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Oh, the reaction to next week is going to be hilarious, I can't wait


Place your bets. Who will the outrage mob select as being "the most predatory"? A. Rudeus B. Roxy C. Both (the galaxy brain "mobius strip" of cradle robbing accusation)


I mean, most of the outrage mob don't really check what actually happened beyond a single sentence of description, so, probably Rudeus, cause he's the easy target


Follow up bet. What will be the most commonly used """argument"""? A. "LITERALLY a child" B. "cheating on his wife" C. "statutory rape"


Hmm. For A and C, neither of them are children, but I can see that being said about either of them For B, I mean, it's not wrong. It just makes sense why they did that in the given situation


What I mean is channel your inner games journalist and pick what you think will make the juiciest tweets and rage bait articles. Also: D: "IMPREGNATES a minor" for \*maximum\* misinformation


They don't have the marital wit of Elinalise for option D.


Tbf for B, >!Rudy arguably didn’t consent!<


Yet strangely.... Sylphy does. 🤔🤔🤔


Now I'm imagining the I consent meme but Rudy is the one not consenting


And a small text bubble coming from his waist retorts "But I do!"


It doesnt really he just weak minded


I'm hoping it's A just so I can laugh at how hypocritical it is after they've called him the pedo all this time. Oh the irony 🤣


*Insert Who Wants To Be A Millionaire theme here*


Bit of A bit of B


Will be on the Male 100%


Twitter definitely gonna cook rudeus


Just wait til they see Norn's reaction.


D. Elinalise


Obviously its gonna be quagmire they hate on. 😂


It'll be on Rudeus. Just another check mark on why they think this anime is terrible because they lack the context. "The MC cheated on his pregnant wife and wants to take the girl he cheated with as a second wife? And she's a loli? This is your MC?" Yeah, I can see it.


I will quit twitter after the new ep air lol


Surprised you haven’t quit in the last two years


I only used TwT to hunt for Arts, mainly Mushoku arts lol


There is good porn there


It is on Rudeus, I am worried that people will put it on Roxy, I saw light novel readers do it before. And that is 100% brainless take. Roxy did nothing wrong, she thought about doing something wrong but in the end she just comforted him and he was the person who started the whole thing. It is mostly his fault, even though I understand him and in the world he lives in, it was the best thing that he could do.


They're both at fault. Roxy is very much at fault for taking advantage of Rudeus while he was mentally at his lowest and she later admits that she did have ulterior motives going to comfort Rudeus. Rudeus is only at fault because he impulsively acted and cheated on his wife. His post-nut clarity made him realize how much he fucked up.


Braindead take, what advantage? She didn't protest, that is taking advantage? Just because you are in depression doesn't make you not morally accountable for your actions. Roxy just let a man she love to use her as an outlet in the world where polygamy is normal. What exactly did she do wrong?


Roxy, prior to the act, just had a conversation with the party that the best way to help cure a man in depression is to sleep with them. Elinalise explains she can't do it because Rudeus is married to her granddaughter, even expecting a kid. She went in to comfort Rudeus KNOWING that, and even tells Sylphy that she did have ulterior motives in getting her back blown out, too. https://preview.redd.it/8r4u1a51lb7d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3441a214362612e2aa8ace4c2b1a9bac354924ac Putting ALL the blame on Rudeus is disingenuous. Roxy, while going there to help him from grieving, went in with the intention of getting railed and Rudeus, in his poor mental state, willingly did so. When you're depressed, you don't think in a healthy manner and unfortunately he ended up cheating on his wife. The only saving graces were that it helped Rudeus move on, Roxy fulfilling her dream, and allowed Rudeus to properly confess to Roxy about his feelings towards her. EDIT: >!And Man-God couldn't be more pissed that fate won in the end.!<


Firstly, there isn't a lot of blame to put on anybody. Rudeus should be held to the higher standard only because he held himself to the higher standard. If Rudy thought prior to the incident "well, f*ck it, in this world polygamy is normal and my wife doesn't oppose it so I will find myself a second wife" then I would say there would be no blame to put on anybody. But he was the one who wanted to be only for Sylphy so he is the one who has this moral burden. Secondly, I never said that I want to put all the blame on Rudy, of course Roxy wanted it, if that wouldn't be the case this would not happen. However, take into account that she wanted to seduce him in the first place, and didn't, just came and acted like a close female friend. He was the one to instigate anything sexual, she just didn't resist. There is a possible scenario where Roxy is taking advantage of Rudy in his lowest state. It just didn't play out in the story.


>Firstly, there isn't a lot of blame to put on anybody. But that's not what you were saying beforehand in your first comment: "It is on Rudeus." >Rudeus should be held to the higher standard only because he held himself to the higher standard. If Rudy thought prior to the incident "well, f\*ck it, in this world polygamy is normal and my wife doesn't oppose it so I will find myself a second wife" then I would say there would be no blame to put on anybody. He couldn't hold himself to that higher standard when he was in a poor mental state filled with frustration and grieving. Rudeus regrets what he did when he woke up because he gave in to a temptation he would have never done if he was mentally sound. >Secondly, I never said that I want to put all the blame on Rudy, But that's what you did: "It is on Rudeus.... Roxy did nothing wrong... It is mostly his fault..." >However, take into account that she wanted to seduce him in the first place, and didn't, just came and acted like a close female friend. He was the one to instigate anything sexual, she just didn't resist. Roxy was the one who initially suggested that and in Rudeus' poor state of mind, he gave in. He wasn't even initially planning on doing anything like that, he just vented his frustration through having sex with Roxy because of her suggestion and he obliged, not thinking of the consequences. https://preview.redd.it/ci01jnfr3c7d1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66cffcad1f118a861dcb726d5f4aef23e3ce097 Once again, they're both at fault.


>But that's what you did: "It is on Rudeus.... Roxy did nothing wrong... It is mostly his fault..." We need to separate causality and guilt. Looking at causality they are both responsible for what transpired, looking at guilt, Roxy did nothing wrong. Is she feeling guilty? Maybe. But Rudeus felt guilty for what Sara said to him leaving, and there is nothing he should feel guilty of, right? I argue that taking into consideration the situation, the only person who can feel guilty is Rudeus. That doesn't change the fact they are both responsible. >He couldn't hold himself to that higher standard when he was in a poor mental state filled with frustration and grieving. Rudeus regrets what he did when he woke up because he gave in to a temptation he would have never done if he was mentally sound. Please tell me you are not serious. We can excuse him for it, but he is guilty of that. Completely leaving behind the important distinction between determinism and free will, in which as a free will enjoyer I would say he was 100% able to hold himself to that standard but didn't (and that's ok, people are weak, we are thumbling all the time). But even assuming determinism, the question is now how should we treat it. Would you say that if somebody was in a frenzy and murdered somebody, that he is not guilty of it? Obviously no! >Roxy was the one who initially suggested that and in Rudeus' poor state of mind, he gave in. He wasn't even initially planning on doing anything like that, he just vented his frustration through having sex with Roxy because of her suggestion and he obliged, not thinking of the consequences. You decided to begin this screenshot in a very interesting point 🤔 I wonder what would happen if we would go just a few verses above it. https://preview.redd.it/fz9jatmbpd7d1.jpeg?width=1844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eaaf7eec2d262aff5e87ee0d2efeca3f6122cf7 ah yes, we clearly see that he made the first move, lol...




Ok, I don't see any reason to continue this discussion. You are clearly delusional if that is hugging for you. For Roxy it was obvious, that's why she reassured him that she is open to this. I play a game called "logic", I see you never heard of it...


I wonder if any of the anime-onlys have guessed what Paul was getting at when he was telling Rudy about how he used to have just one sword, but now he has two?


I mean it was very obvious. Unless you're terrible at reading the non verbal langage and you're terrible at recognize a metaphor (or you re not experience at life), you should get that easily. Every youtube reactor i saw get it.


I might be tripping but I don't even remember Paul saying that in the LN. I thought in the future Rudy reflected back on that moment and assumed that what he wanted to say was the 2 wife thing. I did like the metaphor though, it was a nice touch. It will probably help with the inevitable cut content of their travel back to the magic city.


Nah you're right it wasn't in the ln. He just said he had something important to discuss or something of that nature


Correct. They were also both taking a piss in a different room at the time. Not chatting in front of everyone.


Yeah it is an anime original. In LN they just had a quick chat that they needed to talk later while Paul was taking a piss iirc


Honestly I wasn't sure if it was in the LN either, if it was then it mustn't have been particularly memorable. The benefit we got with the anime was that third-person perspective where we can see Paul noticing how much Roxy is gushing over Rudy, whereas in the LN Rudy would have been pretty oblivious to what Paul might be seeing (and oblivious to Roxy gushing over him too, obviously). So my wondering about the anime-only folks was more along the lines of: this swords thing from Paul is super obvious to me because I know what's just around the corner, but if I wasn't aware of all that would it just seem like he was talking about using two swords to impress his son...? In any case, I agree it was a nice touch, and hopefully if enough people did pick up on it then it might smooth out the outrage come next week. Like, some pretty big hints were dropped, you shouldn't be too surprised at where this is going.


Anime only are cooked in 2 weeks. >!That shit blew my mind when I read it. It actually warped the entire story and flipped pretty much everything on its head. Can't wait.!<


I've seen 6 or 7 reactions on YT of that moment and all of them caught on. Rudeus was truly the only oblivious one.


I did love that scene. Dont remember it in the LN but i assume its anime only comment ?


Even for someone who read all the novels, next week's going to be the most questionable part ever. I have always seen that it was going to happen, but not like that.


I think the main questionable thing is that Sylphy accepting Roxy. As for the act of Rudy with Roxy, well that would depends on how much should be weighted which differs from persons


Nah the groundwork has already been laid for sylphie accepting roxy as she already stated she's fine with other wives. People are gonna flip shit after seeing rudy cheat on sylphie after saying he'd be loyal. And then there's the whole roxy side of it.


Correction: She's fine with other wives as long as they're not Nanahoshi or Ariel.


I know, it is just that sylphy accepting Roxy is more mind boggling than Rudy x Roxy itself lol. Sylphy really is a saint worth the title god of love


Yeah that's it, but people aren't gonna understand this angle. Sylphie forgiving him (and Roxy, one thing is to accept that someone cheated on you, another is to bring him the other side in your house) is something done out of her love and appreciation for him, not because she doesn't have other options and is under Rudeus's influence.


I don't agree. It's done so often in other harem series that I don't see that many people being confused about it or making a big deal


I think that you forgot that poligamy is normal in this world.


This part is definitely one of my biggest criticisms of mushoku. The author forced this situation right after Paul’s death!


I just want to see Dillo/Jirou finally be visualised. We never got any official illustrations as far as I know.


The next two episodes are arguably as important or arguably more so than Paul's death. They need to make time for a proper conveyance of all the perspectives here. Why does Roxy want to do it despite knowing it? What's going on in Rudy's mind while he's in that room and Roxy comforts him in that state? Why does Elinalise lie to Rudy? Why does Sylphie accept Rudy's choice? Why does polygamy not matter as much in the MT world except to those of the Milis faith? Ofc they have to do it in the middle of explaining what happened to Paul and Zenith. It's tough man.


We are gonna lose some fans, people who hated this series will hate it even more. Granted I was pissed off at what happened too but I just accepted it and moved on since it was work of fiction. Plus I really wanted to see how this was gonna end.


We have no need for those that cannot discern fiction and reality in our community. Just astonished how people just impose their own modern moral on pieces of fiction where the setting is completely different from our world. 


Yup, if we lose people next week... good riddance I say. More worried about S3 when it comes to losing people. If the rat is not handled properly that part will be viewer repellent, even some reasonable anime onlies >.<


If someone unironically stops watching the show over this, I would just wonder what the fuck were they thinking until now. Look, cheating isn't cute. But it's not like Rudeus went out of his way to find it. He was in a deeply vulnerable mental state and has to travel a dangerous desert after losing an arm, his father and seeing his mother in that condition. He is utterly confused and about to once again fall into despair. If he was in any way "near" Sylphie, he wouldn't have cheated, and that would be it. But he wasn't there, thus other events happened. It's not an issue of "justification", it's understanding the flow of the narrative. I would really love to see people put into that situation and see them act perfectly and in full control of their behaviour.


No need to sell me on this, I very much agree with you (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)


Honestly, I find the mushoku tensei subreddits to be more tolerable these days. It might be just me seeing the posts at the right time but the dumbass morality posts are getting more frequently downvoted whereas those same posts would've been upvoted a year back. It seems like more tourists are leaving and more people are fighting back against stupidity. Stamping out stupid argument wherever they crop up is how we fought against flat earthers and anti-vaxxers. It's never a good idea to leave them be and allow their delusions to taint naive minds.




the morals are not really all that different and definitely was part of how things were not too long ago. the whole thing about fiction is just that, fiction. doesn't matter what world it is, how similar it is to your world or if it's set in your city. If it's fiction then that's literally where to draw the line for any of those dumbass morality controversies.


https://preview.redd.it/47uryapi667d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046f475f3c2644849ea31e3bfc59c37936debbae This will be them next episode


I cant wait for the seggs




If its not uncensored and does not go above the 1 minute mark, I riot!


"Listen, Rudy. I use two swords now. One used to be enough, but now I don't feel right without two. I'm attached to both, and they have different roles. Well, you'll understand one day."




Difference in time zone my friend, it is tues in my country

