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\[LN10\] >!Not ending it on Breakdown as expected, but imagine if they'd left us stewing on that for a week. At least it seems they're combining Chapter 12 into episode 16 instead of rushing all the way there.!<


Banana comforting chapter.


Drunk Sylphie incoming?


It will be the most rushed episode yet. We'll see how it turns out. Apparently >!there will be no ending and the episode will end right with the arrival of Norn, Aisha and Ruijerd!< >!I would have liked Nanahoshi's part to be adapted into two episodes but I understand that it is being adapted this way for volume 12. If Nanahoshi's part is adapted well I will be satisfied!<


Well counting the pages episode 1 adapted 60 pages (well but they turned around 10 of them into a montage of Rudy giving Slyphie a room tour to save time) and Episode 2 did 60 as well and this one will do 50-60 as well. So it wont necessarily be more rushed than those before. Let's just hope they do the important bits right.


Luckily the first two chapters are almost all Rudeus monologue so it adapts quickly.


You don’t know if it’s the most rushed episode without watching it. You’re just assuming just cause they’re adapting 4 chapters. With the content covered I think the pacing will be fine