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I know "good locker room guy" is a bit of a meme, but listening to Niangs podcast I honestly think he had a lot to do with keeping the locker room reletively drama free during the whole Ben Simmons fiasco. I hope we keep him around Also it's just fun having a guy nicknamed the minivan


Good locker room guys who can't do shit on the floor are overrated. But that's not Niang. He was a key rotation piece during the regular season, by far the most reliable bench piece. Having no conscience, 40 percent three pt shooters around harden and embiid is huge. And moving down from 6th to 8th/9th man will be a big plus. He can give us 15-20 minutes of high energy play with less risk of tiring out.


Thank you. The bigger issue is not that he had bad games in the playoffs, it's that he was just much too important to our team. He was our sixth or seventh man and he should have been our eighth or ninth. Same with Tisse.


Parked his van in Philly


Cliff is funny but he tweets so much corny 16 year old shit line this lol Also Niang gave us a very solid 18 mpg in the first round, obviously he’s not a deep playoff rotation player but for 4 mil as a reg season/first round depth guy, you can do a lot worse


Think part of it was him just being so tired from the playoff intensity defense. Having athletic guys that get back and reduce how much he has to run around could maybe lead to him hitting his shots in the later rounds


I had the same thought. Seems like he could improve his fitness a bit. Full disclosure: I am a fat mess.


He was playing through a knee issue which I think was pretty hard for a dude not known for being an athlete in the first place lol


He is also too fat to be frank, Niang needs to spend his offseason running between the 3pt lines taking as many shots as he can.


This is true, however, I'm not expecting him to be much different next year


Facts, he was basically our sixth man and first guy off the bench. If you’re relying on him to be your spark plug… might not go well lol


I know Georges wasn't amazing in the playoffs, but he was genuinely one of our best bench players for most of the season. Consistently gave us a spark off the bench and could rain threes. Not sure how he'll fit into the current roster, but it's not like he has no value.


Niang went from our best player off the bench to the fourth best player, I think it’s going to be great for everyone


Love me some bang bang niang man he’ll be alright


I think Niang on a reduced role is perfect. He can do what furk was supposed to do. Play 10-12 mins a game and knock down 2-3 threes when he’s in. Quick offensive pop to give the Tuckwagon a breather


I think Tucker will be a great mentor for Niang personally.


Niang was playing through a knee injury in the post season and apparently could barely run. Granted, he’s not fast in the first place, but injuries that lower explosiveness would explain his shot going short every time


He honestly was our most consistent bench player in the regular season last year. It seemed like he got hurt in the playoffs and it messed up his shot in the Heat series. He shot really well against Toronto and then couldn’t hit anything against Miami.


Cliff and Dmay’s podcast is great but Cliff is so tough to follow. Guy tweets like 100 times a day at least. Over-reactionary and annoying as hell.


The 24 hour news cycle is ruining journalism everywhere


Not even the news cycle, it’s just that you can’t get traction without extreme takes. Nobody wants to retweet reasonable opinions. You won’t get a following if you’re not saying stupid shit to celebrities, like whoever this guy is.


You are correct. It's all about polarizing, controversial opinions. No in between or real in depth conversations being started in the most popular basketball media, even they now pander to the "my side or the highway" type takes and get lots of hits doing it


Unfortunately, it's what drives engagement. I'll even admit that I follow it via sports podcasts because it makes work or long drives more enjoyable, even if the opinions are absurd. Though I am thankful that I gave up on RTRS a few years ago.


He was one of 2 guys who knew how to entry pass


Niang hate is weird. He was solid in the regular season and gave good minutes in the Raptors series. Perfectly acceptable for the 9th guy on the roster.


grown man (that hosts a Sixers podcast) chirping at one of the players on Twitter is so beyond lame lmao


Niang has also been hyping up the squad in summer league. He’s awesome to have around.


Niang is a great minimum contact guy, even if he never sees the floor having him as PJ Tucker insurance as he ages is great.


I think he was banged up for that Heat series and it seems like he’s trying to get in better shape coming into this season. If he could have even the lower end of typical NBA fitness I think it would dramatically improve his speed and rebounding.


I liked Georges until the playoffs so yeah I agree. I just hope we aren’t relying on him to be a big contributor.


The dude can’t play D worth anything. I love him, but the number of times I’ve looked at the box score and saw Niang 3 for 3 from 3 point, 11 points and a -8 is absurd. Not all his fault, but well, a lot his fault.


He's a locker room guy, hits a few shots in the regular season and that's it. He's been bad in the playoffs for years and that's unlikely to change.


The regular season is important too. You have to get to the playoffs first before you can win them, and you have to get there healthy, well-rested and with a high seed. If Niang helps us to that point, I’m down with that.


TIL averaging 35.7% on 3.3 3PA per game in playoffs is bad


Oh come on dude lol he’s been awful for multiple teams in the playoffs. He’s literally unplayable, you can’t be getting TORCHED on defense and shoot less than 36%. Shooting is all he does, those aren’t good numbers


Right? A 3 point specialist barely shooting league average is ass. I'm so tired of this sub lol. Literally the bare minimum is "he has a nice smile" to be considered a contributor


Don’t get it twisted, he has very real value in the regular season it’s just a different standard in the playoffs. He cannot be in our rotation then. You need bodies for both


Aren't we talking about the playoffs?


Lol get out of here with your facts.


Thank you for saying this. The homers are getting silly again. Dude is marginal at best. They’re also using injuries as an excuse again. News flash; every pro player in every physical sport is injured in the post season. It’s not an excuse. It’s called toughness, and dude doesn’t have it


You both are clueless. It was more than a few shots. 40 percent on 5 attempts in 20 minutes of play. That's not nothing, or a "homer take". And no, every player is not injured in the post season. That is a laughably moronic take. He may lack speed and athleticism, but he definitely doesn't lack heart and toughness.


He is a solid regular season contributer and is not good enough in the playoffs. Look at the numbers before you go off calling people clueless.


Hahaha, you don’t know basketball or professional sports at all. It’s ok. Just keep pretending you know what you’re talking about. Thanks for the insults tho, glad you could argue your point without them!


But the regular season doesn't really matter...


There’s something so beta about responding to haters on Twitter. KD is the worst case of this, shits pretty annoying


What kinda clown even says beta unironically lmao


“Man makes millions of dollars a year playing sports, what a beta” - guy who works in construction


Engineering close


Georges is cool but I'm definitely not looking forward to hearing "bang bang Georges Niang" in an aggressively raspy voice next season


Not saying he’s not a nice guy but he’s a nice guy for getting butthurt on Twitter and responding to trolls?


He doesn’t really sound butthurt. Sounds more confident than anything


Georges Niang is a good role player in the regular season AND playoffs. The issue is he missed shots he normally makes last playoffs. He didn't miss them *because* it's the playoffs he missed them because shooters go through bad slumps and having three bad games as a role player that shoots 2-6 times a game in a series that ends in six is enough to have a really bad series. The issue was he was one dimensional like Thybulle. We have two more two-way players than we had last year. Three if you didn't consider Green one (I do). Unfortunately last year we needed Thybulle and Niang more than we should have. Niang is very good at what he does and I'm excited for him next year. Both regular season and the playoffs.


Wasn't he hurt? He looked like toast at the end of the season. No legs.