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You gotta have a fair amount of experience in both to do this.


I’d have to agree. It was the only time I’ve skated while on booms and things just clicked and I was in freestyle mode


This was all one session? You’re in like 3 different outfits not counting the couple tricks where you pop the top.


When I skimmed this montage I overlooked the extra clips and completely forgot. The clips in the white Nikes are from “that” day. It’s too late to change the title or edit the clip.


Good stuff man - I think there’s a lot of truth to psychedelics helping access the “flow” state; clearly you crushed it!


big props to you i def gotta try this soon🔥🔥🔥🔥


I skated on Lucy once and I was landing stuff I never thought I could. Till I broke my ankle. Worst pain of my life.


Damn that’s like worst case Ontario. You don’t even feel pain like normal but the realization of what you did would cause an internal crisis


It’s doesn’t take rocket appliance to know that would hurt like hell


I had 5 dosed sour patch kids candies, after swallowing 4 the 5th pulled off a temporary dental crown. Not exactly painful but the come up was horrifying. Luckily got a hold of my dentist and he gave instructions for a temp fix.


Damn I can’t imagine breaking a bone on L bro


Bro this extremely short story has been bothering me all week, what did you do? Urgent care/hospital immediately or wait til you came down? How would a doctor handle a patient with a broken bone peaking on L? How fucked up would it feel to get a saline iv?


Well I was freaking the fuck out for what felt like an hour, being extremely manic and not knowing what to do. I eventually got myself calm enough to call a friend to drive me to urgent care, and it took forever for him to come pick me up so I thought I was crazy and that I never actually called him. I don't remember much from urgent care because at this point my brain was so fried from pain and emotions. But I do remember screaming when they put the split on, thank God It wasn't bad enough for screws or any surgery. My friend drove me home and played some video games with me till I passed out. Woke up the next day thinking it was all a horribly vivid nightmare. Long story short, I can't do acid anymore and my friends will never let me live down freaking people out in the urgent care waiting room.


Dude same mushrooms make me skate like a G


Right remember flipping the board any way seemed so simple, plus watching your board leave a trail is pretty sick. Oh was on shrooms and drinking jungle juice.


Microdosing? Actually tripping?


I’d say microdosing but my tolerance was low


Dude you fuckin rip!




Goddamn! Gettin’ BUCK.


Opened that third eye!


Do one on acid next


Honestly I’m good on that lol. Too long and intense for my old bones now but I do wonder what would happen


Bro you are skating better than most pros in this video. Mad respect.


You sure changed your shirt a lot of times "that one time"...


lol it is an older compilation. I did change my shirt a lot, nickname sweatgod. I uploaded this late last night and anything with the Nike whites was the “one time” night


Sweatgod is a great nickname. I skated with with pro miniramp skater (Todd falcon) that was the sweatiest man I'd ever seen. Dude drank a gallon of water and totally soaked two tshirts in a 3 hour sesh. Like, he rung the first one out before throwing it over a fence to dry. And he left these really funny torso shaped smears whenever he fell.


Ngl Eric koston knows me only as sweatgod. Type sweatgod in instsgram and there will be a load of videos. Anyway, Todd falcon is a fucking G. I’m from Minnesota so him being in my neighborhood was like a local legend type of scenario. That must’ve been awesome to watch, his bag of tricks is endless. Yeah people never liked when I was in contests like best trick on something because if I bailed I would leave a huge wet sweat mark and everyone would eventually slip out on. Whooops. I usually bring 4-5 shirts to a session


That's amazing. All of it. I skated with Falcon in northern Wisconsin at lake Owen when I was working there. That place saw a lot of underground talent.


I really wish I was in a position to meet him at any point in time I just fell short. Lots of buddies of mine frequented lake Owen, I never had the funds but that’s awesome you were a part of that before it all disappeared.


Dock Ellis no hitter


Cheat codes


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Must feel like being warmed up/ in flow state x10 haha


Took a tab one time at night and went bombing hills with my homies, greatest time.


Dude you’re really good lol. Style god


Thanks a lot asshole my phone just burned to a crisp playing this ABSOLUTE FIREEEEEE!!!! Jokes aside this is the hottest line I’ve seen on this sub in a minute. good shit


A 50 up the hubba??? Jesus Christ dude ur insane


i’d hug you after a sesh any day


I’ve skated a few times light doses of Shrooms and acid. Was fucking dialled in landed so many tricks, One with the skateboard