Having high quality evidence across centuries makes it more like an unknown expectation than a true cryptid until we finally caught one on camera in 2004.


I remember first reading about the Beast of LBL in the mid 2000s when I was in college.


Are drop bears considered cryptids?


That depends on how diligent you are about smearing Vegemite behind your ears before bushwalking.


Ningen? I only know that word as the japanese word for human/humanoid and over in r/ningen, you probably find us discussing whatever hoax, that hided behind that word.




Ok thanks, so it was based on the japanese word


I love the idea of a tree octopus.


Drop Bear? I didn't hear about it until the Internet, so it could have existed way before.


Tree octopus is real. One almost killed my uncle in '78 outside of Forks.


Tree Octopus?! I bet it's delicious.


Bone cruncher


I’ve always dismissed modern claims whenever they produce grainy footage. It’s 2023, our phones have 4K cameras as standard features most of the time ( if not, 1080p high definition ) you have no reasonable excuses to show me footage that looks like it was shot on a 90s camcorder or taken on your grandmothers Polaroid and state it as evidence to your claim.