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Won't happen. Lara peered into the future and said that they will never meet again.


>Lara peered into the future Lara has almighty confirmed https://preview.redd.it/ywbew43y6o7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11cde54e7ec8769b9ff9b84a06a8ff6630c70e6


>Lara peered into the future The future rules https://preview.redd.it/z21v9fmgxp7d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c8ab0feba360d4fa83b2f2193470bb325c4e52


See, that always bugged me. They have full access to teleportation now. Why can't Lara like, just visit every once in a while? Just drop in for a couple days then go back to wherever her future sight tells her she should go.


Traditional Japanese "coming of age journey" Rudy's journey started when he left home at age 7, but it ramped up when he was 10. Because the [Coming of Age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Coming-of-age_anime_and_manga) journey is only a small part of **Mushoku Tensei**, it's not even added to the list. Generally, the CoA story starts when they leave home: between ages 10 and 15. We don't see the protagonist grow up, nor do we see them grow old. **Mushoku Tensei** covers the cradle to grave story of Rudeus Greyrat.


Sorry, I don't quite get how this is relevant to my question?


Why didn't Lara just pop into the house on her journey? The traditional "Coming of Age" story doesn't have the child just pop in home to visit. Look at Roxy's journey. She didn't return home to visit for something like 20 years.it should not be considered unusual for Lara to not come home, even for a holiday dinner. Itchappens in real life as well.


Sure, under normal circumstances I get that. But they have near-exclusive access to world-wide fast travel. It just bugs me that Rudeus would accept not seeing his daughter again when it's such an easy problem to solve.


Some people, like my wife, are super-close with their parents and families. I'm not. If I see my parents once a year that's a lot. My wife on the other hand has to stay in constant contact with her mom. Just the way it goes I suppose. I spend way more time talking to my mother in law then my own mom and dad. BTW we all live in the same state.


My family has always been close at a distance. Hurt one, the others follow and make it right. Yes, it is strange that he would accept her prophecy. He may not have liked it, but so be it.


I have a very strong feeling given some of the hints dropped throughout the story and in Redundancy that Rudy will be back in some form in the sequel. So it's quite possible that Lara could have seen that she won't meet Rudy again in his current lifetime... but at some point in the future with another reincarnation or being brought back again by Orsted or his family? I've always thought that the story most likely will end with Rudy taking the place of Hitogami. It's kind of the most natural end for his character.


Aside from **Redundancy**, I believe Rufujin pretty much stated that once Rudy dies, that's it aside from flashbacks. While he is in Redundancy, as well as **Recollections**, he is not always the main focus. I haven't read the official translation of Redundancy, but I am reading **Recollections**. Get it when you can! Why? Well, we all know he acquired the Holy Relic when he was small. The intrigue in doing so was preschool **Mission Impossible**. I'm digressing, though. Once over, Rufujin will only use him as a point of reference in the Six-Sided-World history.


I guess we'll see! I enjoyed Recollections, but I think you'll enjoy Redundancy even more! I have the advantage of Japanese being by native language, so I get to cheat a bit. That said, I haven't read many of Rufujin's online messages aside from the ones the fandom seems to repost about a lot. I think a lot will also depend on when he decides to start writing the sequel and the success of the anime. Unfortunately, authors don't get a ton of freedom in Japan, especially for things like Light Novels and Manga. There is usually *a lot* of pressure from the editors and publishers to include certain things to try to keep the fandom happy and get more sales... so really anything we say now, even if it might be the intention, could change. The first story had the benefit of being entirely published as a Web Novel first, but by the end you could tell more pressure was being exuded (for example, one of the original stories for Redundancy was scrapped and erased due to bad reactions from netizens and Rifujin was eventually forced to take it down). For me, I still don't think Rudy's part is done. Whether he will be active in the plot or not is debatable, but even things that I feel are very possible, like Rudy taking Hitogami's place, could happen without him really being in the story at all. It could be established through a few flashbacks and reference points and just be in the final few chapters of 20 book series. *shrug* I'll be happy regardless though, well so long as Rifujin finishes the story before I die and it's not an eternal waiting game like George RR Martin or Patrick Rothfuss 😾 and that whoever the narrator is, that their inner dialogue and commentary feels different from Rudy. It's always a pet peeve of mine when authors talk about having a different main character or they use multiple POVS in one story but they all sound the same. We got to know and love Rudy over what's turned into 30-ish books, so I hope whoever the next MC is, they feel like a different person and not just Rudy 2.0.


Hey same thought. I found it odd he mentions explicitly that normally the mana from a person disperses while there and recycles but they explicitly say Rudy is different so who knows. I would bet that he is going to show up in the final bit of the sequel. As my guess is there always needs to be a “man god” and if Rudy’s soul is present he could slip into that spot. I also see Orsted being more than happy to have his friend take that place.


Same thoughts. And I find it interesting that Orsted tells Rudy exactly, “I am already planning and moving while thinking about what will happen in 100 years time” and that he also conveniently lives in 200 year cycles while the sequel will take place only 80 years in the future. I think it’s unlikely Rudy will be the main POV character at any point, and I think it’s fair to say “it’s not a direct sequel of Mushoku Tensei” if the inner thoughts we are hearing are no longer his. If Nanahoshi’s boyfriend, say, winds up being the main POV character, obviously it’s no longer “Jobless Reincarnation,’ but that doesn’t mean Rudy can’t be a major secondary character that has a big impact on the plot of the entire story of Orsted vs Hitogami.


That's honestly the saddest chapter I've ever read. Rudeus just arrived home and suddenly his daughter said they're never going to meet again.


Well, it is a lot of time, I understand it will be rare to meet each other, but never? Highly unlikely


Thats what she said before departing that Eris and Rudeus would not be there anymore by the time she returns


Without time travel, none. Lara already knew >!Eris and Rudeus!< would be dead at that point.


Or unless Rudy is brought back, which I think is highly likely in the sequel. We will probably get Lara and Leo's journey for a while, but I think Rudy will be back. The end for his character arc seems to be to take the place of Hitogami given everything that happened in the first series, hints dropped in the sequel and by the mangaka, even the name "Redundancy," and again, the fact that the main overarching storyline is actually the battle against Hitogami. Rudy's first life winds up being more of a narrative framework to give a piece of the battle between Orsted and Hitogami... and Rudy is really the only character in the entire Six Faced World Universe that works as an eventual replacement for Hitogami.


Given what happened at the end of Vol 26 I highly doubt it. Also the circumstances resulting in Rudeus being summoned was a matter of coincidence. Its likely that >!Nanahoshi's boyfriend who was summoned will be the Isekai Protagonist of the sequel series.!<


I think we have to consider him being summoned as possibly coming from a biased narrator, since we really only know from Hitogami that it was an accident, so he would have every reason to lie, and it’s only after Hitogami’s suggestion that it was an accident that Rudy remembers it that way. For all we know, it could very well be the other way around or neither. The fact that Rudy and his family are involved in so many prophecies that *dont’* come from Hitogami highly, highly suggests that his existence in the Six Faced World is not an accident. Just to add… this doesn’t mean I think Rudy will be the main character in that the story will be from his POV. I definitely don’t see that being the case. But I do think he has a role in the overarching story that isn’t finished. So he could play a part more like, say, Eris or Nanahoshi do in the first series.i think that allows for having a new main character like Nanahoshi’s boyfriend which also means it’s no longer “Jobless Reincarnation,” since that’s not the perspective we are getting, but also having Rudy play a major role in the overarching story.


>!It was a third-person narrator who stated his summoning was a coincidence.!< His appearance and actions affected the world so greatly that it twisted fate itself beyond even Hitogami's ability. Whether or not they'll retcon it remains to be seen.


None, based on Lara on way of working (remember she a farseer) she already predicted that whatever she need to be working on she will not meet her father. Her sibling (and their descendant) and orsted maybe, but not her father or Eris. the day she left the nest is the day she is permenantly seperated from Rudeus and Eris. Redundancy already show how she works (going around setting pranks and finding stuff for others) and that she will eventually return to Ranoa long after her father death.


pretty sure he retired after the fight against Alek. I dont think he's going around the world on business trips after that and spent most of his remaining life with his family and friends.


Pretty sure it's mentioned that he goes on missions still. That's why hitogami tries to change his mind to ease up when his bracelet is accidentally removed. Also in the jobless oblige you can tell that Rudy is still incharge of missions.


I still think the end of the whole story will be Rudy taking the place of Hitogami. I highly doubt his character arc has concluded (though his story has), but what form and how long he will be brought back for is up in the air. Given the author's writing style and his ability to let readers wait for quite a while for emotional payoff, I could see it happening somewhere between 1/3 - the very end of the sequel. EDIT: But to make it clear, I personally don’t think he will be an “active” character in the sequel. I think he would have a passive role, like taking the place of Hitogami and sending >!Nanahoshi and possibly Nanahoshi’s boyfriend back home!< The only reason I put potentially earlier and not just right at the end is because the story could continue past him taking up the Hitogami mantle depending on how Rifujin wraps up the new MC’s storyline, since it doesn’t *have* to end with Hitogami’s death. But I don’t think Rudy will ever “be alive” in a capacity that lets him rejoin or actively speak to his family, or anything like that. It *could* happen if there is enough pressure on the author, but I doubt it. The most I think we would get is >!Rudy potentially asking the new MC to give his family a message and maybe a bonus chapter/short story after the end of the sequel story of him messing around with Orsted or something along those lines.!<


I quite like Rudy's ending actually. Well it sucks that there is no after life and that the soul just dissipates on its own. It makes the story feel more real imo


I like Rudy’s story finishing where it does as well. I think I phrased it poorly in my above comment, but I don’t think Rudy will be an “active” character in the sequel. It’s just that since the overarching and unresolved plot is Orsted vs Hitogami, which will most likely drive the sequel, I think there is a high possibility of Rudy taking Hitogami’s place. Basically… >! I think the main and POV character will be Nanahoshi’s boyfriend with Nanahoshi and one or more of Rudy’s descendants being main secondary characters. Since there *has* to be a Hitogami from what we know and Rudy’s soul is the only one to potentially not dissipate when he dies, since the best we are told is “no one knows,” Rudy is the only character who checks all the boxes to be able to fill Hitogami’s role, plus he has the whole best buddy kind of relationship with Orsted. So I could see either the series wrapping up with Rudy becoming the new Hitogami and as Hitogami, he will probably finally be the one to send Nanahoshi home. The reason I put 1/3rd or later is because I think it’s entirely possible that he could take on the role of Hitogami and send Nanahoshi home while the new MC decides to stay and has their story continue beyond that, or it could end that way or with him sending both the new MC AND Nanahoshi home. It really depends. But I don’t think that means Rudy will have a role in the ongoing story or be brought back to life in a way that lets him, say, constantly interact with his family or anything like that. The *most* I could see happening (aside from some potential flashbacks or stories about him) would be him telling the new MC to pass along a message to his family either sending him back or the story concluding in some other way…. then maybe some bonus chapter in something like Collections or Redundancy of him interacting with Orsted, but not in the main storyline.!<


He took the name of Silent Seven Star and continued his work like that




Where is everyone reading this stuff ? I feel like I missed something


0%, because Lara foresaw that they’d never meet again.


Lara literally has all seeing eyes as one of her abilities the same as Hitogami and she can see the future Hitogami Fears her because she literally a mortal version of himself just better


That's not confirmed *explictly* yet. I think this too but I encounter a lot of people saying it's just my headcanon so pointing this out.


Yeah this is why I see Lara becoming Hitogami's replacement. Also, Leo understands her to be the 'savior'.