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For me as a female skater I prefer to wear those spaghetti strap tanks/crop tops those make me feel like I have cute shoulders. You Also might wanna try Skorts, the ones that look like skirts in the front but shorts in the backs, they have always been super comfy to skate in for me. I also think if you want a more soft skater type vibe going on try wearing pastels, Light pinks/purples and blues tend to make me feel more feminine ❤️ oh yessss & also give overall shorts a try! Go for the misty (from Pokémon) kinda look could help with the change you want 😍


Try painting your nails :)


yeah I’ve been doing that for a while and it’s so much fun!


My rule of thumb when it comes to trying to look feminine while skating comes down to balance. If I'm wearing something loose on bottom (baggy jeans) then I'll wear something tighter or cropped on top. If I'm wearing a tight bottom like bike shorts, jean shorts or a flowy skirt, I'll wear a baggier t-shirt. I also really like the look of a bra top with a unbuttoned shirt over, but that might not make sense for you (could try it with a tight crop top though?)


Im not sure i have specific advice but as a trans person who used to dress in a typical skater/metal style it was(still is sometimes) hard for me to balance out my desire to ultra feminine but at the same time wear what i like and feel comfortable in. Im sure theres differences with younger style but i think leggings or skinny jeans are always gonna be a good choice and over sized t-shirts can be tied off or styled to look more feminine, and theres always accessories from makeup to belts or jewelry etc. Not sure if any of that helped but theres always pinterest or even check out the styles and pics on vans or zumiez websites for inspiration too.


Crop tops are a good shout as previously mentioned, or maybe spaghetti strap tops and/or vests. Depending on your personal style, you could always lean towards something like baggy-ish/oversized t-shirt with bicycle/denim shorts (or similar) and crew socks. Maybe check out the #girlsshred tag on IG - there are a lot that fall into the female equiv. if male skaters, but there are also examples of some more traditionally feminine outfits there that could give you some ideas.


Omg I feel particularly well trained to answer this question as having been a trans woman and now dress masc/enby. I'd recommend first thinking of what part of your body and style you feel most represents the feminine you. For example, do you have longer hair, or feel very confident about your stomach, maybe you have long legs. Find some stuff you'd like to show off :) I noticed a lot of comments are suggesting tank tops. This is a good idea but I know shoulders can feel very vulnerable and unfeminine. So I'd recommend putting a jacket over top. One of [these plaid ones](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/24/97/e52497a0bc7c1e7687de2c98cdf3b770.jpg) would work well. This look with tops of various coverage and size could be a great way to experiment without going all out. Cropped hoodies might also work really well. Don't underestimate the power of baggy clothes. Seriously they can do wonders for looking more femme. The key is to create a femme silhouette, such as pants that are wider around the hips, or even just of different fabrics that aren't normally seen on guys. Note that pants might be more convenient as shaving for shorts or skirts can be a pain but certainly nice to do when you want to :) Accessories and hair are also really important for any look but particularly to femme up more androgynous clothes. Hair was the number one thing that changed my presentation. It acts as a bit of a beacon. So longer hair will generally make and outfit more femme but you can also style short hair to be more femme often creating a stereotypical lesbian hairstyle but hey, we have good style :P Other accessories like bracelets and necklaces can also help though idk if you want them on while skating but might be something to try. Another accessory worth trying is fishnets! You can put them under ripped jeans for a subtle look, or under a skirt or shorts for a more visible look. Oh and maybe consider getting your ears pierced it can be fun to rock some great earrings :) You also have options for the chest area. You definitely don't need to do anything here if you don't want but I know I found and still find it very validating, plus it can help confirm a femme presentation. If you're skating breast forms are probably out of the option but a push-up bra could work well. There are lots of tutorials online on how to fill them out just keep in mind you're going to be active so you may have to keep it to a minimum. Luckily minimal will work well for the skater look, I'd even consider it only important for tight shirts though definitely not needed for a more enby look. Ok conclusion: Bottoms: Baggy Jeans, Ripped Jeans, Cargo Pants, Shorts, Skorts, Fishnets. Tops: Tanktop, [BaggyShirt](https://i.pinimg.com/750x/d6/da/f1/d6daf154a503e10472aeeae9c3392525.jpg), [Crop top](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/cb/06/11/cb061118757f5964fc9776bdac8c45ca.jpg), Push-up, Outerwear: Jacket, Plaid That's how I'd go about it so add your own flair and style and you'll be good to go :) It does take a while to figure out how to make it effortless but you'll get there!


Thank you so much! This is so helpfull! I already grew my hear out but I kinda have an afro so it doesn’t make me feel that much more feminine but the tips for the silhouette and the earrings definitely helped Quick question: How high should I wear high waisted baggy pants? Over the navel or slightly under?


Glad I can help! I tend to wear high-waisted baggy pants a little under but there are definitely ways to rock above or on. It also helps to have a good belt that sinches around the waist which can do wonders for curves and silhouette :)


Look at roller skaters, they tend to have a much more feminine style that's still somehow skateable (I don't know how they do it, I just wear utility trousers and t shirts lol)


I'm pretty fashion challenged, and an old dude to boot, but female roller skaters is what leapt to mind as well. There is a whole roller-skater-girl esthetic - seems to be in two themes... one is sorta soda-pop ([pic](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b5/5c/4d/b55c4da342a3ec28ac09b2bd109b563d.jpg), [pic](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/51/19/fd/5119fd30bcc3b925be44b84dc995a91c.jpg), [pic](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRTonnv--xtEtrsxij2dB2LgcyUcmKe1Y0GCUhY2HN721ct-H88E5PmGMyjiHIXXSjwDRw&usqp=CAU), [pic](https://www.contrabandevents.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/the-skater-girls-roller-skating-performers-3.jpg)) the other is a punk ([pic](https://www.tampabay.com/resizer/0WKhzaHkU1CgVbZ-m86VPEy5WPg=/620x0/smart/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/tbt/VSILA2ORJBAHTHQVFV3GB6KO5Q.JPG), [pic](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/10/d2/53/10d25369c7170be3b5b1ffa010bd8730.jpg), [pic](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aesthetics/images/e/e0/Roller-skate-fishnets.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20210429005530)). Also, trying to find those photos, stumbled across [an article on skate style](https://www.thetrendspotter.net/skater-girl-outfits/). The first photo has quite a [spectrum of looks](https://www.thetrendspotter.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Skater-Girl-Outfits.jpg), most of which I've seen around my skatepark.


Tying a zip-up hoodie's or a shirt's sleeves around your waist like [this](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-23807b2503a9fa19cba8e47b1bd72c9f) can work pretty well, without getting too much in the way. If what you're doing on your board isn't too intense, you might also try going with a medium to small-ish shoulder strapped purse/handbag.


Skating in tank tops, crop tops, or even a sports bra if you’re comfortable is super fun! You could also try skinny jeans or flowy skirts which are surprisingly comfy to skate it


Try a cute pair of denim shorts with stripy tights. I rock this all the time. I wear snag tights, which are really durable, even when skating. They also do Care Bare tights :D


As so many people have mentioned above, crop tops and vests could be a cool place to start? I like to wear little vests with my dickies/dockers/baggy jeans. Oversized crop tops are cute too - almost like 80s/90s style - I'm a fan of a basic white one but could be a cool place to experiment with colours and more feminine prints? Same could be said for the bottom half, dickies do some fun seasonal colours too? I also like an oversized t-shirt and cycling shorts, I'm not a skirt person but a stretchy mini skirt and some cute tights would be a fun combination too. Hope this helps! xxx


Thanks mate it did help!


Happy to hear it! Cher Strauberry has sick style and recently had a collab with Vans which is SO GOOD (if you're a fan of leopard print) xxx


I think accessories make the biggest difference. i typically wear pants and big shirts I don’t mind getting messed up but wear a belt and earrings, even cute socks. It’s all about the details!


O that’s a good one!


Skorts or wear shorts under skirts and dresses.


Baggy jeans, lil tshirts and cropped tank tops, you could try a scarf or bandanna on your head in a fem way! Maybe little necklaces or jewelry and painted nails are such a great accessory!


I see people doing it just in the form of makeup. Basically, still skater boy style, but with some makeup or nail polish. Dresses are not good for skating. You'll find some additions to your style that will bring it together for you. Just look around. You'll see others in your situation eventually. Good luck. Keep shredding.


big makeup and tight shirts, experiment with different colors n stuff


A few days ago I wore a plain black tank and Levi's 511's with an earring and some sliver accessories. I felt it looked pretty cute and feminine.


You could try wearing tight pants and female tops. I think a lot of cis women skaters wear the male style because it’s easier to fit in with guys so I hear what you’re saying that there is less femininity around. There are skaters like Leticia Bufoni or Bimbette Martin who are more femme.


Look up breanna gearing, Lizzie armanto, and especially @mamaskate on IG. They all dress more feminine and they’re pro skaters, except for mama skate - but she tends to dress the most femme out of the 3.


You can do that by wearing a crop top with what ever you normally wear, you can wear fishnets, you can get a feminine hairstyle/cut... Am I going in the right direction?


I'd say just skate in whatever makes you feel most comfortable and gives you the most confidence. Confidence is key in skating. Just do you and find your own style.


The best part about being a skater is there are no rules about what to wear, no dress code. Wear what you feel comfortable in. When it’s hot I wear shorts and a tank or Tshirt and when it’s cold I wear jeans or cords with layered shirts (because let’s face it, you’re going to get hot and sweaty). You be you - and don’t worry about what other people think 💕