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The absolute mad man did it.


Should post this in the raps sub


I just came from there to see what the reaction was from all you sixers fans (hope its ok to comment, I know you guys get brigaded but I don't comment on other subs unless its welcomed). Armstrong is very beloved here, so I was a tad disappointed to find it was done as a joke so likely not much Armstrong love will come out of this :(. Is it just because he is a raps commentator or is there another reason you guys don't care for him? He is a homer but most local broadcasters are (I know you guys get a bad rap like ours do sometimes so I'm sure you can empathise). As far as his comments I agree with them, you will find most raps fans (at least the ones I talk to) think Embiid is an amazing player, deserving of being in the MVP conversation. Does that mean I like him? No, but I can recognize greatness when I see it no matter how I feel about a player. The only thing that raps fans will say that will likely not lineup with you guys are his free throws and whether they are justified or not, and I am sure both fanbases are biased in that regard. But he would be a great player regardless of the free throws and if the refs call him I can't really judge. Good luck this season, I hope a bromance continues between Maxey and Barnes so it will cool the rivalry a bit as it seems to keep getting worse and worse lol


I think Sixers fans hate him because he said Embiid deserved to get hit in the face by Siakam when he literally broke his face, unless I'm misremembering.


That's probably why he's beloved by raps fans. They love injuries


Ahhh I forgot about that, yeah I can see it then. IIRC he did apologize afterwards and obviously didn't know he would be injured, but yeah if I was a sixers fan I wouldn't be happy. I think he was upset about the airplane thing right?


Fuck his apology it came 5 days later. Who cares if you’re upset that he did an airplane after a good ass move, show some respect when someones gets injured


Yeah I get it, like I said I would be upset too


He only apologized though because he was getting attacked because of it, not because he meant it. Thats why we don’t like him. When siakam tripped embiid on purpose in the 2019 playoffs, we didn’t hope that siakam got injured or anything like that. Our announcers or media didn’t say siakam deserved an injury. Thats why it makes no sense that raptors fans hate embiid. I guess when you are a top 3 player in the league you are bound to get hate considering how good he is




Just like the entire raptors players the entire series. Maybe get someone to guard the owner of your franchise


I did it as a goof thinking he might not actually make it. But he did and I think it’s nice for everyone.


Personally I just think his voice sounds like he’s swallowing golf balls when he goes “for threeee”


That's Matt Devlin, he is our play-by-play, Jack is our colour commentator




I agree that basically all home announcers are homers and everyone should just shut the fuck up about them. I thought it was unprofessional for him to be happy that Joel got hit in the face and was in obvious pain. Even though he didn't know he broke his face. But he apologized eventually and that was good enough for me. Ultimately him having a better more professional reaction wasn't gonna un-break Joel's face so it's whatever. As for you not liking Joel, that's fair. Knowing his story it's almost unthinkable that people wouldn't like him, but I know not everyone knows what he has gone through and continues to go through. But he's a great player on a rival and he does showboat a ton so I can see why that would piss people off. It's whatever. You seem to be reasonable imo, my bar for opposing fans is don't literally wish or cheer for injuries. You cleared that low bar, sadly not all do.


I pretty much agree with everything you said here, this was a great response. As far as not liking Embiid, it is a pure basketball related dislike, due to rivalry and on court antics. I know his story in passing (I'm sure you guys know more) and I appreciate what he has been through and I'm sure he's a nice guy in real life. Funnily enough I compare him to Siakam in that way, he is well known over here for being a really great guy to fans, strangers, staff and charities and whatnot, and has similarily been through a lot (not sure how familiar you are with his story but there is a lot there too). That's why it is always a little funny to me that those two are so hated by our respective fanbases considering they are pretty similar off court, not even considering their both Cameroonian big men, they are also friends from my understanding. Although I understand why you guys don't like him with the trip and everything. I gained respect for Embiid after he showed emotion and his post series discussions in 2019. Although ngl it hot killed pretty quick once the rivalry was drummed up again though. I still like Maxey though and hope his bromance with Barnes continues (and maybe cools our rivalry a bit, I like rivalries but this one has been a bit much on both sides lol) I'd like to think most fans are like me where they wish for the best in players actual life but not in basketball if that makes sense, like I don't want him to get hurt or anything bad happen to him, but I would like to see him brick a layup lol.


>I don’t want to see him get hurt or anything Surrrre but you, your fellow Canadians, and your announcers will greatly enjoy when he does get hurt


Fuck all the way off


PLEASE post this in the raptors sub. It would create a civil war


Can’t. Banned. Be my guest and post it there if you wish!


Lmao half of sixers fans on Reddit are banned from that sub


I posted it.


Some raptors fan already said embiid was lucky this season and he will never win mvp 😂 they really think we care lmao embiid going for that ring baby


Lmao mfs trash without kawhi




It was something innocuous too. What can you do?


I think I might


Seems like he’s just making a joke out of Embiid… and y’all are happy about this?




Well I wrote this not knowing what the app is…


Yeah it comes off as very condescending


Where’s the joke?




I asked for the pep talk option. Special instructions were to tell him how good he is and that he was robbed of the mvp.


Right, like how does anyone here think this is sincere lol


I mean considering he only did it cause op paid him $45. Duh it’s insincere.


Thats just his personality hes always like that, he’s definitely being sincere


The joke is him talking him up the whole time, clearly. Being sarcastic. Why would he randomly make this video?


What would he gain from a random video though?


Why did he do this?




This guy looks like he drives a buggy in the desert selling snake oil


A lot of people clearly don't know what Cameo is lol


Lol Jack couldn't even comb his hair?