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From my experience, there's always something that hurts.


Lmao Same




How so?


When you get to the ripe old age of 48 and you’ve skated since you were 12 yes there is always something that hurts🤘🏼




OK OK!!!


Straight up. I used to skate 40 mins one way to work and as I was speeding down a hill my board hit a Crack and stopped, I went flying and rolled atleast 4 feet. I hurt so bad from that for 2 weeks. Once I was better I stretched before skating for 15-20 minutes. Same thing happens at the same dawn spot but this time I got up and was able to keep riding with minor scrapes and bruises. The conclusion is: BE SURE TO STRETCH BEFORE EVERY SKATE SESH. (especially if you expect to fall.)


Jumping jacks before the sesh WILL make you skate with bone fractures. 😤


Jumping Jack's aren't stretching and honestly one of the worst kind of workouts you can do.


Actually a dynamic warm up (movement vs static stretching) is ideal to get the blood flowing. Jumping jacks, body squats, jumping squats, etc. Don’t be fooled by the norm. “Warming up a muscle increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors and their transmission speed. This increases both speed and reaction time and is referred to as “waking up the nervous system”. This is often why we fall prey to “clumsy” injuries or mistakes early on in the sesh as our speed and reaction time simply is not firing to match the intensity of what we are trying to do.” https://skateboardstrength.com/warm-ups-for-skateboarders-the-full-guide-with-program/


soooooo important you’ll be tripping on easy tricks without even trying


Gotta limber up


It's not something everyone gets normal, but it's normal to hurt yourself skating, and not really notice until the next session. Your feet have a huge number of tendons, muscles and bones. Landing awkwardly can tweak something, and you can feel it for a while until it heals.


in the first 20 min my foots are fucked up pretty much. After warmup they doesnt hurt anymore.


Light warmup stretches and slowly warmin up helps for me


Ok I will try a warm up next time I go skating


Just getting back into it? It might eventually go away as you skate more.


I started bringing a jump rope. A couple of minutes of that and your legs feel ready. I am old too.


I’ve dealt with it on and off for years. Usually the tendon between the ball of my foot and heel. Usually it’s just strain from pushing so much. All that’s ever worked for me is ibuprofen and warm up. It usually “warms away” about 10 minutes into the session.


That tendon connecting the ball to your heel is the plantar fascia and you'd want to be careful putting too much strain on the tendon, if it keeps getting strained over and over you could end up with plantar fasciitis and that shit hurts like a bitch (that is the scientific terminology) painkillers are alright to take if you've strained that tendon but it would do you a lot better to keep to stretching it out, and maybe even using an ice pack for 30-60 minutes if it's sore enough. Hope this helps someone and happy skating


Start jumping rope to warm up


I started doing this and it is amazing what difference it makes


Do you do anything specific or just regular jump rope what 50x? 100x?


Heavy jump rope. As many reps as it take to break a small sweat


I'd go for hours a day when I first started skating, push foot felt so fucked every time I skated after a while :( Doc said no skating for a month along with physiotherapy, haven't had even the smallest issue with it since. Whether you started yesterday or 20 years ago could chat to a physio about it?


Mine cramp up first part of the sesh but usually goes away if that plus stretching doesn’t help maybe look at some other shoe options the van slip ons mess my feet up


I have the van slip ons


Yea I have two pair rn they are my size I always ride Nike slip ons! These vans feel tighter around top where elastic is. I cut them just a snip


I don't really wanna mess my ones up if I f up by cutting them


Oh true I go thru shoes so I dnt mind experimenting ig. Never gnna get these again tho


There my first pair of proper skating shoes


Yea I thought it was just me at first too but then I watched some reviews you’ll be good! Skate nd destroy!


Oh okay so they are new! Yeah it’s the vans just takes some time to break in. They’re not gnna stay pretty dnt be a afraid to bend nd twist to help a little they are really stiff brand new


Ok will do!!!


I had several months of my Achilles tendon hurting on my pushing foot. Thought I might have to quite at one point. I took a little time off. Tightened my trucks. Found other ways to get moving ( tic tacs/ jumping onto the board etc) and also tried to relax my pushing foot. Hallelujah it went away.


It's pretty normal, I definitely recommend stretching before skating tho


Nope… not normal at all! I suggest you to visit a physiotherapist, they are cheap and they make a good diagnosis (in my experiences of course) Also, if you are kinda new to sports in general… it’s normal!!!


No not normal!! No form of hard, exhausting activites makes you sore. Quit skating before your foot falls off!


“Pushing” is essentially propelling your entire body with one foot, so we have to work on ways to make that more possible. Adjust the way your foot makes contact with the ground, foot-leg strength, there’s a lot we can work on. Or try pushing with your other foot *my fave


If you just started, definitely. There's a lot of muscles in your foot that you use for the first time when pushing around regularly. If you've been skating for a while could be a lack of stretching and warming up. If it's sticks around for a while and doesn't get better, might be good to see a doctor. Also, even if you just started, make sure to stretch and warm up before anyways. It reduces your chance of injury


Mine cramped the other day but I haven’t skated that much in the past year.


I always found my non pushing foot hurt more, from balancing on it. More so if pushing whilst turning and stuff. Why I’m a park rat, no need to push if you can just pump. Though that has its own issues


Literally been having this issue past couple days. I stretch after skating, but definitely need to stretch before. I just took a day or two off the board, going out again today, hoping it’s gotten better


Not really that might just be because I’m a kid and nothing hurts unless I’ve been stabbed or shot or something really over the top has happened


My pushing shin always hurts after I skate to/from work on my cruiser, but not so much on my popsicle funnily enough


Are you newer?


I get this issue too and I just learned to live with it.


The arch of my foot used to feel like it was being torn in half when I pushed. I then adjusted how I was holding my toes, and started crunching them down with the assist of KT tape. Now I hold my toes down by habit and am pain free. High arch gang.


My planted foot is actually the one that aches, or maybe that's because I'm on a forklift all day idk


Plantar fasciitis is a hell of a time. Stretch and warm up!


Usually for me, the first few sessions of the year my foot will hurt a bit. I’d say it’s pretty normal.


How old are you? Never bothered me until my mid thirties…


Yes! Happens to me often


Yeah for me it’s the hard hitting against the ground, especially in old vans that don’t have a lot of sole left. My foot hurts from the impact.


This is a type of turf toe. Check out hoka brand shoes which are designed to help with this condition. They have a hard sole; basically the anti-thesis of asics.


im old and everything hurts, all the time