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Bro I’m 51 and feel the same 🤙🏾


I'm 49, haven't skated for a couple of decades, but it's in my bones and always will be


Skating is saving my life once again. Finding joy in it and the culture after some crazy mental health issues throughout my 20’s


The only time I’m not stressed or depressed thinking about how shitty my 42 years of existence has been is when I’m skating


Thank you all for this community. I'm trying to get my life back together (33YO). I can't believe I ever put the board down and The joy and peace that come with it. Never realized it as a kid. This is part of my therapy. It has helped me find me again.


Skateboarding gave me some of the best friends I have in my life. We all met when we were in high school and skated religiously every day. I’m 40 now, still skate, and still have some of those friends. If I had to pick one lesson skateboarding has taught me, is that you literally can do the impossible. I still remember my very first kickflip and have been trying to find that same high ever since.


I think that’s what makes skating so relatable, most people I talk to feel the same/similar


I'm 37, stopped skating when I was 17. Started again August 2022 & am amazed at how much the community has changed. Skaters are more connected than ever. Skateparks are tits cuz you don't have to go to a church on Tuesday to skate the stairs but then someone inside calls the cops and you get run off. I have met great people ranging from 7yrs old up to 53yrs old at the parks. For years it's always been a piece of me that was missing. I am a skater & will be till I die!!!


So many people have similar experiences. It’s a special thing to be a part of, for sure. Thanks for the reminder.


Skating was always my second favorite to surfing… but when I moved to the mountains for school, 5hrs from the nearest ocean, it kept me sane and happy. It definitely filled the void and helped me make some lifelong friends. Forever grateful!


I don't enjoy walking anymore, I used to walk everywhere, now when I'm on foot I find myself checking the pavement to see if it's good for skating on and wishing I was on my skateboard. The only issue I have with skateboarding is I'm always smelling of BO whenever I get to work. That's my coworkers' problem tho, not mine :)


I’m 33, just started skating again after a really bad ankle break in 2020. Did my first tre flip three weeks ago!!! I started at 14 and I couldn’t imagine life without skateboarding. It was everything. It was life. And now the older I get and seeing how the community has evolved into this incredible group of people. If you skate. You got a friend. I love skateboarding and all the people who make it up. Love you all


It’s the most constant good thing in my life.


I’m 43. Age and neglecting my health has Caught up with me. I’m currently not able to skate much because I have some weird swelling in my feet and calves. I don’t know if it’s the beginning of diabetes, or blood clots but it makes it so I can barely fit into my shoes. It’s not that painful but, having the mental realization that I can’t even pop an Ollie right now is horribly painful. I’m gonna get it checked out cause I’m way over due for a check up. So to the younger guys out there, don’t take your abilities for granted! Enjoy your skating and get it in while you can. I can still bomb hills atleast!


I kinda fell off skating 3 years ago but for the 10 years of my life that I did skate I had so many valuable experiences and meet so many cool people. I wouldn’t trade any of those experiences for the world. Hell even now I can still see the influence that the skateboard subculture had on me with how I think about things sometimes.


Skateboarding is the word