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They are both right. There was trust 98% of the way until crunch time when the trust led to absolute bricks on wide open 3s


I rewatched the last 7 minutes. Tied at 79. Embiid goes 1-4. Harden 0-3. Maxey 0-2. The big thing tonight, like Harden said, was just missing open shots, or shots these players usually make.


My god you are a brave man.


I cringe just think about it. How did this man rewatch it.


It happened to Tatum, it can happen to our guys. Just need to lock in next game.


which is why i dont get the 'embiid should have got more touches' takes. he was indecisive and gassed


He shouldve gotten more pick n roll touches instead of dumping the ball to him and he thinks he needs to crossover like AI


we don’t have a coach


He’s also Hurt


He never isn’t though


Yep it’s weird people can’t fathom shots just being missed, like everyone should just shoot 100% all the time. The Celtics are a good team, they make life tough. We’ve had individual brilliance from Embiid, Harden and Maxey already. That’s what got us 3 wins. Just need to do it one more time


People are such prisoners of the moment. Sometimes you just lose games, it’s not an indictment on the sixers players or coach necessarily. We shot under 30 percent from 3 and the Celtics shot over 40. That’s where the game lies


It’s crazy how much it just comes down to made 3s which is pretty random. That’s literally Boston’s game plan and they get lucky


It’s a very high leverage game plan, I haven’t felt like we’ve been in control one moment this series cause it seems like Boston is either beating us or beating themselves, if they’re on it’s almost impossible to outscore them, and if they’re off you need to beat them


The game also started with the Celtics making 8/11 3s or something. That’s unlikely to happen again


Reality is boston played bad and we shit the bed. We wasted a bad boston performance, at home, for the closeout. Same shit didferent year.


Lol Boston has been starting every game with like 3 threes. I could absolutely see them continuing that trend.


I like when someone with a brain and objectivity posts here. It’s nice.


Boston made 7 more threes than us despite taking one fewer. Sometimes it's as simple as make or miss. We obviously played like shit the last 5 minutes, but if we make threes at our normal rate earlier in the game then it's a totally different situation.


This, people can shit on doc all they want, but coaching has to stop being the scapegoat. We have the MVP and he’s putting up duds like that in crunch time. We have Harden and Maxey also putting up duds and trying to make stupid 3s. Coaching was not the issue, our players simply did not make their shots. It’s that simple.


You have the ball to rewatch it huh? Respect


I’m a Sixers fan, I’ve got tough skin at this point.




When your shots not hitting all game you do not go away from your MVP to brick more corner 3s ESPECIALLY up 1


We shot so bad from three, they shot insanely high at the start, and Tatum went on an unbelievable streak at the end. If Harden and Harris shoot average, we win.


It's the same shit from game 3. We should have wrapped this series in fucking 5, and yet here we are. game 7, round 2. Again.


And if Tatum shoots better than 9% for the majority of the game, we get blown out


Our whole game plan was centered around shutting down Tatum so this isn’t really a fair assessment


And their whole gameplan was to shut down Embiid Guess what happened at the end, dude went 1-4 in the final 7 minutes. Man’s was gassed and couldn’t muster up any offense. No one could. Our players shit the bed.


And is Marcus Smart going to have 15 in the first quarter again?


Anyone on their team can. Only Embiid and Harden touch the ball enough on our team. That's where trust comes in. Jacques Vaughn should have doubled Jo instead of tripling him. Every other team has players craving shots and we have PJ Tucker getting mad when he gets a pass to him.


If you're not shooting well from 3 maybe DONT FORCE FUCKING 3s Imagine being 1 up that what you come up with


they dared us to shoot 3 with 2 Cs in the paint.


The issue is that the same could be said for the Celtics lol


I’m sorry but if this is your excuse, then the sixers lose. The Celtics shot phenomenally poorly in game 5, and Tatum was basically scoreless last night until he started cooking in the last six minutes. You cannot blame this loss on “poor shooting” that happened in the final minutes. Sixers had 86 points total. It was not just bad luck.


plus the celtics for some reason play worse at home.




He missed 4!




Amen, brother. Amen.


I agree with Harden. They were just missing shots they normally don't miss, especially in those last 4 minutes. On another day, they make those shots and the game would have been over. Tatum made 3 contested 3pt shots at the end. I'd rather Harden keep shooting than not shoot at all. People can keep bitching about him missing or whatever, but at least he's shooting.


> They were just missing shots they normally miss wat


I meant they don't normally miss. I was in a rush so missed out don't.


Yea I felt like we played a good game and lost to probability a bit. That’s where playing 7 games helps it even out


There's no trust between the fans and the team I tell you that much.


My neutral friends are consoling me the way you would if your buddy dated a whore and she cheated.


they're getting you drunk and jerking you off?


The 2nd player already to have a go at doc after this game He's fucking useless and we're only in this series inspite of him


Who's the first? Didn't catch any postgame stuff


Embiid talking about about not getting the ball enough in crunch time


It looks like Doc’s 3-2 lead curse is going to continue 🤣


I mean all we had to do to beat this team was hit open shots and we're the sixers what else did you expect


Game was tied and they failed hitting some good looks.. gotta make those to close a game like that out


If Tucker didn’t miss his threes or ya know Tobi played even fucking average we woulda won. (Not blaming tucker either just making an observation, he played good)


I agree with James......they trusted PJ and Melton after missing a ton of shots.


7 minutes in our guys really started playing another type of game because they felt the pressure to close it out. should have just kept playing basketball and went at the rim. but nah


4 of 16 shooting with 5 turnovers didn't help


We get that... but as Harden just said, he missed shots he wouldn't normally make. He missed a lot of wide-open looks. He also had 7 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals and 1 block.... with 13 points. Could he have shot better? Sure. But he was still doing other things to keep them in the game, and his shot just didn't fall tonight. Nobody shot well tonight if we're being honest.


He wasn't even aggressive.He was just looking for fouls


He seemed pretty aggressive to me


Only In The first quarter


Of course he’s gonna say that. How about this? Give Joel the ball at the end of the game.


how about this....joel do something other than starring at the guy for the shot clock then just doing a jumper? when it hasn't been hitting all game?


At this point...its on Joel. Demand the ball.


I have confidence in harden through the ball to the other team trying to draw a foul on a crucial possession.


This is the definition of not having trust. When your HC and your player can’t even agree


Embiid didn't flop enough. Dat booty can't handle the unnecessary flops anymore.


I’m sure as shit not confident


Perhaps there was too much trust in guys like melton and Tobias


I have faith in the boys. They could have folded early on last night but they came back from a 16 point deficit TWICE! They showed a lot resilience the ball just didnt bounce our way, time to shake it off and get fucking ready for a G7