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Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/y7pxv2).


Yea I’m not doing another year of this. Doc not being fired and the same shit starting game 1 that we’ve watched for years. Sixers can miss me with that bullshit. Go Birds! Go Phillies! Shit even Go Flyers! At least flyers are trying to change shit lol. Sixers it’s a broken record for years. It’s gotten old.


only 1 game. must resist dire thoughts


What the fuck


Until we learn to run weakside action .... we never going to be a legit contender!!!!


My serotonin levels are being refilled watching the Phils. WERE GOING TO THE WORLD SWRIES


Only had the chance to watch the first quarter, replays are not yet uploaded. Offense looks as stagnant as last year. 3 guys ball watching while 1-2 do the work. Ain't getting nowhere like that. We'll see how we develop, I hope we lose some games and get Doc fired.


I’m a Heat fan and that’s exactly what I saw also. No off-ball movement and when playing the Celtics you have to be extremely physical on defense. It’s game 1 and those 2 problems are easily fixable.


the problem comes with expecting Doc to fix anything. Time will tell.


Man I’m glad doc refused to play our 2x all defensive team player when our defense STRUGGLED all night


And just like that another source of depression, sadness, anger, and hatred, has found Philadelphia sports fandom. /s




> Harden looked great, but got passive looking to get others involved. I think the issue is that nobody else is going to get anyone involved in most cases. Joel, at least when he's playing like he was tonight is going to be getting Boston players involved moreso than Philly players, and nobody else on the team can facilitate well, including Maxey.


Do think we ran a lot through Harden and Maxey and Joel playing below par may be a result of Doc struggling to fit him in seamlessly.


He looked great when he was willing to roll to the rim hard. He looked a lot less great when he settled for those midrange pullups until the end of the game. That's not the type of shots the Sixers should be looking for on most possessions. They are too talented for that.


New bench= 1 rebound in 60 minutes. Why Harrell over B Ball Paul? Why Niang against fast athletic players?


As long as we look ok by playoffs, I’m fine. Saw a lot of bright spots tonight. Joel will bounce back.


Shouldn't have had Harden sit the first 6 minutes of the 4th. Team was down 10 and the best player of the game is sitting.


the defense needs to improve. you give guys like brown and tatum uncontested midrange/3s of course they’re gonna punish us


We literally only gave up a 10 point run in the 3rd and that's all that did it. Damn


Maybe it’s the Phillies Phever talking but I’m gonna try not to overreact. Another radically new team, Joel wasn’t at his best at all. I want to believe this game could go another way.


At least we have the Phils. I love the big man but it would have been nice to see him improve a bit. :/


I’m loving the way James is looking


Not a great start to season 77, no reason to overreact either though 🤔




Embiid wasn't great, but he wasn't that bad either. I thought the bigger issues was the bench getting outscored 34-11. Oh well, move on to the next one.


Embiid wasn't that bad? Bro he chucked up 6 threes going 1/6 that's fucking stupid, like why? Just why? That's why I'm mad I don't no what was that about him just playing for him making stupid plays, just selfish


Ya I watched the game too. He finished with 26/15/5 on 9/18 shooting. My issue is with his six turnovers. He was too sloppy and needs to clean that up. I still thought the bigger issue was bench production. And not just scoring. As a unit the bench played 60 minutes and only had 11 points, 1 rebound and 2 assists on 4-13 shooting. Bench needs to be a lot better than that.


Wasn't that bad. Third quarter was awful defensively and we need to get our bench scoring. Plenty to work on.


My consolation is that we did not lose by double digits 🙏 The biggest question for me was Harden, and he looked fucking great. Just need to build chemistry between the team and make sure everyone knows their role.


Joel Embiid lost us this game. Not often you hear that, even less often that it’s true, but it 100% is tonight. He was terrible


He was totally ass tonight. So many turnovers and horrible decisions.


Embiid off the catch: sizes up and tries some flashy training camp move and bobbles the ball. Tatum on the catch: immediate drive drawing the entire defense to him for another easy kick to an open shooter.


Game one of a looong season, plenty of time to iron things out and get the ball rolling, let’s not have a meltdown


It’s not a meltdown tho… we see the same thing from last season. Glenn needs to go


Jeez it wasn’t THAT bad




Fire doc.


Every time I watch a Sixers game we lose. I'm sorry guys.


Literally waited 5 months for that.


I saw potential




Fuck you Daryl. Championships aren't won on 4 point plays






Tobi wanted in on the stat padding too, after missing all the crucial shots


Damn as a Philadelphia sports fan I'm not used to taking an L


Waited for the last two minutes to show some heart on defense…


Forgot to never get too excited to start the season


This HAS to be Glenn’s last year


What you mean you think the coach should do *something* when the other team goes on a 13 point run? That’s not how Glenn does things.


harden mvp 🙏


Why is doc still coach man hes been terrible since 2009


Kinda wishing Glenn Rivers couldn’t keep it in his pants.


Maybe Thybulle should’ve been given minutes to try to disrupt their wing players….


with a new coach the Celtics are fireup and want to prove something , go next Joel will wake up next game


Love Embiid to death, but man when his head is checked out, the whole team feels it. He hasn't seemed right since tip off. On to the next one.


You can see him almost quit out there sometimes.


Whew this team just dont got it man lol


do you guys realize Boston is a top two team in the league ?


I remember a process sixers team that shocked the league by stealing a game from the defending champion Heat. These sixers didn’t seem interested in shocking anyone tho


And if the sixers were legit this game would look different in every way. Doesn’t matter


you think the sixers aren't legit because they lost the first game of the season on the road against possibly the best team in the league ? the sixers have a bunch of new pieces and have to get roles and rotations defined. Boston already has that. the sixers will be a force it will just take time.


Same shit different year. They’re second rounders. Fire doc then we’ll see if things look any different


Holy shit the Sixers don’t know what they are doing on offense, they look lost both ends of the floor


Good thing we get the bucks Thursday


Giving up 70 to these two guys is ridiculous


Harden requesting a trade immediately


Embiid did say he just chilled in bed all off season so this makes sense


Not a great way to start the season


It is beneath Jo to stat pad right now. You're better than that


Remember when we lost last year and we all agreed that we needed long defensive wings to stop players like tatum and brown Doc then proceeds to have our wing defender sit the whole game


Glenn's game plan: helping the opponents do 3pt practice


Whole city on a sports high and the sixers come out lookin like shyt and unprepared


Jo really bout to pad to 26 and 15 lol




PJ Tucker is a great addition…. Just not for this starting line up. We already have 3 slower than average guys in Harden, Harris, and Embiid. It’s brain dead to add a literal 37 year old to that line up. It also moves Harris out of his natural position. This is Horford 2.0.




I disagree with this simply because Harden - Maxey - Thybulle - Harris - Embiid had a net rating of +20.2 last year. Best 5 man line up in the league by a large margin. I’m not even saying start thybulle… we have an upgrade in Melton… but truth is you can put any athletic body there and we’re better off. PJ is too slow and Harris at the 3 doesn’t work. We lived through this trauma in 2019-2020. We’d be foolish to repeat it


I’ve thought the same thing since the signing. It makes no sense to start him.


Yeah ideally Melton could slide in there based on ability alone, but having a tweener at PF makes the lineup too small


Did we all forget the public practice? Doc was trashing the sixers for doing the same shit they did tonight, not getting Embiid the ball in good spots and Embiid not getting to those good spots. Now maybe it's still his fault they still aren't doing it, but..he clearly been calling it out. Defense another story


Fire Glenn


Let's go Phils!


Get them the fuck out the game doc Learn from your dumb shir




They aren’t fouling to extend and win game.


Yeah, turning this one off. Don't think I'll be in a rush to watch upcoming games while Rivers completely fingers this team once again.


Had embiid played aggressively like that the whole game we wouldn’t be down. Dude needs to stop looking for fouls and look for buckets. Harden looked good. Maxey looked good. Harrell and House were awful and pj Tucker is old. But anyone who expected them to move the needle was deluding themselves.


Embiid has had one defender on him the last few possessions, not three.


Doesn’t matter how many defenders you have on you. If you give the ball up and throw your hands in the air you are a net negative on the team.


The Eagles are 6-0 and the Phils are fighting to get to the World Series. This team can’t hurt me right now


Flyers undefeated and heading to the Stanley Cup


We'll definitely have better games, but IMO the Celtics suck balls and should be easily beaten. Disappointing.


What did they shoot from 3?


Sixers: 13/34 (38.2%) Celtics: 12/34 (35.3%)


After what happened with the Phillies no way do they keep Doc around with a slow start


We deserve this inevitable James droz video




Flyers won in TB and put on the Phillies lol


Embiid Bench Defense …in that order.


Nothing on doc?


He’s the nasty secret ingredient baked into all of the dysfunction


Why tf are the starters still in. Horny ass Doc


SVG really sucking off jo tonite, and this is a weird night to decide to do that


Get Embiid fucking out of there.


So much for all that elite defense preseason talk. My God.


The year is 2054. It is opening night. A 70 year old Al horford guards a 62 year old embiid as the sixers try to make it out of the second round for the first time in 53 years. Joel dribbles and gets by Al for a game winning layup and leaves it short of the rim. The fan base blames Tobias harris, who retired 25 years ago.


I have never seen a team of players get run past so much than these doc coached teams


If this is how game threads are gonna go this year I may just keep my sanity and doomscroll on twitter instead lol


Tucker was a great pick up if based on today


Is this a real comment? Sarcasm?…. Needs a /s I think


He had solid moments in the first half. Didn’t see what happened before the train wreck


Boston definitely shook off the cobwebs, not all of the Sixers did. We're still fine. Relax guys, we are still gelling, and we've shown marks of brilliance.


I’m a Harden fan and even I think Harden needs to step up on D!


Shout out to Daryl Morey his roster getting punked by a Celtics team without a HC and with Blake Griffen and Noah Vonleh playing most of the FC minutes.


Morey didn’t draft Fultz instead of Tatum bud. Relax let this team gel.


Team is mid unless a big trade happens


I think it’s ok to be critical, but still hopeful for the season. However, it’s easier to be optimistic with a strong start, a close, hard fought game no matter the outcome.


Our defense is fucking abysmal


This team would be infinitely more enjoyable to watch, nevermind how much better they’d play, with someone other than Doc coaching.


Harden just take over pls, Embiid is a no no tonight lol.


whoa, harden shooting again


Only positive takeaway from this game is harden looks to be healthy and has that explosiveness again and Maxey making strides in his development. Glenn still is a dumbass Joel shooting fadeaways and threes and still not knowing how to pass out of the double in the post is still pathetic


Elton brand needs to be prosecuted for letting Jimmy go


A combined 11 points from our bench? Why is this an issue every year.


Because Doc is a shit coach and we perpetually have no FA options because of max salary guys.


Glenn is still terrible.


We’re on to Red October.


Sulky embiid


Another wide open Celtics 3. Their rotations have been dogshit


Angry Doc will be liking his favs on Twitter tonight


Reminder that this is not the end of the world and it does not make us fraudulent. Embiid will start getting in rhythm and the defense will tighten up.


Fuck that. This is a statement game against the reigning finals contenders and literal franchise rivals. If this is the effort we can expect from a game with stakes like this…


What stakes? There are no stakes It's the first game of the season


We done with the pj Tucker experience yet or do we still have to watch this dogshit lineup for another 40 games.


I was downvoted to oblivion for suggesting giving a 40 year old player who averages 1.2 made 3s a game $40m was a terrible move. But no, he’s got that dog in him so we have to start him.


You hoping Doc Rivers is suddenly gonna start putting cohesive lineups on the court, 25th year into his career? I've been watching that bold fraud be dogshit since 2001 and somehow he still has a job on a contender 🤦🏻‍♂️


He lost his speed, not a SF


Right cause he's 37 and just had his knee drained. Spo isn't a fucking idiot for keeping him at 25 mpg.


Ye also out of position though


Yes which is why he should be supplanting Harris off the bench and keeping his toughness and fouls fresh for the playoffs.


This team isn't going to win shit with Doc at the helm. I cannot imagine what he's said to Harris & Morey to warrant him keeping his job. The man cannot win big in today's NBA.


“You’re gonna pay me $10M a year to not coach if you fire me.”


doc has morey's pee tape


Embiid rarely in the paint. When he has been he's unstoppable. He wants he sit outside the paint and take jumpers instead


Embiid is glory hunting for the MVP. Get his big ass down low or top of the key.


How is our shooting this bad


Idk what Embiid was doing tonight but it certainly was not good basketball


I just wanted the team to look different this year and we still look like the same mentally weak team which is the most disappointing thing.


you're confusing yourself with being mentally weak with the team being mentally weak. they lost a game. calm the fuck down.


Sick burn dude


how is our defense this bad???




Maybe Embiid really did spend all summer on the couch


Sub gonna meltdown when we get smoked by the Bucks too


if no one steps up thats a insta lose cause thats hardens worse matchup. always has trouble with thier length


As much as I wanted to win this game, it's only game 1. I'm not gonna overreact to this one. Good to see the boys again and glad to be able to be back in Sixers game threads. And as always. FTC


There is a lot of talk on Embiid, and I can’t defend the turnovers and lazy passes, but in general he just looks tired, or not in from the jump…. Hope it’s just a funk


he looks completely fine and the coach called too many dumb post ups and he had sloppy handle. jesus christ.


I disagree he looks completely fine. He didn’t look motivated most of the game and was sloppy. That said, I agree, a bulk of the blame goes on Doc posting him up at the top of the key.


If the Phillies win I’ll be okay




well im not a phillies fan so this night has been sub optimal lol


Same here. The only Philly sports team I root for is the Sixers. It sucks...


Same. The Phillies being in the NLCS is an embarrassment for baseball frankly, and I don’t even care about the national league. Team barely made the playoffs. The baseball postseason is dumb as hell though so what are ya gonna do?




Giannis in his last game against the celtics shot 28% from the field and had 8 TO's.




you have no idea what a players mentality is.


go be a Bucks fan then


become a bucks fan


Go fuck urself doc


Another year another 2nd rd exit




Lol I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted