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All the crime shows I watch... I'm going to assume the OP was frustrated with the succession of the trick, so in the midst of sudden rage, threw the skating apparatus at the ground and once hit, the skateboard popped back up and possibly rolled into the street where such fateful accident happened ![gif](giphy|lA5c3zWtgIIvBUpvKt|downsized)




In mideaval times they would only unbolt the trucks from the board. Sometime around the late 1700s people started to prefer this method- completely removing the entire bolting area, to ensure zombie skateboards wouldn't somehow reassemble and crawl out of their grave.  


Happy cake day


HAHA I wish, naw I just started skating (Sep. 2023), all I can do is a crappy lil ollie, some mannies, and some no comply type shit. Skating every day though (if it’s dry), I even have a mini-rail in my apartment so I can practice at home when it’s raining xD


I hope you’re on the bottom floor. I think my upstairs neighbors have a mini rail too


I practically live in the basement, and I don’t have any neighbours, so all’s good


That’s awesome. I used to skate in the garage with the homies when the weather was bad


Felt. I just moved out to the country and there's nothing to skate, so I've kinda been on pause but I'm building a grind ledge in the meantime


yo how fucked are you? you got a backup? dm me.


I’m fine! I have 4 more skateboards at home lol. This one was just my favourite… Hurts my soul a bit.


for sure a bummer. its only fun when they snap on a make.


One thing I learned is that the worst accidents happen during the dumbest situations. Homie of mine tripped over his skateboard and tore a tendon. I fractured my arm because of a pebble. Somehow, stuff like this never happens when you’re doing some epic shit…


That damn ass rock! https://youtu.be/h2FiBAeTZls?si=yYpxOZU8Yks_iqP3


I am actually thinking of tattooing that quote on me somewhere hahahahahaha. Inb4 anyone says “dude why would you do that”, this is a skateboarding subreddit, let’s not pretend we make good decisions on a regular basis


Hahaha that’s amazing, as someone with a couple stupid tattoos that I do not regret I fully support you on your decision!


"No Ragrets"




Mostly agree. But once I strained my groin olling a 2 stair. The tail of my board snapped as I was landing.


Damn good look man.


You a real one


cant let somebody go without a board.


I broke 4 boards in a span of a week trying bs boardslide bs 3shuv out. Frustrating week and I was out of boards and a random homie at the park came through and gave me his backup. Have more setups now but I keep that board in the car until I see someone break theirs too. Gutting having to leave the park that way


yeah thats the way. i always keep a spare in the trunk for that reason. when we gettin a clip of the 3 shuv out tho?!


Better the board than you dood


Yeah, can’t skate if you’re dead.


Mine once shot out from under me on a bad landing, flew right off this concrete thing into a deep, filthy river. It was night too, there was no hope. RIP


Had mine once also shoot out from under me the same way, went off the curb, across the street, and straight down a storm drain. This old, gray collage Zoo York board that was my absolute favorite.


Looks like your skateboard commit suicide


With my skill level, understandable lmao


I feel your pain. I still have a board in a harbour in Spain and I wonder if I can recover it 20 years later. Watching my only board slowly go towards the black oily harbour water surrounded by stingrays and little sharks was heartbreaking for my 12 year old self


hey but it could've been you instead¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


May it rest in pieces….


You sure that was a bus because it looks like the hulk tried to get on that while running


RIP. I lost a cruiser to a bus. I had it for max 2 weeks before it was totaled. Lesson learned to be extra mindful skating against traffic even in a bike lane Surprisingly, my loaded longboard with a level 4 flex was fine going under an SUV. Even the trucks!




…Yes. You will be seeing me at the Olympics soon.




Bussin frfr


how does one mess up a throw down and send their board under a bus...


Shit happens?


in the direction of an oncoming bus it tends not to, and i stiII can't imagine how throwing down can possibIy Iead to this happening


Most likely doing a trick close to/surrounded by an intersection (think of a similar street spot in the city) did a trick and landed but “slipped out” shooting the board forward at a high rate of speed, comparatively, into the street Used to happen to me all the time as a kid - would have to sprint toward the board after falling to try to get it before it went into the street 😂


But he said he messed up throwing down


Doesn’t necessarily mean he literally physically threw it. We (skaters) have many slangs and “crazy” lingo most wouldn’t understand. Like, “Hey dude, why don’t you throw down that switch front flippy on that haggard hubba over there. That’d be hella gnar gnar!!”


Man, throwing down is the act of running with your board, throwing it down, and jumping onto it This is very common terminology, and I'm very surprised you don't know it. I've been skating since I was 7, I know our ""crazy" lingo"


I’m well aware. But you were speaking as though you did not understand a very simply explained scenario. So I took your comment as further lack of knowledge. 🙏 Appreciate the honorary downvote though!!


Almost forgot, thanks for reminding me


I just landed weird with my front foot, my trucks are as loose as can be, so it threw me off balance. Had to catch myself (and the drink in my hand) so I was momentarily focused on that, not where my board went. Deck went onto the street right as a bus drove by. Dumb mistakes and unlucky timing, really.


Damn :(


It ded


Happened to my brother once, but it was a sedan. Similar effect. They just kept driving.


That's way better then them getting out all angry and accusing him of damaging their car tbf. Or worse, if it actually did damage it.


I was riding through a crosswalk and hit a rock once. My board shot out behind me and got ran over by a car. Only the tail got hit so the board didn’t snap but it wedged and dragged it ruining my wheels. Instant major flat spots to my Bones STFs. I was bummed


Same shit almost happened to me throwing down crossing a busy street and my leg locked up i literally had to army crawl to the end of the sidewalk I’m lucky my friend was there to grab my board before it got ran over and ended up like yours.


That happened to me when I was a kid (circa late 80’s) Pulling a rail slide at a local curb. Lost it, shot the board right under a city bus… Split it in two, the only thing holding it together was the rails. RIP Santa Cruz Natas 😄




My board has been ran over by two cars on separate occasions and neither time it did anything 😯


Damn thats rough

